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09-16 投稿



irises 发音

英:[ˈaɪərɪsɪz]  美:[ˈaɪrəsɪz]

英:  美:

irises 中文意思翻译




irises 词性/词形变化,irises变形

名词复数: irises |

irises 短语词组

1、transplanting irises ─── 虹膜移植术

irises 常用词组

iris diaphragm ─── 彩虹光圈;[摄]可变光圈(等于iris)

irises 相似词语短语

1、brises ─── n.(Brise)人名;(瑞典)布里泽;(英)布赖斯

2、diarises ─── 日记

3、iberises ─── n.屈曲花属植物

4、crises ─── n.危机,紧要关头;危险期(crisis的复数形式)

5、prises ─── vt.(英)捕获;撬动;欣赏(等于prize);n.奖赏;捕获;撬杠

6、ibises ─── 朱鹭(ibis的复数形式)

7、arises ─── v.出现;发生;站立

8、grises ─── abbr.网格资源信息服务(GridResourceInformationService);n.(Gris)(墨、美、秘)格里斯(人名)

9、krises ─── n.波壮刃短剑(等于creese,马来西亚和印尼的);n.(Kris)人名;(印、阿拉伯)克里斯;(泰)吉;(英)克里斯,克丽丝(女名)

irises 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The IRI's Williamson told reporters Friday insecurity, due to Taliban threats to disrupt the election and retaliate against those who voted, was "a dominant factor" in reducing turnout. ─── 国际共和学会的威廉森星期五对记者说,由于塔利班威胁要破坏这次选举、并对那些投票的人施加报复,所以形势不安定是参选率下降的‘一个主要因素’。

2、Prior to that, he was president and chief executive officer of IRI France. ─── 在此之前,他是总统和首席执行干事胰岛素法国。

3、Conclusions IRI can promote the senescence process of normal tubular cells, and can accelerate the death(necrosis and/or apoptosis)process of senescent tubular cells. ─── 已经进入衰老状态的肾小管上皮细胞在遭受IRI刺激后,更易走向死亡[坏死和(或)凋亡] 65377;

4、Relationship between level of IRI and inflammation factors in CHD patients ─── 冠心病患者胰岛素抵抗指数与炎症因子的相关性分析

5、The levels of serum IRI,TI and PI in patients with CHD were significantly higher than those in controls(P

6、There were significant differences in IRI among ATCI group,LCI group and control group(P

7、common North American junco having gray plumage and eyes with dark brown irises. ─── 北美洲常见的灯芯草雀,灰色羽毛,眼睛为深褐色。

8、They planted Roses geraniums lilacs and irises on the other Side of the yard, around the statue of the Blessed Mother. ─── 在另一边,他们围着圣母的雕像种了玫瑰、天笠葵、丁香和蝴蝶花。

9、yet God was with him Karena iri hati, bapa-bapa leluhur kita menjual Yusuf ke tanah Mesir, tetapi Allah menyertai dia, ─── 先祖嫉妒约瑟,把他卖到埃及去,神却与他同在,

10、I'm giving you some antibiotics and a iri . ─── 我给你开一些抗生素和阿司匹林。

11、and IRI correlates to blood pressure. ─── 其中胰岛素抵抗与患者的血压明显相关。

12、And once his deputies get soon-to-be-offered PDA devices that connect to the system, they plan to scan the irises of people they pull over and suspect of having committed a crime. ─── 他的下属很快就会被配给可以和资料库连线的PDA,一旦设备到手,他们就会开始扫描他们怀疑可能有犯罪行为的人的虹膜。

13、It would be a riot of colour, of poppies and irises and flowers of every kind. ─── 那将会是五彩斑斓的颜色,由罂粟花、鸢尾花以及各种花卉组成。

14、Irises symbolize admiration &courage and make a perfect gift for moms and grandmas! ─── 它象征着赞美&勇敢,当然是母亲节礼物很不错的选择。

15、The configuration and voice instructions make it easy for the individual to align the eyes for accurate reading of both irises. ─── 配置和语音指示使个人容易对准读卡眼而精确读取双虹膜。

16、Her face drew close enough for me to detect the beginning of a smile on her lips and the pale bluegreen of her irises behind her glasses. ─── 她的脸靠近得足以让我发现她唇边绽开的微笑,还有眼镜后面浅蓝绿色的虹膜。

17、IRI and BMI significantly decreased, and triglyceride , FFA and leptin also significantly dexreased in the combination therapy group . ─── $运动加饮食治疗组不仅出现IRI和BMI明显下降,血脂、瘦素亦明显下降。

18、Insulin resistance index (IRI) was calculated. ─── 并计算胰岛素抵抗指数(IRI)。

19、total coloboma of iri ─── 全虹膜缺损

20、And the sons of Bela; Ezbon,Uzzi,Uzziel,Jerimoth,Iri, five; heads of the house of their fathers, mighty men of valour;were reckoned by their genealogies twentytwo thousandthirtyfour. ─── 7比拉的儿子是以斯本,乌西,乌薛,耶利摩,以利,共五人,都是族长,是大能的勇士。按着家谱计算,他们的子孙共有二万二千零三十四人。

21、My irises are blue so I have blue eyes. ─── 我的虹膜是蓝色的,所以我有一双蓝眼睛。

22、In the darkness , his eyes glitter faintly , his irises flecked with gold . ─── 在黑暗中,它的眼睛微弱的闪耀著,它的金黄色的斑点于虹膜上。

23、That's right. Anyway, we can enjoy all these other beauties. Roses, irises, and daisies. Mmm! Everything smells fresh. ─── 凯西:没错。但是,我们仍可欣赏其它所有美丽的花。玫瑰、鸢尾花和雏菊。嗯!每样东西闻起来都好清香。

24、Compared with placebo group, the levels of resistin, DL-6, EMT and IRI were all significantly decreased on treatment group after treatment with pioglitazone for 3 months. ─── 与安慰剂组比较,吡格列酮组经吡格列酮干预治疗3个月后resistin、IL-6水平、IMT、IRI均有显著下降。

25、They planted Roses geraniums lilacs and irises on the otIT Side of the yard,around the statue of the Blessed MotIT. ─── 在另一边,她们围着圣母的雕像种了玫瑰、天笠葵、丁香和蝴蝶花。

26、Maruki Iri ─── 丸木位里(1901-),日本人,画家。

27、Across the hall, fragrance irises and orchids, camellia Yan Jing. ─── 厅堂对面,芝兰飘香,山茶竞艳。

28、There are only orchids and irises fumigate your great soul of poetry. ─── 只有幽兰和蕙芷,芬芳着一个伟大的诗魂。

29、Irises Dora Rainpool nature parks ─── 和美丽的艾里斯多拉自然公园

30、In mild to severe PIH, the levels of serum leptin, INS and IRI were significant difference (P

31、When Antoine first meets Kyoko, amidst a group of Japanese businessmen, the camera irises in first on her and then on him. ─── 当安托万地次遇见扣扣,在一群日本商人中,摄影机镜头首先停在他身上,然后停在她身上。

32、any of numerous wild or cultivated irises having no hairs on the drooping sepals (the falls) ─── 一种野生的或栽培的鸢尾,花瓣无毛

33、Shall we go? Cxu ni povus iri nun? ─── 我们可以走了吗?

34、IRI, the Iran international broadcaster, was established the Chinese service in 1995. Thw aite carries program information and on-line listening facility. ─── 伊朗国际广播电台中文普通话节目是于1995年设立的.这个网站就有有关节目的介绍,以及网上收听设施.

35、metformin was significantly superior to LI plus placebo and placebo on weight, BMI, WC, FG, insulin and IRI; ─── 二甲双胍对体重、BMI、WC、FG、胰岛素水平和IRI的作用明显优于LI结合安慰剂;

36、and positive associations between INS and leptin level,IRI were found (P

37、According to the IRI poll, 89% think Pakistan should not support America in its “war on terror”. ─── 据IRI的民意调查,89%的人认为巴基斯坦不该支持美国的“反恐战争”。

38、I admire the resilience of the small flowering bulbs, especially the early irises, but I would not like to have been one of them. ─── 我钦佩那些小小的、含苞待放的花蕾所表现出来的活力,特别是那些娇嫩的鸢尾花,但我可不愿成为它们其中的一员。

39、And the sons of Bela: Ezbon and Uzzi and Uzziel and Jerimoth and Iri, five; ─── 7比拉的儿子是以斯本、乌西、乌薛、耶利摩、以利,共五人,都是宗族的首领,是大能的勇士;

40、IRI network reputation index of the top 10 brands, national brands accounted for 6; ─── IRI网络口碑指数排名前十的品牌中,民族品牌占了6个;

41、of northern North America having red irises and a olive-gray body with white underparts. ─── 产于北美洲,红色虹膜,羽毛主要为橄榄灰色,腹部羽毛为白色。

42、In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers-roses, lilac, azaleas, irises filled the air with fragrance. ─── 在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。

43、Keywords recombinant human erythropoietin(rhEPO);ischemia reperfusion injury(IRI);pretreatment;postprocessing;liver; ─── 人类重组促红细胞生成素;缺血再灌注损伤;预处理;后处理;肝脏;

44、All eyes turned to the source of that bolt, while those near him reflexively drew back.He was red-faced with anger, and the whites of his eyes showed around dark irises as he scanned the arena. ─── 所有人都看向这闪电的来源,虽然他周围都是黑袍者,只有他因愤怒而红着脸,当他扫视全场,能够看到黑色虹膜的惨白眼睛。

45、The goal of Information Resources Integration (IRI) is gathering and ordering the dispersive or disordered information resources to facilitate users' entrance into information systems. ─── 信息资源整合的目标是将分散的资源集中起来,把无序的资源变为有序,使之方便用户查找信息、方便信息服务于用户。

46、Look at your eyes - the irises. ─── 看看你的眼睛-虹膜。

47、Study on Calculation of IRI Based on Power Spectral Density of Pavement Surface Roughness ─── 基于路面不平度自功率谱密度函数计算国际不平度指数的研究

48、With phosphorylation by Ca 2+ calmodulin (CaM), Bmax was decreased in both shamoperation and IRI groups(both P

49、as she does her life, or her garden in Atherton, stuffed at various times with everything from heirloom tomatoes to bearded irises. ─── 相反,她可能会像对待自己的人生或阿瑟顿花园一样,伺机使用各种元素,从祖传番茄到有髯鸢尾无一不用。

50、Even her delft-blue irises were dotted, if you looked, with tan specks of melanin. ─── 如果你仔细观察,会发现她陶蓝色的虹膜也因为日晒而出现色素沉着的斑点。

51、For personal identification based on imperfect irises, accurate iris segmentation is helpful to the feature extraction, classification and identification. ─── 摘要对于不完美的个人身份鉴别,高精度的虹膜区域分割有助于后面的特征提取和分类识别。

52、IRI was positively correlated with BMI, WHR, TC, LDL-c and IL-6. Interpretation Type 2 DM existed hyperresistinemia and hyperinterleukinemia-6 and IMT was significantly thicker than healthy controls. ─── IRI与体重指数(BMI)、腰臀比(WHR)、总胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-c)、IL-6正相关。 结论 2型DM患者存在高resistin血症、高IL-6血症,IMT明显厚于正常对照组。

53、The International Research Institute for Climate and Society, IRI ─── 国际气候与社会研究所

54、IRI; International Reference Organization in Forensic Medicine; ─── 国际法医咨询组织;

55、Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways. Janganlah iri hati kepada orang yang melakukan kelaliman, dan janganlah memilih satupun dari jalannya, ─── 不可嫉妒强暴的人,也不可选择他所行一切的路。

56、Ulinastatin reduces the risk of renal dysfunction and injury during CPB by attenuating renal ischemical reperfusion injury(IRI). ─── 乌司他丁对高原体外循环犬肾功能有保护作用,主要与减轻肾脏缺血再灌注损伤(Ischemical reperfusion injury,IRI)有关。

57、LI plus placebo was significantly superior to placebo on weight, BMI, WC, insulin and IRI. ─── LI结合安慰剂对体重、BMI、WC、胰岛素水平和IRI的作用明显优于安慰剂。

58、Correlation analysis between senescent and apoptotic cells in aged mice was made at day 1 after IRI, strikingly negative correlation was found between them (r=-0.82, P < 0.01). ─── 对高龄鼠IRI后1d点肾小管上皮细胞凋亡与衰老之间的相关分析显示,二者存在显著负相关(r=-0.82,P

59、There's software that's smart enough to recognize people by their faces, or by their irises. ─── 有的高智能软件已经能够通过面孔、虹膜对人进行识别。

60、- Boost confidence with irises: The color indigo stimulates the brain's pineal gland, which is the regulator of sleep patterns.Indigo also helps to free the mind of worries, fears and inhibitions. ─── 增强信心与虹膜:色泽靛蓝刺激脑部的松果腺,它是调节睡眠形态. 靛蓝也有利于自由的疑虑、恐惧和禁忌.

61、A recent poll for the International Republican Institute (IRI) showed them to be optimistic on a range of related issues, including security and the economy. ─── IRI最近的一项调查显示阿富汗人在一系列问题上是乐观的,包括安全和经济。

62、And, according to the IRI poll, 79 percent of surveyed voters believe the elections will have been rigged if Mr.Musharraf's party wins the most seats. ─── 同时,根据国际共和研究所的调查,接受调查的79%的投票者认为,如果穆沙拉夫的政党赢得最多的席位,选举就一定有舞弊存在。

63、IRI = industrial risk insurer ─── 产业风险保险公司

64、In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers-roses, lilac, azaleas, irises filled the air with fragrance ─── 在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。

65、Intemationnal Roughness Index (IRI) ─── 国际平整度指标(IRI)

66、View of Arles with Irises in the Foreground ─── 前景有鸢尾花的阿尔风景

67、Animal studies indicated that Astragalus could protect the kidney on IRI. ─── 动物实验研究表明,黄芪在IRI时对肾脏具有保护作用。

68、Industrial Relations Index (IRI) aims to measure relations between employers and employees . ─── 劳资关系指数(IRI)是量度劳方及资方关系的指数。

69、They planted Roses geraniums lilacs and irises on the other Side of the yard,around the statue of the Blessed Mother. ─── 在另一边,他们围着圣母的雕像种了玫瑰、天笠葵、丁香和蝴蝶花。

70、The most affected are plants such as ornamental cherry, peach and pear trees, anemones, saxifrage, irises and perennials such as three-leaved bittercress. ─── 受影响最大的是诸如观赏樱桃树、桃树和梨树、海葵、虎耳草鸢尾花的植物,以及诸如三叶荠的多年生植物。

71、Akhirnya mulailah Imam Besar dan pengikut-pengikutnya, yaitu orang-orang dari mazhab Saduki, bertindak sebab mereka sangat iri hati. ─── 大祭司和一切同他在一起的人,就是当地撒都该派的人,都起来,充满忌恨,

72、He was broad and tall, with ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His irises were pink with dark red pupils. ─── 他身板宽大,个子很高,面无血色,一头稀疏的白发。他眼睛虹膜呈粉红色,瞳孔为暗红色,看去是个白化病人。

73、The eyes are connected to the nervous systems, therefore, the effects of injuries and ailments can show in the irises of your eyes. ─── 我们的眼睛和神经系统相联系,因此,我们身体的损伤和病患都可从我们的眼虹膜上呈现出来。

74、In the obese group,the level of serum resistin positively correlated with BMI,FPG,HbA1C,TG,FINS,and IRI,but showed no correlation with FINS,TCH,SBP and DBP. ─── ODM组Resistin与BMI、FPG、HbA1C、TG和IRI呈显著正相关,与FINS、TC、SBP、DBP无相关性。

75、Serum Immune reactive insulin(IRI)and C peptide(C P)were measured by radio immunity. ─── (2 )放免法检测血清免疫反应性胰岛素 (IRI)、 C肽 (C- P)水平。

76、Individual Request for Inventor (IRI) ─── 发明人单项服务

77、His irises were pink with dark red pupils. ─── 他眼睛虹膜呈粉红色,瞳孔为暗红色,看去是个白化病人。

78、When Antoine first meets Kyoko, amidst a group of Japanese businessmen, the camera irises in first on her and then on him. ─── 当安托万地次遇见扣扣,在一群日本商人中,摄影机镜头首先停在他身上,然后停在她身上。


80、Its 4 cases, the pupils were avulsed and dispersed.In 3 cases, irises were partly damaged.None of the cases had the anterior synechia. ─── 4眼瞳孔撕裂散大,3眼虹膜部分缺损,所有患眼均未造成虹膜前粘连。

81、international roughness index (IRI) ─── 国际平整度指数(IRI)

82、She has a nursery which specialises in hardy plants, including the country's finest collection of irises, peonies and day lilies. ─── 她有一个苗圃专门代工厂,包括该国的最好的虹膜,牡丹和百合一天。

83、Big hostas, purple-blue Japanese irises and hundreds of astilbes lined our route, but the overriding impression was tree after tree of rare greenery, hard to identify at 20mph. ─── 大株的玉簪属植物、紫蓝色的日本鸢尾和成百的落新妇属植物分布在沿途道路旁,不过,给人印象最深的,是稀有植物一棵接着一棵,20英里的时速很难辨认。

84、This paper presented the advances in their cultivation and breeding, in order to promote the horticultural study of rhizomatous irises in China. ─── 总结了根茎鸢尾栽培和育种的新进展,旨在推动我国根茎鸢尾园艺学研究的发展。

85、ischemical reperfusion injury (IRI) ─── 心肌缺血再灌注

86、Left behind were the remnants of a much loved garden which still provides us with irises, daffodils, day lilies and wild black raspberries. ─── 左后方是一个原来很受欢迎的花园的遗留地,到现在仍供应着我们虹膜、水仙、萱草、以及野生黒树莓。

87、The IAI in IGT group was obviously lower than that in normal group. The IRI in IGT group was enhanced,and HBCI and ISI in IGT group were the highest in three groups. ─── IGT组 IAI亦明显低于正常 ,IRI增高 ,ISI和 HBCI在三组中最高。

88、He could see the white all round the irises of Julia's eyes. ─── 他可以看到裘莉亚眼里的瞳孔四周发白。

89、Study on data fusion algorithm of radar and IRI ─── 基于雷达、红外的数据融合算法研究

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