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impeaching 发音

英:[ɪmˈpiːtʃɪŋ]  美:[ɪmˈpiːtʃɪŋ]

英:  美:

impeaching 中文意思翻译



impeaching 短语词组

1、by impeaching the impeaching witness ─── [法] 弹劾证人的弹劾

impeaching 词性/词形变化,impeaching变形

动词第三人称单数: impeaches |名词: impeacher |动词过去分词: impeached |动词现在分词: impeaching |动词过去式: impeached |

impeaching 相似词语短语

1、impleaching ─── 恳求

2、peaching ─── n.桃子;桃树;桃红色;受人喜欢的人(或物);adj.桃色的;用桃子制成的;vi.告密;vt.告发;n.(Peach)人名;(英)皮奇

3、impeachment ─── n.弹劾;控告;怀疑;指摘

4、impearling ─── vt.用珍珠装饰;使成珍珠

5、misteaching ─── 错误地教导;拙劣地教导(misteach的现在分词)

6、beaching ─── n.船只搁浅;搁滩;抢滩;滩头系留;vt.将…拖上岸(beach的现在分词)

7、unpreaching ─── 不加工

8、areaching ─── 区域划分

9、-teaching ─── n.教学;教义;v.教学;教导(teach的ing形式)

impeaching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to impeach sb's motives ─── 怀疑某人的动机

2、impeach sb. with a crime ─── v. 控告某人犯罪

3、China is still a retrogressive country. Ma government is the regrogressive chinese dynasty extension. Impeach Ma before he sells out Taiwan to China for his personal gains. ─── 政府应该要有政策,让人民在这段期间可以到医院接受免费的检验。

4、House of Representatives to impeach President the right to make decisions, the Senate president can try the guilt or innocence. ─── 众议院有权提出弹劾总统的决定,参议院可以审判总统是否有罪。

5、The Tory government sought to remove his influence by impeaching him for corruption, and he was expelled from the Commons in 1712. ─── 执政的托利党为了除掉他,1712年他以贪污的罪名遭弹劾,被革出下院并关入伦敦塔。

6、but talk of impeaching Mr Bush is dangerous. ─── 但是讲到弹劾布什先生是危险的。

7、impeach a person's honor ─── 怀疑某人的诚实

8、Do you impeach my motive ? ─── 你怀疑我的动机?

9、The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United States government. ─── 众议院享有独特的权利就是弹劾政府中的官员。

10、power to impeach ─── 弹劾权

11、The house of representative have the sole power to Impeach an officer of the united state government ─── 唯有众议院有权弹劾美国政府的官员

12、AS THE mid-term elections creep nearer , few congressmen want to talk about impeaching George Bush. ─── 随着美国中期选举的逐步临近,几乎没有议员想到弹劾布什。

13、DEMETRIUS You do impeach your modesty too much To leave the city and commit yourself Into the hands of one that loves you not; ─── 狄米特律斯:你太不顾虑你自己的体面了,竟擅自离开城中,把你自己交托在一个不爱你的人手里;

14、" Zhang Jia wishs to say, after the identity affirms, both sides is sessional to the network this kind of form not impeach. ─── 张佳祝介绍说,身份确认后,双方对网络开庭这种形式并不存疑。

15、Difficulties in Environment Related Impeaching Letter Case and its Countermeasures ─── 环境信访案件的难点问题与对策

16、His article on the history of the twentieth amendment was featured during the debate on the ability of a lame-duck Congress to impeach President Clinton in 1998. ─── 1998年,对于即将到任的国会是否具有弹劾克林顿总统的能力问题引发了一场争论,这场争论中他的一篇有关美国宪法第二十修正案历史的文章扮演了重要角色。

17、to impeach ─── 检举

18、With the development at full speed in computer network technology, electronic impeaching system is increasingly becoming the focus of attention. ─── 随着计算机网络技术的飞速发展,电子检举越来越成为人们关注的焦点。

19、At least one South Carolina lawmaker could bring up impeaching the Governor during a special session about employment benefits today. ─── 在今天举行的关于就业福利的特别会议上,至少一名南卡罗来那立法者可以对州长提出弹劾。

20、by impeaching the impeaching witness ─── [法] 弹劾证人的弹劾

21、impeach sb.'s motives ─── 怀疑某人动机

22、Any organization and individual shall have the right to impeach and accuse the action contrary to this Regulation. ─── 劳动者就业前,应当接受必要的职业教育或职业培训。城镇初高中毕业生就业前应参加劳动预备制培训。

23、Kai-fu added that it is commmon--If any news about Google China came forth, someone will begin to talk about "anonymous impeaching, millions of RMB, Public Relationship Mananger" and etc. ─── 开复说,这个现象颇为典型:谷歌中国一有消息,就有人出来说话,什么“匿名举报、几百万人民币、公关经理”等等。

24、VOA's Barry Newhouse reports from Islamabad where since August 8th the ruling coalition government has united against the unpopular president and threatened to impeach him. ─── 巴执政联盟自8月8日起就在首都伊斯兰堡联手试图弹劾伊朗现任总统穆沙拉夫。

25、Party member superintendence includes to criticize authority, impeach authority and requirement to unmake authority. ─── 党员监督权包括批评权、检举权和要求罢免权。

26、impeach sb of a cime ─── 控告某人犯罪

27、It was largely in an effort to woo him back that Mr Zardari agreed to Mr Sharif's other main demand: to impeach Mr Musharraf. ─── 为了挽回盟友谢里夫,扎尔达里做出了很大程度的努力,即同意前者另一主要要求:弹劾穆沙拉夫。

28、impeaching liability ─── 举证责任

29、More seriously, the Democrats' most-cited reason for not impeaching Mr Bush (as anti-war protesters on Capitol Hill this week were demanding) is that Mr Cheney would then become president. ─── 仅凭一个含糊的替代计划扳倒伊拉克政权已成为总统当局错误失策的判定。

30、It is said that when people praise his book said: "The danger for a longsi li Fu, Jin-Zhong Guo straight, impeach by a staggering not weeks, partial light is also valuable. ─── 时人以书相传赞扬他说:“傅长虞为司隶,劲直忠果,劾按惊人,虽非周才,偏亮可贵也。”

31、Some of Roh's supporters are collecting signatures from mourners in Seoul in a bid to impeach Lee. ─── 在首尔的致祭场地,一些卢武铉支持者收集签名,准备要求弹劾李明博。

32、to accuse sb. of; to charge; to arraign; to impeach sb. of (or with); to indict sb. for (or on); to lay sth. to sb.'s charge; to swear an accusation against; to bring a charge against; to put sb. in the dock ─── 指控

33、impeach somebody for taking bribes ─── 控告某人受贿

34、To impeach one's wrong doing in writing to the emperor ─── 劾奏其非

35、To impeach a traitor ─── 刻参奸臣

36、In the country internal energy cannot reach same number, new egg and supplier heart impeach Lv. ─── 在国内能不能达到同样的数字,新蛋和供货商都心存疑虑。

37、The power to impeach is the power to accuse members of the executive or judicial branch of wrongdoing or abuse of power. ─── 假如州议议员发生席位空缺的情形,州政府必须立即举行专门选举来填补空缺。

38、Illinois lawmakers say they are preparing to discuss on Monday the possibility of impeaching Blagojevich. ─── 伊利诺斯州的立法者们准备于周一开会讨论弹劾布拉戈耶维奇的可能。

39、Mr. Musharraf's presidency is not being contested in this election, but if opposition parties win a two-thirds majority in parliament, they would have enough votes to impeach him. ─── 他说:“我们今天在这里鼓励巴基斯坦人民鼓起勇气参加投票。但是,我们也注意到,必须提供安全和透明的选举方式和投票环境。”

40、Although open concept has, whether is open environment of home put in the foundation with truly open move at present, this still wants impeach actually, this is the a bitth. ─── 开放的观念即使有,现在国内的开放环境是否存在着真正开放的基础,这其实还是要存疑的,这是第一点。

41、He was suspended early in 2004, after parliament voted to impeach him over a breach of election rules, but the Constitutional Court later overturned the move and he was reinstated. ─── 2004年早期,他因受到国会对其违反选举规则的投票而被停职,但是后来宪法法院推翻了该决议,他才再度恢复行使职权。

42、Do you impeach my motives? ─── 你指责我的动机?

43、Guangxu eight years (in 1882), the Department of Vice areyu shi left, just took office, the immediate removal of dereliction of duty to impeach officials, and horrified shock up and down. ─── 光绪八年(1882年),署左副都御史,刚刚上任,立即弹劾罢免失职官员数人,上下震悚。

44、Criticize, impeach and accuse the practices that violate occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations and harm human health; ─── 对违反职业病防治法律、法规以及危及生命健康的行为提出批评、检举和控告;

45、impeach sb of ... ─── 控告某人犯有 ...

46、The House can impeach a President, but the Senate must try him to see if he is guilty. ─── 众议院可以弹劾总统,但必须经过参议院审判总统以决定他是否有罪。

47、She will be mourning and grieving. She will be in a state of mind to impeach the justice of the Republic. She will be full of sympathy with its enemies. ─── 她会哀悼,会痛苦,一定会对共和国的审判心怀不满,对共和国的敌人满怀同情。

48、Are you brave enough to impeach or disclose the units or individuals that contaminate environment? ─── 你有勇气检举、揭发污染环境的单位和个人吗?

49、She has imposed six-year term limits on them.She has forced the likes of John Conyers to button their lips about impeaching Mr Bush. ─── 她给他们加上了6年期限.她鼓动本党人物约翰康耶斯寻找证据去弹劾布什。

50、The house of representative has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United State government. ─── 唯有众议院有权弹劾美国政府的官员。

51、The committee decided to impeach the president. ─── 委员会决定弹劾总统。

52、Wahid threatened to proclaim a state of emergency if Congress decided to impeach him. ─── 瓦希德威胁说如果国会弹劾他,他就宣布紧急状态。

53、Clinton hasn't the slightest doubt that he's the victim of a GOP attack machine that announced on Capitol Hill its intention to impeach him long before he gave them the Monica Lewinsky story to exploit. ─── 克林顿坚信自己是共和党宣传攻击机器的牺牲品,他们早在利用他和莱温斯基的事大做文章之前,就在国会山宣布了要弹劾他的打算。

54、EX : When I make a mistake ,teacher would impeach me. ─── 每当我做错事,老师总会纠正我。

55、impeach the testimony of a witness ─── [法] 对证人证词的可靠性提出异议

56、Difficult or impossible to impeach ─── 无可指摘的,完全可靠的:难以或不可能怀疑的

57、but talk of impeaching Mr Bush is dangerous. ─── 但是讲到弹劾布什先生是危险的。

58、Although TTP has the right to check identity of anonymous informants, but it can not forge any member's identity to impeach anonymously, and frame the prosecutor later. ─── TTP虽有权查察匿名检举者身份,但并无法伪造任何一位组织成员的身份进行匿名检举,并于事后诬陷该位检举人。

59、Party constitution regulation, the democratic supervisory right that the Party member enjoys basically has a proposal to authority, criticism authority, impeach counterpoises and unmake authority. ─── 党章规定,党员享有的民主监督权利主要有建议权、批评权、检举权和罢免权。

60、Impeach a witness's credibility. ─── 怀疑证人的可信性

61、On perfecting private impeach right system under WTO rules ─── 完善我国WTO规则下私人检举权制度

62、To impeach officialdom ─── 挟弹官僚

63、right to impeach ─── 检举权

64、A spokeswoman for the ruling Pakistan People's Party, which has taken steps to impeach Musharraf , did not dismiss the possibility. ─── 发言人称,按程序弹劾总统的执政的巴基斯坦人民党没有解散的可能性。

65、Richard M. Nixon: They can't impeach me for bombing Cambodia. The president can bomb anybody he likes. ─── 尼克松:他们不能控告我对柬埔寨的轰炸。总统可以炸任何他想炸的地方。

66、Because things were impeach, dismissed from office return. ─── 因事遭劾,罢官还乡。

67、to impeach somebody with an error ─── 指责某人犯了错误

68、And so today, they were gonna - they started impeaching him. Well, he wasn't there. ─── 所以今天,他们将要–他们开始弹劾他。可他没在现场。

69、impeach (a public official) ─── 弹劾

70、She will be in a state of mind to impeach the justice of the Republic. ─── 她正处在咒骂共和法律的一种心里状态之中。

71、Musharraf's presidency is not being contested in this election, but if opposition parties win a two-thirds majority in parliament, they would have enough votes to impeach him. ─── 为了民主,一个稳定的民主,一个稳定的巴基斯坦。”

72、Therefore,it is with confidence that,ordered by the Commons,I impeach Warren Hastings,Esquire,of high crimes and misdemeanors. ─── 我们放心地把印度和人类的利益托付给你们。

73、I impeach him in the name of all the Commons of Great Britain,whose national character he has dishonored. ─── 我以大不列颠全体下院议员的名义控告他玷污了国家的名声。

74、Some want to impeach him or expect him to step down. Even some Democratic congressmen want to make a clean break with him ─── 有人提出要弹颏他,有人要他自动下台,甚至还是一些民主党的国会议员呢跟他划分界线。

75、Illinois lawmakers say they are preparing to discuss on Monday the possibility of impeaching Blagojevich. ─── 伊利诺斯州的立法者们准备于周一开会讨论弹劾布拉戈耶维奇的可能。

76、The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach the President and other officers, and the Senate the sole power to try impeachment. ─── 众议院是唯一有权弹劾总统和其他官员的,而参议院拥有审判弹劾案的独特权力。

77、bring a charge against sb.; bring a suit against sb.; bring an accusation against sb.; charge a crime upon sb.; have the law of sb.; impeach sb. with [of] a crime; level a charge against sb. ─── 控告某人

78、Its decision to impeach the president was less a sign of strength than of terminal wrangling between Mr Zardari and Mr Sharif. ─── 弹劾总统之举与其说是政府强有力的标志,还不如说是扎尔达里和谢里夫二人争执不下的最终结果。

79、Senate seat.Blagojevich says the decision to impeach was not a surprise. ─── 布拉戈耶维奇称他对弹劾的决定并不吃惊。

80、3. The Parliament decided to impeach the President. ─── 国会决定弹劾总统。

81、In the week before our summit, they had tried to impeach him in the Duma. ─── 在我们举行峰会前一周,他的敌人在俄国国会曾试图弹劾他。

82、While using this program, the accuser is able to impeach only through being registered as a group member. ─── 因为在使用该方案时,检举者必须注册成为群成员才能进行检举。

83、We must impeach the judge for taking bribes. ─── 我们一定要检举法官收受贿赂。

84、The house of representatives has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United States Governvment. ─── 众议院是唯一一个有权弹劾美国政府官员的机构.

85、At least one South Carolina lawmaker could bring up impeaching the Governor during a special session about employment benefits today. ─── 今天在南卡罗莱州的一场关于职工利益的特殊会议中,至少有一个立法者提出弹劾州长。

86、{0>4.The seafarer fails to report or impeach the smuggling or untaxed goods that he has found; ─── or四发现船上有走私或未依规定完税之货物而不报告或举发者。

87、impeach a judge for taking bribes ─── 控告法官受贿.

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