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09-15 投稿



Huron 发音


英:  美:

Huron 中文意思翻译



Huron 网络释义

n. 休伦湖;休伦人;休伦语

Huron 词性/词形变化,Huron变形


Huron 短语词组

1、Huron University USA in London ─── 休伦大学美国伦敦

2、Lake Huron ─── 休伦湖

3、Port Huron ─── 休伦港(美国密歇根州东南部港市)

4、Huron mythology ─── 休伦神话

Huron 相似词语短语

1、Huron ─── n.休伦湖;休伦人;休伦语

2、diuron ─── n.[农药]敌草隆(一种剧毒性除草剂)

3、hurcheon ─── 小时

4、heron ─── n.鹭,苍鹭;深紫灰;n.(Heron)人名;(英、瑞典)赫伦;(葡)埃龙

5、-tron ─── abbr.实时操作系统核心程序(TheRealtimeOperatingSystemNucleus);n.(Tron)人名;(法、西、意、俄)特龙

6、Akron ─── n.阿克隆黄铜;亚克朗市(美国俄亥俄州)

7、Aaron ─── n.亚伦(男子名);亚伦(摩西之兄,犹太教的第一祭司长)

8、neuron ─── n.[解剖]神经元,神经单位

9、buron ─── n.(Buron)人名;(法)比龙

Huron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My father is weekending at lake Huron. ─── 我父亲在休伦湖度周末。

2、Superior is the worst storm lake; Lake Huron is the second largest of the lakes; and Lake Michigan is the only one of the lakes that is entirely within the U.S. ─── 苏必利尔湖的风浪最大;休伦湖是五大湖的第二大湖;密执安湖是其中唯一完全位于美国境内的湖。

3、The most important lakes in America are the Great Lakes including Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Only Lake Michigan belongs to America completely. ─── 密西西比河,也是闻名的“老人河”,它是全国最重要最大的河流。它又称为“父亲之水”。

4、Huron University USA in London ─── 美国休伦大学

5、There are well-known lake Bear Lake, Slave Lake and Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, and so on. ─── 加拿大是世界上湖泊最多的国家之一。

6、A medicine man suggested that the mystery words might be Huron, and indeed I later found some of them in early Jesuit missionary reports from Huron country. ─── 后来又有三位土著长老出现在女头人的左右,而我明显地感觉到这三人的能力非同一般。

7、The date was August 2, 2006, and the view is toward the northwest, where a strong cold front was moving in from Lake Huron. ─── 更好的无立场客观性应该是,我们反对主观性的同时也反对任何一种不恰当的客观立场。

8、Huron, Oneida, Sioux, Cheyenne, Lakotas, Crows, Black-feet, Teton, Navajo, Apaches, ─── 根;齐普瓦;忽隆;欧尼达;苏;斜阳;拉科塔斯;克洛斯;布雷克费特;泰顿

9、The Great Lakes that border Michigan from east to west are Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. ─── 大湖密歇根州的边境从东到西的伊利湖,休伦湖,密歇根湖和苏必利尔湖。

10、The word Canada is a derivation of the Huron-Iroquois Kanata. This means village or settlement. ─── 加拿大一词来自休伦-易洛魁土语Kanata,意思是村庄或居住地。

11、PM me the spot first then I'll tell you the chinese name. correct me if I'm wrong, it should be called "san xian yu" Did you get these fish from lake Erie? or lake Huron? ─── 没啥不能保密的,是在安达略湖,呵呵。但是这个钓点也快烂了,人太多了,有时候也不上鱼。

12、Huron mythology ─── n. 休伦族原始宗教

13、Annual cyclical change related to the change of seasons, compounded with escalating global environmental trends, cause Lake Huron's water levels to vary drastically from month-to-month, year-to-year. ─── 周期性的季节变化,加上不断变暖的全球环境趋势,导致休伦湖的水平面每个月、每一年的变化都非常大。

14、The residence times for the Great Lakes of North America, namely, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, are, respectively, 190, 100, 22, 2.5, and 6 years. ─── 北美五大湖,也就是苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖、休伦湖、伊利湖和安大略湖,它们的停留时间分别是190年、100年、22年、2.5年和6年。

15、gone camping on Lake Huron with my wife's extended family; ─── 陪老婆那边的一大家子在休伦湖畔野营;

16、Huron Lake ─── 休伦湖[美国和加拿大]

17、Holiday Inn Express Port Huron : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

18、Point Huron ─── 休伦角,是美国制造的巡逻艇

19、A family of North American Indian languages of the eastern part of Canada and the United States that includes Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Cherokee, Erie, Huron, and Wyandot. ─── 易洛魁语系加拿大东部和美国的北美印第安语言一语系,包括卡尤加语,莫霍克语,奥内达语,奥农达加语,塞纳卡语,塔斯卡洛拉语,彻罗基语,伊利语,休伦语和怀恩多特语

20、An island of northern Michigan in the Straits of Mackinac, a passage connecting Lakes Huron and Michigan between the Upper and Lower peninsulas. ─── 麦基那克岛美国密歇根州北部,位于麦基那克水道中的岛屿。

21、Small farming towns like Huron, which appear rickety at the best of times, are now desperate. ─── 像休伦这样的小型农业城镇,在经济最好的时候也岌岌可危,现在更是穷途末路了。

22、Perhaps my biggest surprise was that my wife told me that my father had the car parked, was prepared to drive from his home on Lake Huron to Ground Zero to find me. ─── 最出乎意料的是妻子告诉我父亲坐在车里,正准备从他在休伦湖的家开到世贸中心去找我。

23、This project intersects a vernacular house typology with the site-specific conditions of this unique place: an island on Lake Huron. ─── 这座住宅不同于民间传统住宅,它的基地独一无二:在休伦湖(北美五大湖中的第二大湖)的一个小岛上。

24、he obtained permission to sell newspapers on the railway train between Port Huron and Detroit. ─── 他怀着非凡的事业心获准在休伦港与底特律之间的火车上卖报。


26、Billy Phelps returned to Huron City that summer for a final visit, but the memories of his wife Annabel were too strong. ─── 但是如果你对当前中国那里所发生的种种感到兴趣,那么你便可说也活在中国;

27、Lake Huron ─── 休伦湖

28、Not even Huron itself seemed so wide, so empty, so soundless as these woods. ─── 即使是休伦湖本身也没有这些树林那么宽广、那么空旷、那么寂静。

29、By the winter of 1862, he had learnt all that the station-manager could teach him, and he returned to Port Huron to be the town's telegraph operator in a little office at the back of a book shop. ─── 他那小小的事务所就位于一家书店的后面。

30、When he first attended school in Port Huron, Michigan, his teachers complained that he was "too slow" and hard to handle. ─── 在密执安的休伦港上小学时,老师们抱怨他“太迟钝了”,难以教育。

31、On Father's Day, I'll pick up the phone and call him and know that he will pick up his phone in the retirement home he built for my mother on the shores of 1)Lake Huron. ─── 我会在父亲节给他打电话,我知道他会在休伦湖畔那间专门为退休后和妈妈居住而建的屋子中拿起话筒。

32、Hawkeye should have been born a Huron! ─── 鹰眼真是天生的休伦人!

33、and at Mackinaw City the water in Lake Huron below the surface ice was super cooled.It expanded to break through the surface ice and froze into this incredible wave. ─── 湖面结冰,寒气仍然向下渗透,导致冰面以下的水冻结并膨胀,冲破了湖面的冰层“生长”出来。

34、An island of northern Michigan in the Straits of Mackinac, a passage connecting Lakes Huron and Michigan between the Upper and Lower peninsulas. The island was long the center of an important fur-trading area and is now a resort. ─── 麦基那克岛美国密歇根州北部,位于麦基那克水道中的岛屿。麦基那克水道是位于上下半岛间连接休伦湖和密歇根湖的通道。该岛长期以来就是重要的皮毛贸易中心,现为一度假地

35、A family of North American Indian languages of the eastern part of Canada and the United States that includes Cayuga,Mohawk,Oneida,Onondaga,Seneca,Tuscarora,Cherokee,Erie,Huron,and Wyandot. ─── 易洛魁语系加拿大东部和美国的北美印第安语言一语系,包括卡尤加语,莫霍克语,奥内达语,奥农达加语,塞纳卡语,塔斯卡洛拉语,彻罗基语,伊利语,休伦语和怀恩多特语。

36、1. My father is weekending at Lake Huron. ─── 我父亲在休伦湖度周末。

37、Lake Huron receives water from Lake Superior. ─── 休伦湖从苏必略湖引进水。

38、Prosecutors accuse the couple of locking the children in cages to discipline them, and they want Huron County to take permanent custody. ─── 检方指控这对夫妻将孩子锁在笼中以便管教,而且要休伦郡负起长期监护之责。

39、Application of Siemens Mechaelectronic Technology in Huron ─── 西门子机电一体化技术在胡龙公司的应用

40、Port Huron ─── 休伦港(美国港市)

41、"The discovery is not outside of you, but within you.." (USS Huron ─── 发现并非身外之物,而是在你心中。(USS休伦号)

42、,Sisseton;Henrich and Sons Inc.,Bellingham, Minn.;Huron Steel Structures Inc.,Huron;and B&B Concrete Inc., Brookings。 ─── 据Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua SA de CVGCC(GCC)说,周四的时候已经收购了Consolidated Ready Mix Inc.

43、water pollution; bioaccumulation; water quality; environmental management; North America; Great Lakes; Lake Erie; Lake Huron; Lake Michigan; Lake Superior; Lake Ontario ─── 水污染;生物蓄积;水质;环境管理;北美洲;北美五大湖;伊里湖;休伦湖;密歇根湖;苏必利尔湖;安大略湖

44、Huron found that 34 percent of audit committee financial experts appeared to lack either an accounting or finance background in 2006. ─── 审计委员会成员中,金融专家与财会人员的比例,在2006年为不到3:1,而2002年为5:1。

45、Lake Huron is the second largest of the lakes; ─── 休伦湖是五大湖的第二大湖;

46、The Iroquoian language of the Huron. ─── 休伦语休伦人的易洛魁语

47、What are the names of the Great Lakes Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the Five Great Lakes. ─── 何谓五大湖素壁利亚湖,密西根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖,安大略湖。

48、The sun was setting over the lake, I said.My family and I had come a long way from Brooklyn to Lake Huron. ─── 他从来不与我推心置腹,从不告诉我他也会恐惧、也会很脆弱、有情绪低落的时候,也会极度烦恼等。

49、Prosecutors accuse the couple of locking the children in cages to discipline them, and they want Huron County to take permanent custody. ─── 检方指控这对夫妻将孩子锁在笼中以便管教,而且要休伦郡负起长期监护之责。

50、Huron University College, the University of Western Ontario.Canada ─── 加拿大西安大略大学休伦学院

51、Lake Huron as a waterway. ─── 休伦湖作为一条水路。

52、a Native American people formerly inhabiting the northern shore of Lake Huron,with later settlements throughout the upper Great Lakes region,present-day which are located mainly in southern Ontario,northern Michigan,and Oklahoma ─── 美洲土著民族,原先居住在休伦湖的北岸,后来散布于五大湖北部地区,今天主要集中于安大略省南部、密歇根州北部和俄克拉荷马州

53、What are the names of the Great LakesLake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the Five Great Lakes. ─── 何谓五大湖素壁利亚湖,密西根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖,安大略湖.

54、an island of northern Michigan in the Straits of Mackinac,a passage connecting Lakes Huron and Michigan between the Upper and Lower peninsulas. The island was long the center of an important fur-trading area and is now a resort ─── 麦基那克岛,美国密歇根州北部,位于麦基那克水道中的岛屿。麦基那克水道是位于上下半岛间连接休伦湖和密歇根湖的通道。该岛长期以来就是重要的皮毛贸易中心,现为一度假地

55、A lake between southwest Ontario, Canada, and southeast Michigan. It is connected with Lake Huron by the Saint Clair River, about 64 km (40 mi) long. ─── 圣克莱尔湖:位于加拿大安大略省西南密歇根洲东南之间的一个湖,通过圣克莱尔河,与休伦湖相连,流程约64公里(合40英里)

56、by Huron LowView "FitH" ClipView "Four" ClipThe Torn and Restored Project is a revolutionary collection of Torn and Restored card effects. ─── 被撕毁的和被恢复的项目是被撕毁的和被恢复的卡片作用的革命收藏。

57、The effect was frustrated by the agile movements of the Huron ─── 由于休伦人动作十分机灵,其企图没有成功。

58、The largest island in a lake is Manitoulin Island (2,766 square kilometres) in the Canadian section of Lake Huron . ─── 最大的湖中岛屿是位于休伦湖中加拿大部分的马尼多林岛(2,766平方公里)。

59、Small farming towns like Huron, which appear rickety at the best of times, are now desperate. ─── 像休伦这样的小型农业城镇,在经济最好的时候也岌岌可危,现在更是穷途末路了。

60、Lake Huron is one of Great Lakes of North America. It's the second largest lake and locates in center. ─── 休伦湖是北美洲五大湖之一,北美五大湖中第二大湖,其位置居中。

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