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09-15 投稿



gloomed 发音


英:  美:

gloomed 中文意思翻译



gloomed 词性/词形变化,gloomed变形

动词第三人称单数: glooms |动词过去式: gloomed |动词现在分词: glooming |动词过去分词: gloomed |

gloomed 常用词组

gloom and doom ─── n. 厄运;对未来的悲观失望

doom and gloom ─── 凄惨,前景不妙;无望

cast a gloom over ─── 使…变得暗淡;使…蒙上阴影;使罩上悲伤的气氛

gloomed 相似词语短语

1、engloomed ─── 英语

2、gloomier ─── 阴暗的;忧闷的;令人沮丧的;前景黯淡的(gloomy的比较级)

3、groomed ─── adj.打扮的;修饰的;v.喂马(groom的过去式和过去分词);整饰;推荐

4、glommed ─── vt.偷;抢;看;抓住;n.一瞥

5、-roomed ─── adj.有房间的

6、begloomed ─── begcreative公司

7、bloomed ─── adj.模糊的;无反射的;v.盛开;兴旺;把钢锭等轧成坯块;使模糊(bloom的过去分词)

8、sloomed ─── 斯洛姆斯

9、loomed ─── v.赫然耸现,可怕地出现;显得突出,逼近;(不祥之事)似将发生;在织布机上织;n.织布机;若隐若现的景象;n.(Loom)(瑞典)洛姆(人名)

gloomed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gloom hung upon his father's brow at whiles. ─── 他父亲时常愁眉不展。

2、The crimes committed there investedthe place with an air of mystery and gloom. ─── 在那里发生罪案後,该地笼罩上一种阴森诡秘的气氛。

3、Banish gloom from your thoughts. ─── 你要驱除心中的忧愁。

4、The boys moved off and disappeared in the gloom. ─── 两个孩子就一同走开,在黑暗中不见了。

5、Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. ─── 你们要愁苦,悲哀,哭泣。将喜笑变作悲哀,欢乐变作愁闷。

6、But I am not silenced by the darkness, Nor deep gloom which covers me. ─── 伯23:17我的恐惧、不是因为黑暗、也不是因为幽暗蒙蔽我的脸。

7、A squat pot-bellied figure bustled forward through the gloom. ─── 一位矮矮胖胖、大腹便便的人影从阴暗处奔了出来。

8、Dark clouds gloomed the streets. ─── 乌云使大街上阴沉沉地。

9、A voice pieces the day, "Away with gloom! ─── 一个声音拼缀了那天“带走忧愁!

10、One discounts in terrestrial gloom celestial light. ─── 人们在尘世的黑暗里预支天上的光明。

11、In the gathering gloom it was difficult to see anything distinctly. ─── 在越来越暗的情况下, 什么东西都看不清。

12、Only one small candle relieved the gloom. ─── 只要有一支小小的蜡烛就能增添朦胧的意境

13、The gloom he was feeling gave way to frolic. ─── 他心头的愁闷都被欢乐代替了。

14、The hill gloomed before us. ─── 山丘隐隐约约出现在我们面前。

15、Although I have been studying English, it is a stranger towards me and I feel I am dull so that I am very gloomed. ─── 似乎,我是一个英语盲,学了十几年的英语了,感觉还是一窍不通,真的是郁闷死了。

16、Then I was plunged into gloom. ─── 后来,我突然就感到了忧郁。

17、He walked through the gloom of the thick forest. ─── 他穿过茂密阴暗的森林。

18、A gloom fell over the household. ─── 全家黯然神伤。

19、His gloom of the preceding night had quite gone. ─── 他前一天晚上那种阴郁的神情已经一扫而光。

20、He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the jakes and came forth from the gloom into the air. ─── 他将那摇摇晃晃关不紧的门拽上,从昏暗中走进大千世界。

21、Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again. ─── 会驱走心头阴郁的乌云,心底收获一轮夕阳。

22、In the gloom she did not mind speaking freely. ─── 在昏暗的夜色里,她就不顾一切,把心事和盘托出。

23、She gloomed all day. ─── 她整天闷闷不乐。

24、He struck a match to dispel the gloom. ─── 他划亮火柴驱走黑暗。

25、The gloom which enveloped him penetrated his spirit. ─── 包围他的黑暗进入了他的心灵。

26、He tried to banish gloom from his thought. ─── 他试图驱除心中的忧愁。

27、He opened his eyes and tried to pierce through the gloom. ─── 他睁开眼睛,尽力在黑暗中张望。

28、Her optimism neutralizes his gloom. ─── 他的乐观主义压制了他的悲观。

29、In the gloom of the thick forest, they nearly lost their way. ─── 在密林的黑暗中,他们几乎迷了路。

30、A cloud of gloom hung over the meeting. ─── 会场上笼罩着一种悲痛的气氛。

31、The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom. ─── 会议这个星期在一片愁云惨雾中开始。

32、A light hits the gloom on the grave. ─── 光线照耀在坟墓的忧郁。

33、Two figures materialised out of the gloom. ─── 两个人影突然从黑暗中走了出来。

34、But in the gloom of the cell, dark thoughts set in. ─── 但此刻身陷圄囹,面对冷峻的现实,只求自我保存的私念油然而生。

35、His future seemed filled with gloom. ─── 他的前程似乎黯淡无光。

36、In the gathering gloom it is hard to see anything distinctly. ─── 光线越来越暗,什么东西都看不清。

37、Chasing senseless dreams in gloom. ─── 在黑暗里雕刻着昏沉沉的梦。

38、The crime commit there invest the place with an air of mystery and gloom. ─── 在那里发生罪案后, 该地笼罩上一种阴森诡秘的气氛。

39、Outside in the gloom they stood, while the leader parleyed within. ─── 他们站在门外的暗处,领队则在里面谈判。

40、Her face was barely discernible in the gloom. ─── 在黑暗中几乎辨认不出她的脸来。

41、The future seems to be filled with gloom. ─── 前途似乎充满了暗淡。

42、Dark clouds gloomed the streets. ─── 乌云使大街上阴沉沉地。

43、Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom. ─── 冲破你思想的禁锢,在失落之前了解自己。

44、In the gloom I can only just discern the outline of a building. ─── 在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建筑物的轮廓来。

45、The gloom of the room closed in on her as the wick again dwindled. ─── 周围的黑暗向她包围过来。 灯光因了灯花增大而变得更微弱了。

46、Only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom. ─── 只有他们的金属的闪光能够在幽暗中辨别出来。

47、The future seemed filled with gloom. ─── 前途似乎黯淡无光。

48、His face was barely discernible in the gloom. ─── 在黑暗中很难看得清他的脸。

49、In its deep gloom we sat down side by side on a wicker settee. ─── 在苍茫的暮色中我们并排在一张柳条的长靠椅上坐下。

50、A sudden, dramatic tragedy cast an overhanging pall of gloom. ─── 一场突发的悲剧在人们心头笼罩上一层阴影。

51、He had most of his money in American stocks and Wall Street's gloom was very worrying. ─── 他的钱大部分用来购买美国股票,华尔街的萧条使他忧心忡忡。

52、Yet Croatia hopes that it may be the one that gets away from the Balkan gloom. ─── 因此,克罗地亚希望自己能够尽快从巴尔干的梦魇从摆脱出来。

53、His death cast a gloom over the country. ─── 他的死给这个国家蒙上了一层阴影。

54、Lydia's gloom was shortly cleared away. ─── 丽迪雅的忧郁不多一会就烟消云散了。

55、Do not let defeat fill you with gloom. ─── 别让失败使你灰心丧气。

56、Holiday lights in a store window struggle to bring cheer to the winter gloom. ─── 商店橱窗里的灯光努力地给阴暗的冬日带来鼓舞与欢呼。

57、Blurred in the gloom, Charles Carney again sat opposite. ─── 在昏暗光线中只见形影模糊的卡尼又坐在对面。

58、choose out the best well-gloomed foreign instructor: They must be a very outgoing person, passion in teaching, and be able to cooperate with the class time as well as market activity. ─── 选形象良好的外教:外教必须具备有开朗活波的的个性,具 有教学热诚、能够配合学校上课时间与市场活动。

59、A dream full of nameless gloom. ─── 像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。

60、An old man was sitting in the gloom. ─── 在阴暗处坐着一位老人。

61、And beneath this scorn there is a gloom that he cannot exorcise. ─── 在这种藐视的下面,有一种他不能驱散的阴郁。

62、He tried to break through the cloud of gloom hovering over his friends. ─── 他试图打破笼罩着他朋友们的沉闷气氛。

63、What tidings of corporate gloom do you bear today? ─── 今天公司有什么消息让你愁眉不展了?

64、Out of gloom and depression could come joy and happiness. ─── 从情绪低落和忧郁症可以得到另一种结果, 那就是欢乐和幸福。

65、But it was beautiful moonlight after tea; and as I rode on, the gloom cleared. ─── 但是喝完茶后,正是美丽的月夜;我骑马往前走的时候,我的阴郁的心境就消除了。

66、Yet there has always been one bright spot amid the gloom: Scandinavia. ─── 不过,在一片消沉中总有一个亮点,这就是北欧。

67、The crimes committed there invested the place with an air of mystery and gloom. ─── 在那里发生罪案后,该地笼罩上一种阴森诡秘的气氛。

68、But history and recent evidence suggest its gloom is overdone. ─── 不过,历史和最近的证据显示,英国央行过于悲观了。

69、Two bitter ironies serve to deepen the gloom. ─── 两个辛辣的讽刺加深了这种暗淡。

70、But hidden in all the gloom was a small, tantalizing glimmer of hope. ─── 但是在阴霾之后,依然有微弱却又令人难受的希望之光。

71、His moods alternated between happiness and gloom. ─── 他的情绪时而快乐,时而忧郁。

72、TheA deep sense of gloom has again descended over Asian stock markets. ─── 低迷的气氛再一次笼罩亚洲的股票市场。

73、The sunshine looked brighter in all eyes for the gloom that went before. ─── 在阴霾之后,大家都觉得今天的阳光格外耀眼。

74、Will drive asay the ciouds of gloom and coax the sun again. ─── 会驱走心头阴郁的乌云,让心底收获一轮夕阳。

75、But in that gloom, there can be a ray of sunshine. ─── 但在那黑暗中,将会有一丝希望的阳光。

76、But an undercurrent of gloom ran through the whole day. ─── 但是这一天全家人心中笼罩着一片阴影。

77、A period of darkness and gloom. ─── 一段黑暗阴暗的时间

78、He was deep in gloom because his girlfriend had gone away. ─── 他深深地沉浸在忧伤中,因为他的女友离他而去了。

79、Why are you beset with gloom? ─── 你为何这样愁眉不展?

80、And thus they descended into gloom. ─── 因此他们往下走,进到了黑暗处。

81、An atmosphere of gloom ran through the castle. ─── 城堡里充满了阴郁的气氛。

82、There was an air of gloom and despair hanging over us. ─── 一种忧郁和绝望的气氛笼罩着我们。

83、One laugh will conquer gloom. ─── 一声大笑可以战胜忧郁。

84、His countenance instantly assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom. ─── 他顿时愁眉锁眼,露出了无限深沉的忧郁。

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