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09-15 投稿



hairspring 发音


英:  美:

hairspring 中文意思翻译



hairspring 短语词组

1、hairspring transmitter ─── 游丝式变送器

hairspring 相似词语短语

1、hairstyling ─── 发型设计

2、mainsprings ─── n.主要动力;(钟表)主发条;主要原因;主要动机

3、handspring ─── n.翻筋斗;前手翻腾越

4、hairsprings ─── n.细弹簧;游丝

5、air spring ─── [机]空气弹簧;气垫

6、handsprings ─── n.翻筋斗;前手翻腾越

7、dayspring ─── n.拂晓;黎明;开端

8、air springs ─── [机]空气弹簧;气垫

9、mainspring ─── n.主要动力;(钟表)主发条;主要原因;主要动机

hairspring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Repairing the Hairspring of TN-100 Table Torsion Balance ─── TN-100型托盘扭力天平游丝出现问题如何进行调修

2、left hairspring ─── 左旋游丝

3、hairspring stud ─── 游丝外桩

4、timing hairspring ─── 标准游丝

5、right hairspring ─── 右旋游丝

6、hairspring lever ─── 游丝校平器

7、system of hairspring and balance ─── 摆轮游丝系统

8、When have I ever left a mark as tiny as a hairspring? ─── “我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?”

9、I ever left a mark as tiny as a hairspring? ─── 我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?

10、Hairspring; Moment detection; Digital Image Processing; Measurement and Control Software; ─── 游丝;力矩检测;数字图像处理;测控软件;

11、timed annular balance with brequet hairspring ─── 定长游丝光摆轮带双层框游丝(防震装置用)

12、hairspring collet removers ─── 游丝内桩拆除器

13、As for me, I still grasp firmly at the hits of things which I regard as being eternal, even if they are as tiny as a hairspring. ─── 我却仍愿抓住一点自认是永恒的东西,哪怕只有游丝般微弱。

14、timed breguet hairspring ─── 定长挑框游丝

15、hairspring holder ─── 游丝夹

16、a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat ─── 对着时钟的细弹簧震荡来调节它的拍子的轮子

17、Breguet hairspring collet ─── 挑框游丝内桩

18、hairspring set lever ─── 游丝调整杆

19、Is the inner ring is hung above the gossamer clip in the pile or the speed of hairspring. ─── 就是游丝的内圈被挂在游丝外桩或快慢夹上面了。

20、hairspring stud screw ─── 游丝外桩螺钉

21、Have I ever kept any trace like a hairspring? ─── 但不能平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊?

22、Breguet hairspring stud ─── 挑框游丝外桩

23、hairspring setting ─── 游丝定长

24、The revolutionary coaxial escapement devices and noo-card-degree hairspring balance wheel ensure the long-running accuracy and reliability. ─── 革命性的同轴擒纵装置和野应卡度游丝摆轮确保长期运行的准确性和可靠性。

25、hairspring tweezer ─── 游丝镊子

26、self-compensating hairspring ─── 自动补偿游丝

27、The hairspring produces the force to produce recovering forceon the rotating shaft to ensure it coming back the initial point. ─── 机械结构部分主要以游丝产生回复力,使传感器转轴能准确而平稳地回到起始位置点。

28、unvibrated hairspring ─── 未定长游丝

29、I want freedom; I prefer loneliness indeed to hairspring love, as been blank to words. ─── 我的灵魂不要羁绊,绝世的孤单好过游丝般的牵恋,宁愿空白不要语言。

30、rigidity of hairspring ─── 游丝刚度

31、a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat. ─── 对着时钟的细弹簧震荡来调节它的拍子的轮子。

32、hairspring collet tool ─── 游丝内桩工具

33、balance cock for flat hairspring ─── 扁平摆夹板游丝

34、Keywords tension of the yam;testability;sensor;magnetic sensitive chatacteristic;hairspring; ─── 纱线张力;测试;传感器;磁敏感特性;游丝;

35、1795, roll out large quantities of new inventions, new creative work, include group of end of hairspring of treasure Ji balance; ─── 在一七九五年,推出大批新发明、新创作,包括宝玑摆轮游丝末圈;

36、hairspring without stud ─── 不连接外桩的游丝

37、The hairspring flies softly on pavilion. ─── 游丝软细飘春榭,

38、omega-metric hairspring clarifier ─── 欧米茄摆轮游丝分档仪

39、Elinvar hairspring ─── 镍铬恒弹性钢游丝

40、timed hairspring ─── 定长游丝

41、Also, it may be in the process of work wandering, rub to pile on the hairspring. ─── 还有,它可能会在工作游荡的过程中,蹭到游丝外桩上。

42、hairspring cleaner ─── 游丝除垢剂

43、hairspring support ─── 游丝架

44、The hairspring produces the force to produce recovering force on the rotating shaft to ensure it coming back the initial point. ─── 机械结构部分主要以游丝产生回复力,使传感器转轴能准确而平稳地回到起始位置点。

45、hairspring inside stud ─── 游丝内桩

46、hairspring pin ─── 游丝销

47、hairspring screw ─── 游丝螺钉

48、balance hairspring ─── 游丝

49、flat hairspring ─── 平游丝

50、Breguet hairspring ─── 挑框游丝

51、Breguer hairspring ─── 具有末端曲线的游丝挑框游丝



词性:n. 头发;毛发;些微;adj. 毛发的;护理毛发的;用毛发制成的;vt. 除去…的毛发;vi. 生长毛发;形成毛状纤维。



long hair 长发

black hair 黑发

human hair 人发

white hair 白头发

short hair 短头发

hair dryer 电吹风

hair style 发型

brown hair 棕色头发

hair follicle 毛囊

hair color 头发颜色

curly hair 卷发

blond hair 金发

grey hair 白头发

gray hair 白发

rabbit hair 兔毛

golden hair 金发

straight hair 直发

hair salon 发廊

hair stylist 发型设计师


1、The wind dishevelled her hair and skirt.


2、Her mother curled her hair every morning.


3、Face round, please, so that I can cut your hair at the back.


4、The barber cut his hair very short.


5、Her hair ripples in the spring breeze.


6、Her hair was pleated in a queue.


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