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09-15 投稿



houseless 发音

英:[ˈhaʊslɪs]  美:[ˈhaʊsləs]

英:  美:

houseless 中文意思翻译



houseless 相似词语短语

1、causeless ─── adj.偶然的;无原因的

2、housedress ─── n.女便服;家常便服

3、horseless ─── adj.无马的;不用马的;自行推进的

4、houseled ─── n.圣餐;vt.授予圣餐

5、fuseless ─── 无机身

6、houseleeks ─── n.长草属;石莲花

7、houseleek ─── n.长草属;石莲花

8、spouseless ─── 无喷嘴

9、housels ─── n.圣餐;vt.授予圣餐

houseless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He shook his slender shoulders and pulled his concealing piwafwi cloak around him, remembering how vulnerable a houseless drow could be. ─── 卓尔游荡者小声的说道,他耸了耸他纤细的肩膀,拉了拉身上的魔斗篷,他清楚的知道一个无家可归的卓尔是多么的脆弱。

2、For the truly good ask not the naked, "Where is your garment? " nor the houseless, "What has befallen your house? " ─── 因为真正的善者不会问赤身裸体的人:“你的衣服呢?”也不会间无家可归的人:“你的房屋怎样了?”

3、Vanity's teeth chattered.She said mournfully: “Quentin says Mr.Glum should not have cut down the Great Escape Tree.He says there was a Dryad living there, who now wanders, houseless,among the winds. ─── 瓦妮特的牙齿在打颤.她悲伤地说:"昆廷说格罗姆先生不应该砍倒'大逃生树'.他说有一个森林女神住在那里,她现在没有了屋子,只有在风中流浪.

4、Cattle awake on the meadows; sheep break their fast on dewy hill-sides, and change to a new lair among the ferns; and houseless men, who have lain down with the fowls, open their dim eyes and behold the beauty of the night. ─── 草地上牛群醒来;山坡上露珠晶莹,羊群不停地在草丛中寻找着早餐;与鸟儿共眠野外的无家可归的人们睁开了惺松的双眼,观赏美丽的夜色。

5、The most efficient one still lies in building more houses with more floors so as to accommodate more houseless people. ─── 最主要的还是增加房源,盖更多更高的楼以便容纳更多的无房者。

6、sheep break their fast on dewy hill-sides, and change to a new lair among the ferns, and houseless men, who have lain down with the fowls, open their dim eyes and behold the beauty of the night. ─── 露珠晶莹的山坡上羊群在进早餐,并且在羊齿植物丛中更换新的羊窝;与禽鸟共眠的无家可归的人们睁开了惺忪的双眼,观赏美丽的夜色。

7、and houseless men, who have lain down with the fowls, open their dim eyes and behold the beauty of the night. ─── 与禽鸟共眠的无家可归的人们睁开了惺松的双眼,观赏美丽的夜色。

8、Of vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods, ─── 无居的林中有流浪的居者

9、but he was really half dead with fatigue, and all that I could make out, amongst her scolding, was a tale of his seeing it starving, and houseless, and as good as dumb, in the streets of Liverpool; ─── 我在她的责骂声中,只能听出来是这么回事:他在利物浦的大街上看见这孩子快要饿死了,无家可归,又像哑巴一样。

10、want, and sickness, and houseless nights. ─── 匮乏,和疾病,和无家可归的夜里。

11、And want, and sickness, and houseless nights ─── 匮乏,和疾病,和无家可归的夜里

12、"How is it possible," he says, "that a man who has nothing, who is naked, houseless, without a hearth, squalid, without a slave, without a city, can pass a life that flows easily? ─── 他说,“一个身无长物、光膀子、没有恒产、没有家、肮脏、没有人伺候、到处流浪的人,怎么还能自由自在的过日子呢?

13、Expensive houses are another reason: they enable home owners to sell up and buy a bigger place abroad, and push the young and houseless to consider a move. ─── 过高的房价也是一个重要因素:它使许多有房者在卖掉国内的住宅后能够在国外买到更大的房子,它同时也使年轻人和没有买房子的人考虑离开。

14、” nor the houseless, “What has befallen your house? ─── 也不问那无家的人:“你的房子怎样了?”

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