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09-15 投稿



interdependence 发音

英:[,ɪntədɪ'pendəns]  美:[,ɪntɚdɪ'pɛndəns]

英:  美:

interdependence 中文意思翻译



interdependence 词性/词形变化,interdependence变形


interdependence 同义词

interdependence 反义词


interdependence 短语词组

1、interdependence distinguishes ─── 相互依存区分

2、interdependence self ─── 相互依存的自我

3、interdependence conflict ─── 相互依存冲突

4、interdependence principle ─── 相互依存原则

5、interdependence theory ─── 相互依存论

interdependence 相似词语短语

1、overdependence ─── 过分依赖

2、independence ─── n.独立性,自立性;自主

3、independency ─── n.独立;组合教会制;独立国

4、interdepend ─── v.互相依赖

5、interdepended ─── v.互相依赖

6、interdependent ─── adj.相互依赖的;互助的

7、interdependently ─── adv.相互依存地;相互依赖地

8、interdepending ─── v.互相依赖

9、interdependency ─── n.互相依赖;相关性

interdependence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The world is shrinking, and globalization is the new order that binds us all together in mutual interdependence. ─── 世界在缩小,全球化是按我们彼此间相互依赖的关系把我们紧密联系在一起的一种新秩序。

2、In the first part, the author analyses the meaning of interdependence, the ideal mode of complex interdependence and the relationship between power and interdependence. ─── 在理论论述部分,作者着重论述了相互依赖的概念,复合相互依赖的理想模式,以及权力与相互依赖的关系等。

3、New text classification algorithm based on interdependence and equivalent radius ─── 基于互依赖和等效半径的文本分类方法

4、The world's increasing mutual benefit and cooperation, interdependence will definitely crate more brilliant prospects for the economic growth all over the world. ─── 世界各国经济互利合作,相互依存的加深,必将给全球经济增长创造更加美好的前景。

5、The complex interdependence between people demands a high degree of self-discipline and awareness ─── 人与人之间的复杂的相互依存性,要求有一种高度的自觉纪律和相互之间的了解。

6、Application of Cellular Automata in Market with Consumers'Experience and Behavioral Interdependence ─── 元胞自动机在经验型连带外部效应市场模拟中的应用

7、The Characteristics of the Development of Interdependence and Cooperation of the Asian Pacific Economy ─── 亚太地区经济相互依存与合作的发展特点

8、President Clinton called on the graduates to embrace the increasing interdependence of nations and work to enhance its positive effects. ─── 克林顿总统号召毕业生们包含世界增长的相互依赖性,并努力增强积极的效果。

9、characterized by the interdependence of living organisms in an environment. ─── 具有生物有机体和环境之间相互依赖的特征的。

10、Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail. ─── 任何旨在让某一国家或某一群体提高地位的世界秩序都将注定失败。

11、Deepening economic interdependence and a strong desire to avoid another strategic conflict will restrain bilateral frictions. ─── 经济方面日益增强的相互依赖,以及避免另一次战略冲突的强烈意愿,也将抑制双边摩擦。

12、On this foundation, analyzes the interdependence of road network, such as overlaps, links up and so on.At last, studies the layout method of highway network in inserting regions. ─── 在此基础上,分析路网子系统的重叠、衔接等相互关联性,研究嵌入式特征下公路网布局方法。

13、characterized by the interdependence of living organisms in an environment ─── 具有生物有机体和环境之间相互依赖的特征的

14、Global Energy Security Dialogue and Cooperation --Strategic Alternatives in the Age of Energy Interdependence ─── 全球能源安全对话与合作--能源相互依赖时代的战略选择

15、A world war is highly unlikely. Nuclear deterrence, economic interdependence, globalization all mitigate against it. But beneath this calm, there is probably going to be a soft war, a quiet. ─── 世界大战是不太可能的。核震慑,经济依赖,全球化都减少了大战的可能性。但在寂静之下,一场安静的,关于力量和影响的全球竞争正在展开。

16、A measure of the interdependence among modules in a computer program. ─── 一种计算机程序中模块之间相互依赖的一种量度。

17、China believes that its affluence is best guaranteed by economic interdependence with the world's most dynamic economy. ─── 中国认为,与世界上最具活力的经济体建立互相依存的关系,是保证中国繁荣昌盛的最佳途径。

18、President Clinton called on the graduates to embrace the increasing interdependence of nations and work to enhance its positive effects. "You live in the most globally interdependent time in history and it can be good, bad or both. ─── 克林顿总统呼吁这些毕业生们热切地接受这种不断增强的互助关系,并且努力工作提升这种良好的社会风气。

19、"Three Essential Interdependence" ─── “三个离不开”

20、A pattern featuring economic interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win, a pattern of each having something of the other, is taking shape. ─── 中美在经贸领域相互依存、互利共赢、你中有我、我中有你的格局已经初步形成。

21、Study on Hierarchical Judgment Method with Interdependence and Its Application to Web Evaluation ─── 基于关联的层次评价方法及其在网站评价中的应用研究

22、ESD involves an understanding of the key concepts of: interdependence; citizenship and stewardship; needs and rights of future generations; diversity; quality of life, sustainable change; uncertainty and precaution. ─── 可持续发展教育涉及到对一些主要概念的理解:相互依存、公民的身份和服务意识、后代的需要和权利、多样性、生活质量、可持续的变革、不确定性和预防措施。

23、It should also have taught us that unilateralism can't work in a world of economic interdependence. ─── 也告诉我们单边主义在这个经济相互依赖的世界里是行不通的。

24、Continued mutually-beneficial economic cooperation and rising interdependence among the world's countries will usher in an even better future for global economy in development. ─── 世界各国经济互利合作、相互依存的加深,必将给全球经济增长创造更加美好的前景。

25、The channels of interdependence depend, in turn, on the monetary and exchange rate arrangementsthat countries adopted-a set of institutions called the international monetary system. ─── 国际间进行各种交易支付所采用的一系列安排和惯例;以及支配各国货币关系的一套规则和机构。

26、If we at all times keep in mind the centrality of our interdependence, we will be able to cope with other contentious issues. ─── 如果我们紧记我们互相依赖这一中心,那么我们就能解决其它存在争议的问题。

27、The overall development of human being and the construction of socialist harmonious society interdepend and mutually reinforce, both in theory and practice to a high degree of uniformity. ─── 人的全面发展与社会主义和谐社会的构建相互依赖、相互促进、相辅相成,二者在理论与实践上具有高度的统一性。

28、From Washington to Beijing, Berlin to Buenos Aires, everyone signs up to the fact of economic interdependence. ─── 从美国到中国、从德国到阿根廷,每个国家都签名同意了经济相互依赖的事实。

29、A pattern featuring economic interdependence, mutual benefit and win-win, a pattern of each having something of the other, is taking shape. ─── 中美在经贸领域相互依存、互利共赢、你中有我、我中有你的格局已经初步形成。

30、For South East Asia-China's WTO accession will promote the growing economic interdependence in the region-breaking down barriers to trade and prosperity. ─── ·对东南亚地区-中国加入WTO将不断增强地区经济独立性-解除促进贸易和繁荣的壁垒。

31、Keohane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S. 1977. Power and interdependence: world politics in transition. Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company. Especially Chapter 1-3. ─── 中译本:《权利与相互依赖》门洪华译(国际关系理论前沿译丛,北京大学出版社,2002年)。阅读以第一至第三章为主。

32、a measure of the interdependence among modules in a computer program ─── 一种计算机程序中模块之间相互依赖的一种量度

33、This task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball. ─── 这项任务的相互依赖性将棒球与足球和篮球区分开来。

34、Analyzing the Relationship between China and ASEAN through the Theory of Complex Interdependence ─── 从复合相互依赖理论看中国与东盟的关系

35、Local government and central city university shall give full play to each other's advantages in resources, and coordinate with each other in interdependence and inter-restriction. ─── 地方政府与中心城市大学应该充分发挥各自的资源优势,在相互依赖、相互制约的动态发展中达到协调与平衡。

36、Be based on afore-mentioned analysises, the author points out: Interdependent need not like that promotional peace, of peace basic or mainer reason depends on interdepend besides. ─── 基于上述分析,作者指出:相互依赖不必然地增进和平,和平的基本的或更重要的原因在于互相依赖之外。

37、If I read the temper of our people correctly, we now realize as we have never before, our interdependence on each other ─── 依我对我国人民的性情的体会,我认为我们现在比以往更认识到我们是唇齿相依的

38、Interdependence like between lips and teeth is the best description of our relationship. ─── 唇齿相依是对我们关系的最好形容。

39、Work "Right" principal use of the bones fit (mortise and tenon structure) between the things of the form of a state of interdependence, "and different. ─── 作品“对了”主要运用骨头契合(卯榫结构)的形式表现事物之间一种相互依存的状态,“和而不同”。

40、developmental interdependence hypothesis ─── 发展中的相互依存假设

41、CERE; European Consultative Committee on Global Interdependence and Solidarity; ─── 全球相互依存和团结问题欧洲协商委员会;

42、China's trade with India also counts by reaffirming a growing interdependence in a part of the world that still defends brittle notions of sovereignty. ─── 中国与印度之间的贸易的另一个重要性在于,它表明尽管这两个国家仍在为脆弱的主权概念而争辩,二者之间却越来越相互依赖。

43、hierarchical interdependence ─── 分级相关性

44、Chinese"peace"culture embodies a state of relation: different things or elements are in a state of interdependence, intermodulation, intercomplementary and interpromotion. ─── 中国“和”文化表现为一种关系态不同事物或要素之间处于一种相互依存、相互协调、相互补充、相互促进的状态;

45、European Center for Global Interdependence and Solidarity ─── 全球相互依赖和声援中心欧洲中心

46、interdependence of capital and labour ─── 劳资的互相依赖

47、European Consultative Committee on Global Interdependence and Solidarity ─── 全球相互依存和团结问题欧洲协商委员会

48、Interdependence: Its Application in Syndrome differentiation and Treatment of Internal Emergent Cases with Examples ─── 从阴阳互根关系辨治内科急症验案举隅

49、Interdependence is defined as the extent on which team members rely on each other when they are working together. ─── 互依性是指团队成员在完成作业的过程中相互依赖的程度,分为作业互依性和产出互依性两大类。

50、A Deeply Innate Interdependence Of Chinese Modern Literature With Its Traditional Culture ─── 中国现代文学与传统文化的内在关联

51、The 1960s gave the world a new concept of global interdependence, probably the result of seeing photos of the earth from space (as in the famous “Earthrise,” pictured below, taken in December 1968). ─── 在资源的利用开发与地球生态环境恶化的二极冲突中,如何均衡?这不仅仅是生态环境的问题,往往也是一个政治问题了。

52、Determine the interdependence and interaction of these processes and develop an appropriate HSF process management plan. ─── 决定这些流程的相互依赖关系与交互作用,并发展适当之。

53、theory of external interdependence ─── 外部依存理论

54、To effectively utilize the important information of the section interdependence during the time series of annual run-off,threshold auto-regressive(TAR) model is suggested to predict annual runoff. ─── 为有效利用年径流时间序列资料所隐含的时序分段相依性这一重要信息,提出了用门限自回归模型(TAR)来预测年径流,并研制了TAR建模的一整套简便通用的方案。

55、The complex interdependence between people demands a high degree of self-discipline and awareness. ─── 人与人之间的复杂的相互依存性,要求有一种高度的自觉纪律和相互之间的了解。

56、The assumption of repetition of historical results in terms of strategy or market interdependence tends to fail exactly when it counts most. ─── 而如果总是重复利用类似的运营策略或者在市场上过多的互相依赖,当基金数量很大时,也会导致操作失败。

57、Interdependence of the right to information and information literacy: an Indian perspective ─── 信息权利与信息素质的相互依赖:印度的前景

58、Theoretical Review of Interdependence of Economy and Peace ─── 和平与经济相互依赖关系的理论考察

59、First, the characteristics of interpersonal trust are interdependence, psychological contract, risk, goodwill, rational dimension and affective dimension. ─── 其次、本研究依据人际信任发展程序,推理汇整人际信任类型为认知型、情感型及制度型。

60、Based on interdependence of all parameters, the principal component analysis (PCA) has been proposed to preprocess the roving procedure's data collected from a worsted mill. ─── 基于粗纱工艺参数之间相互关联的特点,提出利用主成分分析法对精毛纺厂采集到的粗纱生产数据进行预处理。

61、Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., “Power and Interdependence in the ─── 在合著的一篇文章中更明确地指出,硬权力是指通过威胁或者奖励

62、Teeth are exposed when lips are gone,interdependence of neighboring states ─── 唇亡齿寒

63、Yet this situation had become much more likely, even without a paralysing credit crisis, because of increasing global financial interdependence. ─── 但是由于全球金融不断加强的相互依赖使得就算没有瘫痪性的信用危机,这种情况发生的可能性也更大了。

64、"Swept through the recent global financial turmoil has served to highlight the interdependence between us," Holmer said: "The Chinese leaders and U.S. officials have always maintained close ties. ─── “近来席卷全球的金融动荡更凸显了我们之间的相互依存性,”霍尔默说:“美国官员与中国领导者们始终保持紧密联系。

65、Accordingly, technical innovation and innovation of property right system are interdepend, each other is depend on sb or sth for existence. ─── 因此,技术创新与产权制度创新是互相依赖,互为依存的。

66、Thus the tightening web of global interdependence foretells danger as well as opportunity. ─── 因此,日趋紧密的全球相互依存之网既预示着风险,也预示着机遇。

67、A Comparative Analysis on Bilateral Trade Development and Trade Interdependence between China and P.R. Mongolia ─── 中蒙国际贸易依存度比较分析

68、Interpersonal social group is a result of contacts constitute the interdependence and interrelatedness of social relations, belong to the scope of sociology. ─── 人际关系是指社会人群中因交往而构成的相互依存和相互联系的社会关系,属于社会学的范畴。

69、To solve the problem of the interdependence of belief and meaning, Davidson introduces the Principle of Charity. ─── 为了解决信念与意义的相互依赖性这个问题,戴维森引入了“宽容原则”。

70、Let's take what you read for this week and see if we can apply this interdependence idea. ─── 让我们看看你这周读的内容,能否应用这种相互依存的思想。

71、soil fertility interdependence rate ─── 地力依存率

72、I do wish I would not interrogate you, but it seems to me that our time of interdependence is over, and I really should like to know why. ─── 我真的不希望审问你,但是我觉得我们互相依赖的日子已经结束了,我很想知道为什么。

73、Therefore, long-term coexistence between friends, it is precisely because of this interdependence between mind and understanding, which alone lonely life before becoming a rich and profound. ─── 好友之间所以能长期共存,正是因为有了这种心灵间的相互依存与默契,唯此孤独的人生才变得丰富而深刻。

74、Campaign on Global Interdependence and Solidarity: Europe against Poverty and Social Exclusion; ─── 全球相互依存和团结运动:欧洲反对贫穷和社会排斥;

75、And today's high degree of global economic interdependence, which can be sustained only if all major governments act sensibly, is more fragile than we imagine. ─── 今天世界经济的相互依赖程度的脆弱性远远超乎我们的想象,只有主要国家政府采取明智的措施,这种相互依赖才能够得以维持。

76、It is widely believed to loosen social bonds, yet it fosters interdependence. ─── 大家普遍相信,金钱让人们日益疏远,然而它却让大家互相依赖。

77、This effect is mediated by self-construal in terms of relational versus collective interdependence. ─── 作者讨论了这种性别差异在管理和理论中的应用。

78、Below this kind of circumstance, what the technology innovates is fast diffuse the new characteristic that makes present an interdepend and mutual confluence with inland relation littoral. ─── 在这种情况下 ,技术创新的快速扩散使沿海与内陆关系呈现出互相依靠与互相融合的新特点。

79、Interdependence theory presents a logical analysis of the interdependent relationship betweens individuals. ─── 人际互倚理论主要关注群体中个体之间的相互依附关系。

80、The EU's energy relationship with Russia was one of "positive interdependence" , Mr Barroso said. ─── 他称,欧盟与俄罗斯的能源关系是一种“积极的互相依赖关系”。

81、Economic interdependence among nations has been deepened. The role played by global and regional economic cooperation organizations is on the increase. And economic security has been given even more attention. ─── 各国经济相互依存加深,全球和区域经济合作组织的作用增强,经济安全更加受到重视。

82、theory of general interdependence ─── 一般依存理论

83、interdependence among commodities ─── 商品间的相互依赖

84、Because of interdependence between various countries and economy in the area,Economic exchanges emerging make APEC arise at the historic moment. ─── 区域内各国及经济体之间由于相互依存产生的经济往来,使得亚太经合组织应运而生。

85、coefficient of external interdependence ─── 外部互相依存系数

86、Like the financial crisis, it emerged at a time of radically increased interdependence. ─── 与金融危机一样,它也是在相互依存关系大大加强的环境下出现的。

87、By the same token, the everlasting interdependence is actually an everlasting love. ─── 同样地,持久的相互依赖其实就是永恒的爱情。

88、Evidence of interdependence is everywhere; we are on this journey together. ─── 相互依存的证据随处可见;我们一起踏上这段旅程。

89、At this time of increasing global interdependence, all humankind is confronted with new challenges. Such as environmental and population problems. ─── 在这样一个全球日以相互依赖的年代,整个人类面临着诸如环境和人口方面的挑战。

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