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harpooning 发音

英:[hɑːˈpuːnɪŋ]  美:[hɑːrˈpuːnɪŋ]

英:  美:

harpooning 中文意思翻译



harpooning 词性/词形变化,harpooning变形

动词过去分词: harpooned |动词过去式: harpooned |动词现在分词: harpooning |名词: harpooner |动词第三人称单数: harpoons |

harpooning 短语词组

1、harpooning it ─── 鱼叉

2、harpooning osrs ─── 鱼叉式OSR

3、harpooning bdo ─── 鱼叉式bdo

4、harpooning fish ─── 鱼叉 ─── 鱼

5、harpooning games ─── 鱼叉游戏

6、harpooning tuna ─── 鱼叉金枪 ─── 鱼

7、harpooning alligators ─── 鱼叉鳄 ─── 鱼

8、harpooning scam ─── 鱼叉骗局

harpooning 相似词语短语

1、championing ─── n.冠军;拥护者;战士;vt.支持;拥护;adj.优胜的;第一流的;n.(Champion)人名;(英)钱皮恩;(法)尚皮翁

2、cartoning ─── v.装入纸箱;(使)硬纸板成为纸盒(carton的现在分词)

3、lampooning ─── v.公开讽刺,挖苦;n.讽刺文章(或言论)

4、harpoonlike ─── 鱼叉状

5、aproning ─── n.围裙;[航]停机坪;舞台口;vt.着围裙于;围绕;n.(Apron)人名;(俄)阿普龙

6、crooning ─── v.低声歌唱;柔情地唱;对……低声唱;n.低吟,低吟声;轻哼,轻哼声;n.(Croon)(美、荷、瑞、德、比)克龙(人名)

7、ballooning ─── n.充气,鼓胀;气球操纵;乘热气球飞行;热气球运动

8、carpooling ─── n.共乘制;v.合伙用车(carpool的现在分词形式)

9、marooning ─── n.褐红色;逃亡黑人奴隶;孤立的人;v.使孤立;放逐到无人岛上;adj.褐红色的

harpooning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards ─── 倒钩朝上的向左鱼叉

2、TAIPEI( AFP)- Taiwan plans to equip its two Dutch-built submarines with Harpoon anti-ship missiles that could be used to attack key Chinese naval bases, Jane's Defence Weekly says. ─── 台北(fp)-台湾计划的二艘荷兰修造的潜水艇装备鱼叉对船飞弹,用以攻击关键的中国海军基地,珍氏防御周刊认为。

3、a gun (or device resembling a gun) for discharging a projectile (especially a harpoon) at a whale. ─── 一种用来向鲸发射射弹的枪(或类似枪的装置)。

4、But he cleared the harpoon line and let it run slowly through his raw hands and, when he could see, he saw the fish was on his back with his silver belly up. ─── 然而他放松了鱼叉上的绳子,让它从他划破了皮的双手之间慢慢地溜出去,等他的眼睛好使了,他看见那鱼仰天躺着,银色的肚皮朝上。

5、The fisherman transfixed the shark with a harpoon. ─── 渔夫用鱼叉刺住鲨鱼。

6、Then, alone and exhausted by his struggle to harpoon the giant fish, he is forced into a losing battle with marauding sharks; ─── 故事接着说到他孤零零地、在因奋力叉住这条大鱼而耗尽了力气之后,被迫投入一场和一群海盗似的鲨鱼的绝望的搏斗之中,结果是那些鲨鱼只给他留下了猎获物的一具骨架。

7、With failing might the old man struck the shark with his harpoon. The Mako rolled and sank, carrying the harpoon with it and leaving the marlin mutilated and Bloody. ─── 老人用尽余力把鱼叉往鲨鱼身上扎去。尖吻鲭鲨打着滚沉下去了,带走了鱼叉,而且已经把马林鱼咬得残缺不全,鲜血直流。

8、spear [harpoon] fish ─── 叉鱼

9、Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards ─── 向右鱼叉随以倒钩向下

10、Now the bad time is coming and I do not even have the harpoon. ─── 现在倒霉的时刻要来了,可我连鱼叉也没有。

11、Almost exhausted, he finally drew his catch alongside and drove in the harpoon. ─── 他虽然几乎筋疲力尽,终于还是把自己的捕获物拉得和小船并排在一起并用鱼叉猛击这条马林鱼。

12、Queequeg, harpoon in hand, jumped to his feet. ─── 奎怪手里拿著鱼叉,跳了起来。

13、Mr Mundus, too, once made the centrepiece of a classic "Jaws" scene, harpooning a great white in 75 feet of water off a beach where children played. ─── 蒙特斯也曾经上演过《大鲨鱼》里的经典镜头,把一条长75英尺的大白鲨叉到了孩子们正在游玩的海滩上。

14、Afterwards I wondered less at this, when I came to know of what fine steel the head of a harpoon is made, and how very sharp the long, straight edges are always kept. ─── 后来等我知道了鱼叉头是精钢打造的,以及又长又直的锋刃经常必须保持极锐利之后,我对这种举动也就不那麽惊讶了。

15、harpoon gun ─── 标枪

16、a post on a whaleboat used to secure the harpoon rope ─── 捕鲸船上的桩子,用于拴鱼叉上的绳子

17、Harpoon Weapons System ─── "鱼叉"武器系统

18、But when the second harpoon is thrown out, it becomes a sharp danger on its rope, flying about both boat and whale, cutting the lines or mixing them up and causing confusion in al directions. ─── 可是第二支叉抛出后,对绳子成为一种严厉的威胁,它在小艇和鲸鱼之间飞跃著,割断绳索或是使绳索纠缠在一起,弄得毫无头绪。

19、A barb or barbed head, as on an arrow or a harpoon. ─── 倒钩如箭头或鱼叉等尖倒钩或有倒钩的顶端

20、harpooning A surface method of fishing that requires considerable effort in locating and chasing individual fish. ─── 叉鱼需要相当多的努力定位并追寻一条鱼的基本渔法。

21、gun harpoon ─── 捕鲸炮鱼镖

22、The highly specialized and dangerous technique of harpooning narwhal from a kayak is practiced by only a handful of people in Northern Greenland. ─── 在高度专业化的和危险的技术用捕鲸鱼叉对准独角鲸从爱斯基摩人用的皮艇老练的只有少数人在北格陵兰。

23、Now the bad time is coming and I do not have the harpoon. ─── 现在倒霉的时候就要来到,我连鱼叉也给丢了。

24、Taking his trusty harpoon and seedgun, our hero decides to take on the dragon! ─── 我们的英雄决定要与这条恶龙决一死战!

25、The highly specialized and dangerous technique of harpooning narwhal from a kayak is practiced by only a handful of people in Northern Greenland. ─── 在格陵兰北部,坐在小皮划子里用鱼叉捕捉角鲸是一项十分特别并且危险的技术,只有很少的人能够掌握。

26、Downwards Harpoon With Barb Leftwards ─── 倒钩朝左的向下鱼叉

27、Many things can be manipulated just by Joker running into them ? for instance, picking up a harpoon or reading the hints from the bottle. ─── 滑稽角色(遇到他们)可能只操作很多事情-例如,拿一把鱼叉或者从这个瓶子读暗示。

28、The Strike Common Weapon Data Link Program, sponsored by the U.S.Navy, PMA-201, upgrades the Joint Stand Off Weapon (JSOW) and Harpoon weapon systems with a network enabled data link capability. ─── 打击通用武器数据链计划是由美国海军精确对敌攻击武器项目办公室(PMA 201)发起,主要对联合防区外武器(JSOW)和鱼叉武器系统进行网络使能数据链能力的升级。

29、The next key control Harpoon about the direction of the space bar to launch harpoons. ─── 上下左右键控制鱼叉的方向,空格键发射鱼叉。

30、First, the ring makes it easy to tie on an extra line from another boat, if the harpooned whale dives so deep as to threaten to carry off the whole line originally fastened to the harpoon. ─── 第一,如果一条刺上鱼叉的鲸鱼潜水潜得深了,怕整条原先绑在鱼叉上的绳子会被拖走时,这个环能使它易于接上其他船只上的额外绳子。

31、a fish transfixed with a harpoon ─── 用鱼叉叉穿的鱼.

32、harpoon for harpoon guns ─── 捕鲸炮弹鱼叉

33、Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon ─── 上向右鱼叉,下向左鱼叉

34、a long rowboat,pointed at both ends and designed to move and turn swiftly,formerly used in the pursuit and harpooning of whales ─── 捕鲸小艇;一种两头尖的长型划艇,设计用来迅速移动及掉头,原先用于追捕及用鱼叉捕杀鲸鱼

35、Eat it so that the point of the hook goes into your heart and kills you, he thought, Come up easy and let me put the harpoon into you. ─── 吃了吧,这样可以让钓钩的尖端扎进你的心脏,把你弄死,他想。 轻松愉快地浮上来吧,让我把鱼叉刺进你的身子。

36、But I may one day find the chance of driving a harpoon into his entrails!" ─── 您就会发现他变得更友好更驯顺。”

37、A long rowboat, pointed at both ends and designed to move and turn swiftly, formerly used in the pursuit and harpooning of whales. ─── 一种两头尖的长型划艇,设计用来迅速移动及掉头,原先用于追捕及用鱼叉捕杀鲸鱼。

38、When a boat got close enough to the whale, the harpooner threw his harpoon at it. ─── 等船非常接近鲸鱼时,鱼叉手就以鱼叉向牠投射。

39、Finally, he kills it with a harpoon and ends its pain. ─── 最后,老人用鱼叉将鱼杀死,结束了它的痛苦。

40、a gun (or device resembling a gun) for discharging a projectile (especially a harpoon) at a whale ─── 一种用来向鲸发射射弹的枪(或类似枪的装置)

41、fishing gear The equipment used for fishing, e.g. gillnet, handline, harpoon, seine, longline, midwater trawl, purse seine, rod-and-reel, trap, trawler, ect. but not vessels. ─── 渔网用来捕鱼的仪器,例如刺网,手抄网,鱼叉,曳网,延绳钓,中层水域拖网,袋曳网,甩竿,鱼笼,拖捞网等等。但是不是船只。

42、Come up easy and let me put the harpoon into you. ─── 然后乖乖地浮上来,好让我把鱼叉刺到你的身体里。

43、He hit it with his blood-mushed hands driving a good harpoon with all his strength. ─── 他鼓起全身的力气,用血染的双手把一杆锋利无比的鱼叉扎了进去。

44、Then he took two turns of the harpoon line around the bitt in the bow and hid his head on his hands. ─── 接着他把鱼叉上的绳子在船头的系缆柱上绕了两圈,然后把脑袋搁在双手上。

45、Harpoon Onboard Trainer ─── "鱼叉"随车训练员

46、propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon. ─── 能够把明亮的光推进到高空中,或者用于推进救生绳、捕鲸枪。

47、harpoon seta ─── 矛状刚毛(动)

48、He tied one end of it to the shaft of the harpoon and the other end about his right wrist.At least, if he threw his harpoon across the barrier, he'd be able to pull it back if he missed. ─── 他将绳索的一端系在渔叉上,另一端绑住自己的右手腕,这样至少能够保证即便一击不中还能回收武器。

49、With failing might the old man struck the shark with his harpoon ─── 老人用尽余力把鱼叉往鲨鱼身上扎去。

50、Commercial harpooning wasn't banned until 1935. ─── 直到1935年世界才正式禁止捕猎露脊鲸。

51、Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards ─── 倒钩朝下的向左鱼叉

52、A short rushing sound -- it was Queequeg's thrown harpoon. ─── 一阵急遽的冲击声--那是奎怪射鱼叉的声音。

53、He and his gunner Janson perfected a daring maneuver wherein a snowspeeder used its harpoon and tow-cable to trip up the legs of the attacking Imperial walker. ─── 他与他的射手-詹森巧妙的驾著雪地飞行器熟练地达成非常大胆的攻击行动。他们利用雪地飞行器的鱼叉和拖线拌倒攻击中的全地域装甲运输载具。

54、Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Upwards ─── 倒钩朝上的向右鱼叉

55、Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon ─── 向右鱼叉上的向左鱼叉

56、The Mako rolled and sank, carrying the harpoon with it and leaving the marlin mutilated and bloody ─── 尖吻鲭鲨打着滚沉下去了,带走了鱼叉,而且已经把马林鱼咬得残缺不全,鲜血直流。

57、When they reached the old man's shack the boy took the rolls of line in the basket and the harpoon and gaff and the old man carried the mast with the furled sail on his shoulder. ─── 他们走进老人的窝棚,孩子拿起装在篮子里的钓索卷儿,还有鱼叉和鱼钩,老人把绕着帆的桅杆扛在肩上。

58、He hit it with his blood mushed hands driving a good harpoon with all his strength. ─── 他使出全身的力气,用糊着鲜血的双手,把一支好鱼叉向它扎去。

59、He checked to be sure that the knife was safely in his rope belt, that the harpoon was in the crook of his left arm and that the twenty-foot rope fastened to it and to his wrist. ─── 卡森再次确认了那把小刀依旧紧扣在自己的皮带上,鱼叉则由一根二十英尺的绳索绑于左腕。

60、The seas supply people with marine creatures of countless kinds--fish, and turtles.These the aborigines capture by fishing, or spearing with a harpoon. ─── 大海给人们带来了数不清的海洋生物--各种鱼类和海龟,土著人可以用鱼钩或鱼叉得到这一切。

61、The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale. ─── 渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内。

62、The local government had claimed special dispensation to harpoon two rare Greenlandic whales. ─── 当地政府这次宣布的特别分发,是用鱼叉叉两种稀有的格陵兰鲸鱼。

63、Doing so revealed a hydrophobic (meaning water-repellent) tip that allows the viral harpoon to latch on more securely to the cell membrane, which is also hydrophobic. ─── 一旦细胞膜被融解,病毒就会将自身的基因物质倾注到健康的人体细胞中,并夺取人体细胞能量来进行病毒复制。

64、What could I buy it with? He asked himself. Could I buy it with a lost harpoon and a broken knife and two bad hands? ─── 我能拿什么来买呢?他问自己。能用一支弄丢了的鱼叉、一把折断的刀子和两只受了伤的手吗?

65、electric harpoon ─── 电鱼镖

66、It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. ─── 孩子看见老人每天回来时船总是空的,感到很难受,他总是走下岸去,帮老人拿卷起的钓索,或者鱼钩和鱼叉,还有绕在桅杆上的帆。

67、He took my harpoon too and all the rope, he thought, and now my fish bleeds again and there will be others. ─── 它把我的鱼叉也带走了,还有那么许多绳子,他想,而且现在我这条鱼又在淌血,其他鲨鱼也会来的。

68、The old man carried the mast on his shoulder and the boy carried the wooden box with the coiled, hard-braided brown lines, the gaff and the harpoon with its shaft. ─── 老人把桅杆扛上肩头,孩子拿着内放编得很紧密的褐色钓索卷儿的木箱、鱼钩和带杆子的鱼叉。

69、Explore the lost worlds as you bust your way through 190 levels of magic fish, harpoon guns and power-ups. ─── 探索失落的世界为你胸像您的方式通过190个水平魔术鱼,鱼枪和电力公司。

70、Harpoon Engagement Training Aid ─── "渔叉"截击教具

71、When the virus comes into contact with a target cell, the cap unfurls and the hydrophobic tip is hurled like a harpoon into the cell's outer membrane. ─── 在没有碰到人体细胞时,“副流感病毒5型”细胞表层的“融合蛋白”看起来就像一个蘑菇,防水顶端严密封闭,且安全地藏在蘑菇帽子下面;

72、hand harpoon ─── 手操鱼叉手鱼镖

73、Apocalypse tanks are the primary beneficiary of Grinder Treads because in secondary mode, the Apocalypse Tank gains health from "Grinding" its target using its Magnetic Harpoon. ─── 天启坦克是碾压履带最基础的受益者因为他的第二模式,天启坦克可以用他的磁性鱼叉磨掉目标,从中增加血量。

74、Nicklin is a new kind of whaler.His job is not to render the oil, but to capture the essence of cetaceans, and the Nikon is his favorite harpoon. ─── 尼克林属于新的一类捕鲸人,他的工作不是割取鲸脂,而是捕捉鲸的神韵,相机是他最得力的工具。

75、Downwards Harpoon With Barb Rightwards ─── 倒钩朝右的向下鱼叉

76、propels bright light high in the sky,or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon ─── 能够把明亮的光推进到高空中,或者用于推进救生绳、捕鲸枪

77、Encapsulated Harpoon Weapon System ─── "鱼叉"箱式武器系统

78、a barb on a harpoon or arrow. ─── 渔叉或箭头上的倒钩。

79、When the fish to swim to him, he trampled upon to lay down their fishing line, and then raised the harpoon into the fish. ─── 当鱼游到他身边时,他放下钓丝踩在脚下,然后把鱼叉高高举起扎进鱼身。

80、He prepared the harpoon and made the rope fast while he watched the shark come on. ─── 他准备好了鱼叉,系紧了绳子,一面注视着鲨鱼向前游来。

81、a barb or barbed head,as on an arrow or a harpoon ─── 如箭头或鱼叉等尖倒钩或有倒钩的顶端

82、The early Inuit (Eskimos) produced such utilitarian objects as harpoon shafts and Bucket handles out of ivory and often etched them with geometric or curving patterns. See also scrimshaw. ─── 早期爱斯基摩人将海象牙制作不同的实用物品,如桶柄、鱼叉柄和针盒等。他们在这些物品上蚀刻由细线条组成几何或弯曲优美的图形。

83、He had rigged his harpoon long before and its coil of light rope was in a round basket and the end was made fast to the bitt in the bow. ─── 他早就把鱼叉准备停当,叉上的那卷细绳子给搁在一只圆筐内,一端紧系在船头的系缆柱上。

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