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09-15 投稿



humbleness 发音

英:[ˈhʌmblnɪs]  美:[ˈhʌmbəlnɪs]

英:  美:

humbleness 中文意思翻译



humbleness 短语词组

1、quotes about humbleness ─── 关于谦逊的引语

humbleness 反义词

noble | exalt | magnify |proud

humbleness 词性/词形变化,humbleness变形

形容词比较级: humbler |副词: humbly |形容词最高级: humblest |动词第三人称单数: humbles |动词过去式: humbled |动词过去分词: humbled |名词: humbleness |动词现在分词: humbling |

humbleness 同义词

simple | unpretentious | abase | homely | base | subservient | debase | poor | mortify | low | chagrin | meek | respectful | lower | plain | humiliate | impute | shame | bring down |modest | small | unassuming | demean | mild | lowly | chasten | menial | degrade | baseborn

humbleness 相似词语短语

1、fusibleness ─── n.熔性;熔度

2、humblebees ─── n.大黄蜂

3、durableness ─── n.耐久性

4、mutableness ─── 易变性

5、audibleness ─── n.可听度,能听度

6、nimbleness ─── n.敏捷;聪明

7、humaneness ─── n.深情;慈悲

8、equableness ─── 平稳性

9、curableness ─── 治愈

humbleness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Capricorn have mild temper, even if others treat them like dirt, they still return with humbleness and respect. ─── 魔羯座因个性太好,即使别人对他很差,他一样待人谦逊。

2、It's a swagger, a humbleness and a confidence wrapped into a single gaze. ─── 在德隆凝视的目光里包含著狂妄自大、谦逊、还有自信。

3、The road of life usually needs to pass through humbleness, dilemma, trials and hardships. ─── 人生的通道,往往是穿越卑微、困境和风雨而产生的。

4、Expression of respect and humbleness in English and Chinese locality words ─── 英汉方位词所表达的尊与卑

5、27 When we learn that there is no absolute big and small, and even no absolute richness and poverty, even no absolute nobleness and humbleness, our attitude of life is changed. ─── 科学是讲究界定的。凡是有意义的讨论,一定要先设定界线,否则规律,定义就无从制定,科学研究也就变得毫无意义了。

6、Get the sense of blessedness in your mind which is tranquility, neutrality, virginity, sublimity, nobility. get the humbleness and sense of surrender and sublimation which is paramount in prayers. ─── 你感到深深的被祝福,内心充满了宁静,中立,贞洁,崇高和高贵。在你的谦卑、皈依和升华中体验你祈祷的最高本质。

7、The hierarchy of nobility and humbleness today, such as monarch/ minister, father/son, husband/wife, etc. ─── 考察孔子原意主要是针对统治者而言的,要求君要行“君道”,强调的重点在“君”一方。

8、Where is the chinese tradition of humbleness? ─── 在哪里是中国传统礼貌谦逊?

9、To not give oneself to overconfidence and arrogance as well as to shy away from lack of pride and over humbleness. ─── 过多的计划,就象是高效的杀手,会极大程度上导致时机的延迟。

10、At the same time, it is important to timely adjust ways of reception through a mixture of humbleness and haughtiness and a mixture of truth and falsehood. ─── 与此同时,要卑亢结合、虚实结合,适时调整接待方式,并应循序渐进、因地制宜的合理组织语言。

11、These virtues are 1 Temperance, 2 Self-control, 3 Silence, 4 Order, 5 Firmness of mind, 6 Savings, 7 Industry, 8 Honesty, 9 Justice, 10 Cleanliness, 11 Calmness, 12 Morality, 13 Humbleness. ─── 2.自我克制;3.沉默寡言;4.有条不紊;5.坚定信念;6.存款积蓄;7.工作勤奋;8.忠诚老实;9.办事公正;10.衣履整洁;11.平心静气;12.品行高尚;13.谦卑恭顺。

12、Keqi not only means considerate polite and well mannered but also represents humbleness and modesty. ─── 客气并不只是包含考虑稹密、礼貌文雅和举止端详,还浮现在谦逊和谨慎。

13、Humbleness is his motto of life. ─── 谦卑是他的人生座右铭.

14、From an early age, I learned the value of a hard day's work and was taught all-enduring traits like honesty and humbleness . ─── 很小的时候,我就认识到了每天辛勤工作的价值,也学到了许多终身受益的品质,如诚实和谦逊。

15、Where is the chinese tradition of humbleness? ─── 在哪里是中国传统礼貌谦逊?。

16、Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him. ─── 富贵不能淫, 贫贱不能移, 威武不能屈。

17、who crooning of "wasteland Minamino the occasion of humbleness, go Sonoda" Tao Yuan-ming, choose the pastoral of the Hermit Creek Road; ─── 那位低吟着“开荒南野际,守拙归园田”的陶渊明,选择的是溪畔田园的归隐之路;

18、this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty (note: a weakness of character or behaviour). ─── 如果病人经我治疗无效而死,这个非常重大的责任应当促使我虚心检讨我自己的不足。

19、Don't include arrogance in your wisdom and don't make your humbleness short of intelligence. ─── 四十、不要在你的智慧中夹杂着傲慢。不要使你的谦虚心缺乏智慧。

20、Never turn your coat because of either poverty or humbleness. ─── 志气和贫穷是患难兄弟,世人常见它们半在一起。

21、But look at the humbleness of the man: he says "Thus have I heard. ─── 但是看看这个谦虚的人:他说“我是这样听说的。

22、Thus no-action should not interpret as stagnancy.It should be meant no arming, no hostility, modesty, humbleness, amiableness to people. ─── “无为”至此就不应该解释为不动,而应该是完全不武装,没有敌意,和善谦卑、平易近人的与人交往才对。

23、Consciousness is the mother of progress; humbleness is the source of degeneration. ─── 自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源。

24、Some humbleness would be welcome here. We are only a decade or two into M theory. ─── 也许我们还是要谦虚一点,因为M理论仅有不到20年的历史。

25、Whether or not it is completeness, consummation and gain don't change his humbleness. ─── 是不是全、是不是盈、是不是得,都不足以改变他谦卑的本性。

26、You feel a humbleness and meekness than ever before due to the mergence in penetrating and bringing the ego to its knees. ─── 由于深刻的整合你感到一种与以往不同的谦卑和温柔,并使小我屈服

27、of work and the great humbleness . ─── 的工作态度,谦虚的精神。

28、4 A standard man of practice has such attitude to material supply: we should not eat but if we don't eat, we die.Thus we have to eat some regardless of category, taste and humbleness. ─── 标准的修行人对物质供应的态度应该是:我们不应该吃饭,可是不吃就会饿死,因此在不得已的情况下,我们也只得不计种类、不计品味、不计贵贱,酌量食之。

29、Arrogance will not make you be respected by others; humbleness however makes you respectable. ─── 骄慢并不会令你得到他人的尊敬;谦卑反而令人尊敬。

30、Even you dare to believe already a prize to overcome completely, you feel proud again probably very much because of own humbleness. ─── 即使你敢相信已奖它完全克服,你很可能又因自己的谦逊而感到骄傲。

31、the feeling of patient submissive humbleness. ─── 忍耐、顺从的谦逊感情。

32、Consultants express humbleness when it comes to forecasting where the crisis will have taken China in one or two year's time. ─── 当被要求预测危机将会在一或两年内如何影响中国时,咨询师们表现得很谦逊。

33、Though I come on humbleness and have aught against my brother, my prayer, my meditation, does not rise to Thee. ─── 在对兄弟们有任何不满时,虽有谦逊的态度,也无法使我的祈祷、我的冥想让祢接受。请增强我接近祢的努力。

34、He showed humbleness to unbelievers, wishing them to become believers. ─── 他对不信道者表现出谦逊,祝愿他们成为信道者。

35、He emphasizes that learning is for practical use and the outcome of the learning depends on several non-intelligence factors such as humbleness, dedication, faith, and persistence. ─── 吕祖谦认为,学习的意义在于实用,学习与“主敬”、虚心、立志、笃信和恒心等非智力因素密切相关。

36、The author’s spirit will be expressed by enthusiasm and passion, together with humbleness and persistence which embedded deeply in the old Chinese culture. ─── 喧哗与骚动是我们的热情;

37、Along with his humbleness because he knew so little, there arose a conviction of power ─── 他一方面因为缺少学问而自卑,另一方面也相信起自己的力量来。

38、A request for a quotation of price and terms may need a little longer description,which should be clear and exact,but here again,there is no need for long,over-polite phrases and still less for humbleness (. ─── 若要求提供报价和其他条款,则可能需要稍长一些的说明。这些说明应当清楚而准确,但是要重申的是,不要用冗长和过分客气的词句,更不要过于谦卑。

39、As you might know, tolerance and humbleness are essential parts of the traditional Chinese culture.I am proud of my name. ─── 即使到现在,我也不敢说做到名副其实,常常提醒自己要涵容, 要谦逊。

40、But look at the humbleness of the man: he says Thus have I heard. ─── 但是看看这个谦虚的人:他说我是这样听说的。

41、In general, language referring to oneself exhibits self-deprecating humbleness, while language referring to others shows approval and respect. ─── 一般来说,指的是自己的语言展品自谦谦逊,而指的是其他语言显示批准和尊重。

42、Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; ─── 12所以你们既是神的选民,圣洁蒙爱的人,就要存怜悯,恩慈,谦虚,温柔,忍耐的心。

43、Never yield to poverty or humbleness turn your coat. ─── 不为穷变节,不为贱移志。


45、Today you come from the shore, seeing the water at the sea and you have known just now your humbleness. ─── 今尔出于崖涘,观于大海,乃知尔丑,尔将可与语大理矣。

46、But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. ─── 但也许生命假我之手而死,得以深刻的谦卑与反省之心检讨自身过失。

47、In a equal relationship, this kind of Humbleness is mutual, which are efforts for love from both man and woman. ─── 在对等的情感关系中,这种卑微是相互的,是男女双方对一份情感的努力和付出。

48、Humbleness is not weakness. Humbleness is actually the strongest force on earth. Try this: becoming arrogant or humble, which one is more difficult? ─── 谦卑并不等于懦弱。谦逊其实是世上其中一种最大的力量。试想想:傲慢与谦卑,哪一样较难做得到?

49、Humbleness exists in all kinds of love, with its different levels. ─── 所有的爱情里面都有卑微,份量不一而已!

50、3:12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; ─── 多:1:1神的仆人,耶稣基督的使徒保罗,凭着神选民的信心,与敬虔真理的知识,

51、For on year I had no ani client.I wa shocked, and humbl to tears. ─── 一年来,没有找到一个客户,这对自己是个不小的打击,曾流下自卑泪水。

52、Tolerate, humor, humbleness, the heart is strong, liking outdoor games and traveling, living the tasty man, is my favourite. ─── 宽容,幽默,谦逊,内心坚强,喜欢户外运动和旅游,生活有品味的男人,是我的最爱。

53、It seems hilarious as You is a common word in English, however, it means tolerance and humbleness in Chinese character. ─── 总的来说,我爷爷当时可能是希望我宽容待人,谦虚处事。

54、He bows his head and you experience his humbleness. ─── 他低下他的头而你体验了他的谦逊。

55、this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. ─── 如果病人经我治疗无效而死,这个非常重大的责任应当促使我虚心检讨我自己的不足。

56、With great humbleness and entire devotion I pray to Thee to make me a minaret of Thy love in Thy land, a lamp of Thy knowledge among Thy creatures, and a banner of divine bounty in Thy dominion. ─── 我怀着极度谦卑和绝对虔诚祈求祢使我成为祢领地上祢仁爱之高塔,受造众生中祢的知识之明灯,祢王国里的圣恩之旗帜。

57、All of this is short of clear thinking, objective standard, basic humbleness, tolerance and forbearance. ─── 其在叙述上缺乏清晰的思考、客观的标准、以及基本的谦逊、容忍与节制。

58、Conclusion: Let us have the attitude of Christ; learn from His hands, feet, mouth, serving with humbleness, to glorify God. ─── 结论:让我们以基督的心为心,学习主的手、脚、口,以谦卑的态度来服事人,荣耀神。

59、Facing the one who loves her, she is ruthless as deep as the humbleness she had when she faced the one she loved. ─── 她,在所爱的人面前,有多卑微,在爱她的人面前,就有多残忍.

60、From an early age, I learned the value of a hard day's work and was taught all-enduring traits like honesty and humbleness. ─── 很小的时候,我就认识到了每天辛勤工作的价值,也学到了许多终身受益的品质,如诚实和谦逊。

61、It is with humbleness , great pride and a sense of trepidation that I deliver the maiden speech as the first MP of Asian ethnic origin. ─── 今天我是以一种谦卑、惶恐又无限自豪的心情来发表我的处女演说。

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