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09-15 投稿



iridescence 发音

英:[ˌɪrɪˈdes(ə)ns]  美:[ˌɪrɪˈdesns]

英:  美:

iridescence 中文意思翻译



iridescence 词性/词形变化,iridescence变形

名词复数: iridectomies |

iridescence 短语词组

1、mildewed iridescence ─── 发霉彩虹色

iridescence 相似词语短语

1、iridescently ─── 彩虹色的

2、iridescences ─── n.彩虹色

3、lapidescence ─── 石刑

4、candescence ─── n.白热;白炽

5、iridescent ─── adj.(因光线不同而)色彩斑斓的;adj.彩虹色的;adj.荧光色的

6、frondescence ─── n.发叶状态;发叶期

7、viridescence ─── n.淡绿色

8、erubescence ─── n.变红;赧颜;皮肤潮红

9、virilescence ─── 男性化

iridescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The effects of kneading, cooking and some food additives on iridescence in beef semi-tendinosus(ST) were studied. ─── 文中主要研究了滚揉和煮制以及一些常用添加物对半腱肌中彩虹色斑点的影响。

2、large scaup of North America having a greenish iridescence on the head of the male. ─── 北美洲的大型斑背潜鸭,雄性的羽冠为偏绿的五彩色。

3、EPMA studies of iridescence of labradorite ─── 拉长石晕彩成因的电子探针研究

4、Keywords iridescence;lamellar structure;thin-film interference;grating diffraction; ─── 晕彩效应;层状结构;薄膜干涉;光栅衍射;

5、Exhibiting a milky iridescence like that of an Opal. ─── 乳白的象蛋白玛瑙一样发出乳白色的

6、For day by day he felt more and more like a bubble filled with darkness, round which whirled the iridescence of his consciousness ─── 他日益感到自己象一个充满黑色的泡沫,四周缠绕着自身意识的彩虹。

7、water had no effect on iridescence but salt and phosphate had the effect of increasing the iridescence(P

8、This experience is often symbolised in alchemy by the appropriate image of the peacock's tail with its splendid iridescence of colour. ─── 这些经历在炼金术上经常以孔雀尾巴的肖像出现,拥有它壮丽的彩虹色。

9、We always plate the iridescence over rice beads, including colorless and colored filmy iridescence.We can coat the surface with solution or powder. ─── 米珠通常还需要镀虹彩膜,分为无色虹彩膜和有色虹彩(蓝、黄、绿、灰、赤褐等)膜,可用溶液喷涂(湿法)或粉末(干法)喷涂。

10、You feel an intimate communion with the breeze, and with the trees breaking into leaf, and with the iridescence of the river ─── 你好象同飒飒的微风,同绽露嫩叶的树木,同波光变幻的流水息息相通。

11、Coronas and Iridescence in Mountain Wave Clouds Over Northeastern Colorado. ─── 国科罗拉多州东北部山区波状云中的日冕和彩虹。

12、The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation . ─── 她面前那一滩血,已经凝结了起来,显出五光十色。

13、water had no effect on iridescence but salt and phosphate had the effect of increasing the iridescence(P

14、Keywords Beef products;iridescence;investigation;control; ─── 牛肉;彩虹色斑;调查;控制措施;

15、Keywords iridescence;tumbling;cooking;salt;composite phosphate; ─── 彩虹色斑点;滚揉;煮制;食盐;复合磷酸盐;

16、This experience is often symbolised in alchemy by the appropriate image of the peacock's tail with its splendid iridescence of colour. ─── 这些经历在炼金术上经常以孔雀尾巴的肖像出现,拥有它壮丽的彩虹色。

17、tissue paper will produce an unusual iridescence, as some of the foil will shine through. ─── 当某些箔片的亮光透过棉纸时,棉纸能产生一种不同寻常的彩虹色。

18、Keywords iridescence;beef;pork;meat products;investigation; ─── 彩虹色斑点;牛肉;猪肉;肉制品;调查;

19、tempering iridescence ─── 钢化虹彩

20、Seeds black, with very slight purplish iridescence when mature, 0.5-0.7 mm; ─── 种子黑色的,具成熟时轻微略带紫色的虹彩,0.5-0.7毫米;

21、The iridescence on pastrami beef, roast beef and spiced beef was the most visible, it is also obviously found on westen-style sliced ham and salted pork. ─── 牛肉制品中帕斯雀牛肉、烤牛肉和酱牛肉彩虹色斑点最明显,猪肉制品中西式火腿片和成肉最明显。

22、The Morpho above, however, gets its iridescence through the ridge lamellae (a very thin structure, similar to scales) on its wings. ─── 上文所说的闪蝶的彩色则是由翅膀上的脊状壳层产生的(一种非常细微的,类似于鳞屑的结构)。

23、Hide the sun safely behind a building or tree to view iridescence safely. ─── 这正是已有大量的物质,因为剧烈爆发事件而从黑洞四周被清除出来的证据。

24、Exhibiting a milky iridescence like that of an opal. ─── 乳白的象蛋白玛瑙一样发出乳白色的

25、Some green-glazed Han pottery has a silver iridescence;this results from degradation of the glaze during long burial. ─── 由于长期水浸土蚀,部分汉代绿釉陶制品器表呈银色,这是由于釉表面形成具有层状结构沉积物而导致泛色现象。

26、A similar arc or band,as one produced by a prism or by iridescence. ─── 似彩虹类似的弧或带子,如三棱镜或分光镜造成的。

27、exhibiting a milky iridescence like that of an opal ─── 象蛋白玛瑙一样发出乳白色的

28、large scaup of North America having a greenish iridescence on the head of the male ─── 北美洲的大型斑背潜鸭,雄性的羽冠为偏绿的五彩色

29、velvety black Australian bird of paradise with green and purple iridescence on head and tail. ─── 天鹅绒般黑色的澳大利亚天堂鸟,头部和尾部有绿色和紫色的虹彩。

30、velvety black Australian bird of paradise with green and purple iridescence on head and tail ─── 天鹅绒般黑色的澳大利亚天堂鸟,头部和尾部有绿色和紫色的虹彩

31、Many clouds start with uniform regions that could show iridescence but quickly become too thick, too mixed, or too far from the Sun to exhibit striking colors. ─── 能够显示彩虹云的相同地区可能出现许多云层,但很快成为太浓,太复杂,或过于远离太阳,进而展示出引人注目的色彩。

32、When sunlight or moonlight passes through a layer of thin clouds, the result can be iridescence. ─── 阳光或月光穿过薄薄的云层就会形成虹彩。

33、It wants to look you in the eyes, its iridescence, like dense rain, weaves together ─── 它将与你对视着,它的斑斓像细密的雨水一样织着

34、iridescence pigment ─── 七彩粉

35、For day by day he felt more and more like a bubble filled with darkness, round which whirled the iridescence of his consciousness. ─── 他日益感到自己象一个充满黑色的泡沫,四周缠绕着自身意识的彩虹。

36、The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation ─── 她面前那一滩血,已经凝结了起来,显出五光十色。

37、The costs of melanin-based plumage and iridescence are clearly different from this. ─── 黑色素翅膀和彩虹色翅膀的代价与上面却完全不同。

38、Iridescence was considered as a special color on meat and meat products. ─── 摘要彩虹色斑点是近年来发现存在于肉及肉制品中的一种非正常颜色。

39、Until now, the wing colors of many flies and wasps were dismissed as random iridescence. ─── 直至今日,人们还在对许多种果蝇和黄蜂翅膀上时刻变幻的彩虹色熟视无睹。

40、You seem to be able to touch beauty as though it were a palpable thing; and you feel an intimate communion with the breeze, and with the trees breaking into leaf, and with the iridescence of the river ─── 你好像一伸手就能触摸到美,倒仿佛“美”是一件抚摸得到的产体,你好像同疯疯的微风,同绽露嫩叶的树木,同波光变纪的流水息息相通。

41、Iridescence is thus the glowing, shifting, colorful quality of a rainbow, also seen in an opal, a light oil slick, a butterfly wing, or the mother-of-pearl that lines an oyster shell. ─── 主要工作还是帮宙斯夫妇往人间带信,业余时间还为赫耳墨斯拿拿权杖算是打小工。

42、There is a treatment for pearls and quartz that utilizes electricity to adhere silver or gold unto the surface creating a lovely iridescence unto the luster of the stone. ─── 珍珠和石英会使用电流将表面镀银或镀金来处理,以给石头光泽带来迷人的彩虹色。

43、Resembling a peacock's tail in color, design, or iridescence. ─── 似孔雀尾的颜色、图案或虹彩象孔雀尾巴

44、costs of melanin-based plumage and iridescence are clearly different from this. ─── 黑色素翅膀和彩虹色翅膀的代价与上面却完全不同。

45、Using tissue paper will produce an unusual iridescence, as some of the foil will shine through. ─── 当某些箔片的亮光透过棉纸时,棉纸能产生一种不同寻常的彩虹色。

46、The iridescence on pastrami beef,roast beef and spiced beef was the most vis... ─── 牛肉制品中帕斯雀牛肉、烤牛肉和酱牛肉彩虹色斑点最明显,猪肉制品中西式火腿片和咸肉最明显。

47、The results showed that iridescence decreased with kneading and increased with cooking temperature; ─── 试验结果表明,彩虹色斑点随着滚揉时间的增加而减少,随着煮制温度的增加而增多;

48、A similar arc or band, as one produced by a prism or by iridescence. ─── 似彩虹类似的弧或带子,如三棱镜或分光镜造成的

49、Soft shimmery semi-sheer gold with a green iridescence when the light hits it. ─── 柔和闪亮的金色,光照时带绿色虹光.

50、Our company provides high-quality pearl pigment(including:silver white series, interference series, gold luster series, colour &pigmentation series, mica iron metal luster series, crystal iridescence series), over 100 kinds. ─── 我们公司是做珠光颜料的有银白,虹彩,金色,着色幻彩,云母金属色,水晶六大系列百余种产品。希望大家多多帮助!

51、Type of feldspar mineral in the plagioclase series that is often valued as a gemstone and as ornamental material for its red, blue, or green iridescence. ─── 斜长石系列的长石类矿物,由于有红、蓝或绿色等闪光,常被当作宝石或装饰材料。

52、The stooped tiger, slowly and silently rises up from the paper, its iridescence ─── 弯腰的老虎,缓慢的寂静从纸间上升,它的斑斓

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