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09-15 投稿



inharmony 发音

英:[[ɪn'hɑ:mənɪ]]  美:[[ɪn'hɑ:məni:]]

英:  美:

inharmony 中文意思翻译



inharmony 同义词

jarring | tuneless | argumentative | unharmonious |incompatible | conflicting | disagreeable | contradictory | at odds | cacophonous | harsh | incoherent | unlike | unpleasant | dissonant | antagonistic | at variance | unmusical | discordant

inharmony 词性/词形变化,inharmony变形

名词复数: inharmonies |

inharmony 短语词组

1、inharmony with ─── 与…不协调

inharmony 反义词


inharmony 相似词语短语

1、inharmonicity ─── 偏差音

2、harmony ─── n.协调;和睦;融洽;调和;n.(Harmony)人名;(英)哈莫尼

3、inharmonies ─── n.不协调,不和谐;冲突

4、inharmonic ─── adj.不和谐的;不调和的

5、disharmony ─── n.不一致;不调和;不融洽

6、bring harmony ─── 带来和谐

7、anharmonic ─── adj.不和谐的;非调和的

8、cinnamony ─── 肉桂

9、enharmonic ─── adj.等音的;异名同音的;小于半音的

inharmony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In a word, theteaching and learning of ideological and political education in middle school is not inharmony with the development of the society. ─── 因此,我们在制定对策措施时一定要把握好时代发展的特点。

2、The contradictions between man and land, the inharmony between man and space become critical increasingly. ─── 人地矛盾、人与空间的不协调日益严重。

3、In the light of the social contradiction and inharmony appeared at the turning point of the society, it is essential to establish the new integrated social system and model. ─── 摘要针对社会转型关键时期多发的社会矛盾、社会的不协调,必须构建新型的社会整合机制和社会整合模式。

4、Due to inharmony between both families, he has already not talked to his in-laws in recent years. ─── 由于两家不和,他已经多年不和岳父母说话。

5、On the Inharmony of Conjugal Relation in China and Its Countermeasures ─── 论我国夫妻关系的内在矛盾及对策

6、In the first case the result was mental, moral and physical health, and in the second case discord, inharmony and disease. ─── 前一种情况会带来身心健康、道德完善,而后者则会导致混乱、疾患与种种不和谐的结果。

7、The problems of the liquor with uncooked materials produced by its techniques are mild mash flavour, coarse liquor body, inharmony of the flavour, and bitter and heavy taste. ─── 生料酿酒技术酿制的生料酒目前尚存在的问题是有轻微的醪糟味,酒体粗糙,味淡,香味不协调,苦涩味重。

8、In the first case the result was mental, moral and physical health, and in the second case discord, inharmony and disease. ─── 前一种情况会带来身心健康、道德完善,而后者则会导致混乱、疾患与种种不和谐的结果。

9、The economic imbalance and inharmony in Wenzhou Model is worth our consideration. ─── 摘要温州模式中经济发展的非均衡性、非和谐性问题值得我们重视与研究。

10、In the mean time, the incorrect opinions of teachers while teaching and the resulted conflict and inharmony between school culture and children culture were also discussed. ─── 同时,也探讨了教师在教学中自然流露出的不正确的游戏观,以及由此所导致的学校文化与儿童文化的冲突和不协调。

11、And those who failed to adapt themselves went to suffer from spiritual insanity and self-suicide, as reflected the inharmony of individuals and society. ─── 一部分精神调适失败者,在社会“失范”时,走向人生的困顿,精神失常甚至自杀身亡,这是由社会在转型时期对个体的无意识冷漠所致的。

12、I can graze, ruminate, and work over my cud, inharmony with nature, and get milked gently on schedule by WandaPudnick's Kiehl 's-moisturized hands. ─── 我可以吃草、深思、反刍,与自然同为一体。定期让旺达·普德尼克那抹了契尔氏润肤霜的手温柔地从我这里挤出奶来。

13、The reasons for educated unemployment include the increase in supply of graduates, decrease in demand for graduates, inharmony with market of mechanism in higher education and imperfect labor market. ─── “知识失业”的原因包括大学毕业生供给总量增加、市场需求减少、高等教育运行机制不适应市场变化以及劳动力市场不完善等。

14、Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are inharmony. ─── 幸福就是你的所想、所说和所做的和谐统一。

15、The fourth part, Combine the actual conditions of our country, explore the basiccountermeasure that the population, resource of our country develop with environment inharmony. ─── 第四部分是结合我国的实际情况,探索出我国人口、资源与环境协调发展的基本对策建议。

16、Effect of inharmony coefficient on tone quality of piano ─── 不谐和系数对钢琴音质的影响

17、Many a man or woman has experienced misery and inharmony in marriage due to subconscious negatives that are traceable to the fraternal relationships in childhood. ─── 很多人拥有的在婚姻中的悲惨和不和谐,是由于起源于儿童期兄弟姐妹的关系的消极的潜意识。

18、color and style of furniture will not only provide non-beauty, inharmony and non-practicability but also bring a lot of inconvenience to our life. ─── 家具的摆设、颜色、风格不合理不仅不美观不协调而且不实用,甚至给生活带来种种不便。

19、the inharmony of functional units; ─── 学分制管理各职能部门关系不协调;

20、The present inharmony of income distribution mainly originates from monopoly: power monopoly gives birth to illegal income, resource monopoly leads to irrational income and price monopoly distorts income distribution. ─── 摘要我国现阶段收入分配的不和谐,主要源于垄断:权力垄断滋生非法收入,资源垄断导致不合理收入,价格垄断扭曲收入分配。

21、The contradictions between man and land, the inharmony between man and space become critical increasingly. ─── 人地矛盾、人与空间的不协调日益严重。

22、Three sisters, the length of each character, is not to get along inharmony, under the same roof much bickering, but some hereditary exception, the wisdom of fighting. ─── 三姐妹的性格各有长短,相处也不算合拍,同一屋檐下几多争吵,却无一例外世袭了某种拼杀的智慧。

23、The goal of this essay is to promote the development of economy and education inharmony in the western region.Therefore, in this essay, I think the western region must develop education at first. ─── 本文以促进西部地区赶超战略和教育快速发展为目标,以探索西部地区实施赶超战略必须优先发展教育为主线。

24、On the Inharmony of Conjugal Relation in China and Its Countermeasures ─── 论我国夫妻关系的内在矛盾及对策

25、Such factors as form,color,and material embody peoples emotional experience and feelings.Only when the three factors are inharmony,can people achieve the fresh visual sense and great satisfaction. ─── 造型、色彩、材质等各种设计元素都丝丝渗透着人的情感体验和心理感受,这三元素和谐展现时,更能带给人全新的视觉感受和充分的情感满足感。

26、Effect of inharmony coefficient on tone quality of piano ─── 不谐和系数对钢琴音质的影响

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