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09-15 投稿



intensifies 发音

英:[ɪnˈtensɪfaɪz]  美:[ɪnˈtensɪfaɪz]

英:  美:

intensifies 中文意思翻译



intensifies 词性/词形变化,intensifies变形

名词: intensification |动词过去式: intensified |动词过去分词: intensified |动词现在分词: intensifying |动词第三人称单数: intensifies |

intensifies 短语词组

1、intensifies the inadequacy of ─── 加剧了

2、intensifies the inadequacy ─── 加剧了不足

3、intensifies gradually ─── 逐渐加剧

4、intensifies amid an obesity ─── 肥胖加剧

5、intensifies amid ─── 在

intensifies 反义词


intensifies 同义词

deep | vehement | vigorous | dramatic | vivid | acute | severe | extreme | single | fervent | dynamic | forceful | exquisite | fierce | stormy | zealous | violent | powerful | considerable | great |strong | feeling | drastic | concentrated | rigorous | insistent | passionate | forcible | penetrating | profound | soul | strenuous | ablaze | emphatic | feverish | burning | desperation

intensifies 相似词语短语

1、intensifiers ─── n.含硼铁合金;加强词(intensifier的复数形式)

2、intensives ─── adj.加强的;集中的;透彻的;加强语气的;n.加强器

3、identifies ─── vt.[计]识别,认明;视为相同,鉴定;v.[计]识别,确定(identify的单三形式)

4、intensities ─── 强烈

5、intensifier ─── n.增强器;增强剂;使更激烈之物

6、densifies ─── vt.致密;使增加密度

7、intensifying ─── v.加紧,加剧;加强;增强(intensify的现在分词)

8、intensatives ─── 意图

9、intensified ─── 加强的

intensifies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that's subtly acidic, with the sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center. ─── 番石榴是一种不太出名的热带水果,它有一种微妙的酸性,在你吃到中间的时候甜味会增强。

2、reduces algomenorrhea,corrects irregular menses and regulates endocrine and ovary function;intensifies immunity and postpone aging. ─── 改善痛经、月经不调,调节内分泌及卵巢功能;

3、It is known that surfactant additive has important effect to nucleate boiling, surfactant additive mainly intensifies the convection of fluid while it changes the attribution of bubbles. ─── 添加界面活性剂的核沸腾在改变蒸气泡生长特性的同时,主要是强化了对流换热。

4、The speeding that Hangzhou police already invited an expert to be involved to this case and car change his costume or dress the problem intensifies investigating. ─── 杭州警方已邀请专家对该案涉及的超速行驶和车辆改装问题加紧调查。

5、Though some people do benefit from regular medication while in jail, others suffer as the stress deepens their depression, intensifies delusions or leads to a psychotic break. ─── 尽管有些人确实从监狱中的常规医疗中得到了好处,但其他人由于压力而加剧了他们的抑郁症、妄想症或导致精神崩溃。

6、“But in the long term, as competition intensifies and penetration rate rises, it won't be possible for us to keep such a high margin. ─── “但从长远来看,由于竞争加剧和市场渗透率的上升,我们不可能一直保持如此高的利润率。”

7、Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary languge, deviates systematically from everyday speach. ─── 文学改进并加强普通的语言,有系统地脱离日常的说话用语。

8、Ning Emperor of South Song Dynasty intensifies the military system by the Civil's governing the Military after Wu, Shi's (from Shuu-Chuan) rebellion to Jin Dynasty . ─── 而另一层面的隐忧也跟著浮现,文臣拥有重兵,对于皇权的威胁,皆埋下南宋走向败亡的成因。

9、Hostility Between the Two Camps Intensifies ─── 东西两个阵营对立的激化

10、When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. ─── 欣逢喜事,与朋友分享其乐,喜上加喜。

11、Monosodium glutamate( MSG) is a compound which intensifies the flavor of foods, and is the Primary component of gourmet powder. ─── 谷氨酸一钠是一种增强食物风味(味)物质,是味精的主要成分。

12、In the game with the local government, the creditable Exit intensifies the Voice of entrepreneur and makes it more possibility. ─── 而可置信的“退出”威胁强化了企业的“呼吁”诉求并提高了其成功的可能性。

13、Blowing a fire intensifies the heat. ─── 吹火使热度加强。

14、The continuous industrial restructuring increases the number of service trades and intensifies the demand for higher technology and skilled workers. ─── 不断推行的产业结构调整使服务性行业增多,使高科技以及熟练劳动力的需求增长。

15、Just when you thought Anakin and Obi-Wan were back to being chummy again, the lightsaber action intensifies with some of the fastest dueling I've ever seen. ─── 当你们还在认为阿纳金和奥比万再次重归于好的时候,光剑对决增加了强度,我以前从未看到过如此快速的决斗动作。

16、Literature transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech. ─── 文学改进并加强普通的语言,有系统地脱离日常的说话用语。

17、"But in the long term, as competition intensifies and penetration rate rises, it won't be possible for us to keep such a high margin. " ─── “但从长远来看,由于竞争加剧和市场渗透率的上升,我们不可能一直保持如此高的利润率。”

18、A clear atmosphere intensifies the blue of the sky. ─── 纯净的空气使天空变得更蓝。

19、How to deal with climate crisis, especially to reduce human activities on climate arising from the crisis intensifies, has become a global responsibility of all countries and organizations thought. ─── 如何应对气候危机,尤其是减少因人类活动而产生的对气候危机的加剧,已成为全球所有责任国家和组织思考的问题。

20、When upwelling intensifies, more nutrients go to the surface, where plankton growth skyrockets. ─── 当涌升流加剧时,抵达表面的营养物增多,使浮游生物数量暴增。

21、And alas , as the adversity intensifies, so does the romantic passion. ─── 可叹的是,挫折加剧时,恋爱的激情也在加剧。

22、Mesopores are formed by the piling of montmorillonite slices.Acid dissolution intensifies the rupture of montmorillonie slices and leads to an increase in the mesopore surface area. ─── 中孔是蒙脱石颗粒堆垛形成,蒙脱石酸溶在某种程度上强化了蒙脱石晶片的剥片作用,增加了中孔表面积。

23、However, we must do more to ensure London remains number one as competition from Eastern Europe and emerging markets intensifies. ─── 但是,我们尚需做更多的工作,以保证伦敦在与东欧及不断崛起的市场竞争中能够始终保持它的领先地位。

24、Analysis of High Density Residence Which Intensifies Boundaries ─── 浅析强化边界的高容积率居住空间

25、9 Apr 2003 -- As world interest in the Persian Gulf intensifies, better knowledge and understanding of the region become increasingly important. ─── 9 4月2003--随着世界日趋关注波斯湾,更好地了解该地区变得日益重要。

26、Effects of Acute Exercise with Different Intensifies on the Activities of Respiratory Chain Complexes in Mitochondria in Rats Myocardium ─── 不同强度急性疲劳运动对大鼠心肌线粒体电子传递链酶复合体活性的影响

27、The lead-up to the race war intensifies and inmates of all colors prep their weapons. ─── 种族之战处于一触即发的状态,各个种族的囚徒们都在准备着武器。

28、Dollarization raises the stakes in Country B, because it intensifies the pressure to reach a political consensus by foreclosing other options. ─── 在B类国家美元化会有风险,因为首先必需施加压力达成一个较一致的意见以排除其它选择。

29、For you to say, I need help, intensifies your desire and puts more energy into it. ─── 因为你说,我需要帮助,强化你的愿望和赋予更多的能量进入它。

30、But, as the war intensifies, new reports are a putting names and faces on the American soldiers fighting overseas. ─── 然而,随着战争的进行,新的战争报道开始提到远征他乡的美国士兵的姓名甚至是脸孔。

31、The more Qassam(rocket)fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range,they(the Palestinians)will bring upon themselves a bigger holocaust because".we will use all our might to defend ourselves. ─── "(更卡萨姆(火箭)强化发射能力和达到其火箭较长远的射程,他们(巴勒斯坦人)给自己带来更大的大屠杀,因为“。我们将用全部力量来保卫自己。"

32、As globalisation intensifies competition, manufacturing industries and even some service industries will move to other competitive locations that have lower costs, giving rise to job losses. ─── 全球经济一体化令竞争加剧,制造业的生产线甚至服务业都可能搬到成本低和竞争力强的地方,造成职位流失。

33、The results indicate that the values of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient of oxygen increase with the rise of gas pressure and the oxygen supply intensifies accordingly. ─── 结果表明,在一定操作压力范围内,氧的体积传质系数随气相操作压力的提高而增大,供氧效果也增强。

34、Just can appear the arrival that stationmaster wants to have spring, the quality that always must improve oneself intensifies uniting, such spring just is the best. ─── 才会出现站长要想有春天的到来,就必须时刻提高自己的素质加紧团结,这样的春天才是最美好的。

35、The reinforcement human body internal cause is the medical service research main part , and intensifies the human body still more triumphing over the disease . ─── 强化人体内因才是医学研究的主体,强化人体更能战胜疾病。

36、As competition intensifies in the global market, recovering investment cost of the mills becomes a secondary objective for management. ─── 当全球市场竞争加强,争取投资成本的回笼已成为管理层的次要目标。

37、It merely intensifies it. ─── 它只会愈加强烈。”

38、The message says, yahoo still is in with the times Wanner intensifies negotiating, seek as amalgamative as AOL of branch of the Internet below latter standard. ─── 有消息称,雅虎仍在与时代华纳加紧谈判,寻求与后者旗下互联网部门AOL合并。

39、To a certain distance from the light source and, as the exposure time of growth-Edition-wood light part of the membrane decomposition intensifies, until the unexposed surface resolve completely drug. ─── 在必定平源及间隔下,随着曝平工夫的增不幼,-版-材见平局部药膜搀合加轻,直至见平药膜背合座搀合。

40、"Bronchial wall fibres degenerate, and Bronchi become dilated or paralyzed, preventing removal of secretions, which stagnate. Infection spreads and intensifies." ─── 支气管管壁纤维退化,导致支气管扩张或麻痹,妨碍分泌物的排出,停滞在支气管中,炎症扩大并加重。

41、She intensifies, exaggerates, falsifies, and mythologizes all emotional relations with his work and with other people of both sexes. ─── 她加强、夸大、伪造他与其工作,与他人的情感关系。

42、Air Force Command Institute intensifies faculty building ─── 空军指挥学院加强师资力量建设的一段经历

43、What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. ─── 强化恐惧和欲望是无知的表现。

44、As the tussle for talent intensifies, such scenes will grow more common. ─── 随着争夺人才变得越来越激烈,这样的画面会逐渐变得更加普遍。

45、However, water resources on the Earth are extremely limitedly.Since the humanity not rational use and the serious pollution, the water resources supply and demand contradictory intensifies day by day. ─── 然而,地球上可供利用的水资源极其有限,加之人类不合理的开发利用和严重污染,水资源供需矛盾日益加剧。

46、However, with China in recent years, the industry competition intensifies, Bertelsmann book club's influence gradually than before. ─── 但是随着近年中国书业竞争的加剧,贝塔斯曼书友会的影响力渐不如前。

47、The collapse in valuations reflects growing concerns that many private equity-owned companies will implode as the economic contraction intensifies. ─── 估值暴跌反映了投资者越来越担心随着经济萎缩加剧,许多私人股本拥有的企业将会倒闭。

48、The inner eye wall eventually dissipates while the outer intensifies and moves inward. ─── 其后内眼壁最终消散,外眼壁则增强并向内移动。

49、The old change for the new system is the system root of such contradictions: the new system intensifies the old contradictions, and meanwhile its imperfection brings about new ones. ─── 新旧体制交替是人民内部矛盾产生的制度根源:新体制加剧了旧矛盾,体制不完善形成了新矛盾。

50、Double Swords Hit out-Yutong Intensifies Efforts on Touristry Vehicle Market ─── 展现公交车实力大金龙挥师北京展

51、On occasion there may be a thinning of the walls of the intestine which only promotes and intensifies the process. ─── 即使肠道只是推动并加速这个过程,但有时候,肠道壁或许会变薄。

52、Doing so intensifies our wish to find protection from suffering. ─── 如此会让我们更坚定远离苦难的祈愿。

53、As super typhoon MELOR intensifies and moves westward, there is a chance of interaction between the two cyclones and should further inhibit PARMA's poleward movement. ─── 由于超级台风茉莉增强且继续向西靠近,它们间仍有机会出现藤原效应,这将会进一步抑制芭玛之偏北路径。

54、Preliminary Design About Cupola Reforming in Green Intensifies Cast Iron Smelting ─── 浅谈在铸铁熔炼的绿色集约化生产中冲天炉的改造

55、Bombers regiment intensifies training to boost assault capability at sea ─── 南海舰队某轰炸机团强化海上突击能力训练

56、By the action of high roatry speed,excentric shaft connection intensifies the fatigue failure of drill tool. ─── 为了达到较好的防斜目的,必须增大钻进时钻头的转速,在高转速的作用下,偏轴接头加剧了钻具先期疲劳失效。

57、Shanghai green groups of Zhangyuliang said that market competition intensifies, would make real estate development more rational investment. ─── 上海绿地集团董事长张玉良说,市场竞争的加剧,会使得房地产开发投资更趋理性化。

58、And then as we focus on it, the fear intensifies. ─── 然后我们的思绪就聚焦在这种结果上,恐惧感便更加强烈。

59、Canada, a traditional refuge for Chinese, could face serious refugee problems if the situation intensifies in the Taiwan Strait. ─── 加拿大传统上是中国难民的避难地,如果台海形势变得紧张,那么加拿大可能会面对严重的难民问题。

60、Yet if this book indicates anything about the other America, it is that this sense of exclusion is the source of a pessimism, a defeatism that intensifies the exclusion. ─── 可是如果说本书对另一个美国作了某些阐明的话,那便是,这种被遗弃感正是悲观主义的根源,而失败主义又转而加重了被遗弃的处境。

61、The conventional consumer goods have lost much of their glamour and the demand for new ones has yet to come. Consumer prices remain low,and thus people skew toward saving more than usual,and demand constraint on market clearly intensifies. ─── 原有的一些消费热点渐趋平淡,新的消费热点尚未形成,物价持续走低,居民储蓄倾向增强,市场的需求约束明显强化。

62、Nissan will offer a luxury gas-electric hybrid for the U.S. and Japanese markets as competition intensifies in the green technology. ─── 为因应绿色科技领域日益激烈的竞争,日产汽车(公司)明年将在美国与日本市场推出一款豪华油电混合动力汽车。

63、In addition to transferring magnetic energy to the tail lobes, dayside reconnection also intensifies the electric field across the magnetotail. ─── 昼侧磁力线重连除了传递磁能到磁尾南北两叶,也使跨越磁尾两叶的电场变强。

64、Seoul intensifies travel warning on Lebanon following armed clashes - Yonhap News ─── 汉城加剧黎巴嫩旅行警告后武装冲突-联合新闻

65、The debate about whether rising house prices are the result of a mania or rational calculation intensifies. ─── 关于房价上涨是否是一个狂热的或理性的计算结果的辩论日趋激烈。

66、PGD might be used for gender selection,which incurs a concern about whether it intensifies our country s imbalance in sexual ratio. ─── 它可对植入胚胎进行性别选择,从而引发了会增加我国出生人口性别比的担忧。

67、The economic and social structure, as it is now, including organized religions, intensifies exclusiveness, separateness. ─── 当今世界的经济和社会结构,包括组织化的宗教,都在加剧排外和分裂。

68、As the competition intensifies worldwide, human resource management is growing in importance to the average Chinese enterprises. ─── 如今的人力资源管理职能已经远远超出以往的人事部门的工作范畴。

69、For you to say, I need help, intensifies your desire and puts more energy into it. ─── 因为你说,我需要帮助,强化你的愿望和赋予更多的能量进入它。

70、The growing media focus on China, not least because of the Beijing Olympics, magnifies and intensifies that debate. ─── 不仅是由于北京奥运会,对中国的媒体关注越来越多,这扩大并强化了这种谈论。

71、The reactionary and barbarous nature of his war, a factor which intensifies both class antagonisms within Japan and the resistance of the Chinese nation, has not yet brought about a situation which radically impedes his advance. ─── 其足以加剧本国阶级对立和中国民族反抗的因素,即战争之退步性和野蛮性一因素,亦尚未造成足以根本妨碍其进攻的情况。

72、The small Cungson UK tree indicated that because the economy slides with the financial crisis intensifies, “the consumer confidence is reducing nearly day-by-day. ─── 小宫山英树表示,由于经济下滑和金融危机加剧,“消费者信心几乎一天天在降低。”

73、Speedboat flotilla intensifies joint operation training of multi-type vessels ─── 东海舰队某快艇支队加强多舰种联合作战训练

74、Structure reduction under the guidance of system theory intensifies whole cognition on pathogenesy. ─── 而在系统论指导下的结构还原,深化了对帕金森病的中西医发病机制的系统认识。

75、Naval unit intensifies physical strength training in summer ─── 海军某部强化夏季体能训练侧记

76、As market competition intensifies, supply chain management business was increasingly becoming an important means of competitive advantage. ─── 随着市场竞争加剧,供应链管理越来越成为企业获得竞争优势重要手段。

77、13 The continuous industrial restructuring increases the number of service trades and intensifies the demand for higher technology and skilled workers. ─── 13不断推行的产业结构调整使服务性行业增多,使高科技以及熟练劳动力的需求增长。

78、More foreign brands are entering the Chinese market which intensifies the competition of high-priced health food among MNCs. ─── 国外品牌相继进入中国市场,高端保健品市场跨国品牌之间的竞争日趋激烈。

79、4) Fatigue training intensifies nNOS expression in CA1 CA3 areas of hippocampus, especially for aerobic training. ─── 4)疲劳训练促进了nNOS在海马CAI、CA3区的表达,有氧训练更为明显;

80、Upward micro-seepage of hydrocarbon causes reductive environment in the overlying strata and the oil &gas exploitation intensifies formation of the reductive environment. ─── 摘要油气田烃类的垂向微渗漏造成上覆地层的还原环境,油气田的开采则加剧了还原环境的形成。

81、By fermentation, tea color will gradually turn from aquamarine to red.The color intensifies as fermentation increases. ─── 经由发酵,茶汤的颜色会从原本的碧绿色逐渐变成红色,发酵愈多,颜色就愈红。

82、However, Mr Nicholls points out that, as competition for skilled executives intensifies, good workplace design provides a powerful incentive for prospective employees. ─── 然而,尼科尔斯指出,随着争夺高技能高管的竞争日益激烈,良好的工作场所设计对未来的雇员也是一个强有力的激励措施。

83、After 1990, the region of drought enlarges, the intensity of drought intensifies and the region shifts southeastward, exhibiting much drought trend. ─── 90年代以来,干旱区域的面积扩大,强度加强,并向东南方向推移,显示出干旱化的趋向。

84、But with the internationalization of the domestic market competition intensifies, really developed into a strong brand is extremely limited. ─── 但随着国内市场国际化竞争的加剧,真正发展成强势品牌的极其有限。

85、When something sensational happens to you, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. ─── 当有好事发生的时候,与朋友分享这份快乐会使你的快乐加倍。

86、It promotes clean aromatic characteristics and intensifies mouthfeel and lingering flavors in white wines. ─── 它促进清洁芳香特色的加剧和口感风味萦绕于白葡萄酒。

87、Land desertification is the most serious eco-environmental problem in China,especially in the northwest region,which enlarges the area of desertified lands and intensifies sandstorms. ─── 土地沙化是我国特别是西北地区当前最为严重的生态环境问题,不断加剧的沙尘暴与沙化土地的扩张更使生态环境问题雪上加霜。

88、In fact, the group proactively develops non-life insurance business including asset management and overseas acquisitions this year.Therefore, this intensifies the profit foundation. ─── 事实上,集团今年将更积极拓展非寿险业务,当中包括资产管理及海外收购,相信有利强化集团的盈利基础。

89、Plastic mulch, while protecting the soil beds from rain-drop impact, intensifies the potential of rill erosion in furrows. ─── 塑料薄膜覆盖使土壤苗床免受降雨的影响,但却增加了犁沟中细沟侵蚀的可能性。

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