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09-15 投稿



inadvertence 发音

英:[ˌɪnədˈvɜːrt(ə)ns]  美:[ˌɪnədˈvɜːt(ə)ns]

英:  美:

inadvertence 中文意思翻译



inadvertence 相似词语短语

1、inadvertencies ─── n.错误;疏忽;粗心;怠慢;不注意

2、inadvertent ─── adj.疏忽的;不注意的(副词inadvertently);无意中做的

3、misadvertence ─── 误读

4、inadvertency ─── n.错误;疏忽;粗心;怠慢;不注意

5、advertences ─── n.注意;提及

6、advertency ─── n.注意;谈及(等于advertence)

7、inadvertences ─── n.不注意;怠慢,疏忽

8、inadvertently ─── adv.无意地,不经意地

9、advertence ─── n.注意;提及

inadvertence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Frankly that is a total of right, freedom of speech objects, but most likely because of inadvertence and offended the other side. ─── 以为是可以坦白共对、畅所欲言的对象,反而最容易因为粗心大意而得罪了对方。

2、emotional reactions , born of ignorance or inadvertence , are never justified. ─── 因无明及失察而起的情绪反应永不会合理。

3、M: Of course! By eliminating the intervals of inadvertence during your waking hours you will gradually eliminate the long interval of absent-mindedness, which you call sleep. ─── 当然!通过无间观照排除清醒时间歇的失察你将逐渐排除长期的心不在焉--即你所谓的瞌睡。

4、Mistakes proceed from inadvertence. ─── 错误出自粗心大意。

5、Study the prison you have built around yourself by inadvertence. ─── 考察你因心不在焉给自己做成的困窘。

6、Frankly that is a total of right, freedom of speech objects, but most likely because of inadvertence and offended the other side. ─── 是可以坦白共对、畅所欲言的对象,反而最容易因为粗心大意而得罪了对方。

7、25 Then the priest shall make atonement for the whole Israelite community;thus they will be forgiven the inadvertence for which they have brought their holocaust as an oblation to the LORD. ─── 司祭应为以色列子民全会众行赎罪礼,他们即可获得赦免,因为这是无心之过。

8、If by inadvertence a rule of origin has not been provided, the Member concerned shall provide it immediately after this fact becomes known ─── 如一原产地规则因疏忽未予提供,则有关成员应在认识到此事实后立即提交。

9、When through inadvertence you fail to carry out any of these commandments which the LORD gives to Moses, ─── 如果你们误犯了过失,而没有遵行上主向梅瑟所吩咐的某条诫命,

10、26 Not only the whole Israelite community, but also the aliens residing among you, shall be forgiven, since the fault of inadvertence affects all the people. ─── 以色列子民全会众以及住在你们中的外方人,都获得赦免,因为全人民犯了无心之过。

11、To avoid inadvertence of inspection tour and increase work efficiency, software of data collection using bar code has been developed. ─── 为了防止巡检工作疏漏,提高工作效率,开发了条码数据采集软件。

12、"I am busy! You are not clever, cause you be consider of asuceg me to accompany you? " The man shout in inadvertence. ─── “忙呢!乖,怎么当今想到要我陪了?”男孩漫不经心的问!

13、We all suffer reproaches for the inadvertence of a few. ─── 由于一、二个人的疏忽, 我们都受到了谴责。

14、Once you loses the ownership of your trademark by inadvertence, you have given away your long-accumulated spiritual wealth to others. ─── 所以,一旦因为你的疏忽而把商标的拥有权给丢了,也就等于把你多年经营的精神与智慧无偿赠送给了他人。

15、A single day can see a number of seasons. But due to my inadvertence, I forgot the time. Han Jia, don't be angry with me. ─── 有时候一天要经历几个季节呢。

16、" i am busy ! you are clever , why you bethink of asking me to accompany you ? " the man said in inadvertence. ─── “忙呢!乖,怎么今天想到要我陪了?”男人漫不经心的问!

17、inattentiveness, carelessness, negligence, inadvertence, inattention ─── 不慎。疏忽。不留心。漫不经心。错误。

18、Of course! By eliminating the intervals of inadvertence during your waking hours you will gradually eliminate the long interval of absent-mindedness, which you call sleep. ─── 当然!通过无间观照排除清醒时间歇的失察你将逐渐排除长期的心不在焉--即你所谓的瞌睡。

19、Some of our sailors, whether out of treachery or inadvertence, had informed the pilots "that I was a stranger, and great traveller;" ─── 我们船上有几个水手,不知是有意要害我还是一时不小心,对两位引水员说我是个异乡人,还是个大旅行家。

20、“I am busy! You are clever, why you bethink of asking me to accompany you?” The man said in inadvertence. ─── “忙呢!乖,怎么今天想到要我陪了?”男人漫不经心的问!

21、It is impossible to put down the wallpaper that defaces the average American home of the lower middle class to mere inadvertence , or to the obscene humor of the manufacturers. ─── 那些把一般美国中下层家庭的住宅打扮得像丑八怪的糊墙纸决不能归咎于选购者的疏忽大意,也不能归咎于制造商的鄙俗的幽默感。

22、If by inadvertence a rule of origin has not been provided, the Member concerned shall provide it immediately after this fact becomes known. ─── 如一原产地规则因疏忽未予提供,则有关成员应在认识到此事实后立即提交。

23、“I am busy! You are not clever, reason you beconsider of asking me to accompany you?” The man say in inadvertence. ─── “忙呢!乖,咋了今天想到要我陪了?”男孩漫不经心的问!

24、“I am busy! You are not clever, cause you beconsider of asurfaceg me to accompany you?” The man shout in inadvertence. ─── “忙呢!乖,咋了当今想到要我陪了?”男孩漫不经心的问!

25、once by inadvertence , twice by design he challenges his destiny. ─── 第一次是出于疏忽,第二次是故意地,他向命运挑战。

26、"I am busy! You are clever, why you bethink of asking me to accompany you?" The man said in inadvertence. ─── “忙呢!乖,怎么今天想到要我陪了?”男人漫不经心的问!

27、avoid inadvertence of inspection tour and increase work efficiency, software of data collection using bar code has been developed. ─── 防止巡检工作疏漏,提高工作效率,开发了条码数据采集软件。

28、” The man said in inadvertence. ─── 男人漫不经心的问!

29、Unmeant: we should inadvertence and confrontation laugh to her . ─── 无意的:我们应该不在意。

30、Although the incidence of these complications is rare, the inadvertence occurrence may result in patient's discomfort, tissue inflammation, damage to peri-implant tissues, or even implant failure. ─── 这些问题发生的频率或许不高,可是一旦产生,却可能造成患者的不适、引发组织的炎性反应、影响植体周围组织的愈合,严重者甚而导致植牙治疗的失败。

31、but due to my inadvertence,I forgot the time. ─── 一不小心把时间给忘了。

32、14 If such a one eats of a sacred offering through inadvertence, he shall make restitution to the priest for the sacred offering, with an increment of one fifth of the amount. ─── 如果一人因不慎而吃了圣物,应偿还所吃的圣物,还应另加五分之一,交与司祭。

33、Emotional reactions, born of ignorance or inadvertence, are never justified. ─── 因无明及失察而起的情绪反应永不会合理。

34、Rafah lost 3 and 4: work lost three Rafah 4.Hutouyiwei, inadvertence, should add vitamin C and vitamin A, increasing the number of fruits and vegetables in the diet, eat meat, and other acidic foods. ─── 丢三拉四时:做事丢三拉四、虎头蛇尾、粗心大意时,应补充维生素C及维生素A,增加饮食中的果蔬数量,少吃肉类等酸性食物。

35、To avoid inadvertence of inspection tour and increase work efficiency, software of data collection using bar code has been developed. ─── 为了防止巡检工作疏漏,提高工作效率,开发了条码数据采集软件。

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