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09-15 投稿



hummel 发音

英:[ˈhʌml]  美:[ˈhʌm(ə)l]

英:  美:

hummel 中文意思翻译





hummel 词性/词形变化,hummel变形


hummel 短语词组

1、Hummel (vehicle) ─── 悍马(车辆)

2、ecossaise hummel ─── 苏格兰

hummel 相似词语短语

1、chummed ─── n.室友;密友;vi.结为密友;n.(Chum)人名;(柬)宗;(捷)胡姆

2、Hummel ─── adj.(母牛、牧鹿等)无角的;n.(尤指幼小时缺乏营养的)无角牧鹿;n.(Hummel)(美)胡梅尔(人名)

3、hummers ─── n.蜂鸟;蜂鸣器,发嗡嗡声的东西;n.(Hummer)人名;(匈、德、瑞典)胡默;(英)赫默

4、hummed ─── v.哼(曲子);发嗡嗡声;(地方)发嘈杂声;(非正式)忙碌,活跃(hum的过去式及过去分词)

5、bummels ─── n.漫步,闲逛

6、hummer ─── n.蜂鸟;蜂鸣器,发嗡嗡声的东西;n.(Hummer)人名;(匈、德、瑞典)胡默;(英)赫默

7、bummel ─── n.漫步,闲逛

8、pummel ─── vt.击;打;用拳头连续揍;n.(马鞍的)前鞍桥;球壮末端;(刀把或剑柄的)圆头(等于pommel)

9、kummel ─── 香旱芹白酒;n.(Kummel)人名;(英)库梅尔

hummel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、General hummel, you've gotta get us outta here now! ─── 汉默将军,你得立刻把我们撤出去啊!

2、Hummel Trumpet Concero in E 3rd Mov. ─── 呵呵!原来大号小号是对父子呢!

3、Clementi, Hummel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber (of the participant's choice). One Sonata in complete volume (without reprises). ─── 选自克莱门第、胡梅尔、海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬或者韦伯(参赛者自选)一首奏鸣曲(无重复)。

4、120301 When locked down, the Hummel is immobile, but can fire its massive 150mm shells much further and faster. ─── 120301当汉梅尔自走炮完成定位时将无法移动,但可使其强大的150公厘炮火射速更快、射程更远。

5、This is General Hummel. ─── 我是汉默准将。

6、As the missle bears down on its target, the government is completely powerless.However, Hummel realizes his bluff has been called;he reprograms the rocket to splash into the ocean. ─── 我们知道你的动机,上帝在上,我完全赞同你,但是我也曾像你一样发誓捍卫祖国消灭敌人,不论他是外国人还是本国人!

7、MANN+HUMMEL's customers come from a large number of sectors, with series production for the automotive industry occupying a key position. ─── 曼•胡默尔的客户来自各行各业,以其大规模的生产在汽车行业占据领先地位。

8、General Hummel, you've gotta get us outta here now! ─── 将军,我们赶快撤出这里吧!

9、HUMMEL: Your unit is covered from an elevated position, Commander. I'm not going to ask again. Don't do anything stupid, Commander. No one has to die here. ─── 你们处在不利位置,中校,我不会再要求你了。别做傻事,没有人愿意死在这里。

10、Hummel Edgar Wallace Harald G. ─── 编剧: Egon Eis Gerhard F.

11、"I accumulated, as others might Hummel figurines, a variety of accidents, assaults and acts of God, " she recounts in The Opposite of Fate. ─── “我在积累这些事故、袭击和不可抗拒的一些事情。”她在《命运的反面》一书里说到。

12、Hummel is one of those rare villains who becomes a martyr for the men he tried to honor. ─── 我们是虚张声势,现在结束了天啊,我都做了些什么.....

13、The composer Johann Nepomuk Hummel has a quintet with the same instrumentation, and the Trout was actually written for a group of musicians coming together to play Hummel's work. ─── 与一般五重奏不同之处是,这首五重奏是一首由钢琴、音大提琴、提琴、提琴及小提琴一起合奏的乐曲。一般的五重奏并没有低音大提琴,但有两个小提琴。

14、MANN HUMMEL’s customers come from a large number of sectors, with series production for the automotive industry occupying a key position. ─── 曼?胡默尔的客户来自各行各业,以其大规模的生产在汽车行业占据领先地位。

15、Michael Mueller;Michael Wolberg;Werner Hummel; ─── 作者个人主页: 吉爱国;

16、The MANN+HUMMEL Group currently employs around 10, 500 people at 41 locations worldwide. ─── 目前,整个集团在全球拥有41家分支企业,员工总人数经达到10500人。

17、Anderson here, General Hummel. . . Commander. Team Leader. ─── 我是安德逊中校,汉默将军。

18、Hummel, Arthur Wiwlliam, Jr. ─── 恒安石

19、MANN+HUMMEL was established in Ludwigsburg, in the south of Germany near Stuttgart, in 1941. ─── 曼胡默尔集团于1941年建于德国南部的路德维希堡,毗邻斯图加特。

20、almost a century ago, sports have been the core of hummel. ─── 此为正品,品质上乘,数量有限,欲购从速,谢谢!拍之前,请先询问是否有货。

21、William Hummel ─── 威廉·哈默尔

22、Clementi, Hummel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven (of the participant's choice). One Sonata in complete volume (without reprizes). ─── 选自克莱门第、胡梅尔、海顿、莫扎特或者贝多芬(参赛者自选)一首奏鸣曲(无重复)。

23、General hummel, you've gotta get us outta here now! ─── 将军,你得立刻把我们撤出去啊!

24、This is General Hummel. You gotta get my men outta there! ─── 我是汉默将军快去把我的人救出来!

25、Arthur William Hummel ─── 恒慕义(1884-1975),美国人,教士、汉学家,恒安石之父,曾来华执教。

26、HUMMEL: That's a nice speech, Commander. I heard plenty like it in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. ─── 说的很好,中校。很像我五角大楼和国会山听到的,全都毫无意义。

27、Hummel, Arthur William ─── 恒慕义

28、It was, though, always an artificial market, says Wolfgang Hummel, an energy expert at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. ─── 尽管该工业的市场一种都多受人为因素影响柏林应用科技大的能源专家WolfgangHummel如是说道。

29、L.Mozart, Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in D Major;Hummel, Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in E-Flat Major, Wynton Marsalis; ─── 最佳器乐独奏家表演奖Best Instrumental Soloist(s) Performance Haydn, Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in E-Flat Major;

30、Hummel, Steven S.Zumdahl. ─── 作者声明: Thomas J.

31、Arthur William Hummel Jr. ─── 恒安石(1920-),美国人,外交官,曾任驻华大使。

32、Hummel has worked out the theory for the two-and-three-layer cases using the method of images. ─── 哈梅尔用电象法建立了两层和三层条件的理论。

33、Hummel,Ralph P.The Bureaucratic Experience[M].New York:St.Martin's Press.1994. ─── 宋世明.美国行政改革研究[M].北京:国家行政学院出版社,1999

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