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imaginal 发音

英:[ɪˈmædʒɪnəl]  美:[ɪˈmædʒɪn(ə)l]

英:  美:

imaginal 中文意思翻译



imaginal 短语词组

1、imaginal memory ─── 形象记忆

2、imaginal line ─── 影像线

3、imaginal manoeuvre ─── 想象中的动作

4、imaginal differentiation ─── 影像分化

5、imaginal type ─── 想象型

6、imaginal disk ─── 器官芽

7、imaginal bud ─── 器官芽

8、imaginal thinking ─── 形象思维

9、imaginal germ ─── 器官芽

10、imaginal ring ─── 器官环

11、imaginal disc ─── [昆]成虫盘 ─── [生物]器官芽

12、imaginal discs ─── 成虫器

imaginal 常用词组

imaginal thinking ─── 形象思维

imaginal 相似词语短语

1、imaginable ─── adj.可能的;可想象的

2、marginal ─── adj.微不足道的,不重要的;边缘的;临界的;末端的;n.边缘席位

3、imagines ─── n.[昆]成虫;意像(imago的复数);v.想像;虚构(imagine的三单形式)

4、imagined ─── v.想象(imagine的过去分词);猜测;adj.想象的;构想的

5、imaging ─── n.成像;v.想像(image的ing形式);画…的像

6、imaginably ─── adv.想象得出的;可想像地

7、imaginary ─── adj.虚构的,假想的;想象的;虚数的

8、imagine ─── vt.想象;猜想;臆断;vi.想象;猜想;想象起来

9、imaginer ─── 想象

imaginal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Human's impulse of culture and the desire of exploring the world were reflected by their imaginal thinking and ways of recurrence.It is developing for a long time. ─── 人类对于文化的冲动,通过形象思维和再现手段来表现并探索世界的欲望,乃亘古有之。

2、Dynamic and Imaginal Display of Construction Progress ─── 施工进度动态形象显示

3、She tried all imaginal ways to prevent a prosecution. ─── 她用尽一切想得到的办法阻止她们控告。

4、These pictures indicate that egg characters are diverse in and between genera, but dramatically uniform in imaginal and nymphal stages of same species. ─── 结果表明,卵的形态在属间变化很大,在同一属内不同种间有时也有变化,也有一些种类的卵形态很相似,从同种蜉蝣稚虫和成虫体内取出的卵在形态上极其一致。

5、DISCUSSIONThe diagnosis of orbital wall fracture can be done by clinical manifestation and imagin examination. ─── 可根据临床表现及影像学的系统检查作出眶内壁骨折的诊断。

6、She tried all imaginal ways to prevent a prosecution. ─── 她用尽一切想得到的办法阻止她们控告。

7、Magnetic resonance imagin( MRI ) ─── 磁共振平扫(MRI)

8、Second Gao fluke mixes result east China place of imaginal parasitism of the fluke that raise Gao is identical, it is to be inside bile duct and gallbladder. ─── 结果东方次睾吸虫和华支睾吸虫成虫寄生部位完全相同,都是在胆管和胆囊内。

9、We can also find from her unique imaginal sense, that she is a bright lamp illuminating the current Chinese industry and agriculture from conflict to harmony. ─── 其独特的形象意义还在于:她是照亮当代中国工农业之间由冲突对立走向互融共生的一盏明灯。

10、Discussion about imaginal features on literature by Liu Xie ─── 刘勰论文学的形象性特征

11、But their firing of guns for help, especially when they saw, as I imagin'd, my fire, fill'd me with many thoughts ─── 但看来他们一定没有看到小岛,只是鸣枪求救,尤其是他们看到我燃起的火光后,更是多次放枪。由此我头脑里出现了种种设想。

12、If marvelous imaginal sufficiently pleasant, then in the book that filled the poetic sentiment and the resourceful play language causes the stream of people company to go and return. ─── 如果说奇妙的幻想性足以令人赏心悦目,那么书中那充满诗意和机敏的戏剧语言又更使人流连往返了。

13、The exaggerating modelling bright color deepened the consumer regarding this brand imaginal memory. ─── 夸张的造型鲜艳的颜色更加深了消费者对此品牌的形象记忆。

14、He is here a biggie. His imagin is on the front page whichle the time. ─── 他如今是个大款,他的相片常常在(报纸、书本的)封面上出现。

15、Keywords Sacral Plexus;Sciatic Nerve;Magnetic resonance imagin; ─── 关键词骶丛;坐骨神经;磁共振成像;

16、Progress in the Study of Imaginal Differentiation Between Cerebral Radiation Injury and Cerebral Tumor ─── 颅内放射损伤与肿瘤影像学鉴别的研究进展

17、imaginal line ─── 虚线

18、Also easy to promote the imaginal memory and the narration spreads. ─── 也容易促进形象记忆和讲述流传。

19、By imaginal and pathological study, choroidal melanoma with systemic metastasis (skin, lung, liver, brain, etc.) was diagnosed. ─── 经过影像学和病理学的检查,诊断为脉络膜恶性黑色素瘤并全身性散布(包括皮肤、肺、肝、脑等)。

20、Fifth and the one you can`t imagin, you can use it as a icebag in summer by just put it in the refrigerator! ─── 第五 它虽然称之为热宝,但是它还有一个惊人的用途,在夏天放入冰箱里就变成了冰袋。

21、imaginal differentiation ─── 非洲香脂

22、Imaginal body length makes an appointment with 12 millimeter, elliptic, color of loess is lubricious. ─── 成虫体长约12毫米,椭圆形,土黄色。

23、Mitsuhashi J, Maramorosch K. Leafhopper tissue culture: Embryonic, nymphal, and imaginal tissues from aseptic insects[J]. Contrib Boyce Thompson Inst, 1964,22:435 ─── 汪坤仁,薛绍白,柳惠图.细胞生物学[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社,1998

24、high dimensional imaginal geometry and biomimetics informafics ─── 高维形象几何与仿生信息学

25、change of something with sound accompanied. a film show in the classroom often makes the teaching process lively and imaginal, and carries a sense of reality." ─── 电影机用来传输动态图像,展示事物变化的连续过程,而且还伴有声音。在课堂里放映电影使教学过程生动,形象,富有真实感。

26、I employ'd my self in planting my second rows of stakes or piles and in this wicker working all the summer, or dry season, when another business took me up more time than it could be imagin'd I could spare. ─── 在整个夏季,或者说是旱季,我忙于栽第二道木桩和编箩筐。同时,我进行了另一件工作,占去的时间比预料的多得多。

27、A Random Comment on Appreciating the Beauty Value of Imaginal Method during the Creation of Music ─── 浅谈音乐创作中形象化手段的审美价值

28、It is in this search that one detects the imaginal energy which is the hallmark of an active psyche. ─── 就在这个寻找中,我们觉察到,意象的能源才是有活力的心理的标志。

29、Please leave a message forix me after "beep" in your imagin wation.... ─── 请在心中默想一声"哔"之后留下你的讯息....

30、Picture teaching is a kind of vivid and imaginal teaching method, which can stimulate students learning interest , enhance teaching effects in class and improve the quality of English teaching. ─── 图片教学是英语教学中的一种生动、形象的教学方式,使用这种方式可激发学生的学习兴趣、加强课堂教学的效果,提高英语教学的质量。

31、imaginal moult ─── 羽化

32、The result of study into mental rotation supported the Imaginal representation as a special representation effectively. ─── 心理旋转研究的结果有力地支持将表象看作一种独立的心理表征的观点。

33、Imaginal diagnosis of eosinophilic granuloma of long bones ─── 长骨嗜酸性肉芽肿的影像诊断

34、imaginal buds ─── 器官芽

35、Discussion on the checkup angle for deduction and imaginal abilities and the examination Countermeasures in modern literature reading ─── 如何培养高考中现代文阅读的应试能力

36、Literature is, by nature, imaginal. ─── 文学的本质是形象。

37、in vivo culturing of imaginal discs ─── 器官芽体内培养

38、Metamorphosis: The relatively abrupt change in body form between the end of immature development and the onset of the imaginal (adult) phase. ─── 胚后发育过程中,昆虫从幼期状态转变为成虫状态的现象。

39、The fourth chapter states Zhu Guangqian's prospects of life significance and ponderation of imaginal thinking in his later years. ─── 第四章论述朱光潜晚年对传统美学人生意蕴的展望和形象思维方式的沉思。

40、imaginal diapause ─── 成虫滞育

41、The system brings desertification land information into spatial environment and make it more direct to view, more imaginal and more convenient to analysis. ─── 该系统将沙化土地信息纳入其所在空间环境当中,使其更加直观、形象,便于应用分析,同时为沙化土地监测和规划提供一个辅助决策手段。

42、imaginal discs ─── 成虫器

43、Mental Imagery in the Child: A Study of the Development of Imaginal Representation ─── 儿童的心象:想象表象发展研究

44、This author's imaginal tip stories always delight her readers. ─── 读者们一直都很喜爱这个作者富有想象力的故事。

45、imaginal organogenesis ─── 成体器官发生

46、The result of study into mental rotation supported the Imaginal representation as a special representation effectively. ─── 心理旋转研究的结果有力地支持将表象看作一种独立的心理表征的观点。

47、imaginal bud ─── 器官芽成虫盘

48、imaginal thinking ─── 形象思维

49、Bloom shows us that this Shakespearean cosmos is analogous to Corbin's "Imaginal Realm" of the Sufis, the place of soul or souls. ─── 布鲁姆告诉我们,这个宇宙是类似于莎士比亚科尔宾的“意象境界”的苏菲,灵魂或灵魂的地方。

50、Imaginal, Semantic, And Surface-Level Processing Of Concrete And Abstract Words ─── 具体与抽象词语的意像的、语义的和外表处理

51、Impulsion of Human being about culture through imaginal thinking and the desire of exploring the world at the present stage existes from ancient times. ─── 人类对于文化的冲动, 通过形象思维和现阶段来表现你并探索世界的欲望,乃亘古有之。

52、imaginal ring ─── 器官环

53、This author's imaginal tip stories always delight her readers. ─── 读者们一直都很喜爱这个作者富有想象力的故事。

54、cultural gratification is refracted in Mestizo Adam. ─── 混血亚当》折射的就是飞散者的一种文化想象性满足。

55、Although Deneb is much like your Mum than an Imagin, his power is terrible! ─── 天津四虽然像母亲多过异魔人,但他的实力不容忽视!

56、Imaginal Key to Families of Ephemeroptera from China (Insecta) ─── 中国蜉蝣目成虫科检索表(昆虫纲)

57、imaginal manoeuvre ─── 想像转移

58、Physical/movement cognition is associated with but different from other forms of cognition, such us conceptul and imaginal cognition. ─── 身体(运动)性认知与概念性认知、形象性认知等认知形式既有联系又相区别,有其内在的逻辑。

59、Hu Feng's Fiction Criticism had obvious perceptual features as a whole, which indicated his active imaginal thinking in literary criticism. ─── 摘要胡风的小说批评就整体而言具有比较明显的感性特色,这说明胡风在从事文学批评时,其形象思维仍然保持一定的活跃性。

60、imaginal memory ─── 形象记忆

61、Rich and colorful judgemental language regards its judgement form as the follows:ironic judgement,quoted judgement and imaginal judgement ect. ─── 丰富多彩的论断语言就其论断形式而言,包括讽喻性的论断、引证性的论断、推见性的论断等。

62、The fourth chapter states Zhu Guangqian's prospects of life significance and ponderation of imaginal thinking in his later years. ─── 第四章论述朱光潜晚年对传统美学人生意蕴的展望和形象思维方式的沉思。

63、Both imaginal and larval keys to genera of the family, larval key to subgenera of Choroterpes, imaginal and larval keys to species of Choroterpides are provided. ─── 文中还给出了中国蜉蝣目细裳蜉科所有属成虫和稚虫检索表、宽基蜉属亚属检索表(稚虫)、似宽基蜉属稚虫和成虫种检索表。

64、Th at 's a huge stretch of the imagin at ion to say our design would viol at e their copyright. ─── 说我们的设计会侵犯他们的版权,这想象力未免有点儿太丰富了。

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