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insincerely 发音

英:[ˌɪnsɪnˈsɪrli]  美:[ˌɪnsɪnˈsɪəli]

英:  美:

insincerely 中文意思翻译



insincerely 反义词


insincerely 词性/词形变化,insincerely变形

副词: insincerely |名词: insincerity |

insincerely 短语词组

1、insincerely yours ─── 不真诚的是你的

insincerely 同义词

dishonestly | hypocritically | deceitfully | deviously

insincerely 相似词语短语

1、insanely ─── adv.疯狂地;狂暴地;精神错乱地

2、insensately ─── 无感觉地;无理性地

3、insincerity ─── n.伪善;无诚意;不诚实

4、insinewed ─── 新的

5、sincerely ─── adv.真诚地;由衷地,诚恳地

6、insincere ─── adj.不诚恳的,虚伪的

7、insipiently ─── 含蓄地

8、insecurely ─── adv.不安全地;不可靠地

9、instinctively ─── adv.本能地

insincerely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To talk or act insincerely or misleadingly; equivocate. ─── 敷衍不忠实地或误导地说或做;支吾

2、Even those neighbours who had called Peter Featherstone an old fox, had never accused him of being insincerely polite. ─── 有些邻居骂彼得?费瑟斯通是老狐狸,但即使这些人也从没指责他虚情假意。

3、under some circumstances , we always habitually talk insincerely. ─── 在一些情况下,我们总是习惯性地言不由衷。

4、A woman who flirt insincerely ─── 卖弄风情之女子

5、I started saying some talk insincerely words, was in order to force myself not to think of you, or for your attention? ─── 我又开始了说些言不由衷的话,不知是为了强迫自己不去想你,还是为了引起你的注意?

6、Next, must display sincerely, avoids speaking insincerely. ─── 其次,要表现出真诚,避免言不由衷。

7、I speak insincerely standing up, salute: "Chau Jie understood that, asks the presidium to feel relieved. " ─── 我言不由衷地起立,敬礼,说道:“桥杰明白,请主席团放心。”

8、Even those neighbours who had called Peter Featherstone an old fox, had never accused him of being insincerely polite. ─── 有些邻居骂彼得·费瑟斯通是老狐狸,但即使这些人也从没指责他虚情假意。

9、Under some circumstances, we always habitually talk insincerely. ─── 在一些情况下,我们总是习惯性地言不由衷。

10、In light of the fact that with window market of software of exclusive personal computer is as high as 9 to become, this word listens will appear speak insincerely. ─── 以视窗独占个人电脑软件市场高达9成的事实来看,这番话听来似乎言不由衷。

11、Under some circumstances. we always habitually talk insincerely. ─── 在一些情况下.我们总是习惯性地言不由衷.

12、she congratulated him somewhat insincerely. ─── 她向他祝贺时没有太大诚意。

13、To compliment excessively and often insincerely, especially in order to win favor. ─── 尤指为了博得欢心的过分地且常常为不真诚地赞扬。

14、I'm sorry," she replied insincerely. ─── 对不起,”她敷衍地说。

15、Next, must display sincerely, avoids speaking insincerely. ─── 其次,要表现出真诚,避免言不由衷。

16、"To compliment excessively and often insincerely, especially in order to win favor." ─── 尤指为了博得欢心的过分地且常常为不真诚地赞扬.

17、7.Mr Bush left the Hapsburg capital a bit like a ridiculed rich uncle at a family reunion, welcomed insincerely to his face and belittled behind his back. ─── 布什,象在一个在重新团聚的家族中受到挪愚的富舅舅,有点郁闷地离开了卢森堡的首都,来时受到诚挚地欢迎,走时受到贬损。

18、Boys found themselves a lot to want to tell her, but every time he said the truth is not their own, often see the girls, Shouzuwucuo, insincerely. ─── 我们是否应该针对婚恋双方的性格特点,心理测试在心理方面也做一番检查呢?''

19、She can speak some good words insincerely. ─── 她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。

20、Say, this step that is the speak insincerely that the family collects fees stopped. ─── 说起来,这只是人家收费的言不由衷的台阶罢了。

21、Before 25 years old, you should remember that love is usually insincerely, or it is not clean, pure or it can not become forever easily like what you think. ─── 25岁之前,请记得,爱情通常是假的,或者不是你所想象的那样纯洁和永远。如果你过了25岁,那么你应该懂得这个道理。

22、Fourthly, when it plays a part, and does or says anything insincerely and untruly. ─── 第四,当灵魂装腔作势,无诚意而为或言不由衷时,它粗暴地对待自身。

23、Was saying some speak insincerely speech, stabbing pain each other heart. ─── 说着一些言不由衷的话,刺痛彼此的心。

24、This person is very slippery: he treats people completely insincerely. ─── 这个人很油滑,待人没有一点诚意。

25、To talk or act insincerely or misleadingly;equivocate. ─── 敷衍不忠实地或误导地说或做;

26、effusively or insincerely emotional. ─── 情感洋溢或者不诚恳。

27、Time Aituoao will also have will speak insincerely, the people inconvenience to get to the root. ─── 埃托奥也会有言不由衷时候,人们不便去刨根问底。

28、The likelihood because thoughtway is confused, or speak insincerely, the person that consequently academic group fumbles to this has, conversation is amphibolous, specious person those who have. ─── 可能因为思想方法混乱,或者言不由衷,因而理论界对此含糊其辞者有之,说话模棱两可、似是而非者有之。

29、Dixon started insincerely. ─── 狄克逊虚情假意地表示一下震惊。

30、Too the loquacity, speaks insincerely 。 ─── [太多话,我们言不由衷。

31、"I'm sorry," she replied insincerely. ─── “对不起,”她敷衍地说。

32、Cangtianzaishang, thick soil next, many things insincerely ah! ─── 苍天在上,厚土在下,许多事都言不由衷啊!

33、The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “insincerely, self-servingly, or smugly agreeable or earnest”: ─── 这些形容词所共有的意义是“虚假地,自以为是或为个人私利而假装随和或热忱的”:

34、She speaks insincerely when she says nice things to others. ─── 她在恭维别人时总是言不由衷。

35、Even those neighbours who had called Peter Featherstone an old fox, had neve accused him of being insincerely polite. ─── 有些邻居骂彼得·费瑟斯通是老狐狸,但即使这些人也从没指责他虚情假意。

36、You said that my working ability, the manner gets along with people exquisitely, the style and so on felt is the flattery words, false, speaks insincerely being perfunctory. ─── 就连你说我工作能力强,为人处世强,文笔优美等等都感觉是奉承的话,虚假的,言不由衷的敷衍。)

37、1.To compliment excessively and often insincerely, especially in order to win favor. ─── (一般来说上级不会刻意的用谄媚的话讨好下级。

38、As a result, the saying "Lord Ye loves dragons" is used to describe someone who insincerely professes affection for something. ─── 后人就用"叶公好龙"来比喻对某一事物只是表面上的喜欢而非真的爱好。

39、He and I are ambiguous between the insincerely. ─── 我和他之间的暧昧都是言不由衷。

40、To compliment excessively and often insincerely, especially in order to win favor. ─── 奉承尤指为了博得欢心的过分地且常常为不真诚地赞扬

41、Consequently, the media's stock-in-trade lends itself to speaking insincerely. ─── 所以,我们媒体惯用的手法是顾左右而言其他。

42、1.hypocritically; unctuously; 2.affectedly or insincerely courteous, etc.3.to shed crocodile tears; to pretend ─── 假惺惺

43、He and I are ambiguous between the insincerely. ─── 我和他之间的暧昧都是言不由衷.

44、speak insincerely; one's words belie his mind; insincere in one's words; hypocritical ─── 言不由衷

45、She is good at speaking sweat words but speak insincerely. ─── 1.她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。

46、She is good at say sweet words which are insincerely speaking. ─── 我来带你去看看要用作语言实验室的那个房间吧.

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