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09-15 投稿



includible 发音

英:[[ɪn'klu:dəbl]]  美:[[ɪn'klu:dəbl]]

英:  美:

includible 中文意思翻译



includible 相似词语短语

1、concludable ─── 可断定的

2、eludible ─── adj.可躲避的

3、includable ─── adj.可包括在内的

4、ineludible ─── adj.逃脱不了的;无法避免的

5、concludible ─── 决定性的

6、inaudible ─── adj.听不见的;不可闻的

7、ineludibly ─── 听不懂

8、excludible ─── 可排除的

9、incredible ─── adj.不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

includible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、This category vsekoc lists websit iio related tobomputer softwares. Includ dg software download sites, softw earep orums, and software companys or so. ─── 这个类别列出各种有关软体的网站,包括软体下载网站,以软体为主的论坛,软体公司等等。

3、Conclusions The advantages of antibiotic therapy leaded by fiberbronchoscope for the patients with lung abscess includ... ─── 结论采用纤支镜引导下介入治疗肺脓肿,疗效确切,疗程缩短,安全性好,医疗费用少。

4、CVonline belongs to School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.Its aim at the evolving, distributed, non-proprietary, on-Line compendium of computer vision.Its homepage provides some content includ. ─── 英国爱丁堡大学信息学院计算视觉研究。

5、It's normal.Single will live without a better dail schedule.Always sleep lately even overnight, smoking, drinking a lot, always eat outside (junk food!), so the lifespan will be shorter (includ ... ─── "未婚人士的生活习惯较健康,他们比已婚人士较少喝酒,较多做运动,超重的机会亦较低。"

7、They includ Columbia, Harvard and Standford universities in the United States. ─── 包括美国的哥伦比亚大学,哈佛大学,斯坦福大学。

8、When gold sediment,the physical chemistry parameter of Ore bearing fluids includ weak base middlelow temprature middle pressure and middle saldity.Further we indicate the golden sedimental mechanism. ─── 给出了康古尔金矿床金沉淀的条件是中低温、中等压力、中等盐度及弱碱性,并指出金的沉淀机理。

9、Normally, packing charge is includ qed in the contract price. ─── 一般地,合同价格中已经包括了包装费用。

10、All sub jects com pleted a struc tured ques tion naire, includ ingperceived exerciscbene fits, per ceived exercisebarriers, exercise self-efficacy, and stages of exer cise, pre-test and post-test. ─── 研究结果发现实验组在计画介入后,自觉运动利益及运动自我效能绵显著高于计画介入前,而自觉运动障碍显著低于计画介入前,但对照组此三者之计画介入前后结果则无显著差异。

11、Exact measurment of quantities (style includ; use cup measure and electron steelyard). ─── 计量准确(计量方式有量杯计量及电子秤重计量)。

12、The process of product family de sign in PDM/3D CAD integrated system,includ ing product family modeling ,requirement definition, design case acquisition and o ptimization, is analyzed. ─── 分析了pdm/3DCAD集成系统的产品族设计过程,将其划分为产品族模型建立阶段、客户需求提取分析阶段、设计实例获取阶段和设计评价与优化阶段。

13、This approach not only extracts schema from level structured data,but also from OEM data which include circle,while some other approaches can not extract schema from OEM data which includ... ─── 这种方法不但能从层次结构数据中抽取模式,而且还能从包含环路的OEM数据中进行模式抽取,克服了其它一些算法不能从带有环路的数据中进行模式抽取的缺点。

14、In the fact, the formulae includ e some coefficients difficultly to be got, which limits their uses;what's more, the penetration rate value of the formulae is not as accurate as that in the fi eld. ─── 为此,首先对冲旋钻头常用的牙齿面进行离散化后,再结合冲旋钻头的结构特点和尺寸,利用坐标变换建立了冲旋钻井钻头的真实数学模型。

15、Results Of all 27 cases,includ malignant lymphoma(n=8), splenic metastases(n=11), lymphangioma(n=3), hemangioma(n=4) and hamartoma(n=1). ─── 结果27例脾肿瘤中,淋巴瘤8例,转移瘤11例,淋巴管瘤3例,血管瘤4例,错构瘤1例。

16、Developments in nanotechnology provide the basis for a convergence of the physical and life sciences, including biomedicine, information technology, and cognitive science. Emerging technologies includ. ─── 纳米技术:伦理与法律问题研讨会。

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