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09-15 投稿



intercessory 发音

英:[[ˌɪntə'sesərɪ]]  美:[[ˌɪntə'sesərɪ]]

英:  美:

intercessory 中文意思翻译



intercessory 短语词组

1、intercessory prayer ─── 代祷

intercessory 相似词语短语

1、intercessor ─── n.调解人;仲裁者

2、interceptor ─── n.拦截机;妨碍者;截击机;拦截者,拦截器

3、intercession ─── n.调解;说情;仲裁

4、intercessorial ─── 代祷

5、intersensory ─── adj.多感官的

6、interceptors ─── n.截击舰,[航][军]截击机;拦截器;拦截者(interceptor的复数)

7、intercessors ─── n.调解人;仲裁者

8、intercessions ─── n.调解;说情;仲裁

9、interjectory ─── adj.感叹词的;插嘴的,插入的

intercessory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Because lack room of toughened glass shower relevant " 3 packets " regulation, intercessory job appears limp. ─── 由于缺乏钢化玻璃淋浴房相关的“三包”规定,调解工作显得软弱无力。

2、The Roman Catholic practice of celebrating saints' days and making intercessory requests addressed especially to Mary and other departed saints they considered (and consider) to be idolatry. ─── 罗马天主教有庆祝纪念圣人的习惯,制造出调解请求的说话技巧,尤其是对玛丽亚和其他逝去的圣人,他们认为(并且认为)是偶像崇拜。

3、But Christ is alive again and his work today is to help maintain us in our Christian walk.It is his intercessory prayer at the throne of God that keeps us in the time of temptation and testing. ─── 但这并非事情的完结,因基督已从死里复活,如今在天上不断在神的宝座前为我们代求,使我们在经历一切的试探和试炼的时候,得著神的保守。

4、Intercessory System Of People's Court In China: Reconsiderations And Perfections ─── 法院调解制度的反思与完善

5、The power of the child's intercessory prayer was soon demonstrated.For as the missionary was returning from a meeting one day, she saw lurking across her path a small but very deadly snake. ─── 有一天,伐木的人来了,把第一棵树砍了下来,没有用它造宫殿,只把它用来造一个普普通通的马槽。

6、Various judicatory executive authority to sockdolager of successful, contribution civilian intercessory committee and people adjuster, ought to fixed timely perhaps give commend and reward. ─── 各级司法行政机关对于成绩显著、贡献突出的人民调解委员会和人民调解员,应当定期或者适时给予表彰和奖励.

7、No matter will look from home or alive bound limits, of all sorts of resource distributinging is disequilibrium, consequently need relies on to be carried undertake intercessory. ─── 无论从国内还是在世界范围来看,各种资源的分布都是不均衡的,因而需要靠运输来进行调解。

8、With humility and brokeness, his intercessory prayer recognized that God was almighty and faithful to the covenant, even though the people were unfaithful. ─── 以谦卑和痛悔的态度,他为同胞代求,承认上帝为全能者,信守圣约。

9、The intercessory system of people's court with low cost and high efficiency is a good way to solve problems such as cunctative lawsuit, waste of litigation resources and realization of justice. ─── 以低成本,高效率著称的法院调解制度是消除诉讼迟延、节约诉讼资源、实现公平正义的一剂良方。

10、Jesus' three intercessory prayers: - for Himself, for his disciples, for all believers. ─── 耶稣的三个祷告:为自己,为门徒,为信徒。

11、Major issue already got settlement through lawsuit and intercessory way. ─── 大部分的纠纷已通过诉讼和调解方式得到解决。

12、Within just one day, the plague killed seventy thousand people, but with the atonement made by the offerings and the intercessory prayers of David, the Lord stayed the hand of the death angel. ─── 仅仅一天之间,瘟疫就造成了七万人死亡,但在大卫献上赎罪祭并为民代求之后,上帝就制止了灭命天使的手。

13、As we see, Moses held up his hands as an act of intercessory prayer and dependence upon God, showing all the people the reality of this dependence. ─── 摩西举手是一个代祷和倚靠上帝的举动,并向全以色列人表明他们对上帝的倚靠。

14、On the Bewilderment and Solution of Intercessory System of People's Court in China ─── 我国法院调解制度的困惑与出路

15、Because lack room of toughened glass shower relevant " 3 packets " regulation, intercessory job appears limp. ─── 由于缺乏钢化玻璃淋浴房相关的“三包”规定,调解工作显得软弱无力。

16、The author put forward to solve the inner right conflict problem by taking in judicial and intercessory relief. ─── 针对内部权利冲突,笔者提出从司法救济与调解救济两个方面加以解决。

17、Major issue already got settlement through lawsuit and intercessory way. ─── 大部分的纠纷已通过诉讼和调解方式得到解决。

18、The exact nature of Christ's intercessory work is not fully revealed. ─── 圣经没有详细言明基督的代求工作具体是甚麽。

19、Disappear assist when undertaking intercessory to consuming dispute, can issue intercessory book, and have legal effectiveness. ─── 消协对消费纠纷进行调解时,会出具调解书,且具有法律效力。

20、Subsequently, the judge undertakes intercessory to both sides, however not if really. ─── 随后,法官对双方进行调解,却未果。

21、Disappear assist when undertaking intercessory to consuming dispute, can issue intercessory book, and have legal effectiveness. ─── 消协对消费纠纷进行调解时,会出具调解书,且具有法律效力。

22、intercessory agreement ─── 调解协议

23、Harris et al. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Effects of Remote, Intercessory Prayer on Outcomes in Patients Admitted to the Coronary Care Unit. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1999. ─── 在3393成人病人远疗研究里,28.1%是实验组,30.2%是控制组.结果:经过远疗者,住院时间显著缩短.

24、the intercessory principle ─── 调解原则

25、There are intercessory as well as persistent prayers in chapter 9. ─── 而第九章则是一种认罪的代求和恒切的祷告。

26、Who can help me mediate intercessory psychology pressure? ─── 谁能帮我调解调解心理压力?

27、intercessory prayer ─── 代替别人作的祈祷

28、Amalek represents evil which tries to prevent the work of God, but with intercessory prayer the enemy is defeated and the Lord is the victor. ─── 亚玛力人代表罪的势力,不断要破坏上帝的工作,但藉著代祷,敌人就被击败,胜利也属于上帝。

29、However, the growth degree, intercessory quota and intercessory strength of real estate market have already suppressed or pushed the reform progress of marketization in China directly. ─── 然而,房地产市场的发育程度与房地产市场的调节份额和调节力度已对中国的市场化改革进程产生直接的钳制或推动作用。

30、But arrive as a result of both sides of former in the morning defendant after front courtyard, the manner is first-rate, the judge undertook intercessory to both sides temporarily. ─── 但是由于上午原被告双方到庭后,态度都非常好,法官临时对双方进行了调解。

31、Requests to the departed saints for intercessory prayers. ─── 请求死去的圣徒代祷。

32、(4) court court decision, ruling or intercessory book, assistance carries out advice note; ─── (4)法院判决、裁定或调解书、协助执行通知书;

33、Jesus' three intercessory prayers:- For Himself, for his disciples, for all believers. ─── 耶稣的三个祷告:为自己,为门徒,为信徒。

34、If the belongings of his home is insufficient, can undertake intercessory by the court only, by forensic basis actual condition is carried out compulsively. ─── 他家的财产不足的话,只能由法院进行调解,由法院根据实际情况强制执行。

35、Yet, Hodge notes that surey research indicates that many people use intercessory prayer as an interention to aid healing, which raises questions about its effectieness as an interention strategy. ─── 这需要更多的有关这个主题的研究来证实。这项研究也提示为有心理或者医疗问题的人祈祷可以帮助他们恢复。”

36、Sunny court expresses, mediation should be finished inside 15 days, if be not mediated, intercessory orgnaization should tell a court in time, proceeding proceed; ─── 朝阳法院表示,调解应在15日内完成,如调解不成,调解机构应及时告知法院,诉讼程序将继续进行;

37、Because lack room of toughened glass shower relevant "3 packets" regulation, intercessory job appears limp. ─── 由于缺乏钢化玻璃淋浴房相关的“三包”规定,调解工作显得软弱无力。

38、Press a regulation, mediation should be commonly inside 15 days finish, if be not mediated, intercessory orgnaization should tell a court in time, proceeding proceed; ─── 按规定,调解一般应在15日内完成,如调解不成,调解机构应及时告知法院,诉讼程序将继续进行;

39、Subsequently, the judge undertakes intercessory to both sides, however not if really. ─── 随后,法官对双方进行调解,却未果。

40、intercess or's duty ─── 仲裁员责任

41、4.The facility that maintains market happening to equipment maintains contract dispute to undertake intercessory;5. ─── 4.对设备维修市场发生的设备维修合同纠纷进行调解;

42、Intercessory prayer is life's real work. ─── 代祷是我们生命中真正的工作。

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