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09-15 投稿



transcending 发音

英:[trænˈsendɪŋ]  美:[trænˈsendɪŋ]

英:  美:

transcending 中文意思翻译



transcending 词性/词形变化,transcending变形

动词第三人称单数: transcends |动词过去分词: transcended |动词现在分词: transcending |动词过去式: transcended |

transcending 短语词组

1、transcending obstacles ─── 超越障碍

2、transcending ideology ─── 超越意识形态

3、transcending power ─── 超越权力

4、transcending boundaries ─── 超越边界

5、transcending time ─── 超越时间

6、transcending the world ─── 超越世界

7、transcending mediocrity ─── 超越平庸

transcending 相似词语短语

1、transcendence ─── n.超越;卓越;超然存在

2、transcoding ─── n.转码;代码转换;v.转换…的代码(transcode的ing形式)

3、transcendingly ─── 超越

4、tragic ending ─── 悲剧的结局

5、transcendents ─── adj.卓越的;超常的;出类拔萃的;n.卓越的人;超绝物

6、ascending ─── adj.上升的,增长的;升(序)的;v.上升;攀登(ascend的现在分词)

7、transcendent ─── adj.卓越的;超常的;出类拔萃的;n.卓越的人;超绝物

8、transcendency ─── n.[数]超越;超然性

9、parascending ─── (由汽车牵引到空中然后滑翔下降的)牵引升空跳伞运动

transcending 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You see, all kingdoms are transcending on a biological level to the next dimension, a little at a time, over the coming century. ─── 你看,所有的王国都正在一个生物水平上超越到下一个密度,一次一步,横跨整个未来的世纪。

2、In taking responsibility for such destruction, and forgiving each act, one dance at a time, one may transcend. ─── 在对这场破坏负责之中,宽恕每一个行为,你的每次舞蹈,你会超越。

3、So the "sound somaesthetics" must be based on intersubjectivity,transcending body-soul split so as to construct intersubjectivity somaesthetics. ─── "健全的身体美学"必须建立在主体间性基础上,从根本上突破心身、心物对立的哲学框架,建构主体间性的身体美学。

4、Out of a state of oneness, one learns never to carry another and as a result begins to transcend codependence. ─── 在全一的状态里,你学到从来就不用去携带他人,而这是开始去超越相互依赖的结果。

5、As both sides are understood, one can transcend seduction altogether in their ascension. ─── 当双面都被理解之时,你就可在提升中超越整个诱惑。

6、In his view,this international society comprises multipolar balance of power,transcending nation christian ethics and traditional diplomacy. ─── 他视野中的国际社会主要由多极均势、超国家基督教道德和传统外交组成。

7、He could never transcend his resentments and his complexes. ─── 他从来不能把他的怨恨和感情上的症结置之度外。

8、If one cannot forgive, then karma cannot be released and all other attempts to transcend will fail in ascension. ─── 如果你不能宽恕,那么业力不能被释放,则所有其它提升的试图都将失败。

9、Welcome all people with sympathy. Embrace all religions with understanding. Transcend ethnic barriers with generosity. Speak to all nations with love. ─── 以融合的心胸,尊重异己他人以融和的气度,包容各种信仰以融和的雅量,超越种族藩篱以融和的怀抱,沟通全球人类。

10、Do you wish to emit the halo, to be free from entangles and to transcend the ocean of bitterness? ─── 你们希不希望发出光、出神入化、超脱苦海呢?

11、He tried transcending the feeling of existential hopelessness and finally settling himself in creation of literature. ─── 在那存在的绝望中,阮籍曾试图从中跃出,最后他将自己的生命安顿在文学的创作上。

12、How does one transcend such a law as gravity? ─── 一个人是如何超越这类法则如重力的呢?

13、Earth is rapidly transcending the thought-form that caused such an experience in her history. ─── 地球正在迅速地转变思想形态,因为这些思想形态引起了在她历史中的这类经历。

14、She intuitively tried to transcend the limits of the piano. ─── 她试图超越钢琴的极限。

15、We may be forced to admit that they transcend, in relative importance, all the subsequent works. ─── 可能我们不得不承认,从相对重要性而言,他们的成就超过了后人的一切事业。

16、Beloved, the goal of ascension is to transcend death, not manifest an early death. ─── 亲爱的,提升的目标是去超越死亡,不是显化一场早死。

17、At least the old memories of the east Village spirit will always stay, transcending the passage of time. ─── 至少对于东村精神的久远回忆将永远驻留下去,超越时光的流逝。

18、"CRAZY" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. ─── “疯狂”代表着人们超超自我的精神;

19、Earth too is transcending such a thought-form, and is purifying her heart. ─── 地球也正在超越这样的思想形态,并正净化她的心灵。

20、His career image has seen him transcend from streetwise rapper, to sitcom actor, and back to streetwise rapper. ─── 他的职业从超越一个说唱乐手到情景喜剧演员,然后又回到说唱乐手。

21、By being flexible you can remain firm. By knowing your limitations you're able to transcend them. ─── 不坚守固执才能使你保持冷静,知道自己的局限所在,你才能改变它们。

22、But to zero matching, transcending, breaching and disobeying it is all called "departure matching" , also named supernormal matching. ─── 那么对零度搭配的超越、突破和违背的结果,便是“偏离搭配”,即是我们所说的超常搭配。

23、Transcending the "Economic Man" : An Exploration on the Disciplinary Nature of "Population, Resources and Environmental Economics" ─── 超越“经济人”:对“人口、资源与环境经济学”学科性质的探索

24、It extends elucidatory space with transcending logic of existence and forms its own aesthetic system. ─── 它以生存的超越性逻辑不断拓展理论阐释空间,建构着自己的美学体系。

25、In the context of religious culture of the West, clothes in the ancient time had their theological orientation transcending the bodily need. ─── 在宗教文化的背景下,西方古代的服饰有着超越肉体需要的神学指向;

26、But because she is an African-American woman, her importance to and impact on her times transcend the literary. ─── 但因为她是非裔美国人,她在当时的重要性及影响力,超越了文学的范围。

27、I further invite you to support me to transcending a major global initiation inlateSeptemberattheevent known as 'Masters Conclave. ─── 我更进一步地邀请你来支持我,来参加在九月下旬的“大师秘密会议”来超越一个全球的主要提升点。

28、Humans were born to understand thought-form, and transcend thought-form that is non-evolutionary based. ─── 人类生来是为了理解思想形态、并超越以不进化为基础的思想形态。

29、Of course an Enlightened Master is capable of helping us to transcend the level of an ordinary human, but we ourselves must be willing. ─── 佛菩萨当然可以帮助我们,让我们超过凡夫的等级,不过我们自己也要愿意才行。

30、But freedom does not depend on personal will, it is limitary, transcending discretion of specific people and identifying universality. ─── 但自由并不取决于个人的意志,而是对个别人任意的超越和普遍性的认同,是有限制的。

31、Well, the human species is transcending karma. ─── 嗯,人类正在超越业力。

32、Going blind was the watershed of my life. My focus shifted from outrunning others before turning 29 to transcending my own limits after it. ─── 失明成为我人生的一个分水岭。29岁之前,我是努力超越别人,29岁之后,我是在超越自我。

33、TheHeart Sutra gives us solid ground for making peace with ourselves, for transcending the fear of birth and death, the duality of this and that. ─── 心经给予我们坚实的基础让我们可以和自己和平相处,超越对生死的恐惧,对于这个和那个的二元对立性。

34、This person loves to create photographs. Good amateurs of pure spirit can transcend the other levels directly to being an artist. ─── 他们热爱创作!纯为创作的优秀票友,常能直接升华到艺术家的最高境界。

35、Otherwise one will simply ascend into a difficult dance that is karmic instead of transcending the karmic dance altogether. ─── 否则你将只是提升入一个不同的舞蹈,完全以业力来代替超越业力之舞。

36、APACER very very slow.....c-hing,how about transcend? ─── APACER最少有三种唔同速度嘅卡,唔知你用边只觉得慢呢?

37、Therefore intend to cease to take records of another and release or transcend all related thought-form, patterning, machinery and karma. ─── 因此意愿停止从别人那里获得记录,并释放和超越所有相关的思想形态、模式、机械和业力。

38、As we as a species have begun to transcend such thought-form, our own relationship to one another has changed. ─── 当我们作为一个物种开始去超越这样的思想形态时,我们自己相互间的关系改变了。

39、DEFINITION OF CRAZINESS "Crazy" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. ─── "疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神。

40、Editors only constantly promote and transcend themselves then enable to acclimate the request of the times growth. ─── 只有不断提高和超越自我,编辑人员才能适应时代发展的要求。

41、And so call upon them when you are transcending a difficult moment, or in need of outside support through your current phase of ascension. ─── 因此当你正在超越一个困难的时期之时,或需要外来支持来通过你当前提升阶段时,呼唤它们。

42、But for the non-Levant traditions redemption takes place inside the psyche of the individual in a dimension transcending time and space. ─── 但是对于那些非累范特宗教而言,拯救是来自于个人心灵内部的,它发生在超越时间和空间的第三维次元中。

43、One chooses to transcend every pattern mirrored to oneself through the other or others. ─── 你可以选择去超越所有通过对方或其他人镜射给你的每一模式。


45、Her extensive knowledge and transcending power in spirituality more than qualify Her as a spiritual Master for the people of the world. ─── 她的博学和在精神领域的超越力量,使她具有担任世人明师的资格。

46、In the patriarchal society of ancient China, clothes had their ethical pursuit transcending sensibility. ─── 在宗法文化的背景下,中国古代的服饰有着超越感性需要的伦理追求。

47、Without taking responsibility, one cannot transcend or ascend, it is not possible. ─── 不能负责,你就不能超越和提升,这是不可能的。

48、FTL created a single sustainable skin to define space, washed with day lighting and harvesting rain water. Transcending infrastructure to sculpture. ─── FTL工作室根据定义空间创造了一个独特的可持续的外表结构,提供日间照明和雨水收集。这一结构超越了基础设施。

49、One is Transcending Lack and Impoverishment and the other is Mastering the Living Dream. ─── 一篇是超越缺失与穷困,另一篇是掌握活着的梦想[译文]。

50、Humans should always transcend their limits. ─── 人类应该不断超越自己的极限。

51、When you are able to transcend them, you learn the lesson of limitlessness. ─── 如果你能超越这些极限,那你就学到了潜能无限这一课。

52、Great artists often exhibit an ability to transcend social and cognitive walls. ─── 伟大的艺术家经常表现出超越社会与认知藩篱的能力。

53、Lara Croft is a billion-dollar brand and pop culture icon transcending well beyond her Tomb Raider video game franchise. ─── 劳拉·克劳馥是一个身价过亿的品牌,也是一个远远超越了她的《古墓丽影》电视游戏经销。

54、The crystal itself represents the clarity that comes from transcending all dualities. ─── 它以双手握住水晶来作为象征,水晶本身代表清晰,那个清晰来自超越所有的二分性。

55、They transcend the reality to creat an ideal paradise of their own. ─── 他们超越了现实开拓出了一个理想的属于自己的天国。

56、Bottom layer is Smart Agent, middle layer is Sun Net Manager aiming at Windows and SNMP, and top layer is Transcend application. ─── 其底层为SmartAgent管理代理软件、中间层是针对Windows等和SNMP的通用网络管理平台SunNetManager,最上层运行网管站的transcend应用软件。

57、So may you contribute by transcending, by ascending, and your contribution shall be no more or less than our channel regardless of initiatory status. ─── 因此你可以通过超越、通过提升来贡献,而不管你的提升状况是如何,你的贡献都不会比我们的通道更多或更少。


59、How did she transcend borders, languages and generations to become every soldier's sweetheart? ─── 她是怎么超越国家、语言和年龄的界限而成为每个士兵的心上人的呢?

60、Postmodern psychology is impinging on modern psychology and attempting to transcend it. ─── 后现代心理学冲击着现代心理学,并试图实现对它的超越。

61、They had come this far through successive acts of faith that had enabled them to transcend the vicissitudes of history. ─── 他们能维持到今,靠的是取信于民,笃行不倦,使他们得以越过历史的盛衰兴败。

62、Out on a walk in the forest I worked on transcending the next layer of the issues of competition and of controlling others/being controlled by others. ─── 在一次森林漫步中,我正在处理超越竞争以及控制与被控制的下一层问题。

63、Crazy stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. ─── "疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神,

64、The Party conducts its activities within the framework of the Constitution and the law and has no right to transcend the Constitution and the law. ─── 党在宪法和法律的范围内活动,没有超越宪法和法律的任何权力。

65、Similarly, because of the completely natural and empiricism, Benevolence is the universal transcend time and space. ─── 同样,由于其天然彻底的人本主义和经验主义,仁学具有超越时空的普适性。

66、The law shall be equally applied to anyone who commits a crime. No one shall have the privilege of transcending the law. ─── 对任何人犯罪,在适用法律上一律平等。不允许任何人有超越法律的特权。

67、In teaching activity, it often appears as transcending knowledge impartment, teaching wisdom and unremitting pursuit of self-improvement. ─── 在教学中,它通常外显为对知识传授的超越、学机智以及教师对自我完善的不懈追求。

68、She felt herself transcending time and space. ─── 她感觉自己正在超越时空。

69、At what point did hope transcend into belief that you could win this year's Champions League? ─── 大家的求胜欲望很强吗?

70、Definition of Craziness: Crazy stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. ─── 疯狂的定义:“疯狂”代表着人超越自我的精神。

71、Narratology, in carrying out such a rebellious spirit against tradition, transcend the former two at a higher level. ─── 叙述学则继承了前二者对传统的反叛精神,并且在更高的层面上超越了它们。

72、If it is, then I intend to release all karma related as I understand and transcend the underlying thought form. ─── 如果是的话,那么我意愿解除所有相关的业力,因为我理解并超越了所有背后的思想形态。

73、Trying to transcend our own imperfections, rather than eradicating those of others, is the best bet, he argues. ─── 他认为,与其去根除别人的缺点,倒不如先克服自己的缺点。

74、Allow the dance, for it is only in becoming conscious of the unconscious that one may begin to transcend. ─── 容许舞蹈,因为只有在从无意识变为有意识中,你才能去超越。

75、If so, what could it transcend? ─── 它又超越什么?

76、Globalization: Transcending the National Country or the National Culture? ─── 全球化:超越民族国家,还是超越民族文化?

77、They want me to transcend the limitations of the society I live in and the educational system I have gone through. ─── 她们想要我超越生活其中的社会的局限性,以及我所进入的教育体系的局限性。

78、What brings us together is that we hae common interests which transcend those differences. ─── 使我们走到一起的,是我们有超越这些分歧的共同利益。

79、A mechanical invention, however advanced, cannot transcend the physical dimension. ─── 因为再先进的机器发明,仍无法超越物质的层面。

80、His unique application of musical processes, journalism and montage allows his works to transcend categorisation. ─── 他以独特手法运用音乐制作、新闻写作及蒙太奇,令作品超越艺术媒体的固有分类。

81、If any member fails to support the group in some manner and cannot transcend the pattern at cause, they will be evicted. ─── 如果任何一位成员未能以某种方式支持群体或不能超越起因的模式,他们就将被驱逐。

82、Over the next two decades, Loren occasionally demonstrated the talent and range needed to transcend her pin-up status. ─── 在接下来的二十年里,罗兰不时地展示她的才华、拓宽她的戏路,以超越她作为海报、画像中的影星地位。

83、The balancing or transcending of opposites also has counterparts in other theories. ─── 对于相反性格的平衡或是超越也可以在其他理论中找到补足。

84、This reprogramming is required in order to transcend 800 strands of DNA and master 1024. ─── 为了超过800股而掌握1024股,这一重新编程是必须的。

85、They transcend national borders and generations. ─── 它们超越国界及世代。

86、Great empires transcend national culture and naturalize the culture they require. ─── 伟大的帝国超越于它们的固有文化,把它们需要的文化纳入到它们自己的范畴中去。

87、As you strive to transcend and ascend out of such thought-form, the harm shall cease. ─── 当你尝试去超越并提升出这样的思想形态,伤害会停止。

88、You see, all kingdoms are transcending on a biological level to the next dimension, a little at a time, over the coming century. ─── 你看,所有的王国都正在一个生物水平上超越到下一个密度,一次一步,横跨整个未来的世纪。

89、As one focuses within and uncovers one's own discord, one becomes at choice to transcend. ─── 当一个人聚焦在内在并发现自己的不和谐之时,你将来到超越的抉择点。

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