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09-15 投稿



risible 发音

英:[ˈrɪzəb(ə)l]  美:[ˈrɪzəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

risible 中文意思翻译



risible 网络释义

adj. 可笑的;爱笑的;引人笑的

risible 短语词组

1、risible girl ─── 可笑的女孩

risible 词性/词形变化,risible变形

副词: risibly |

risible 相似词语短语

1、derisible ─── adj.可被嘲弄的;可笑的

2、visibles ─── adj.明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;n.可见物;进出口贸易中的有形项目

3、fusible ─── adj.易熔的,可熔化的

4、visible ─── adj.明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;n.可见物;进出口贸易中的有形项目

5、rinsible ─── 可冲洗的

6、miscible ─── adj.[化学]易混合的;可溶混的;能混溶的

7、risibles ─── adj.可笑的;爱笑的;引人笑的

8、erosible ─── 可侵蚀的

9、risibly ─── 可笑的;引人发笑的

risible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But he knew it was vital to remember that the evil men who were jeopardising civilisation were also risible little twerps. ─── 但他知道,记住那些危及文明的坏人也同样是一群可笑的蠢人,这一点极其重要。

2、The notion that mainland Asia is about to supplant the US, EU and Japan in the near future is risible. ─── 亚洲大陆将在不久的将来取代美国、欧洲和日本的观点是很可笑的。

3、And reassurances that the due diligence performed on Merrill's books had been rigorous, despite the rush, look risible. ─── 同时他还一再保证,虽然仓促,但是对美林公司的账户清查非常严格。这在现在看起来也实在可笑。

4、Yet risible as the cause may be, the danger is real. ─── 不过原因也许是很可笑,但是危机却是真实的。

5、The built-in templates have long been ugly, the clip-art tacky and the animations risible. ─── 的内置模板一直丑陋难看,剪贴画俗不可耐,动画引人发笑。

6、risible adj. ─── 可笑的;

7、Man is the only risible animal. ─── 人类是唯一“能笑的”动物。

8、I will be a love says risible young man tomorrow. ─── 明天我又是一个爱说爱笑的小男子汉。

9、But freedom of movement within the European Union makes such notions impractical, and many in the game regard them as risible. ─── 可是,欧盟内自由流动使得这样的愿望不切实际,很多足球运动员则认为,这样的想法是滑稽可笑的。

10、And reassurances that the due diligence performed on Merrill's books had been rigorous, despite the rush, look risible. ─── 同时他还一再保证,虽然仓促,但是对美林公司的账户清查非常严格。这在现在看起来也实在可笑。

11、Risk management was risible, with risk limits raised whenever they were breached and dodgy investments excluded from stress tests. ─── 每当风险限制因为被破坏而提高,同时不良投资被踢出压力测试之外时,风险管理就变得滑稽可笑了。

12、Risible little girl, two years old zero month is detected to go out however " deaf of sex of heavy sex nerve " , and " cannot changeover " . ─── 爱笑的小女孩,两岁零一个月却被检测出“重性神经性耳聋”,并且“不可逆转”。

13、The entire proposal is risible: it will never be accepted. ─── 这个建议完全是荒唐可笑的,根本不可能采纳。

14、The woman is risible the mouth, become warped on corners of the mouth. ─── 女人爱笑的嘴,嘴角上翘。

15、1. The entire proposal is risible: it will never be accepted. ─── 这个建议完全是荒唐可笑的,根本不可能采纳.

16、Clearly, investors question whether the recovery is sustainable, and don't see an easy way out of today's risible government spending. ─── 显然,投资者怀疑经济复苏是否可持续,并且他们没有找到一个简单易行的办法摆脱目前可笑的政府开支。

17、results can be risible. ─── 结果可能很可笑。

18、8.The entire proposal is risible: it will never be accepted. ─── 这个建议完全是荒唐可笑的, 根本不可能采纳.

19、He drew a risible picture on the wall. ─── 他在墙上画了一张滑稽的画。

20、More generally, the notion that Mr Obama does not take seriously his responsibilities as commander-in-chief is risible. ─── 总的来说,那种认为奥巴马先生没有认真履行总司令职责的想法是滑稽可笑的。

21、Its seasonal temperature fluctuations are risible in its ever growing and receding polar ice capes . ─── 从火星消退的冰状极冠可以看出它季节性的温度波动。

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