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09-15 投稿



intensification 发音

英:[ɪn,tensɪfɪ'keɪʃn]  美:[ɪn,tɛnsəfə'keʃən]

英:  美:

intensification 中文意思翻译



intensification 网络释义

n. 强化;加剧;激烈化;增强明暗度

intensification 同义词

vigorous | feverish | drastic | exquisite | desperation | acute | insistent | violent | vivid | soul | ablaze | considerable | extreme | passionate | profound | feeling | dynamic | fervent | burning | forceful | strenuous |strong | vehement | powerful | deep | fierce | zealous | emphatic | severe | stormy | penetrating | dramatic | rigorous | concentrated | forcible | single | great

intensification 词性/词形变化,intensification变形

形容词最高级: intensest |名词: intenseness |形容词比较级: intenser |副词: intensely |

intensification 反义词


intensification 短语词组

1、lead intensification ─── [机] 铅盐加厚法

2、intensification of immunity ─── [医] 免疫性增强

3、copper intensification ─── [建] 铜盐加厚法

4、chromium intensification ─── [建] 铬盐加厚法

5、over intensification ─── 过度强化

6、photographic intensification ─── [医] 照相增强

intensification 相似词语短语

1、extensifications ─── 扩展

2、diversification ─── n.多样化;变化

3、indemnification ─── n.赔偿;保护;赦免;补偿金

4、identification ─── n.鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明

5、extensification ─── n.扩大化;粗放型

6、latensification ─── 潜影加强

7、interstratification ─── n.间层作用

8、interesterification ─── n.酯交换;相互酯化(作用)

9、densification ─── n.密实化;封严;[化学]稠化

intensification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the processing the algorithm ignores the intensification of the isolated points in the image and restrains the noise. ─── 在此处理过程中可以有效忽略对图像中孤立点的增强,从而抑制噪声。

2、However, the intensification appears to be directed towards the leaders' respective aides who will have two half-day meetings a week. ─── 然而,似乎是加强对领导干部各自的助手谁将会有两个半天的会议一个星期指示。

3、Approaches to coupling and intensification of the reversible reaction process ─── 可逆反应过程耦合强化策略研究

4、immediate rephrasing for intensification or justification. ─── 为了增强或者调整而立刻重新措辞。

5、Intensification of Vitriol Tank-Car Work Process Management to End Leakage ─── 加强硫酸罐车流程管理杜绝漏酸事故

6、Intensification of livestock production is feared to reduce genetic diversity indirectly by displacing landraces and their inherent diversity as farmers adopt genetically uniform varieties of livestock. ─── 人们害怕畜牧集约化生产将改变家畜的品种及其固有的多样性,迫使农民接受统一的家畜品种,从而间接地减少动物遗传多样性。

7、Moreover, we should also put into serious consideration the phenomenon that the concretization and intensification of contemporary literature has always been impeded by the generalization of the discourses. ─── 另外,宏观论述的表达方式,为什么始终困扰着当代文学向具体化、精细化的方面发展,这个现象也需要加以省思。

8、stress intensification factor ─── 应力增强系数

9、Improvement in the Mode of Tax Collection Administration of the Self-employed Private Economy and Intensification of Tax Collection on Audit of Accounts. ─── 二、改进个体、私营经济税收征管方式,强化查帐征收。

10、chemical process intensification ─── 化工过程强化

11、The act of becoming intense or more intense;intensification. ─── 加强变强或加强的行为;加强

12、Keywords carbon dioxide;mineral sequestration;process intensification; ─── 二氧化碳;矿物固定;过程强化;

13、As time went on, there was a substantial increase in seeds from pioneer plants, attesting both to agricultural intensification and to an increasingly disturbed local environment. ─── 随着时间的推移,“先锋植物”的种子大量增加,这是农业集约化和地方环境日益受到干扰的证据。

14、western intensification of ocean circulation ─── 大洋环流西向强化

15、WHO is providing technical support to the Ministry of Health, including the intensification of surveillance, case management and health promotion activities. ─── 世卫组织正在向卫生部提供技术支持,包括强化监测、病例管理和健康促进活动。

16、Developing Study in Intensification Heat Exchange with Dropwise Condensing ─── 发展中的滴状冷凝强化换热研究

17、But the dispersion contracted management existence very big limitation, causes the agricultural production to realize the formalization, the intensification with difficulty. ─── 但分散承包经营存在很大的局限性,使得农业生产难以实现规模化、集约化。

18、Intensification of facility management without delay ─── 加强设备管理工作刻不容缓

19、Sand-removing of small and medium sized castings,rust-removing and intensification of forgings,heat-treated pieces,steel plates,steel pipes,sections and steel structures,surface treatment before plating,cutting of rocks. ─── 7中小型铸造件的清砂、锻件、热处理件。钢板、钢管、型钢及结构件的除锈强化,涂镀、涂装前的表面处理及石材切割。

20、The injection unit is equipped with high specification piston or bladder type accumulators allowing optimum efficiency for 2nd stage injection velocity and increase responsiveness of intensification. ─── 压射系统采用优质活塞式或胶囊式储能器,能提供高效率的二速压射速度及高反应的增压。

21、Srivastava, Smith, Forno: Integrating Biodiversity in Agricultural Intensification, Toward Sound Practices, 1999, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. ─── 《加强农业中生物多样性的整合,合理有效的实践》,1999,世界银行,华盛顿特区。

22、Observational evidence of African desert dust intensification of easterly waves ─── 东风波非洲沙漠尘加深的观测根据

23、Magnet ic su sceptibility showed no intensification on GRE-T2?*WI with the prolongation of TE time, which was different from iron deposition. ─── (4)GRE-T2*wi序列延长TE时间,钙化病灶的磁敏感性不增强,可以与铁沉积疾病鉴别。

24、In this awakening, based on the individual and society, nature and diocesan, the rationale for the truth and popular all-round intensification of the contradiction between. ─── 在这觉醒基础上,个体与社会、自然与名教、真情与俗理之间的矛盾全面激化。

25、However,the intensification of risks in investment has greatly hindered the steady development of individual investment into higher educational,and in this case brings a series of negative effect. ─── 但是,由于投资风险的存在和加剧,在一定程度上遏制了个人对高等教育投资的稳定发展,并可能由此带来一系列负面效应。

26、Both sides agreed that this incident should not lead to intensification of the contradictions between the two peoples. ─── 双方一致认为,此次事件不应导致两国国民之间的矛盾激化。

27、To solve these problems,this paper suggests that attention should be paid to the renewal of teaching concepts,the intensification of the training of teachers,the development of teac... ─── 为此,文章建议,要充分发挥多媒体教学的优势,应在更新教育观念、加强教师培训、开发教学资源、正确实施教学和建立科学的多媒体教学监控与评价机制等五个方面做好工作。

28、This decline reflects an intensification-and globalisation-of competition. ─── 这个费用的减少反映出了竞争的激烈化和全球化。

29、System of Rice Intensification ─── 强化栽培

30、Intensification of Livestock Production and Environmental Risks: Can We MakeSpatially Explicit Assessments? ─── 如何评估集约式畜牧业生产的环境代价?

31、Our company is a casting machinery, Polishing and Intensification surface finishing equipment specialized enterprise assembling the business of scientific riserah designing, making, installation debugging and consulting service. ─── 我公司是集科研、设计、制造、安装、调试、咨询服务为一体的成套铸造机械,抛喷丸表面处理设备的专业化企业。

32、Unlike rites of passage that mark important milestones in the life an individual,rites of intensification mark occasions of crises in the life of the community. ─── 与纪念个人生活中重要事件的跨越仪式不同,团契仪式是为了纪念社会生活中的危机事件而举行的.

33、Ultrasonic and slow freezing were used as intensification technology to extract water sol-ube polysaccharide in plant materal pumpkin. ─── 以新鲜南瓜为研究对象,用超声波和缓冻2种方法强化提取水溶性多糖。

34、Profession widening and deepening is a couple of intensification in producing practice teaching of the material profession. ─── 在材料专业生产实践教学中 ,专业拓宽和深入是一对矛盾。

35、The monocular USES image intensification for target identification and IR for target detection. ─── 这种单目镜通过图像增强技术进行目标识别,通过红外技术进行目标探测。

36、intensification of heat transfer ─── 传热强化


38、Sand-removing of small and medium sized castings, rust-removing and intensification of forgings, heat-treated pieces, steel plates, steel pipes, sections and steel structures, surface treatment before plating, cutting of rocks. ─── 中小型铸造件的清砂、锻件、热处理件。钢板、钢管、型钢及结构件的除锈强化,涂镀、涂装前的表面处理及石材切割。

39、With the intensification of left ventricular hypertrophy,the LVDF decreased further. ─── 且随着左室肥厚的加重,舒张功能进一步减退。

40、There is sepecifical sciety background of Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle ,which shows that ecomomic development status in sixty and seventy and intensification of social contradictions in Ameica. ─── 德沃金法律原则理论的产生有其特定的社会背景即美国六七十年代的经济发展状况和社会矛盾的激化;

41、Triangle system of sice intensification ─── 三角强化栽培

42、intensification of apical impulse ─── 心尖搏动增强

43、Intensification of biochemical oxidation on purifying Phenol-containing sewage ─── 强化生化氧化法提纯含酚污水

44、In the course of worship reestablishment, attention should be paid to worship-reestablishing means, focus and construction and refinement of common worship and intensification of behavior worship. ─── 我们应注意信仰重建的方法、着力点、构架,注重共同信仰的提炼和做人信仰的强化。

45、With the intensification of competition in the international marketplace,we need to review and re-focus,a need that is made all the more urgent by the ever-changing scenarios created by an IT age. ─── 国际市场竞争激烈化,因此我们需要检讨和重新调整我们的教育政策。资讯科技时代日新月异的变化,使得这个需要更为迫切。

46、intensification installation ─── 强化装置

47、With the intensification of competition in the international marketplace, we need to review and re-focus, a need that is made all the more urgent by the ever-changing scenarios created by an IT age. ─── 国际市场竞争激烈化,因此我们需要检讨和重新调整我们的教育政策。 资讯科技时代日新月异的变化,使得这个需要更为迫切。

48、urban land use intensification ─── 城市土地集约利用

49、Since the beginning of this year, with the intensification of the urban light rail construction projects along the Light Rail more hot speculation. ─── 今年以来,随着城市轻轨铁路的加紧建设,轻轨沿线的楼盘越炒越热。

50、Besides increasing yield, agricultural production should stress intensification of food nutrition and improvement of food safety to get high quality food materials. ─── 为了得到优质的食品原料,农业生产在提高产量的同时,应强调食物营养的增强和安全性的改善。

51、He said he was very concerned about a renewed intensification of the euro zone's debt crisis. ─── 他说他非常关心的一个新的强化欧元区债务危机。

52、Agriculture in the developing nations is not irreversibly committed, to a particular pattern of intensification. ─── 发展中国家的农业并没有完全为某种集约化形式所束缚。

53、heat transfer intensification ─── 传热的强化

54、A Teaching Case on "Intensification of Trend of Multipolar World" ─── "世界多极化趋势的加强"教学案例

55、With the intensification of education reform in China, struggle and achievements of him in difficult times are of more value. ─── 随着中国教育改革的不断深化,黄炎培在当时艰难时期的奋斗和取得的成就,更显得弥足珍贵。

56、Strengthening of taxation administration of self-employed private economy and intensification of taxation on audit of accounts involve many sides and have an integral nature, it is therefore a difficult job. ─── 加强个体、私营经济税收征管,强化查帐征收工作涉及面广,综合性强,难度较大。

57、transformation and intensification ─── 变性加强

58、photographic intensification ─── [医] 照相增强

59、The combination of catalyst improvement with process design and control via new equipment, new technology, and so on to exert process intensification shows promise for obtaining new ways of methane effective utilization. ─── 在研究天然气催化活化的同时改进新设备、新技术、新方法和催化剂的协同作用,实施过程强化,有望为天然气活化利用提供新的途径。

60、Electron-Discharge Machining Surface Intensification of Cold Stamping Die Blade ─── 冷冲模刃口的电火花强化

61、To assist in ensuring good governance through intensification of actions against improper conduct and corruption in a coordinated manner. ─── 协调反贪工作,严厉打击不当行为与贪污舞弊,确保有效管治。

62、image intensification system ─── 影像增强系统

63、The intensification of immiscible element in this process is the key to realize uniformization sintering and reach a higher shrinkage ratio. ─── 加强非西安理工大学硕士学位论文一互溶性组元在此方面的功用作用是实现此类材料均匀化、高收缩比烧结的关键。

64、The main ways of bubble prevention are material insurance,dry intensification,strict control of processing conditions. ─── 其主要措施有:把好原料关、加强干燥、严格控制生产工艺条件。

65、The Historic Certainty Between Chinese Opening Reform and Its Intensification ─── 中国改革开放与深化的历史必然性

66、The act of becoming intense or more intense; intensification. ─── 加强变强或加强的行为;加强

67、Image intensification amplifies what visible light is available, meaning that systems using that approach would suffer under dark skies, whereas nightglow vision would not. ─── 影像强化会增强接收到的可见光,亦即使用这种技术的系统无法在黑暗的夜空中获得影像,而夜辉视像则可以。


69、mass transfer intensification ─── 传质强化

70、Their solution to indigenous agrarian problems consisted of an intensification of production that was to be financed by the sale of land. ─── 他们对农业问题的解决方案是将通过土地转让得到的资金用于生产的强化。

71、To understand this intensification of the paradox, we have to consider the way secularization has taken place in America. ─── 为了更好的理解这种矛盾加剧的原因,我们首先要考虑世俗化在美国产生的原因。

72、Agricultural intensification ─── 农业集约化

73、The intensification of the immunological response represents the body's natural defence. ─── 增强免疫反应代表身体的自然保卫。

74、A sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease ─── 发作突然的发作、复发或疾病的加剧

75、We can't reckless no specific divulges own emotions, and that will only make contradiction and intensification. ─── 我们不能鲁莽没有针对性的宣泄自己的情感,这只会使矛盾越来越激化。


77、The formation of the "high efficiency reaction core model" is favor to intensification of smelting process... ─── “高效反应区”的形成有利于强化生产、降低油耗和烟尘率、延长反应塔寿命、提高氧利用率和铜直收率。

78、Compliance with all 3 intensification regimens aeraged 61% (75/123). Patient-directed noncompliance occurred in 16 patients (13%). ─── 三种强化方法治疗的平均顺应性为61%(75/123)。有16名患者直接拒绝(13%)。

79、Rice intensification system (SRI) ─── 强化栽培技术(SRI)

80、intensification of traffic movement ─── (车流) 强化交通流

81、Concrete steps will be taken as follows: Operation of scale in an appropriate degree will be carried out gradually and the intensification level of grain production raised where possible. ─── 在有条件的地方,逐步实行适度规模经营,提高粮食生产集约化水平。

82、Quite a few mishaps result from the intensification of contradictions that takes place when cadres are incompetent administrators and don't know how to do ideological work or to solve problems directly related to people. ─── 好多事故都是因为不会管理,不会做工作,不会做人的工作,不会做思想工作,使矛盾激化而发生的。

83、intensification insulin therapy ─── 强化胰岛素治疗

84、The intensification of the positive vorticity and divergence at the low levels induced the formation of the meso-scale vortex and the center of torrential rainfall. ─── 低层正涡度和辐合作用的加强,导致中尺度低涡的形成和暴雨中心的产生。

85、An intensification of police activity in pursuing criminals. ─── 加强追捕罪犯时警察活动的增强

86、With the urbanization process as economic conditions and the intensification of production conditions, become unprecedentedly fast and violent. ─── 因为都市化的过程随着各种经济条件和制作条件的加剧,变得前所未有的快和剧烈。

87、intensification reconstruction ─── 加固改造

88、Professional “overweight &oversize cargo transportation service ” is our existent and developping corecompetende in intensification business war. ─── 专业的“重大件货物运输”是我们在激烈的商战中,生存和发展的核心竞争力!

89、shore protection with depositional intensification ─── 保滩促淤

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