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waterworks 发音

英:['wɔːtəwɜːks]  美:['wɔtɚwɝks]

英:  美:

waterworks 中文意思翻译



waterworks 网络释义

n. 自来水厂;供水系统;喷泉;眼泪

waterworks 短语词组

turn on the waterworks

1. 哭起来

You needn't turn on the waterworks for me.


1、waterworks museum ─── 水厂博物馆

2、waterworks project ─── 水厂项目

3、waterworks aluminum ─── 自来水厂铝

waterworks 习惯用语

1、turn on the waterworks ─── [口]哇的一声哭起来(特指为了引人注意或得到想要的东西)

waterworks 相似词语短语

1、water worker ─── 水工

2、water workers ─── 水利工作者

3、masterworks ─── n.杰作;名著

4、waterworn ─── adj.被水冲蚀的;被流水磨平的

5、watermarks ─── n.[印刷]水印(watermark的复数);水中印记

6、water oaks ─── [植]黑栎;水栎

7、waterwork ─── n.水厂;水道设备

8、interworks ─── v.互工作,交互运作;互通;交织;互相作用

9、plasterworks ─── n.抹灰泥工作;灰泥天花板

waterworks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The DCS applications in raw water intake, chlorination and chemical dosage, filtration station, output pumping house, power switching house and main control room are specially described in detail under different conditions of waterworks. ─── 并根据水厂生产的工艺过程,着重介绍了集散控制系统在原水取水、加药加氯、滤池、配电、出水泵房和水厂控制室中各种不同场合的应用情况。

2、The newly-built second session waterworks with the sup of 28,000 tons per day, and the eligibility rate of quality above 99.2%, can meet the need of the tq and the rural areas by and large. ─── 公司新建第二期供水工程,日供水量达到2.8万吨,出水水质合格率平均在99.2%以上,能满足城乡居民用水要求。

3、Employees of a waterworks plant in Foshan, China, toast their good fortune at a 13-course banquet served to 3,000 people. ─── 中国佛山自来水厂的员工在为好运气干杯,这是一场3,000人参加的宴会,酒席上有13道菜。

4、Trail operation and performance of Guhengqiao Waterworks in Pinghu City ─── 平湖市古横桥水厂扩建工程调试和运行

5、two of three monitoring stations operated by the municipal waterworks bureau, no radiation was detected. ─── 自来水局得三台检测仪中,两台都没有检测到辐射。

6、A bench and full scale tests were carried out to investigate the reuse of filter backwash water in a waterworks taking raw water from Xiangjiang River. ─── 以湘江原水为研究对象,对滤池反冲洗废水回用进行了小试及生产性试验研究。

7、Design of big-size spheroidal graphite cast iron pipeline for Linjiang Waterworks ─── 临江水厂大口径球墨铸铁输水管设计介绍

8、Shenyang economic development zone waterworks is the first large-scale biological underground water Fe/ Mn removal facility in this country. ─── 在生物除铁除锰技术指导下设计建造的沈阳经济技术开发区供水厂,是我国第一座成规模的典型的地下水生物除铁除锰水厂。

9、These might be helpful to realize automation for the waterworks of medium and small capacities . ─── 对于中、小型水厂实现自动控制有较高的参考价值。

10、Mrs Skinner was quite good at turning on the waterworks when she thought there was a chance of sympathy. ─── 只要看准有人同情她,斯金纳夫人能随时哭给人看。

11、Farmers are upstream collecting water samples from their tile lines, collecting river water samples.And the Des Moines waterworks is analyzing those samples. ─── 在上游的农人从瓦沟中收集水样,又从河流中采集水样,然后迪莫伊水厂则对这些水样进行分析。

12、International Study Group for Waterworks in the Rhine Catchment Area ─── 国际莱茵河流域自来水厂联合会

13、Manufacture of spiral welded pipe used in waterwork, pretreatment, powder spraying, property and testing method of painted steel pipe are introduced, the development trend is included also. ─── 介绍了自来水工程用螺旋焊管的制造、前处理、粉末涂塑工艺及涂塑钢管的性能与检验方法,指出自来水用钢管涂塑的发展趋势。

14、Measures to Limit Higher Harmonic Wave in large Waterworks ─── 大型水厂高次谐波综合治理方案

15、Author Chen Xiaomei (Nanping City Waterworks;Nanping 353000); ─── 作者陈晓妹;

16、Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks. ─── 在消毒处理工艺中,氯气、次氯酸钠、漂白粉是各水厂过去常用的杀菌消毒剂。

17、Operation of ozone and BAC process in Zhoujiadu Waterworks ─── 周家渡水厂臭氧活性炭组合工艺的运行

18、Dewatering process of plate and frame press system in Changqiao Waterworks was introduced,trial running was also illustrated,and relative issues were analyzed for the system. ─── 介绍了长桥水厂板框压滤机系统脱水工艺,对系统的调试作了说明,并分析了污泥脱水系统中的相关问题。

19、Impact of waterworks sludge on phosphorus-fixation and phy-Chemical properties of Soil ─── 供水厂排泥对土壤固磷及理化特性的影响研究

20、The linear ranges of the calibration curves for GSM and 2-MIB were 5-1 000 ng/L. The method has been used for the detection of GSM and 2-MIB in Huangpu River and waterworks of Shanghai. ─── 利用该法对上海市原水及某水厂水样进行检测,检出GSM和2-MIB含量为10 ng/L左右。

21、Design of gravitational sludge thickener in waterworks based on static settling experiment ─── 基于静沉试验的给水厂污泥重力浓缩池的设计探讨

22、Reconstruction of Siphon Filter in the Third Waterworks of Wanzhou in Three Gorges Reservoir Region ─── 三峡库区万州第三水厂虹吸滤池的改造

23、Application of water abstractive flow passage in secondary pumping station of Changqiao Waterworks ─── 吸水流道在长桥水厂二级泵房的应用

24、Hydraulic Sand Sluicing in Lateral Canal at the Downstream of Xigu Waterworks in Lanzhou ─── 兰州西固水厂下游斗槽水力冲沙条件的论证

25、Third Phase Construction of Gaodian Waterworks in Amoy ─── 厦门市高殿水厂三期工程简介

26、Design and Operation of the Third Waterworks in Changshu ─── 常熟市第三水厂工程设计与运行总结

27、Discussion on flocculation tank design for medium and small waterworks ─── 中小型水厂絮凝池的设计探讨

28、Sludge disposal design of Huyan Waterworks in Taiyuan ─── 太原市呼延水厂污泥处理工程简介

29、The method was applied for the determination of the haloacetic acids in the source waters and treated drinking waters from nine waterworks of Beijing. ─── 应用该方法对北京市9个自来水厂的源水及出厂水中的卤代乙酸进行了测定。

30、The compositions of the bacterial biofilm in clear water tank of a waterworks in Beijing was identified in this paper. ─── 以北京市某水厂清水池壁上自然生成的生物膜为样本,研究了构成该生物膜的微生物种类,形成了比较系统的菌种鉴定方法。

31、Keywords water supply plant;waterworks sludge;sludge utilization;soil modification;phosphorus-fixation of soil; ─── 供水厂;排泥;污泥利用;土壤改良;土壤固磷;

32、The situation can be relieved by the optimization of dispatching of hydro projects and increase of waterworks. ─── 在适当优化调度水库、泵站等水利工程以及增加、扩大一定工程规模的条件下,珠海市的缺水问题可以得到缓解。

33、The effect of performer applied in the automatic regulation system of waterworks, especially the flow characteristics and the selective manner of the regulation valves are presented in this paper. ─── 介绍了执行器在水厂自动调节系统中的作用及其调节阀的流量特性、选择方式。

34、Electric and automation design of underground waterworks ─── 地下水厂的电气自控设计

35、The twin valve filters in the Stone Buddha Waterworks in Zhengzhou city have been renovated. ─── 介绍郑州市石佛水厂双阀滤池技术改造的实例。

36、He was amazed at how fast she could turn on the waterworks. ─── 她装哭的速度之快让他吃惊。

37、Demonstration engineering for safe drinking water ensuring technology in the Taihu Lake Valley--conventional water treatment part of Yangshupu Waterworks in Shanghai ─── 太湖流域安全饮用水保障技术示范工程--上海市杨树浦水厂新建常规处理部分

38、a pipe with a valve and spout at which water may be drawn from the mains of waterworks. ─── 一种具有阀门和喷管的水可从自来水厂牵引到此的管子。

39、In the reconstruction of Changqiao Waterworks, an underground water abstractive flow passage was designed to replace the routine absorbing well. ─── 在长桥水厂改造中,结合渠道输水,借鉴大型立式泵常用 的前池和流道形式,设计了埋地式吸水流道,代替常规吸水井。

40、In May a new waterworks will go into operation. ─── 五月份,一座新的自来水厂将投入使用。

41、By the assessment parameters of drinking water security system promotes the water supply security system and optimization operation in the waterworks. ─── 以提供饮用水安全防护体系评估参数,藉此提升自来水供水系统之水质安全及水厂操作调整之依据。

42、You needn't turn on the waterworks for me. ─── 你不用为我掉眼泪。

43、A new waterworks will be built this year. ─── 今年将要建一座自来水厂。

44、Chlorine dosing in waterworks is the most crucial part. ─── 在自来水生产过程中,加氯工艺是至关重要的一环。

45、On the Transfer of a Part of Shares of Shanghai Municipal Waterworks Pudong Co., Ltd ─── 对上海市自来水浦东有限公司部分股权转让的思考

46、Application of PLC and the Frequency Conversion Technique to Secondary Pump Control in the Waterworks ─── PLC及变频技术在自来水厂的二级泵房的控制应用

47、The GL series of plastic chain &flight sludge collectors apply to the rectangular advection sedimentation tanks of large、medium、small urban sewage treatment plants and waterworks etc. ─── GL系列非金属链条式刮泥机适用于大、中、小型自来水厂及城市污水处理厂等的矩形平流式沉淀池。

48、Software Description: About Best of My WaterWorks, This screen saver includes 21 water animation photos with sound effects. ─── 软件许可:免费软件这个屏幕保护程序包含21张动感的瀑布。

49、Automatic Chemical Feeding Process Controlled by Expert System in Waterworks ─── 专家系统控制自来水生产的自动加药工艺

50、Dams and waterworks have been provided to improve irrigation . ─── 修建水坝和水利工程以改善灌溉条件。

51、Pretreatments for waterworks sludge dewatering,different dewatering technologies and methods, etc. are reported. ─── 介绍水厂污泥脱水的预处理、脱水工艺与方法和各种脱水方法的优缺点。

52、The utility model can also be used for treating water quality of small waterworks and small fish ponds in the countryside. ─── 本实用新型还可用于农村小型自来水厂、小型鱼塘的水质处理。

53、Letters from the History Compilation Bureau of Greater Shanghai and etc. On the Survey of Shanghai Nantao Waterworks Co., Ltd. ─── 上海市通志馆等关于海内地自来水公司概况的一组函件。

54、He has a job at the waterworks. ─── 他在自来水厂工作。

55、The automatic control system of water supply facility in Dagang oil field is composed of SCADA dispatching system,the waterworks monitoring system and terminals at some water distribution points. ─── 大港油田供水自动化系统由供水调度SCADA系统、水厂监控系统和若干个供水站终端系统组成。

56、Experiences in design of Huajiangyingzi Waterworks in Baotou City ─── 包头市画匠营子总水源工程设计特点及总结

57、Study on Sludge Discharge Control Modes of Waterworks Sedimentation Tank in Northeast China ─── 东北地区水厂沉淀池排泥控制模式探讨

58、LI Dong-yan,JlA Guo-dong.Characteristics and mechanism of the corrosion and clogging of well device at qijia waterwork Daqing oil field [J].Modern Geology,1999,13(4):477-480. ─── [3]李东艳,贾国东.大庆油田齐家水源地取水设备腐蚀与堵塞特征及形成机理分析[J].现代地质,1999,13(4):477-480.

59、Development of integral SCD based automatic chemical dosage apparatus in Xicun Waterworks ─── 广州西村水厂SCD一体化自动投药系统介绍

60、PLC Control Program Analysis of Small Waterworks'Chlorinating Dilution Process ─── 小水厂加氯稀释过程的PLC控制程序分析

61、Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of city and town waterworks ─── 城镇供水厂运行、维护及安全技术规程

62、Aiming at a method of risk analysis for drinking water treatment,a statistical conceptual model was developed to simulate the chlorination disinfection processes in a conventional waterworks. ─── 以建立给水处理过程的风险分析方法为目标,提出了适用于传统给水处理工艺的氯消毒概率机理模型。

63、When my daughter wants something from her father she has only to turn on the waterworks and he gives it to her. ─── 当我女儿向她父亲要东西时,她只要一哭,他就给她了。

64、Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks. ─── 在消毒处理工艺中,氯气、次氯酸钠、漂白粉是各水厂过去常用的杀菌消毒剂。

65、Prior on the Sludge Thickening in Waterworks ─── 净水厂沉淀污泥浓缩性能初探

66、They were projecting a new waterworks . ─── 他们在设计一个新自来水厂。

67、The waterworks is controlled by remote from a central control room to eliminate the need for onsite manning. ─── 供水系统通过中央控制室实施远程控制,减少了现场人员配备的必要。

68、Sewage Waterworks'Remote Monitoring System Based GPRS ─── 基于GPRS的污水厂远程监控系统

69、A two-valve filter has been rebuilded to a four valve filter to execute full automation in the technical reform of the Nanmen Waterworks in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. ─── 介绍了嘉兴市南门水厂双阀滤池技改工程。

70、Pilot plant experiments were conducted to investigate the problems of second propagation of Cyclops in waterworks and the combined removal of Cyclops by chlorine dioxide pre-oxidation with routine water purification process. ─── 为解决净水工艺中剑水蚤的二次繁殖问题,进行了生产性试验,考察了二氧化氯与常规工艺协同对剑水蚤的去除效果。

71、Energy saving calculation of speed governed pumping assembles in Nanjing North Waterworks ─── 南京市城北水厂水泵调速节电计算分析

72、In May a new waterworks will go into operation. ─── 5月间一座自来水厂将要投产。

73、Automation of Urban Waterworks of small and Medium Capacity ─── 中小型水厂自动化技术的实现方法

74、The waterworks is supposed to be fixed in two hours. ─── 供水系统预计在两小时内恢复正常。

75、With a water treatment system with double-stage generation, the power of the waterworks can be saved by above 60 percent. ─── 当采用双级发电的自来水处理系统时,自来水厂的电能可节省60%以上。

76、It has triumphantly used in measuring alum images system in waterworks. ─── 在水厂自动加矾系统实时矾花检测系统的实际应用中取得了良好的效果。

77、Underground Water Stage of the Long- Range Waterworks Automatic Monitoring System Based on the Short Information Method of GSM ─── 基于GSM短信息方式的远程自来水厂地下水位自动监控系统

78、I'm amazed at how fast she can turn on the waterworks. ─── 她装哭的速度之快让我吃惊。

79、When my daughter wants something from her father she has only to turn on the waterworks and he gives it to her. ─── 当我女儿向她父亲要东西时,她只要一哭,他就给她了。

80、It also treats ammonium, which is responsible for chlorine type odors. Bureau of Waterworks. ─── 它也会处理由氨盐基所导致的氯类气味。

81、Had the unfortunate experience of losing my last Moleskine Diary on the way to hosting a Sengkang Waterworks Launch Event. ─── 君伟:影片的励志元素能在经济低迷时给人带来希望。

82、The growing number of waterworks and big explosion on its scale make the greenland structure most important. ─── 不断增加的水厂数量、不断扩大的水厂规模,使水厂厂区绿地建设也日臻重要。

83、Are your waterworks all right ? ─── 你泌尿系统正常吗?

84、These might be helpful to realize automation for the waterworks of medium and small capacities. ─── 对于中、小型水厂实现自动控制有较高的参考价值。

85、She was quite good at turning on the waterworks when she thought there was a chance of sympathy. ─── 只要看准有人同情,她就能随时哭给人看。

86、Development and Application of a Chlorine Disinfection Model for a Conventional Waterworks ─── 传统给水处理厂氯消毒模型的开发与应用

87、They were projecting a new waterworks. ─── 他们在设计一个新自来水厂。

88、According to the design, the specific land occupation lays on 0.08 m2/m3 of output water, the regulating capacity of the clear tank will be 9.49% of the capacity and the afforesting area of the waterworks is 35. 56% . ─── 单位产水量占地0.08 m2/m3,清水池调节容积占设计规模9.49%,绿地率35.56%。

89、Practice in Water Affair Financing of Tianjin Waterworks Group Co. Ltd. ─── 天津市自来水集团有限公司的融资实践。


American Water Works Association(AWWA),即美国水行业协会,成立于1881年,是安全用水方面的权威机构。AWWA 标准服务包括 AWWA 标准,从 A 到 E 系列。资源 (A 系列)。

处理 (B 系列)—过滤、软化、消毒、凝结、等级和腐蚀控制、味道和气味控制、预防。

输送(C 系列)—铸铁管道及配件、钢管、混凝土管、石棉—水泥管、阀和消防栓、输油管线长度、服务生产线和塑料管。

存储(D 系列)。抽水(E 系列)。AWWA 标准服务还包括 AWWA 指南、编号从 1 到 23,包括以下标题:





2.Break Away Support Structure (BASS) (易剥离性支撑): 水溶性支撑的前身,由手工将支撑从工件表面剥离以移除。水溶性支撑因为可以不用考虑机械式的移除,所以可以接近于细小的特征,因而用的更广泛。

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