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09-15 投稿



haggled 发音

英:[ˈhæɡld]  美:[ˈhæɡld]

英:  美:

haggled 中文意思翻译



haggled 词性/词形变化,haggled变形

动词现在分词: haggling |动词过去式: haggled |动词过去分词: haggled |名词: haggler |动词第三人称单数: haggles |

haggled 相似词语短语

1、shoggled ─── 扭动

2、haggler ─── 讨价还价

3、haggle ─── v.讨价还价,争论;乱劈,乱砍;n.讨价还价,争论

4、gaggled ─── n.一群;鹅群;咯咯声;vi.嘎嘎叫

5、haggles ─── v.讨价还价,争论;乱劈,乱砍;n.讨价还价,争论

6、draggled ─── v.拖湿;拖脏;落后(draggle的过去式和过去分词)

7、daggled ─── v.拖曳;拖脏

8、waggled ─── vi.摇摆;不停地来回摇动;vt.摆动;来回摇动;n.摇摆;摆动

9、higgled ─── vi.讲价,讨价还价

haggled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、10.After they had haggled for some time, the two men decided to close the bargain. ─── 过了一些时候,皇帝心想:“我想知道两个织工把我的布织得怎么样了。”

2、A person is joyful, is not because he has many, but is few which he haggled over. ─── 一个人快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是他计较的少。

3、Russell: I know, but I haggled him down to $25, so I reckon I've got a bit of a bargain. ─── 罗素:我知道。但我跟他杀价,降到二十五元。我想想,算是买到便宜货。

4、” Aid groups negotiate with drugmakers to procure vaccines for poor nations, but industry remains wary it will be haggled down to an unwelcome price. ─── 援助团体则跟制药者协商,希望他们能够为贫穷国家制造疫苗,不过制药业者唯恐这样做将会把疫苗的价钱砍成众所不乐见的价格。

5、I doubt your word is a breakable, last night you haggled and argued like an apple wife ─── 我怎么知道你说了话是不是算数,昨儿晚上,你还象卖苹果的女人那样的讨价还价,斤斤计较。

6、At least the whore pays the flesh that's haggled for. ─── 妓女至少还在讨价还价后支付她们的肉体。

7、Therefore, treasures the fate well, the flattery disperses, leaves too haggled over, perhaps which day gathered. ─── 因此,珍惜缘分,好说好散,都别太计较,说不定哪天又合了呢。

8、Tensions have been high among Iraq's main religious and ethnic communities in recent weeks as they haggled over the draft constitution. ─── 伊拉克各宗教和民族派别最近数星期以来一直在制定宪法草案的问题上争论不休,相互之间关系紧张。

9、After they had haggled for some time,the two men decided to close the bargain. ─── 他们在价钱上争论了半天,终于决定成交。

10、2. After we had haggled for some time. we decided to the bargain. and Jones bought the cloth for50 pence per yard. ─── 我们在价钱上争论了半天.终于决定.琼斯以每码50便士买下了这批布.

11、The cook and the grocer haggled over the price of eggs ─── 厨师和杂货商为蛋价计较个没完。

12、They haggled over the trifles. ─── 他们在一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事上争吵不休。

13、He haggled over the price of the horse. ─── 他为那匹马的价格争执不已。

14、At first they would not hear to this, and haggled and bargained with the man, but he stuck to what he had said, and the people were forced to give him the hand-mill. ─── 起初,他们根本听不进去,还是一直在和这个人讨价还价,但这个人一直坚持自己的要求,那些人不得不把手推磨给他了。

15、The human therefore is joyful,is not because of many which obtains,but is few which haggled over! ─── 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多,而是计较的少!

16、263) Tom haggled for hours over the price of the donkey. ─── 汤姆为驴的价格讨价还价几个小时。

17、Faber had haggled over the price, just for the sake of form. ─── 菲伯尔为了做给人看,在价钱上争论了半天。

18、Aid workers waited for visas and the junta haggled about import duties on emergency supplies. ─── 救援人员在等待准入签证,而军政府却在为紧急援助物资的进口税率而锱铢必较。

19、Politicians from across the province haggled for three days and nights. ─── 省里的各方政治头脑为此争论了三天三夜。

20、At least the whore pays the flesh that’s haggled for. ─── 妓女至少还会在与你讨还价之后,奉献上她的肉体。

21、He never haggled over the fare. ─── 对于车资父亲毫不还价。

22、The cook and the grocer haggled over the price of eggs. ─── 厨师和杂货商为蛋价计较个没完。

23、I seldom haggled about the food price when I found it reasonable. ─── 我以前买东西吃的时候,如果觉得价钱合理,很少讲价。

24、I haggled with them over the price. They finally agreed to lower it. ─── 我与他们讨价还价。他们终于同意把它降低。

25、The farmer haggled over the price of the cattle. ─── 农民为那头牛的价格争执不已。

26、So father haggled with them over the fees. ─── 他便又忙着和他们讲价钱。

27、After they had haggled for some time, the two men decided to close the bargain. ─── 那两个人经过一番讨价还价以后, 决定成交。

28、They haggled and bargained but in the end almost everyone made money. ─── 他们讨价还价但最终每个人都有赚到钱。

29、Tom haggled for hours over the price of the donkey. ─── 汤姆为驴的价格讨价还价了好几个小时。

30、After we had haggled for some time, we decided to the bargain, and Jones bought the cloth for50 pence per yard. ─── 我们在价钱上争论了半天,终于决定,琼斯以每码50便士买下了这批布。

31、Nineteen thousand dollars even. I haggled thirty-five hundred dollars off the price. ─── 整整花了一万九千元。我可是讨价还价杀了三千五百元呢。

32、I catched a catfish and haggled him open with my saw, and towards sundown I started my camp fire and had supper. ─── 我钓到了一条大鲶鱼,用我的那把锯子剖开了肚子。日落以前,我烧起了篝火,吃了晚饭。

33、“if these haggled over, this day has had no way simply. ─── “如果这些都计较,这日子简直没法过了。”

34、The farmer haggled over the price of the cattle . ─── 农民为那头牛的价格争执不已。

35、Legea said it contacted the North Korean football federation two months ago and haggled over the telephone for three days. ─── Legea表示,他们于两个月前与朝鲜足协进行了接触,然后通过电话讨价还价了三天。

36、We found a market with cheap items, and we haggled with the vendors on everything. ─── 我们找到一个市集,里头卖的东西都很便宜,我们每样东西都跟小贩杀价。

37、They haggled over the price for a long time before the contract was actually signed. ─── 合约正式签署之前他们花了很长的时间讨价还价。

38、56. After we had haggled for some time, we decided to the bargain, and Jones bought the cloth for50 pence per yard. ─── 我们在价钱上争论了半天,终于决定,琼斯以每码50便士买下了这批布。

39、He angrily haggled the door into pieces. ─── 他愤怒地把门劈成了碎片。

40、9Th, seeks common ground on major issues while reserving minor differences, links up slightly haggled over. ─── 9求大同存小异,多沟通小计较。

41、Have you ever been to Mexico City and haggled with the locals over souvenirs? ─── 你有没有到墨西哥城与当地人讨价还价过旅游纪念品?

42、Russell: I know, I haggled him down to $25, so I reckon I've got a bit of a bargain. ─── 罗素:我知道。但我跟他杀价,降到二十五元。我想想,算是买到便宜货。

43、Gillenormand the elder, he never haggled over his alms-giving, but gave gladly and nobly. ─── 他的性格是恳切、直率、仁慈的,假使他有钱,也许会来得更大方些。

44、He haggled home and felt very weary. ─── 他蹒跚地走回家,感到十分疲乏。

45、Tensions have been high among Iraq's main religious and ethnic communities in recent weeks as they haggled over the draft constitution. ─── 伊拉克各宗教和民族派别最近数星期以来一直在制定宪法草案的问题上争论不休,相互之间关系紧张。

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