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09-15 投稿



mutinous 发音

英:[[ˈmju:tənəs]]  美:[[ˈmjutnəs]]

英:  美:

mutinous 中文意思翻译



mutinous 词性/词形变化,mutinous变形

名词: mutinousness |副词: mutinously |

mutinous 相似词语短语

1、luminous ─── adj.发光的;明亮的;清楚的

2、numinous ─── adj.精神上的;超自然的;神圣的;庄严的

3、Antinous ─── n.安提诺乌斯(古典神话人物)

4、muticous ─── adj.无芒的

5、mutines ─── 兵变

6、mutinies ─── n.兵变;叛乱;暴动;vi.反叛;暴动;参加叛乱

7、mutinously ─── 反抗地;叛变地

8、glutinous ─── adj.黏的,黏性的;胶状的,胶质的

9、mucinous ─── adj.(与)黏液(有关)的;覆盖着黏液的

mutinous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Unbeknowst to John, a mutinous officer named Dalton has personal greed driven plans of his own for a new life in the past. ─── 本游戏由网上搜集整理,本站不承担任何技术及版权问题;

2、mutinous a. ─── 反叛的;

3、"The men became mutinous and insubordinate" (Walter Besant). ─── “人们变得反叛和不服从命令” (瓦特·贝赞特)。

4、A mutinous brigade threatening its officers should certainly be surrounded and forced to surrender by stoppage of all supplies ─── 对一个胁迫长官、实行哗变的旅当然应该加以包围,并采用停止一切供应措施,迫使它投降。

5、Mutinous adenoearcinoma ─── 黏液腺癌

6、The first one is they are mutinous. ─── 第一个就是他们很叛逆。

7、British naval officer who as captain of the H.M.S.Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti(1789. ─── 布莱,威廉1754-1817英国海军军官,任皇家海军舰艇邦梯号船长,在一次驶向塔希提岛(1789年)的航行中被哗变船员放逐至海上漂流

8、The mutinous children refused to obey the rules. ─── 有反抗心理的孩子们拒绝遵守规章制度。

9、a mutinous expression ─── 反抗的神色

10、Tim, alone in his mutinous body, is left wondering whether the trouble is in his head. Readers wonder about this too. ─── 缇姆的灵魂独自留在他失控的身体里,思考着是否他的大脑真的出了问题;读者们也在思考。

11、Let's rescue the loot from that mutinous crew! ─── 让我们把那些掠夺品从反叛的船员手里夺回来。

12、British naval officer who as captain of the H.M.S. Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti(1789). ─── 布莱,威廉1754-1817英国海军军官,任皇家海军舰艇邦梯号船长,在一次驶向塔希提岛(1789年)的航行中被哗变船员放逐至海上漂流

13、Bangladeshi military officials say troops have uncovered a mass grave believed to hold the bodies of soldiers killed by mutinous border guards in Dhaka. ─── 孟加拉国军事官员说军队揭示了沉重的真相,在达卡被造反边界士兵杀死的士兵的尸体。

14、On the evening of the same day the mutinous Greek ships were boarded by loyal Greek sailors. ─── 当日晚间,发生叛变的希腊军舰已被忠诚的希腊水兵占领。

15、The young American is now in an ancient, condemned whaler, with a mutinous crew and a weak captain ─── 那个年轻的美国人现在置身于一条旧得不能再用的捕鲸船上,船员心存叛乱,船长软弱无能。

16、He had a secret which he was not ready to tell, yet, but if this mutinous depression was not broken up soon, he would have to bring it out. ─── 他有一个秘密,不打算马上说出来,但眼下这股消沉的士气必须扭转,他不得不亮出这张王牌了。

17、Nevertheless, wanting those who remind you is, this may be mutinous parents when advocate the most dangerous and worst cake however. ─── 不过,要提醒你的是,这却可能是反抗父母主张最危险最糟糕的一次。

18、a mutinous crew ─── 叛变的全体船员

19、His reluctance to return to the cabin impressed them all unfavourably, and the mutinous sounds again broke forth. ─── 他不愿回到船舱里去,给大家留下了不好的印象,于是又响起了造反的声音。

20、But why can people tolerate equalitarianism " mess " , and have intense mutinous mentality however to income gap?I think to basically have the reason of 5 respects. ─── 但是人们为什么能够容忍平均主义“大锅饭”,而对收入差距却具有强烈的反抗心理呢?我认为主要有五个方面的原因。

21、British naval officer who as captain of the H.M.S.Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti (789). ─── 布莱,威廉:(754-87)英国海军军官,任皇家海军舰艇邦梯号船长,在一次驶向塔希提岛(789年)的航行中被哗变船员放逐至海上漂流

22、In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs ─── 以这个名义,他收集了搞叛变和颠覆活动的阴谋计划的情报。

23、He gave Dixon a mutinous glare. ─── 他朝狄克逊恶狠狠地盯了一眼。

24、mutinous workers ─── 桀骜不驯的工人

25、And I agreed to let death, in the form of radiation, pulse into my flesh so that it could kill my mutinous cancer cells. ─── 我同意让死神变成放射线的形状,化作脉冲波进入我的身体,杀死我身体里的那些狂暴不能自抑的癌细胞。

26、The mutinous children refused to obey their teacher. ─── (喻)有反抗心理的孩子们拒绝听老师的话。

27、The mutinous children refused to obey their teacher. ─── 有反抗心理的孩子们拒绝听老师的话。

28、Kidd killed his own gunner, William Moore. The act held quiet what had been a mutinous crew. ─── 基德处决了自己的枪手,威廉·莫尔,使这位桀骜不驯的手下永远地安静了。

29、mutinous sailors, workers, children, etc ─── 叛变的水兵﹑ 反抗的工人﹑ 不听话的孩子

30、British naval officer who as captain of the H.M.S. Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti (1789). ─── 布莱,威廉:(1754-1817)英国海军军官,任皇家海军舰艇邦梯号船长,在一次驶向塔希提岛(1789年)的航行中被哗变船员放逐至海上漂流

31、Claggart seeks an interview with Vere and alleges that Billy is involved in a mutinous conspiracy ─── 克拉加特求见维尔,断言毕利卷入了哗变阴谋。

32、loathe, pertinacious, impenitent, refractory, obstinate, grudging, obdurate, mutinous, recalcitrant. ─── 表“ 勉强、不愿、固执、难驾驭” 之意:

33、2. My baby was a mutinous child. ─── 我的孩子是个不听话的孩子。

34、Even when they had decent numbers, executives struggled to manage their mutinous staff. ─── 即使是在数据都不错的时候,董事们还在忙着控制不听话的员工。

35、3.On account of a mutinous disposition among the infantry soldiers, the artillery park was formed on an elevation commanding the camp of the infantry. ─── 由于步兵有叛变的倾向,战炮队营地设在一处俯瞰步兵营业员房的高地上。

36、The mutinous sailors took control of the ship. ─── 反叛的水手们接管了那艘船。

37、Uiliami spoke for the army. His men were discontented and mutinous. ─── 尤利亚米代表军方发言,说他的部下满腹牢骚,有哗变的危险。

38、British naval officer who as captain of the H.M.S. Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti(1789) ─── 英国海军军官,任皇家海军舰艇邦梯号船长,在一次驶向塔希提岛(1789年)的航行中被哗变船员放逐至海上漂流

39、Bolton would be Belgium I decided. Dull with mutinous fans just like rebellious Walloons and the Flemish who are threatening to pull Belgium apart. ─── 博尔顿是比利时,我是这么想的。球迷非常急躁,很让人讨厌,就像比利时分裂分子瓦龙人和佛兰德人。

40、Methods A retrospective analysis of the mammographic and pathologic findings of 66 patients with mutinous carcinomas of the breast was performed. ─── 方法对66例乳腺黏液癌钼靶影像与病理特点进行回顾性分析。

41、He was sentenced to death for his mutinous behavior. ─── 他因反叛行为而被判死刑。

42、Her lips mutinous, she looked up into his eyes and saw so much amusement in their dark depths that she burst into laughter. ─── 她撅着嘴,抬着注视着他的眼睛,看见那黑黝黝的眼珠子里饱含着乐趣,便噗哧一声笑了。

43、He had a secret which he was not ready to tell, yet, but if this mutinous depression was not broken up soon, he would have to bring it out. ─── 他有一个秘密,不打算马上说出来,但眼下这股消沉的士气必须扭转,他不得不亮出这张王牌了。

44、It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves. ─── 它落在每一片阴沉沉中部平原的土地上,落在光秃秃的荒山上,轻轻地落进艾伦沼泽中,再往西,又轻轻地落进香农河澎湃着黑蒙蒙的浪涛中。

45、"mutinous passions, and conflicting fears" (Percy Bysshe Shelley) ─── “失控的激情和抵触的恐惧”(珀西·比希·雪莱)

46、a mutinous child. ─── 不受管教的小孩

47、Let's rescue the loot from that mutinous crew! ─── 让我们把那些掠夺品从反叛的船员手里夺回来。

48、mutinous behavior ─── 背叛行为

49、Animal Farm. George Orwell. Mutinous farm animals run off their to establish a livestock utopia. ─── 农场家畜们逃离了它们的压迫者并建立起一个家畜乌托邦。

50、The young American is now in an ancient, condemned whaler , with a mutinous crew and a weak captain . ─── 那个年轻的美国人现在置身于一条旧得不能再用的捕鲸船上,船员心存叛乱,船长软弱无能。

51、While squabbling continues in Kathmandu, organic devolution is taking place in many mutinous places. ─── 当加德满都争吵不断时,缓慢的权力下放正发生在许多反叛的地区。

52、The captain submitted to his mutinous crew. ─── 船长向反叛的船员们妥协了。

53、mutinous troop ─── 叛军; 哗变军队

54、The civilian and military police had joined the mutinous soldiers. ─── 民警和宪兵也已加入兵变一方。

55、While squabbling continues in Kathmandu, organic devolution is taking place in many mutinous places. ─── 当加德满都争吵不断时,缓慢的权力下放正发生在许多反叛的地区。

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