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09-15 投稿



promising 发音

英:[ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ]  美:[ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ]

英:  美:

promising 中文意思翻译




promising 常用词组

promising future ─── n. 发展前景;光明的前途

promising market ─── 发展潜力大的市场;有销路的市场

promising 词性/词形变化,promising变形

比较级--more promising;最高级--most promising。

promising 相似词语短语

1、poising ─── n.平衡;姿势;镇静;vt.使平衡;保持……姿势;vi.平衡;准备好;悬着;n.(Poise)(法)普瓦斯(人名)

2、ironising ─── 挖苦

3、premising ─── n.前提,假定;(常复数)商店、餐馆、公司等使用的房屋及土地;(常复数)上诉各项;v.以……为前提;引出,预先提出;说明

4、promisingly ─── adv.充满希望地;大有可为地

5、bromising ─── 溴化

6、chromising ─── n.渗铬,铬化

7、atomising ─── v.使分裂为原子,使雾化(atomise的现在分词)

8、unpromising ─── adj.无前途的,没有希望的

9、erotising ─── 分离

promising 习惯用语

1、in a promising state [way] ─── 有希望的 ─── (病人)在开始复元中 ─── [口]有孕

promising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was standing on his dignity as a promising young singer. ─── 作为一个有前途的歌唱家,他保持着自己的尊严。

2、He is a promising young pianist. ─── 他是一个有前途的青年钢琴家。

3、He go to South for seeking better promising future. ─── 他为了寻找更好的前途到南方去。

4、All parties are promising to increase spending on health. ─── 各政党都在许诺增加医疗开支。

5、"Aurora" from the word Oriental bright and promising was intended. ─── “震旦”二字取东方光明及前途无量之意。

6、They are regarded as the most promising table-tennis players. ─── 他们被认为是最有希望的乒乓球运动员。

7、He's a very promising athlete. ─── 他是个非常有前途的运动员。

8、He was voted the most promising newcomer for his part in the movie. ─── 他因在电影中扮演的角色而被评为最有前途的新人。

9、Frankly, I look upon it as a very promising experiment. ─── 坦白地说,我把它看作是一次很有希望的实验。

10、Apache Maven offers a promising solution for these issues. ─── Apache Maven承诺解决这些问题。

11、Her/His fiance is a young promising choreographist. ─── 他(她)的未婚妻(夫)是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。

12、But the omens are hardly promising. ─── 但从目前的一些苗头看前景不妙。

13、She was voted "most promising young actress, 1993". ─── 她被选为"一九九三年度最佳年轻女演员"。

14、A: He is a promising young man. ─── 他是个很有前途的年轻人。

15、Hey, coach! This looks very promising. ─── 嗨,教练现在看上去好多了!

16、Arsenal have signed up a number of promising youngsters this season. ─── 在本比赛季节阿塞瑙尔足球俱乐部已招聘到许多有前途的年轻队员。

17、CONCLUSION: Oxaliplatin is a promising anticancer drug in chemotherapy but further studies seem to be needed. ─── 结论:奥沙利铂是一个有前途的药物,有必要开展进一步临床研究。

18、Topic maps are a promising approach, still in its infancy. ─── 主题图是一种有前途的方法,现尚处于起步阶段。

19、He is a promising yound man and will never yield to temptation. ─── 他是个很有前途的年轻人,他不会屈服于诱惑的。

20、Advances are promising to make optical computing a reality. ─── 发展进步正预示着实现光学计算的前景。

21、There were dark clouds overhead promising rain. ─── 天上乌云密布,预示就要下雨。

22、After promising to pay, he told us we could whistle for our money. ─── 他先答应付钱,后来他告诉我们休想得到钱。

23、The future of wind power is promising. ─── 今后的风电发展前景是乐观的。

24、For a time he was looked on as a promising writer. ─── 人们一度认为他是一个有希望的作家。

25、He was known to be a promising young pianist. ─── 人们都知道他是一个有前途的青年钢琴家。

26、The weather report was not very promising. ─── 天气预报不太乐观。

27、Several of them have proved promising. ─── 他们中间有几个证明很有培养前途。

28、You've been promising her for months you would take her to work with you. ─── 你已经保证好几个月了会带她去一起工作的

29、But the most promising next-generation biofuel comes from algae. ─── 但前景最为看好的新一代生物燃料来自于藻类。

30、He is a young promising pianist. ─── 他是一个有前途的钢琴家。

31、It is no use promising in word. ─── 口头上的答应是没有用的。

32、Who the gods wish to destroy they first call promising. ─── 上帝希望毁掉的人,首先把他们称为大有作为的人。

33、After promising to keep the book for me, he broke his word and sold it to someone else. ─── 在他答应把书留给我之后,却又食言而把它卖给了别人。

34、He was voted most promising new director. ─── 他当选为最有前途的新导演。

35、What actuated her to give up such a promising post? ─── 什麽原因使她放弃了这样一个很有前途的职位?

36、You are hardworking and promising. ─── 你们也很刻苦,一定很有前途。

37、She is among the most promising players in her age group. ─── 在她那个年龄组中她是最有前途的选手之一。

38、I sincerely wish a promising new year to Casa Lingua. ─── 也祝洋话屋蒸蒸日上!08年有新的发展,活动越来越丰富。

39、Fermentative production of xylitol has became a promising process. ─── 介绍了木糖醇的生产方法和生产工艺。

40、Champions of this year, the most promising or Shandong Luneng. ─── 今年冠军,最有希望的还是山东鲁能。

41、You've thrown up a very promising career. ─── 你放弃了一个很有前途的职业.

42、After a promising start, the company ran into debt. ─── 在一个有希望的开始后,这个公司陷入了债务。

43、Actuated her to give up such a promising post? ─── 什么原因使她放弃了这?

44、The sun seems to be the most promising source for the future. ─── 太阳似乎是未来有希望的能源。

45、His (Her) young lady(man) is a promising young terpsichorean. ─── 他(她)的未婚妻(夫)是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。

46、Iraq's prime minister is promising the cabinet shakeup. ─── 伊拉克总理许诺进行内阁改组。

47、They are hunting up the most promising candidates for the position. ─── 他们正在极力物色最适于这个职位的人选。

48、He decided to sell off some of the less promising stocks. ─── 他决定廉价出售一部分滞销存货。

49、Promising beginnings end in grotesque disappointments. ─── 充满希望的开端却以古怪的失望而告终。

50、ZrO 2-CBC is a kind of promising dental implant material. ─── ZrO2 -CBC是一种有前途的牙科种植体材料

51、George is a young and promising catch. ─── 乔治年轻有为,是一个不可多得的人才。

52、Results so far have looked promising. ─── 到目前为止,结果看来是充满希望的。

53、They are promising tax cuts. ─── 他们答应大幅减税。

54、He was voted most promising new director. ─── 他当选为最有前途的新导演。

55、Frankly, it's a very promising experiment. ─── 坦率地讲,这是大有希望的试验。

56、One more promising career at Ford would bite the dust. ─── 又一个人在福特公司的光明前程就此断送。

57、He wants to be a promising youth. ─── 他要做一个有出息的青年。

58、Shanghai is a promising market. ─── 上海是一个很有潜质的市场。

59、A promising treatment for vasodepressor syncope. ─── 外文期刊 Oral fluid therapy.

60、The leader of the opposition is promising to provide effective government. ─── 反对党领袖答应提供一个有效力的政治体制。

61、The use of "in vitro” propagated plants in banana is promising. ─── 利用香蕉试管繁苗技术大有前途。

62、Not promising; likely to fail. ─── 不一定有把握的前景不妙的;可能会失败的

63、Arguably, reality TV's abundant program elements, novel characteristics and high ratings in the western world make it a promising future. ─── 毫无疑问,真人秀节目丰富的节目元素、新颖的节目特征以及在西方坚挺的收视表现,昭示了其良好的发展潜质。

64、His promising career began to fall apart. ─── 他那本来前程似锦的生涯开始崩溃了。

65、They are intelligent and promising. ─── 他们聪明有为。

66、She shamed her father into promising more help. ─── 她使父亲感到过意不去,只好答应多给她些帮助。

67、You are really a promising young artist. ─── 你是一个非常有前途的青年艺术家。

68、As one of the best promising young dancing stars today. ─── 她被赞誉为当今最有前途的青年舞蹈明星。

69、He is a promising young man . ─── 他是一个有前途的青年。

70、Although those synthetic antioxidants seem to be promising, their toxicity and side effects rule out their extensive prescription. ─── 虽然合成抗氧化剂似乎很有前途,却因其毒性和副作用,不能广泛用作药物。

71、After a promising start, the company ran into trouble. ─── 公司起初很有生气,但此后陷入了困境。

72、But I distinctly remember you promising to phone me! ─── 可我记得清清楚楚你是答应了要给我打电话!

73、Her school report described her as a very promising pupil. ─── 她的学校报告描述她是一名非常有前途的学生。

74、Thet sweetened the pot by promising a big bonus. ─── 他们增加了筹码,奖金丰厚。

75、And they promis promise to explorer explore greater use of alternertive alternative and renewable fillsfuels. ─── 他们还承诺会探索更好的可选择资源与可再生能源。

76、As a clean and renewable energy, the wind power has gotten a quick development and become one of the most promising new energies. ─── 风能作为一种清洁可再生能源,迅速发展,已经成为世界新能源最主要的发展方向之一。

77、I have been promising to visit them for months. ─── 几个月来我一直答应要去看望他们。

78、So it should be a promising prodrug. ─── 为以后研究更为有效的GPX模拟酶奠定了基 Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are products of the normal metabolic activities of aerobic living organism and are produced in response to various stimuli.

79、Which kind of signal is most promising for interstellar contact? ─── 在星际通讯中,选用哪种信号最有效呢?

80、Could Si(113) be Promising in Actual Use? ─── 可望实用的Si(113)晶面

81、China is on the record promising unrestricted coverage. ─── 中国是在档案记录上承诺无限制范围。

82、She shamed her father into promising more help. ─── 她使父亲感到惭愧,只好答应多给她些帮助。

83、On relations with South Korea, the signs are promising. ─── 在与韩国的关系方面,情况就好得多。

84、It is promising to invest in the Mahuang Industrial Park. ─── 在麻黄工业园区内投资前景乐观、市场广阔。

85、He is the least promising boy that I know. ─── 他是我所认识的最没出息的孩子。

86、It seems to me that this reseach plan will be very promising. ─── 在我看来,这项研究计划是很有希望的。

87、The weather doesn't look very promising. ─── 天气看起来不会太好。

88、La Paz has tipped me off about a rather promising rumor. ─── 向我透露了一个相当有参考价值的传闻。

89、Boosting educational attainment at the bottom is more promising than trying to reorganize the global economy. ─── 从根本上推进教育程度的提升要比试图重新组织全球经济更有希望解决这一问题。

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