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09-15 投稿



heriot 发音

英:[ˈherɪət]  美:[ˈherɪət]

英:  美:

heriot 中文意思翻译



heriot 短语词组

1、Heriot-Watt University n. ─── 赫瑞瓦特大学

heriot 词性/词形变化,heriot变形


heriot 相似词语短语

1、ariot ─── adj.长得过于茂盛的;adv.骚乱地

2、chariot ─── n.二轮战车;vt.驾驭(过去式charioted,过去分词charioted,现在分词charioting,第三人称单数chariots);vi.乘战车;驾驭战车;n.(Chariot)人名;(法)沙里奥

3、hernio- ─── 铼

4、Cheviot ─── n.切维厄特绵羊

5、heritor ─── n.继承人;嗣子

6、Herriot ─── n.赫里欧(姓氏)

7、griot ─── n.(Griot)(美)格里奥(人名)

8、preriot ─── 总督

9、heriots ─── n.租地继承税(佃户死后献给领主的财物)

heriot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Heriot Watt university dubai division, ─── 大学迪拜分部、

2、Rom-coms have been blamed by relationship experts at Heriot Watt University for promoting unrealistic expectations when it comes to love. ─── 赫里奥特沃特大学的专家们发现,浪漫喜剧影片会提升人们对恋爱的不切实际的期待。

3、) Heriot[Acanthocodium fragile Sur.];Codium cylindricum Holm. ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Codium fragile(Sur.

4、Staff from Heriot-Watt University were among the experts involved in assessing life in the sea and on the seabed. ─── 瓦特大学研究人员参与了评估海里及海床动物生活的专家研究活动。

5、Edinburgh's Heriot-Watt University, means much-needed livers, hearts and other organs could one day be readily available for desperately ill patients. ─── 爱丁堡赫瑞瓦特大学的这项研究意味着,未来那些病入膏肓者将很容易得到急需的肝脏、心脏和其它器官。

6、Dawa, now 25, has a Belgian mother, a degree in business management from Heriot-Watt university in Scotland and he speaks five languages. ─── 达瓦现年25岁,母亲是比利时人。他在苏格兰赫瑞瓦特大学获得商务管理学位,会说五种语言。

7、Continue until you reach Queen Street then cross and walk ahead as far as Heriot Row. ─── 网络连接: 酒店在酒店各处提供无线网路连接 ,并不收费。膳食安排: 丰盛的英国式早餐 包括在房费内。

8、Kirk C Heriot,Subodh P Kulkarni."The use of intermediate sourcing strategies."J Journal of Supply Chain Management.Tempe:Winter 2001.Vol.37,Iss.1 ;p.18. ─── 陆颖馨,梁朝华,黄培伦.基于供应链的企业边界分析[J].科技进步与对策,2004(7):127-129.

9、The Language Centre of Heriot-Watt University ─── 瓦特大学语言中心

10、Often a sword was issued by a lord to his retainers along with other equipment and even horses, together known as a heriot, repaid if the retainer died before his lord. ─── 通常来说,侍从们的武器是由领主们所赐予的,通常还包含马匹与其他装备,众所周知,如果一个侍从死在他侍奉领主之前,地租(也就是租地继承税)就是对他最好的褒奖。

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