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Elysium 发音

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Elysium 中文意思翻译



Elysium 网络释义

n. 极乐世界,天堂;至福之境

Elysium 短语词组

1、ring of elysium ─── 极乐世界之环

2、sphere of elysium ─── 极乐世界

3、Elysium Mons ─── 艾利西蒙斯

Elysium 相似词语短语

1、Aloysius ─── n.阿洛伊修斯

2、perimysium ─── n.[解剖]肌束膜

3、-lysis ─── n.(生物)溶胞,溶菌;溶解,分解;(发烧等生病过程)消退

4、velarium ─── n.天幕;露天剧场的遮日篷;拟缘膜

5、epimysium ─── n.[解剖]肌外膜;肌外衣;外肌束膜

6、Elysium ─── n.极乐世界,天堂;至福之境

7、elytrum ─── n.昆虫的翅鞘,翅基(等于elytron)

8、eluvium ─── n.残积层

9、selenium ─── n.[化学]硒

Elysium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the Elysium Planitia region of Mars, near the planet's equator, two distinct types and ages of lava are visible. ─── 在火星的净土平原区域,接近这个星球的赤道地区,两个类型和年代不同的熔岩层清晰可见。

2、Hold the line, stay with me.If you find yourself alone riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be trouble, for you are in the Elysium, and you've already died. ─── 保持阵型,跟紧我,如果你发现你一个人迎着太阳独自驰骋在绿色的田野上,不要害怕,因为你已身在天国,你已经死了。

3、The west side of every wood and rising ground gleamed like a boundary of Elysium, the sun on our backs seemed like a gentle herdsman driving us home at evening. ─── 每处林木的西边和凸起的地面流光溢彩,宛如乐园的边际,夕阳在背好似和蔼的牧人晚间赶车送我们回家。

4、Lilac is a guardian of Elysium with fantastic skills;the mystic power seems to come from her Demon parents who once rejected her. ─── 解说:莉莱是个使用奇异战技保卫净土的守护者,她那神秘的力量泉源似乎是来自弃养她的恶魔双亲。

5、The 1st underground floor: Baby carrier, baby bed and toy, children's Elysium with famous home and international brand; ─── 地下一层:经营国际国内知名品牌的童车、童床、儿童玩具及儿童乐园;男士休闲网咖;

6、The west side of every wood and rising ground gleamed like a boundary of Elysium, and the sun on our backs seemed like a gentle herdsman driving us home at evening. ─── 每片树林的西缘,起伏的土地闪闪发光得如同处在极乐世界里,阳光照射在我们的背上宛如一位温和的牧羊人傍晚赶着我们走在回家的路上。

7、Equipped with the Reith as its core value, BBC established its wide-ranged public trust and the concept of political neutrality, which in turn makes it the Elysium for world-wide journalists. ─── 本着“瑞思主义”的新闻价值观,BBC所构建的强大公信力体系以及历次战争中坚持的政治中立的理念,使得它成为全世界新闻从业者心目中理想的殿堂。

8、The announce from the captain told us the temperature of the destination was 30 degree celsius.Singapore is a elysium for me to hibernate the chilling winter. ─── 机长广播告诉我们目的地的气温是摄氏30度,新加坡真的是我避寒的天堂。

9、Hold the line, stay with me, if you find yourself alone riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled for you are in the Elysium, and you’re already dead. ─── 要守住阵线,和我并肩作战,如果你发现是一个人在绿野上骑马,有太阳照着你的脸,不要忧虑,因为你已经到了极乐世界,你已经死了。

10、The motive that Eden Elves been created is to protect Elysium, they have taken this quest for ages, and they will keep making their task done. ─── 伊甸精灵被创造的目的就是要保护净土,他们已经执行这个使命无数个世代了,而他们将会继续确保他们的任务完成。

11、Is Elysium there are joy and sadness? ─── 极乐世界是有快乐和悲伤的吗?

12、If you find yourself alone riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be trouble, for you are in the Elysium, and you've already died. ─── 如果发现自己落单了...迎着阳光独自驰骋在草原上时...不用担心那是因为你在天堂而且你已经阵亡了!

13、The reason Qunny joined Axe and Spear is still unbeknown, some people guess it's because he's interested in the treasure of Elysium, too. ─── 而奎尼加入斧与矛的理由仍然未知,有些人猜测可能是他也对净土的无尽财宝有兴趣。

14、To mount and ride away to elysium ─── 仙驭升遐

15、A valley in Elysium region volcanic rise. ─── 极乐世界的一个山谷地区的火山上升。

16、Joy, lovely divine light, Daughter of Elysium. ─── 欢乐,圣洁之光。你是极乐世界的女儿。

17、Asolo Elysium hiking boots are ready to take on the elements with a waterproof breathable Gore-Tex membrane and stretch neoprene gaiter to seal out snow and debris. ─── 实物图片:和网站图一模一样,我反正拍不好,就不拍了,有需要看局部的我再去拍吧,这双里面是反毛的,比较怕冷的选这双吧

18、For long ages, he represents Elysium and leads all Eden Elves to face their challenge and enemy. ─── 长久以来,他代表著净土并领导著伊甸精灵面对他们的挑战与敌人。

19、Hold the line, stay with me, if you find yourself alone riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled for you are in the Elysium, and you're already dead. ─── 要守住阵线,跟着我,如果你发现是一个人时,在绿野上骑马,有太阳照着你的脸,不要忧虑,因为你已经到了极乐世界,你已经死了。

20、2)Hold the line , stay with me, if you find yourself alone riding in green fields with the sun your face , do not be troubled for you are in the Elysium, and you're already dead. ─── 守住这战线,和我并肩作战。如果你发现你独自在绿野上骑马,太阳照在你的脸上,不要烦恼,因为你已经到了极乐世界,你已经死了。

21、hi i Philip from Malaysia, i am playing elysium online on wayi at the moment, i am working in computer line, i sppent most of my time online, like to drink coffee, so i spent much time in cafe. ─── 我长的很普通.生活很平凡.但是我很满意现在的我.因为我深信平凡就是福;上流社会很多人都向往.我也不例外.贫穷大家都排斥.我也不例外;

22、After accomplishing my tasks, I'll go to The Balikeya Island of “The Unrestricted World” of Elysium. ─── 我完成使命后,将去往“极乐界”的“仙岛群岛洲”的巴丽奇亚岛。

23、Elysium is as far as to ─── 爱丽舍远在

24、For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead! ─── 那是因为你在天堂,而且你已经阵亡了!

25、Your daughter is well, she lives among the pure souls in the Elysium Fields. ─── 你的女儿很平安,她在极乐世界与一群纯洁的灵魂生活在一起。

26、For you are in Elysium,and you're already dead! ─── 那是因为你已经去了天堂,阵亡了!

27、This archpriest has been seen as Avatar of Elysium, his will is Elysian will, his words are Elysian words. ─── 这位大祭司被视为净土的化身,他的意志是净土的意志、他的号令是净土的号令。

28、Whether they be in Ethiopia, the South Bronx, or even in such an Elysium as Los Angeles, we resolve to keep them off our minds. ─── 无论他们是在埃塞尔比亚,还是在纽约南布朗克斯区,甚至是在洛杉矶这样的天堂,我们都决意不去为他们操心。

29、Luckly to human kingdom, an information says that Axe and Spear has diverted its focus to the treasures of Elysium recently. ─── 人类王国会相当高兴的是,最近的情报指出斧与矛已经将他们的注意力转向净土的财宝。

30、This volcano is located in the northern hemisphere of Mars and is the northernmost of three volcanoes within Elysium Planitia. ─── 它位于火星北半球,是ElysiumPlanitia地区三座火山中最北边的一座。

31、Best Western Elysium Design Hotel ─── 西佳依利森姆酒店

32、Tochter aus Elysium, ─── 灿烂光芒照大地,

33、you are in Elysium, and you already dead! ─── 你已经去了天堂,阵亡了!

34、Those deemed worthy were sent on to Elysium, where they lived out their afterlife amongst some of Greece's greatest warriors and heroes. ─── 那些最有价值的人将被送往极乐世界,将和希腊历史上最伟大的战士们与英雄们一起生活;

35、We are no longer wrapped in lamb's-wool, lulled in Elysium. ─── 随着年事的增高,我们将贮存的欢乐和希望耗竭一空。

36、A remarkable man of the elysium ─── 阆苑奇才

37、The reason Qunny joined Axe and Spear is still unbeknown, some people guess it's because he's interested in the treasure of Elysium , too. ─── 而奎尼加入斧与矛的理由仍然未知,有些人猜测可能是他也对净土的无尽财宝有兴趣。

38、Lilac is a guardian of Elysium with fantastic skills; the mystic power seems to come from her Demon parents who once rejected her. ─── 莉莱是个使用奇异战技保卫净土的守护者,她那神秘的力量泉源似乎是来自弃养她的恶魔双亲。

39、The Elysian Fields or Elysium, was the land of the Blest, where noble souls, heroes, holy priests, sacred poets, friends of the world and fathers of mankind all went to relive the pleasures of the upper world with great delight. ─── 厄吕西翁是一个充满欢乐的地方。 灵魂高尚的人,具有英雄气节的人,神圣的祭司和诗人,以及人类的朋友和先祖都去那儿再次享受阳世时的快乐。

40、I fear I cannot picture America as altogether an Elysium--perhaps, from the ordinary standpoint I know little about the country. ─── 恐怕我无法将美国描绘为一个完全的天堂,或许也可以说站在普通的角度上,我对这个国家知之甚少。

41、On the Elysium Planitia region of Mars, near the planet's equator, two distinct types and ages of lava are visible. ─── 在火星的净土平原区域,接近这个星球的赤道地区,两个类型和年代不同的熔岩层清晰可见。

42、From the time of Pindar (c. 500 BC) on, Elysium was imagined as a dwelling place for those who had lived a righteous life. ─── 从品达尔时代起,只有一生过正直生活的人才能来到这里。

43、other thing - those kidnappings by rebels in Elysium? ─── 还有——极乐城的那些叛军绑架事件?

44、None but Kalos himself could have fashioned such basreliefs, wherein were displayed all the splendours of Elysium. ─── 除了喀洛斯自己以外,再没有第三个人能创作出如此精美的浮雕。

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