impresario 发音
英:[ˌɪmprəˈsɑːrioʊ] 美:[ˌɪmprəˈsɑːriəʊ]
英: 美:
impresario 中文意思翻译
impresario 网络释义
n. (意)(歌剧、乐团等的)演出者;经理人;乐队指挥,导演
impresario 短语词组
1、impresario preferred ─── 经理优先
2、impresario overture ─── 总裁序曲
3、impresario slides Impersario ─── 幻灯片
4、impresario hypothesis ─── 经理人假说
5、impresario program Impersario ─── 计划
impresario 词性/词形变化,impresario变形
impresario 相似词语短语
1、impregnation ─── n.注入;受精;怀孕;受胎
2、comprimario ─── n.主要配角;次要歌星或舞星
3、imprecation ─── n.祈求;诅咒;咒语
4、impression ─── n.印象;效果,影响;压痕,印记;感想;曝光(衡量广告被显示的次数。打开一个带有该广告的网页,则该广告的impression次数增加一次)
5、imprecations ─── n.祈求;诅咒;咒语
6、impresa ─── n.箴言;题铭;箴言牌
7、impresarios ─── n.(意)(歌剧、乐团等的)演出者;经理人;乐队指挥,导演
8、impresas ─── n.箴言;题铭;箴言牌
9、impresari ─── 管理者
impresario 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The pop impresario is set to become Sir Simon Cowell as a reward for his services to music and charity work. ─── 这位音乐人可能会被封为爵士,作为他对音乐和慈善事业的奖励。
2、The circus impresario’s taste for spectacle paved the way for blockbuster movies and reality TV. ─── 马戏团老板,他对壮观演出的喜爱为日后的电影大片和真人秀电视作好了准备。
3、When Rich Bower decides to leave behind his life of crime and re-invent himself as a hip-hop impresario, he is confronted for the first time by the internecine dealings of the while world. ─── 黑人理治从事不法勾当多年,一日浪子回头,决定金盘洗手;
4、His impresario, Hans-Dieter Gohre, invited Kissin and his family to stay in Munich before the beginning of his tour in Austria and Switzerland with the Moscow Virtuosi. ─── 卡拉扬的舞台负责人邀请基辛全家去慕尼黑玩,那时基辛正准备去瑞士和奥地利演出,跟着其他莫斯科音乐大师一起。
5、Finally, the apprentice impresario approached him about supporting an idea to put some of T. S. Eliot's poems to music, on stage. ─── 最后,那位学徒式的剧场经理希望德恩可以支持他将T•S•艾略特的部分诗歌改编成音乐剧搬上舞台。
6、10. He would first have to learn the Italian, engage an impresario, make contacts. ─── 他先得学意大利语,找一个经理,签合同。
7、Austrian-born impresario who managed(1950-1972) the Metropolitan Opera in New York City ─── 奥地利裔乐团经理,1950-1972年经营纽约大都会歌剧院
8、She is named as Outstanding Tutorship Teacher and Outstanding Impresario. ─── 多次获得优秀辅导教师和优秀指挥奖。
9、Austrian - born impresario who managed(1950 - 1972)the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. ─── 宾,鲁道夫生于1902奥地利裔乐团经理,1950-1972年经营纽约大都会歌剧院
10、And did I really see him shout "I want the flag!"to Olympic impresario Jacques Rogge before it was his turn to do the ceremonial swirling bit? ─── 而且我不是看错了吧,在他向四周观众致敬前是不是在对奥委会老大JacquesRogge喊:“我想要这面旗子!”
11、The Proms was the brainchild of the impresario Robert Newman, manager of the newly built Queen's Hall in London. ─── 这个舞会是乐队经理罗博特。纽曼的想法,在英国最新建造的皇后音乐厅的经理。
12、American impresario and songwriter who produced Crazy Quilt (1931) and other musical comedies and wrote several popular songs, including “Me and My Shadow.” ─── 罗斯,比利:(1899-1966)美国乐团指挥及歌曲作者,他创作了疯狂的棉被(1913年)和其它音乐喜剧,还写了一些包括“我和我的影子”等流行歌曲
13、In this thesis, I play impresario and follow each short story with poems which resonate with that story. ─── 近代妇女运动史上 ,秋瑾曾写下辉煌的一页,具有不可忽视的地位。
14、Band Introduction: The Sound of Love Wind Band was found in 1996, which is directed by the first level impresario of PLA Military Band Mr.Zhang Zhirong. ─── 军乐团国家一级指挥张治荣为艺术指导,先后参加海淀区中小学生器乐比赛,多次获奖;
15、The circus impresario's taste for spectacle paved the way for blockbuster movies and reality TV. ─── 马戏团的口味眼镜铺平风靡一时的电视影片和现实。
16、But his impresario Qiu Rubai's implication that Mei's art is inspired by loneliness is groundless and rather cliched. ─── 但邱如白的“是梅兰芳的孤独成全了他”的陈词滥调相当站不住脚。
17、The impresario had buttoned his astrakhan coat. ─── 乐团经理扣好了羔皮外套。
18、The impresario will present an expanded series of concerts next season. ─── 下个季节将举办一次大型的系列音乐会。
19、Geffen, the music impresario and a co-founder of DreamWorks SKG, and Eli Broad, a real estate developer, have explored making bids for The Los Angeles Times. ─── 共同创办梦工厂的音乐经理人葛芬及房地产开发商布洛德也有意出价买下洛杉矶时报。
20、Lin Dongfu, a Shanghai TV talk-show host who doubles as a jazz club impresario, recalled once visiting a friend in Beijing and instinctively opening a car door for the friend's girlfriend. ─── 林东夫(音译)是上海的电视访谈节目主持人,也在一家爵士乐俱乐部兼职做主持人。他回忆起有一次去北京看一个朋友,并且下意识地为对方的女朋友打开了车门。
21、Music impresario Simon Cowell may top the record charts with his proteges , but could only manage a modest 43 in the best-dressed list. ─── 音乐经理人西蒙•考威尔或许因为门生众多而能够问鼎音乐排行榜,但是在“英国最具衣着品味男人”榜中他只得到一个不好不坏的43名。
22、First there was Donald Trump, a businessman-cum-impresario with a fascinating hairdo. ─── 最开始是唐纳德·特朗普,有着迷人发型的商人兼制作人。
23、I don't know if you're a fan of Seth MacFarlane, the impresario behind a succession of hit animated series like Family Guy and American Dad. ─── 我不知道你是否是塞思·麦克法兰(Seth MacFarlane)的粉丝,他可是一系列像《居家男人》和《美国老爹》这样很受欢迎的动画片背后的掌门人。
24、He was Zyama Karp, the impresario of the Russian Riviera restaurant. ─── 他,季曼·卡普,是俄罗斯海滨酒家的老板。
25、Just like an elementary school impresario post of appointment said such, the guardians will say that you will not accept not for me the face, later will not have the means to have to do; ─── 正如一位小学班主任所说的那样,家长们会说“你不收下就是不给我面子,以后没办法打交道了”;
26、The Proms was the brainchild of the impresario Robert Newman, manager of the newly built Queen's Hall in London. ─── 这个舞会是乐队经理罗博特.纽曼的想法,在英国最新建造的皇后音乐厅的经理。
27、The legendary Taipei funnyman and all-around entertainment impresario Jacky Wu was always on the prowl for new talent. ─── 吴宗宪是台北传奇式的滑稽演员,也是多才多艺的乐队经理,他经常网罗新秀。
28、The tycoon and former cricket impresario has a passport issued by Antigua, where the banking operations at the centre of the case are based. ─── AllenStandford,曾担任板球经理,有安提瓜颁发的护照,安提瓜是本案核心问题银行运营的基地。
29、Now he is also a bar proprietor and a small-scale Beijing music impresario, booking performers for free shows three nights a week during the warmer months. ─── 现在他又经营酒吧,同时还是一位小型音乐制作人。天气暖和的时候,他每周预约表演者进行三个晚上的免费演出。
30、Austrian-born impresario who managed (950-972) the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. ─── 宾,鲁道夫:(生于902)奥地利裔乐团经理,950-972年经营纽约大都会歌剧院
31、Cameron Mackintosh, the impresario whose theatrical spectacles have helped transform Broadway and London's West End, says his new China company will change this country, too. ─── 国家大剧院副院长邓一江在为大剧院进行调研时曾前往美国百老汇进行参观。
32、Dorliac : He was not keen to go to America. Hurok, the American impresario, would come to Moscow every year and would always ask for Richter. ─── 多蕾雅克:他没兴趣去美国。胡洛克,美国音乐经纪人,每年到莫斯科都问到李希特。
33、Russian - born American impresario who sponsored a number of concert series in New York City. ─── 休罗克,所罗门1888-1974俄裔美国乐团经理,曾在纽约市发起了一些系列音乐会
34、The impresario if the class and grade work's superintendent and the guide, are the link which and the bridge between the school and the student, the guardian relate. ─── 班主任是班级工作的管理者和引导者,是学校与学生、家长之间联系的纽带和桥梁。所以我以为,做一个合格的班主任应具备责任心、宽容心、公平心、爱心和细心。...
35、This curious anomaly was the idea of a Munich impresario to whom they had asked to be their manager for Germany and Austria. ─── 这个耐人寻味的不平常的名字是一位慕尼黑舞台经理的主意,他们曾经邀请他担任他们在德国和奥地利的经纪人。
36、She helped support her family (her father was an unlucky nightclub impresario), and she remains haunted by her impatience with her disabled sister. ─── 她还要承担家里的开销(她父亲是个不走运的夜总会经理)。她那残疾妹妹的坏脾气总让她吃不消。
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