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09-16 投稿



hosteler 发音

英:[['hɒstlər]]  美:[['hɒstlər]]

英:  美:

hosteler 中文意思翻译



hosteler 相似词语短语

1、hostellers ─── n.旅馆主人

2、hostelry ─── n.客栈;旅店

3、hostler ─── n.马夫(等于ostler);(美)车辆维修工

4、hostels ─── 招待所

5、hostelers ─── n.旅馆主人;投宿者(尤指住在青年旅社的人)

6、hostel ─── n.旅社,招待所(尤指青年旅社)

7、hosteller ─── n.旅馆主人

8、hostelled ─── 寄宿

9、gospeler ─── n.(美)传福音的人,诵读福音书的人

hosteler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It consisted of three principal wings, a school of design occupying one, workshops another,and a students' hostel a third. ─── 它包括三个主要的翼,一部分是建筑学校,另一部分是创作室,第三部分是学生宿舍。

2、Variety of nightlife available within walking distance of the hostel, no curfew here,but don't drink too much and miss yourself! ─── 周边在步行距离之内有很多夜生活哦,这里没有宵禁,但是可别喝多了,把自己给丢了!

3、They were warned, but to stay in a hostel in peacetime, to the "guests" will be taken to the hair salon restrictions. ─── 她们被警告,平时要乖乖呆在招待所里,来了“客人”时,会被带到发廊接客。

4、There is a hostel at the end of the street. ─── 在这条街的尽头有一间小旅馆。

5、An inn or hostel for pilgrims in Turkey. ─── 客栈,招待所土耳其用来招待朝圣者的客栈或招待所

6、The stones for the hostel foundations were brought in from nearby. ─── 建造招待所的基石是从附近运来的。

7、As the Hostel is not manned 24 hours, where can I get help in case of emergency? ─── 宿舍既不是24小时有员工当值,倘遇紧急状况,我可以在甚么地方找到援助?

8、 双语使用场景

9、Hillslopes above Tung Wan Hostel and Mak Law Shui Wah School, Tung Wan Lantau. The location of the Project is shown in Figure 1 of this Permit. ─── 大屿山东湾的东湾宿舍和莫罗瑞华学校对上的山坡。工程项目的位置见载于本许可证夹附的图1。

10、Take Bus number 27 and get off at Dixingju、or take bus number 104、909 and get off at Andingmen street can get the hostel! ─── 乘地铁2号线鼓楼站下车出A口,到工人日报社往东200米即到。或安定门站下A口出向左转到肯德基向西走.

11、Back to hostel yet? To eat yet? ─── 回到宿舍了没有?吃饭了没有?

12、When the officer check if you bought any ticket, you could tell them that you stay at Lao shay Youth Hostel. ─── 如果你不想去那些小景点,可以不用买票,你就告诉检票人说你住“老谢车马店(国际青年旅舍)”;

13、Form Zhoutouzui Matou(Peri) to our hostel 20 minutes by taxi. ─── 乘船在周头嘴下船,距离旅舍20公里。

14、Today, Zhake, the waitress in Zanglingren hostel, accompanied us to Dorje Temple nearby to worship Buddha. ─── 今天康定藏羚人客栈的扎柯小妹带我们在隔壁的金刚寺(宁玛派寺院)拜了拜佛。

15、In Nov, 2007, Subway Line 4 will open LuBan station which is just outside of our hostel. ─── 2007年11月上海地铁4号线鲁班站开通,就在蓝山门口,交通将会更加方便。

16、From the window of my hostel. ─── 在我们住的青年旅社,拉开窗帘。。。

17、All items in the hostel must be cared and protected by students. Those items damaged or lost shall be indemnified accordingly. ─── 四、每个留学生都要爱护、保管好宿舍内的一切物品。凡有损坏者,须按价赔偿。

18、The world's first Jumbo Hostel finally opens! ─── 世界上第一个大型旅馆终于打开!

19、Some delicate hyacinths outside the hostel wall droop their heads, full of tears, suspiring their tragic fate for encountering such damp weather after a couple of sunny days. ─── 宿舍墙外一带种的娇嫩的洋水仙,垂了头,含着满眼的泪珠,在那里叹息它们的薄命,才过了两天的晴美的好日子又遇到这样霉气薰薰的雨天。

20、From the train to youth hostel, you can take bus No.57 or 59, then get off at the stop named the Wuhou Temple. ─── 从火车站到青年旅舍,你可以坐57路或59路公车,武候祠站下即可。

21、Kaza Youth Hostel is near the Zhong Yang street ,Ten minute can get to Harbin landmark building ---- Sofia church. ─── 卡兹国际青年旅舍临中央大街,十分钟即可步行到哈尔滨的标志性建筑----索菲亚教堂。

22、During the study period, students can enjoy full campus facilities and hostel accommodation to experience the hostel life as a major element of the liberal arts education. ─── 学生可修读最多两个学科。修读课程期间,学生可享用所有校园设施及入住学生宿舍,体验博雅教育的舍堂生活。

23、You can stay either in a hostel or with a family. ─── 你可以我选择住招待所也可以住当地人家里。

24、Kathy and Evan prepare to leave the hostel in Amsterdam. ─── 凯西和艾凡准备离开阿姆斯特丹的青年旅社。

25、Youth hostel from international youth inn alliance is duly authorized joining.Provide for the self-help shelter tourists. ─── 宾悦国际青年旅舍是由国际青年旅馆联盟正式授权加盟的国际青年旅舍,为自助旅行者提供物美价廉的住处,并在今年被评为绿色旅游饭店。

26、I hope my salary can reach 12,000 yuan a month without the hostel. ─── 希望待遇月薪一万二千元,提供宿舍。

27、Youth Hostel (YHA). Its not as good as it was reccomend in the review travel websites . ─── 它不是象那些介绍青年顾旅行网站一样好。

28、Are you going to hostel this summer holiday? ─── 今年暑假你打算去旅行吗?

29、Vacationer accomodations are a nearby solar-powered hostel, with gardens and wild chickens. But by far, the highlight of the trip is the chance to see the Grampians. ─── 度假者住宿的地方,是附近太阳能发电的旅舍,有花园和野生的鸡,但很显然的,这趟旅行强调的是有机会一探格兰平。

30、In order to avoid accidents Feng Mou back to the hostel after colleagues called Xu, accompanied by two million a tour of a home. ─── 为避免发生意外,冯某在回到宿舍后叫来同事徐某、游某二人陪同万某回家。

31、In Qufu Bus Station, you could take a Wooden Taxi(charge around 3 Yuan),or you could call a Taxi to our hostel( charged around 5 Yuan). ─── 从曲阜汽车站出站后乘三轮车约3元,打的约5元即可到达旅舍。

32、In front of the school hostel on the three cars parked within the cordon, a black flag hoisted silver Jetta car hit a side door, the red flag before the car windscreen broken. ─── 在学校招待所门口的警戒线内停着三辆轿车,一辆黑色红旗轿车撞在一辆银色捷达侧门上,红旗轿车前挡风玻璃破碎。

33、But in the winter I have to stay in this hostel for homeless people. ─── 但在冬季,我必须呆在一家收留无家可归者的客栈里。

34、It's the care staff who have the thick end of the stick in the running of the hostel, and I think their salaries should be increased. ─── 在招待所的经营中,管理人员的责任最重,我认为应该给他们加薪。

35、As it gets dark, the four arrive at a Tienhsiang Hostel Gabe: [Looking at his bed] I love these little packs on the beds here. ─── 天色渐暗,四人抵达天祥一间民宿 盖柏:(看着他的床)我喜欢床上的这些随身包。莫理:牙刷和梳子随身包?是啊,这些可真是盖高尚。

36、The other nights, I had to find a bed, otherwise I would die, and I lived with 3 little American girls in a small room of a hostel, that 's cheap, we r all poor. ─── 剩下的夜晚必须找到一张床不然我可能会死了,我和3个美国小女孩一起住在一家客栈的小房间,很便宜,我们都很穷。

37、My hostel backpack travellers, many of them are older tham me, also drinking with very South American loud music too. ─── 在我旅馆的背包客中,很多人都比我年长,他们也在南美的嘈杂音乐中喝酒。

38、A hostel is a place which boards tenants. ─── 客栈是为房客提供膳宿的地方。

39、Metro line 2 to century avenue Station, about 10 min walk to the hostel. ─── 坐地铁2号线世纪大道站下,步行10分钟到旅舍。

40、What's the food like in your hostel? ─── 你们学生公寓的伙食怎么样?

41、Tianmuyi a brandnew independent villa Hostel in china and the one that you don't want to miss. ─── "天姥连天向天横,势拔五岳掩赤城"天姥驿就位于李白梦游处-天姥山的脚下,是一幢独立的花园洋房。

42、I moved into the hostel today -- an ugly building near a busy road. ─── 今天我搬进了宿舍,它是一座在一条繁忙的路边的丑陋建筑。

43、Some women who answered the questions were found to be snikly hostel cynically hostile, or highly untrusting of others. ─── 一些回答问题的妇女愤世嫉俗或者极度不相信他人。

44、Haba jokul intermational youth hostel welcome all climber and travler all over the world! ─── 哈巴雪山国际青年旅舍欢迎天南海北的登山和旅行爱好者光临!

45、Let's head back to the hostel. ─── 咱们回旅社去吧。

46、Therefore categorizing from the special features for conducting is can present the hostel executive most want to inform to the consumer of message. ─── 因此从经营的特色来分类是最能呈现民宿经营者所要传达给消费者的讯息。

47、Zakopane : Hostel Stara Polana, Nowotarska, 59 Street. ─── 佢个kitchen好好,D人都好nice.

48、He says he's staying at a Youth Hostel. ─── 他说他现住在一家青年招待所。

49、Return along Brides Pool Road with a loop out to Wu Kau Tang, the second turn around then continued along Brides Pool Road back to finish at Youth Hostel. ─── ( 赛道途中可欣赏俩旁淡水湖及八仙岭风景)。回 程重覆经乌蛟腾转折点折返新娘潭路跑回设于青年中心的终点。

50、Power Spring Petroleum Hostel Foshan is a branch company that belongs to Foshan Liyuan enterprises CO., LTD. ─── 力源招待所是佛山市力源企业有限公司下属企业之一。

51、When I returned with the mayor from the bathhouse to our hostel, a man in uniform rushed out of a room and accosted us with great excitement. ─── 当我和市长从澡堂回招待所时,有个穿军装的人从一个房间里跑出来,十分激动地向我们打招呼。

52、Can we just drive around before we check into a hostel? ─── 在我们到青年旅社登记住宿前,我们可不可以开着车转一转呢?

53、What's the food like in your hostel ? ─── 你住的招待所食物怎么样?

54、And the hostel is cheap and convenient. ─── “住宿舍既便宜又方便。”

55、A fire tore through a three-story hostel for homeless people in north-west Poland early today, killing at least 21 people and injuring 20 more, including an infant. ─── 今日清晨,一场大火席卷了波兰西北部一幢为无家可归的人们准备的三层收容所。至少21人遇害,包括一名婴儿在内,还有超过20人受伤。

56、Take bus No.89 to Lhasa Department Store(Potala Palace) and then take a tricycle (5RMB) or Taxi (10RMB) to our hostel. ─── 从火车站出站口右边的公交车站,乘坐89路公交车到拉萨百货大楼。

57、Checking out at youth hostel. ─── 在青年旅舍退房。

59、YHA Le Tour Traveler's Rest is a bed and breakfast hostel in the downtown Shanghai, and is 10 minutes walk away to Subway JingAn Temple Station and City Terminal. ─── 乐途静安国际青年旅舍提供整洁干净的住宿和早餐,位于上海闹市区,离城市航站楼和静安寺地铁站步行10分钟。

60、Metro line 2 to Dongchang Station, about 10 min walk to the hostel. ─── 坐地铁2号线东昌路站下,步行10分钟到旅舍。

61、This youth hostel is the first in Zhang Jia Jie, and it fully conforms to YHA standard, secure, economical, and clean. ─── 张家界国际青年旅舍是张家界第一家引进国际青年旅舍理念的旅馆,由当地民居按照国际青年旅舍安全、经济、卫生的标准改建而成。

62、Yep. I checked with the last hostel and they all recommended the same one near the city center. ─── 决定了。我问过上次的那家旅社,而他们都推荐市中心附近的同一家旅社。

63、Go straight down to this Y.W.C.A. hostel and fetch Huei-fang home! ─── 你马上到女青年会寄宿舍去同四妹来!

64、So as I've mentioned before I live at a youth hostel. ─── ?在北京我是住在青年旅馆嘛。

65、Through the provision of simple hostel accommodation, the HKYHA aims to help all, especially young people, to understand, love and care for the countryside and places of interest. ─── 协会的宗旨,是通过提供简单的旅舍,帮助所有人,特别是青年人,认识、珍惜和爱护郊野和名胜地点。

66、K: No, but sometimes I wished I had! The food at the hostel was awful. ─── 不,有时我希望我会做。宿舍的饭很糟。

67、Use the personal security lockers available at the hostel. ─── 在招待所可。

68、He hadn't wanted to go to a hostel or rent his own apartment. ─── 他不想去校外的学生宿舍,也不想租自己的公寓,

69、Before leaving the hostel, Yuan Wai give all of us a warm farewell, but we forget to take picture with him! ─── 临走时,元外还“深情款款”的送我们离开,直到上了车才发现我们竟然忘了跟这么重要的人拍照!

70、Dormitories are separated by gender, and will be arranged by Hostel Manger, but will not be applied to Family Room. ─── 宿位男女分房,并于入住时由旅舍经理安排,家庭房则不在此限。

71、Beijing West station wistaria hostel is the largest railway guest houses! Groups and individuals may receive accommodation! ─── 北京西站紫藤招待所是全国最大的铁路招待所!可接待团体及个人住宿!

72、Back at the hostel, Kathy makes an unpleasant discovery. ─── 凯西回旅社后发现了一件令人不悦的事。

73、The introduction of new technology means that you can now book hostel accommodation in advance via the internet. ─── 引进新的技术意味着现在你能够通过因特网提前预订旅馆。

74、For security reasons, all visitors must be accompanied by hostel resident when entering the hostel, and register in the visitors log clearly. ─── 为加强宿舍保安,所有访客须由本宿舍宿生陪同,始可进入宿舍内,并须清楚填写访客登记册。

75、But Swedish entrepreneur Oscar Dios thinks they can be persuaded otherwise and he has created a new kind of hostel to prove it. ─── 但瑞典创投家奥斯卡-迪欧斯则试图改变人们的这种想法,创造了一种新型的“飞机旅馆”。

76、Lodging facilities in the form of holiday bungalow, hostel or guestroom open to visitors. ─── 供参观者/游客使用的住宿设施--如渡假屋、旅舍或客房等;

77、Hostel is very close to "He Fang Jie" which is a famous tourist street and WuShan square. ─── 吴山上古木参天,各种植被丰富,是天然的生态园。

78、Hostel guests can borrow a bicycle free of charge for one day (though note there is a limited number of bicycles). ─── 向投宿游客提供一日免费自行车出借服务(数量有限)。

79、Arrangements have been made to ensure sufficient staff on duty during the opening hours of the Hostel. ─── 宿舍于正常开放时间内已确保有足够员工当值。

80、Fun Halloween Recipes, Games, Decorations, Music and Masquerade Ball for Ghosts and ghouls all ages in the secret garden of Q-house Hostel. ─── 今年我们有了一个神秘的小花园,在那里香喷喷的批萨、烤混上最为诡异的音乐和灯光,参与一个纯正的化妆舞会,成就你终身难忘的“鬼日子”!!

81、Since February 2009 to present, Yi Wei Chao, esq. has provided service for EASEHERE YOUTH HOSTEL as the Legal Counsel. ─── 2009年2月至今,作为法律顾问服务逸家国际青年旅舍。

82、The Guangzhou City Youth Hostel is within minutes from subway,shuttle express to airport and major transportion systems. ─── 四通八达的交通为您的商旅出行提供便利。

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