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Hinduism 发音

英:[ˈhɪnduːɪzəm]  美:[ˈhɪnduːɪzəm]

英:  美:

Hinduism 中文意思翻译



Hinduism 网络释义

n. 印度教

Hinduism 短语词组

1、hinduism is the largest ─── 印度教是最大的

2、dualism definition hinduism ─── 印度教的二元论定义

3、hinduism and buddhism ─── 印度教和佛教

4、spread of hinduism ─── 印度教的传播

5、hinduism web ─── 印度教网站

6、hinduism has no founder ─── 印度教没有创始人

Hinduism 相似词语短语

1、Hindus ─── n.印度教徒

2、Hinduism ─── n.印度教

3、Hinduise ─── v.皈依为印度教

4、siddhuism ─── n.精心设计的比喻

5、Pindus ─── 品都斯山脉

6、Hinduize ─── v.印度化;印度教化

7、Hindooism ─── 事后诸葛亮

8、Shintoism ─── n.日本之神道教

9、Lindum ─── 林丹

Hinduism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There he founded the Ramakrishna Mission, the most important modern organization of reformed Hinduism. ─── 他在那里成立了罗摩克里希那传道会,是现代印度教改革的最重要组织。

2、Survey on the Characteristics of Hinduism Candis in Java Indonesia ─── 印尼爪哇岛印度教神庙研究

3、Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Li-ism, Zhaijiao, and Wicca all honor Her. ─── 中华民间信仰里,祂有最高的职位。

4、Many of the visitors were genuine spiritual souls, the unseen pillars of Hinduism, and their spiritual lives were quickened in no small measure by the sage of Dakshineswar. ─── 不少来访者是诚恳的灵性追求者,是印度教看不见的栋梁,这位达克希什瓦圣人并没有低估他们的灵性生命成长。

5、As a religion, Hinduism is a composite of diverse doctrines, cults, and ways of life. ─── 作为一种宗教,印度教是不同的教条、祭礼和生活方式的综合体。

6、Adopted by Buddhism from Hinduism by the 3rd century B. ─── 公元前三世纪,被佛教从印度教那里接受过来。

7、Major world religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated here. ─── 世界主要宗教,如印度教,佛教,耆那教和锡克教发源于此。

8、His mother responds to the news of this conversion: “I've always liked the Hindus,” and then wanders off to see if she has any books on Hinduism. ─── 丈夫皈依了印度教,戈德温的母亲说到:“我一直都喜欢印度教徒,”然后走到一边看能否找到本有关印度教的书。

9、Yes, it is integrated in Hinduism, because it evolved in India. ─── 不错,瑜伽因与印度有关。

10、Hinduism and Buddhism had an immense impact on the civilizations of Southeast Asia and contributed greatly to the development of a written tradition in that area. ─── 印度教和佛教对东南亚文明有极广大的影响,对该地区书写的发展有着极大的贡献。

11、Consequently this school s most valuable contribution to Hinduism was its formulation of the rules of Vedic interpretation. ─── 因此,这个学派对印度教最重大的贡献就是简洁地解释了吠陀规则。

12、Small segments of the population practise Hinduism or animism. ─── 人口中还有一小部分信仰印度教和万物教。

13、Homosexuals are full human beings, who in Hinduism even worship their own deity, the Mother Goddess Bahuchara, for their spiritual link to the Absolute Brahm. ─── 同性恋是完整的人,在印度教中,为了在精神上同大梵天产生连结,他们甚至有自己崇拜的女神:母之女神巴护察拉。

14、I continued to read about Hinduism and Buddhism when I stumbled upon a lesser known religion called Jainism . ─── 我继续研读印度教和佛教当我偶然发现了一种不太知名的宗教,耆那教。

15、The adaptability of Hinduism to changing conditions is illustrated by the appearance in the Hindu pantheon of a new divinity, of special utility in an acquisitive society. ─── 印度教调整去改变这种状态就表现在印度教万神殿的一位新神上,对于一个营利社会来说特别有用。

16、Ever since, however, samsara (the Sanskrit term) has been one of the major tenets of three major Eastern religion: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. ─── 但从奥义书时代以来,“轮回”已经成为了三大古代东方宗教的基本信条之一。这三大教是印度教、佛教和耆那教。

17、Other interpretations of the remains of the Harappa culture are more speculative and, if accepted, would indicate that many features of later Hinduism were already in existence 4,000 years ago. ─── 哈拉帕文明残余物的其他解释更加投机。如果公认的话,也表明后期印度教的很多特征在4,000年前就已经存在。

18、Therefore-the Indian Buddhism ultimately submerged within the mighty current of Hinduism. ─── 佛教最终淹没在印度教的洪流之中。

19、Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism , Buddhism, and Jainism . ─── 梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、教和耆那教的祭礼语言。

20、In Hinduism it is carried by Shakti, wife of Vishnu, by Parvarti, wife of Shiva, by Radha, wife of Krishna, and by Sita, wife of Rama. ─── 在印度教里由Vishnu的妻子Shakti、Shiva的妻子Parvarti、克利须那神的妻子Radha、罗摩妻子Sita承载。

21、In Hinduism, Kurma was the second avatar of Vishnu. ─── 在印度教,乌宠库尔玛是毗瑟奴的第二个化身。

22、But the conservative and rigid moralistic element in Indian Islam gained the upper hand long before British power was consolidated in India, and Islamic influence on Hinduism remained superficial. ─── 但是,印度伊斯兰保守派和强硬派道学在英国统治力量在印度巩固之前很久就已经得到优势,伊斯兰教对印度教的影响仍然是表面的。

23、In Hinduism the patterns of the peacocks feathers, resembling eyes, symbolise And stars. ─── 在印度教中,孔雀羽毛上像眼睛的图案代表星星。

24、A reformer of different character was Dayanand Sarasvati, who was trained as a yogi but steadily lost faith in yoga and many other aspects of Hinduism. ─── 另一个不同特性的改革家是达耶难陀,作为一位瑜伽士而受训,但很快地对瑜伽和印度教的其他很多方面失去了信心。

25、later sacred texts of Hinduism dealing with broad philosophical questions ─── 印度教处理广义哲学问题的后来的圣书

26、Together with Vaishnavism and Shaivism, it is one of the major forms of Hinduism practiced today. ─── 与毗湿奴教、湿婆教同为现行印度教的主要形式。

27、Emersonian transcendentalism, Hinduism and American Indian pantheism inspired Thoreau, in one way or another, a vigorously healthy and cosmically symbiotic relationship between man and nature. ─── 从德国唯心主义先验论、爱默生超验主义哲学、印度教义和印第安人万物有灵论中,梭罗接受了自然具有精神价值、人与自然应合二为一的观念。

28、The Characteristics of Hinduism and Influences to Indian Culture ─── 印度教的特点及其对印度文化的影响

29、As you know, in Hinduism you can be an atheist or a theist and yet be equally well a Hindu. ─── 你知道,在印度教里,你可以是个无神论者,也可以是个有神论者,但都同样地还是印度教徒。

30、In Hinduism, an avatar or avatara, is the incarnation (bodily manifestation) of an Immortal Being, or of the Ultimate Supreme Being. ─── 在印度教,一个阿瓦塔或化身,是一个重要存在,或者是最终的上帝的肉身显现。

31、from wikipedia: kali is a destructive and creative aspect of god as the divine mother in hinduism. ─── 卡莉是神毁灭性和创造性的面貌,是印度教的神圣母亲。


33、his conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism ─── 他由印度教改信佛教

34、An adherent of Hinduism. ─── 印度教徒信奉印度教的人

35、Of or relating to Hinduism. ─── 印度教的属于,关于印度教的

36、Another movement influenced in part by Hinduism is the Theosophical Society, which at one time exerted considerable influence. ─── 另一个部分地受到印度教影响的运动是神智学会,曾经在某段时期表现出相当大的影响力。

37、I had been brought up without specific religious beliefs, but an awareness of my parents' spiritual backgrounds of Judaism and Hinduism. ─── 我从小没有培养过任何的宗教信仰,但我一直都知道我父母是犹太教徒和印度教徒。

38、People have done so in all ages, Hindus live according to Hinduism, Muslims live according to Islam, and so-and-so lives according to such-and-such ism. ─── 人们自古以来一直是在这样做着,印度教徒按照印度教的态度生活,回教徒按照回教的态度生活,某某主义者按某某主义生活。

39、The major religions in the world are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism and so on. ─── 世界上主要的宗教有犹太教、基督教、伊斯兰教、佛教、印度教等。

40、Hinduism takes many forms from serene private prayer to cacophonous public festival. ─── 印度教从平静的个人祷告到粗腔横调的公共节日都采用了许多形式。

41、Hinduism has a few direct survivals from its Indo-European heritage. ─── 印度教从它的印欧传统中拥有为数不多的残存。

42、Between the 4th and 13th centuries a unique culture which owed its spiritual origins to Indian Hinduism developed on the coast of contemporary Viet Nam. ─── 公元4到13世纪,一种独特的文化在现在越南边境地区得到了发展,这种文化的宗教起源是印度教。

43、An ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism),an official language of India although it is now used only for religious purposes. ─── 印度的一种古老的语言(韦达和印度教的语言),虽然现在它只用于宗教但却曾经是印度的一种官方语言。

44、In homes where Hinduism is practiced there is generally a room or corner of a room for worship called puja where there are pictures of a statue of a particular God. ─── 在印度教徒的家庭中,通过有一个房间,或者房间的一个角落,是作崇拜之用,里面放有某位神的雕像的图画。

45、Swami Vivekenanda expounded inner Hinduism; ─── SwamiVivekenanda详细阐述了内部印度教;

46、Mantra in Hinduism and Buddhism, mystic words used in ritual and meditation. ─── 印度教和佛教的咒语,神秘的字词使用在仪式和静心上。

47、Practically everything in Hinduism is the manifestation of a God. ─── 几乎印度教中的一切都是神的表现。

48、The history of Hinduism began in India about 1500 BC. ─── 印度教的历史在印度是大约开始于公元前1500。

49、They many not have the same protection of more sacred animals, but Hinduism has a fundamental respect for all life. ─── 也许它们不像其他宗教动物一样受到保护,然而印度教对所有的动物都有着基本的尊重。

50、For example, in ancient Hinduism the kundalini pathway is symbolized by a cobra in the striking position, not straight up. ─── 例如,古印度教的路径被描述成处于攻击位置的蛇,而不是直线;

51、A central notion of Hinduism is that of Karma, or fate, which stands for the moral quality of any human existence, and shapes it according to the individual's merits. ─── 印度教的中心思想是羯磨或是命运,它代表人类生存的道德品质,个人的功过决定命运的发展。

52、Jinnah was very keen that religion - Islam, Hinduism, etc.- be brought into politics. ─── Jinnah热心地想把宗教(伊斯兰,印度教,等)都放到政治里来。

53、Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation. ─── 曼荼罗任一种印度教和佛教所用到的帮助禅定的象征宇宙的几何图形

54、the triad of divinities of later Hinduism. ─── 后来印度教的三神一体。

55、later sacred texts of Hinduism dealing with broad philosophical questions. ─── 印度教处理广义哲学问题的后来的圣书。

56、"There are whole chapters that really have to do with Hinduism, Christianity. ─── 他说:“有时候整个章节都和印度教和基督教有关。

57、Other denominations of Hinduism do not strictly hold this belief. ─── 印度教的其他命名并不严格持有这种信仰。

58、The River Nile is in Africa! Hinduism is from India! ─── 印度教怎可能源于非洲尼罗河地区?

59、Hinduism arose from the continued accretion of further elements derived from the original non-Aryan inhabitants, from outside sources, and from the geniuses of individual reformers at all periods. ─── 印度教是由这些原始非雅利安居民的基本要素通过进一步发展而形成,从外在的原始资料,还有从各个时期中个别改革者的天赋可看得出。

60、Plus, the Trinity has no roots in Hinduism. It is purely superficial and there is no semblance at all. ─── 另外,三位一体不是源自印度教。这观点实在太过肤浅,他们之间也不存在相似的地方。

61、The Upanishads, somewhat later writings usually called Vedanta (that is, the end of the Veda), are more philosophic in character and contain the central theoretical ideas of Hinduism. ─── 《奥义书》更具哲学的 特点,它包括了印度教的中心理论思想,其后面部分的文献通常称作《吠檀多》(意思是《吠陀》的最后一部分)。

62、Some of Hinduism's adherents are Smarta monists, seeing multiple manifestations of the one God or source of being, which is often confused by non-Hindus as being polytheist. ─── 一些印度教信徒是传统派一元论者,认为是一神或者一个存在源头的多种表现,经常被非印度教徒混淆为多神论者。

63、The 1961 law forbidding dowries further undermined traditional Hinduism. ─── 1961年,法律更进一步地破坏印度教传统的嫁妆。

64、He made some pictures of the divinities of Hinduism. ─── 他画了几幅印度教中的神像。

65、Jung was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism. ─── 他特别熟悉复杂神秘教义(如诺斯替教、练金术、犹太神秘哲学)的象征手法、熟悉印度教和佛教中的类似教义。

66、In Hinduism, the Trimurti (also called the Hindu trinity) are three aspects of God in His forms as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. ─── 在印度教,三神一体(也称为印度教的三位一体)是神的三个主要外貌:梵天,毗瑟奴和湿婆。

67、The classical Western world directly affected Hindu religious art, and several features of Hinduism can be traced to Zoroastrianism. ─── 古典的西方世界直接地影响了印度宗教艺术,印度教的几个特征可以回溯到琐罗亚斯德教。

68、There are many believers of Hinduism in China. ─── 印度教在中国也有很多的教徒。

69、Yeah, especially Buddhism and Hinduism, I come out of Hinduism. ─── 对,特别是佛教和印度教,我研究过印度教。

70、The water flowing from his locks is a depiction of the River Ganga considered to be a goddess in Hinduism. ─── 从他的锁上被描绘成恒海,被认为是印度教的一位女神。

71、On the Relationship between Hinduism and Indian Literature ─── 印度教与印度文学关系探讨

72、India is the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism,and Asia is a treasury of Hindus and Buddhist thoughts and cultures. ─── 印度是印度教与佛教的发祥地,整个亚洲是印度教与佛教思想和文化的宝库。

73、Thus, although many aspects of Hinduism are traceable to non-Aryan influence, not all of these aspects are borrowed from "Dravidians. ─── 从而,尽管印度教的很多外貌都起源于非雅利安人的影响,但并不是所有的外貌都是借鉴于“德拉威人”。

74、The social structure of traditional Hinduism is slowly crumbling in the cities. ─── 印度教传统社会结构在城市慢慢地崩溃。

75、Monotheistic movement within Hinduism, founded in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1828 by Ram Mohun Roy. ─── 印度教内部的一神论改良派组织,1828年由罗伊在加尔各答创建。

76、The word Tantra is Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism. ─── “坦陀罗”这个词是梵语,印度教的宗教语言。

77、Just ask the Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Haidong, he said that the local mainstream media or the analysis of a sectarian, for example, Hinduism and Islam between a conflict. ─── 刚才也问到新华社记者廉海东,他说当地主流媒体分析还是一次教派之间的,比如说伊斯兰教和印度教之间的一种冲突。

78、We're going to call that "Hinduism." ─── 我们都称之为“印度教。”

79、90 Percent of Myanmar embraces Buddhism. The rest practice Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and animism. ─── 90%的缅甸人信仰佛教,其余的信仰基督教、伊斯兰教、印度教和泛灵论。

80、Only Brahmins -- members of Hinduism's priestly caste -- are allowed to touch them.Even the skins shed by the snakes are covered by the taboo. ─── 只有作为印度教最高种姓的婆罗门才能够触摸它们,就连蛇褪下的皮也受到保护。

81、Hindu philosophy( one of the main divisions of Indian philosophy) is traditionally seen through the prism of six different systems( called darshanas in Sanskrit) that are listed here and make up the main belief systems of Hinduism. ─── 印度哲学(中一个印度哲学的划分)统上是被看作折射出六个不同体系(梵语称为“达显”)这里就列举出来,弥补了印度教的主要信仰体系。

82、Other denominations of Hinduism, as described later, don't hold this belief strictly and more closely adhere to a Western perception of what a monotheistic faith is. ─── 其他挂命的印度教,正如随后所述的,并不严格地持有这种信仰,更加接近于西方理解的一神论信仰。

83、northern region of India where Hinduism predominates. ─── 印度北部的被印度教控制的区域。

84、Hinduism prescribes 16 ceremonies to mark each major stage in one's life span. ─── 印度教规定了16个仪式来表明人一生中的重要阶段。

85、Within Smarta Hinduism, a variety of forms of God are seen as aspects of the one impersonal divine ground, Brahman (not Brahma). ─── 在传统派印度教里面,众多形态的神看起来是非人格的神性范围,梵(不是梵天)的不同外貌。

86、At the end of its existence in India, Buddhism developed in a way that had some effect on Hinduism. ─── 佛教在印度的末期,佛教的发展在某种程度上已经对印度教有若干影响。

87、As a representative of Hinduism, I pledge to become a pioneer in the unification movement. ─── 做为印度教代表,我谨誓要成为统一运动的开路先锋。

88、Factually,Indian caste system is a system of value growing from the cleaning conceptions of Hinduism. ─── 从根本上说,种姓制度是一种根植于印度教洁净观念的价值体系。

89、Unlike most other religions, Hinduism does not advocate the worship of one particular deity. ─── 与其他大多数宗教不同,印度教没有提倡崇拜一个特别的神。

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