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09-16 投稿



hoveler 发音


英:  美:

hoveler 中文意思翻译



hoveler 相似词语短语

1、shoveller ─── n.使用铲子的工作者

2、hosteler ─── n.旅馆主人;投宿者(尤指住在青年旅社的人)

3、hoveled ─── n.小屋;栅舍;茅舍;vt.使…住在茅屋;把…拴入棚舍

4、shovelers ─── n.使用铲子工作的人;琵嘴鸭

5、hoveller ─── n.无执照难船救助员;无执照领港员

6、hovellers ─── n.无执照难船救助员;无执照领港员

7、shoveler ─── n.使用铲子工作的人;琵嘴鸭

8、groveler ─── n.卑恭屈节的人

9、hoverer ─── 育雏器

hoveler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And if it stays, the poorest hovel is radiant with warmth, with life and color. ─── 而且,如果爱停留,即使最贫穷的茅屋也是带着温暖带着生活和颜色而闪耀发光的。

2、Having levelled my palace, don't erect a hovel and complacently admire your own charity in giving me that for a home. ─── 你既然铲平了我的宫殿,就没必要再盖个茅草屋,当成家送给我,然后自以为是地欣赏着自己的施舍。

3、"Well," said she, "they're very poor folks, and it's a hovel where there isn't a sou. ─── “好吧,”她说,“这是些很穷的人,是个没有钱的破棚棚。”

4、It is far superior to the hovel at Woodend, and the small house at Saint Leonard's Crags ─── 它比起伍登的茅舍和圣列奥纳德的小屋,不知要好上几倍。

5、O Tom Canty, born in a hovel familiar with rags and dirty and misery, what a spectacle is this! ─── 啊,汤姆·康第,不过是个小破房子里出世的穷孩子,一向与破烂、肮脏和苦难结了不解之缘,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫啊!

6、Anyone willing to come to her hovel would obviously not pay much. Very well, then, anyone would do, as long as he paid. ─── 肯进她那间小屋的当然不肯出大价钱,好吧,谁来也好吧,给个钱就行。

7、hovel kiln ─── 锥形外罩式窑

8、Never shall he be wed to the child of such a wretched soul living in this miserable hovel ─── 他决不能和住在这个破茅屋里的可怜虫的孩子结婚。

9、She's back in the old hovel already. ─── 她已回到原来的破屋里去了。

10、At this word from his wife, Jondrette closed the door again, and this time, Marius heard his step die away in the corridor of the hovel, and descend the staircase rapidly. ─── 听他女人说完,容德雷特又带上了门,这一次,马吕斯听到他的脚步在过道里越走越远,很快便下了楼梯。

11、You now have a particle-based fire effect for your hovel! ─── 您现在有一个基于微粒的射击效果为您的小屋!

12、she thought Jean Valjean handsome, just as she thought the hovel pretty. ─── 她觉得冉阿让美,正如她觉得这间破屋子漂亮一样。

13、It did not even occur to him to tell her about the nocturnal adventure in the hovel, about Thenardier, about the burn, and about the strange attitude and singular flight of her father. ─── 他甚至没有想到要把那天夜晚在德纳第穷窟里发生的事,他父亲怎样烧伤自己的胳膊,他那奇怪的态度,机灵的脱险等等经过说给她听。

14、It's a firm blockhouse that has serveral shooting holes on the side facing the river. The upper hovel was built subsequently, but nobody lives in now. ─── 这是一个坚实的哨岗,面对江的那边有几个用来射击的小孔。上面的小屋是后来加上去的,但已经没有人住在里面了。

15、He bounded rather than climbed upon his commode, and resumed his post near the little peep-hole in the partition wall. Again he beheld the interior of Jondrette's hovel. ─── 他不是爬上那抽斗柜,而是一纵身便到了柜上,他又守在隔墙上面那个小洞的旁边了。容德雷特那个洞窝里的情况重新展现在他眼前。

16、Hovel kiln"," ─── 罩窑"

17、I don't know how you can bear to live in this hovel. ─── 我不知道你怎能忍受住在这狗窝里。

18、9. You are not here to live in a hovel, to dress in rags, or to go hungry. You are here to lead the life more abundant. ─── 你来人世走一遭并不是为了住在牛棚里,并不是为了衣不遮体,并不是为了挨饿。你来人世是为了度过比上述更加富足的生活。

19、The lower town, in which he lived, had but one school, a miserable hovel, which was falling to ruin: he constructed two, one for girls, the other for boys. ─── 他住的下城只有一个小学校,校舍已经破败,他起造了两幢,一幢为男孩,一幢为女孩。

20、Marius ascended the stairs of the hovel with slow steps;at the moment when he was about to re-enter his cell, he caught sight of the elder Jondrette girl following him through the corridor. ─── 马吕斯一步一步慢慢地走上了老屋的楼梯,他正要回到他那冷清清的屋子里去时,忽然看见容德雷特大姑娘从过道里跟在他后面走来。

21、One morning, this spy saw Jean Valjean, with an air which struck the old gossip as peculiar, entering one of the uninhabited compartments of the hovel. ─── 有一天早晨,这个蓄意窥探的老婆子看见冉阿让走进这座破屋的一间没有人住的房里去了,觉得他的神气有些特别。

22、The chamber which the Jondrettes inhabited in the Gorbeau hovel was the last at the end of the corridor. ─── 容德雷特在那所破屋里住的房间是过道底里最后的那间。

24、Stylist will enter the mouth unusedly originally the shoe ark that the space changed to be able to hang coat and hovel, solved host store the requirement of content. ─── 设计师将原本闲置的入口空间改成了可以挂外套的鞋柜和杂物间,解决了主人储物的要求。

25、He took a turn round the hovel, and added:-- "Like other people. ─── 他在那穷窟里走了一圈,又加上一句:“跟别人一样。”

26、The crackling of the burning flesh became audible, and the odor peculiar to chambers of torture filled the hovel. ─── 肉被烧得哧哧作响,穷窟里顿时散布开了行刑室里特有的臭味。

27、In one hovel, seven-year-old Ashraf is working a ten-hour day alongside his gaunt and bearded grandfather. ─── 一间破屋中,七岁的阿沙拉夫每天要工作十个小时,他身边是面容憔悴、胡须满面的祖父。

28、Kenobi's spartan hovel was actually a treasure trove of Jedi information -- one of the few repositories left after Palpatine's purge of the order. ─── 事实上,肯诺比的小屋是个知识的宝库,尤其在帕裴汀消灭了所有的绝地武士后,这间小屋是少数拥有如此多绝地知识的地方。

29、The hovel of a cutter of wood into lengths for burning, was the only house at that end; all else was wall. ─── 那里唯一的房屋是一个把柴锯成短段便于烧壁炉的工人的小棚屋,此外便只有墙壁。

30、The fine hostelry was closed to him; he was seeking some very humble public house, some hovel, however lowly. ─── 那家华丽的旅馆既享以闭门羹,他便想找一家简陋的酒店,一所穷苦的破屋。

31、"From a cave inside a mountain or a peasant's hovel," Gul asked, how could bin Laden mount such a sophisticated operation? ─── “从山中的一个洞穴或者农民的一间小茅屋里,”格尔问,本拉登怎能完成这样一起复杂的行动?

32、"The poor child shall not sleep another night in this wretched hovel," he thought, as he knocked at the door of Mr. ─── “这可怜的孩子,在这肮脏的破烂房子里再睡一夜也不行了,”他敲马尔东先生家的门时,心中想道。

33、Forth from thy hovel door thou Ethiopia comist to me, ─── 你埃塞俄比亚人,从你的茅屋的门里走出,向我走近,

34、The fine hostelry was closed to him; he was seeking some very humble public house, some hovel, howeverlowly. ─── 那家华丽的旅馆既享以闭门羹,他便想找一家简陋的酒店,一所穷苦的破屋。

35、[Formal] a thatched cottage; a cottage; a hovel ─── 茅舍

36、 双语使用场景

37、Hunched over plastic buckets outside a brick hovel, they shell 1,000 kilos a month. ─── 他们一个月可以剥掉1吨的蒜皮,砖房外,每一个塑料桶都已经盛满形成小山包。

38、Woman and two girl children at hovel where stayed lunch. ─── 3月19日,简陋小屋前的妇人和儿童。

39、It's very uncomfortable living in a dirty hovel like ours ─── 住在我们这样肮脏的破屋子里,太不舒服了。

40、At that moment the farmer's own son came to the door of the family 6) hovel . ─── 这时,农夫自己的儿子走到了他们家小屋的门前。

41、While you were feasting at your bountifully spread table, I was famishing in the hovel or the empty street. ─── 当你们坐在丰盛的筵席上时,我正在茅舍里或街头上忍饥挨饿;

42、What a hovel he lives in! ─── 他住的小屋真是又乱又脏啊!

43、His new hovel sells well. ─── 他的新小说销路好。

44、He could not work just to satisfy his own needs, he must rescue her from that hovel and bring her to live with him in a clean, warm room, happy, decent and loving as two little birds. ─── 他不能仅为自己的吃喝努力,他必须把她从那间小屋救拔出来,而后与他一同住在一间干净暖和的屋里,象一对小鸟似的那么快活,体面,亲热!

45、a hovel unblessed with electricity or running water. ─── 没有电和自来水的可怜小屋。

46、This hovel, built of old rubbish, which was still in existence in 1845, was composed, as the reader already knows, of three chambers, all of which were utterly bare and had nothing beyond the walls. ─── 那所破屋是用残砖剩瓦搭起来的,一八四五年还在,我们知道,一共是三间,光秃秃的,除墙外一无所有。

47、People is equal the balcony at garment of hovel, air previously. ─── 以前人们把阳台等同于杂物间、晾衣间。

48、" "I have an isolated hovel yonder, behind the ruins of the old convent, in a corner which no one ever looks into. ─── “我有一个孤零零的破棚子,那儿,在老庵子破屋后面的一个弯角里,谁也瞧不见的地方。

49、He was half out when six robust fists seized him and dragged him back energetically into the hovel. ─── 他已经半截身子到了外面,六只强壮的手一齐抓住了他,又使劲把他拖回那穷窟里。

50、Javert's triumph in the Gorbeau hovel seemed complete, but had not been so. ─── 沙威在戈尔博老屋中的胜利看来好象是很全面的,其实不然。

51、For example, in New York City, rates for hovel rooms are high during the week because business travelers will pay high prices for the rooms. ─── 例如,在纽约市,酒店房间在周内是高的,因为商务旅行者会支付高价格的客房。

52、From the same materials one man builds palaces, another hovel. ─── 同样的材料,有人能用其建造出宫殿,而有人只能建成简陋的小屋。

53、an angle of the wall offers them a rest to the shoulder;for the lack of a hovel under whose cover they can draw up, a regiment yields its ground; ─── 一丛小树可以作为据点,一个墙角可以成为支柱,背后缺少一点依靠,可以使整队人马立不住足;

54、This hovel was only one story high. ─── 那所破屋只有一层楼。

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