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09-16 投稿



hydropathic 发音

英:[[ˌhaɪdrə'pæθɪk]]  美:[[ˌhaɪdrə'pæθɪk]]

英:  美:

hydropathic 中文意思翻译



hydropathic 短语词组

1、hydropathic index ─── 水疗指数

2、hydropathic compress ─── [医] 湿敷

hydropathic 相似词语短语

1、hydropathically ─── 水疗

2、hydroptic ─── 积水的

3、hydropath ─── n.水疗法者

4、hydropathy ─── n.水疗法

5、homeopathic ─── adj.顺势疗法的;同种疗法的

6、cytopathic ─── adj.细胞病的,引起细胞病变的

7、hydrographic ─── adj.水道测量数的;水道学的

8、hydropathist ─── n.水疗法者

9、hydropathical ─── 水疗

hydropathic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Optimizing the prescription and extracting technique of Chinese medicinal hydropathic compress by orthogonal experiment ─── 正交试验法优化中药湿敷剂的处方和提取工艺

2、Objective To investigate the analgesic effect of urgotul on infected wound surface at stage of granulation tissue treated by hydropathic compress with herbal yellow water gauze. ─── 目的探讨优拓用于伤科黄水纱布湿敷感染创面肉芽组织期的止痛效果。

3、Clinical Study of Hydropathic Compressing Time of Perineum Cut with Iodophors ─── 碘伏湿敷会阴伤口时间的临床研究

4、Hydropathic (establishment) ─── 水疗疗养院

5、Alcohol hydropathic compress used in the prevention of phlebitis caused by infusing mannite in vein ─── 酒精湿敷预防静滴甘露醇所致静脉炎的研究

6、hydropathic sitting shower bath ─── 水疗坐位淋浴器, 上行淋浴器

7、1.Rest room: The hydropathic building consists of single pools including traditional Chinese medicine bath, sauna bath and waving bath and two large pools of80 sqm which canhold up to 200 persons. ─── 1、疗养区:拟建水疗楼一座,内设单池,开设多种浴种,如中药浴、桑拿浴、冲浪浴等,一次可容纳200多人同时水疗。

8、Aloe-carthamus alcohol hydropathic distilled liquid ─── 芦荟红花酒精提取液

9、Keywords orthogonal experiment;Chinese medicinal hydropathic compress;anti-inflammation(experiment);extracting technique;mice; ─── 正交试验法;中药湿敷剂;抗炎实验;提取工艺;小鼠;

10、Hydropathic Compression with Lactone Bean Curd for the Treatment of Extravasation of Chemotherapeutic Agent ─── 内酯豆腐湿敷治疗化疗药物外渗

11、Research about clinical application of iodophor hydropathic compress on lateral episiotomy wound ─── 碘伏湿敷会阴侧切口的临床应用研究

12、a hydropathic establishment ─── 水疗处, 水疗旅馆

13、Alcohol hydropathic compress used in the prevention of phlebitis caused by infusing mannite in vein ─── 酒精湿敷预防静滴甘露醇所致静脉炎的研究

14、Research about clinical application of iodophor hydropathic compress on lateral episiotomy wound ─── 碘伏湿敷会阴侧切口的临床应用研究

15、Nursing Experience in Prevention of Phlebitis Caused by Dropping Mannitol With Alum Hydropathic Compress ─── 矾冰液湿敷预防静滴甘露醇所致静脉炎的护理体会

16、A primary study on the diabetic feet treatment by hydropathic compress with insulin and astrogalin ─── 胰岛素联合黄芪注射液局部治疗糖尿病足疗效观察

17、Hydropathic Compression with Lactone Bean Curd for the Treatment of Extravasation of Chemotherapeutic Agent ─── 内酯豆腐湿敷治疗化疗药物外渗

18、Nursing Experience in Prevention of Phlebitis Caused by Dropping Mannitol With Alum Hydropathic Compress ─── 矾冰液湿敷预防静滴甘露醇所致静脉炎的护理体会

19、hydropathic compress ─── 湿敷

20、hydropathic treatment ─── 水疗

21、Keywords Iodophors Perineum cut Hydropathic compress Time; ─── 关键词碘伏;会阴伤口;湿敷;时间;

22、Scrotal Hydrocele Treated by Hydropathic Compress With Ethacridine in Children With Nephrosis ─── 雷佛奴尔湿敷肾病患儿阴囊的临床观察

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