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09-14 投稿



insurmountable 发音

英:[ˌɪnsərˈmaʊntəb(ə)l]  美:[ˌɪnsəˈmaʊntəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

insurmountable 中文意思翻译



insurmountable 网络释义

adj. 不能克服的;不能超越的;难以对付的

insurmountable 同义词

overwhelming | challenging | impossible | unsurmountable |insuperable | unbeatable

insurmountable 反义词


insurmountable 词性/词形变化,insurmountable变形

名词: insurmountability |副词: insurmountably |

insurmountable 相似词语短语

1、almost insurmountable ─── 几乎无法克服

2、inscrutable ─── adj.神秘的;不可理解的;不能预测的;不可思议的

3、insupportable ─── adj.不能忍受的;忍耐不住的

4、surmountable ─── adj.可克服的;可超越的,可战胜的

5、dismountable ─── adj.可拆卸的

6、insurmountably ─── 难以逾越地

7、unsurmountable ─── adj.不能克服的;不能超越的

8、insurmountability ─── n.不逾越;难以克服

9、insurmountableness ─── 不可逾越

insurmountable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I need a pair of large traction, take me out of confusion, take me out of the blur, take me out of myself not insurmountable obstacles. ─── 我需要一双大手的牵引,带我走出迷茫,带我走出迷离,带我走出自己不能逾越的障碍。

2、Challenge your face isn’t insurmountable, but it might seem that way in the be-ginning. ─── 挑战你的脸不是不能克服的困难,但那只是最初要做的事。

3、Your high energy and discipline will enable you to complete any seemingly insurmountable tasks. ─── 双子:精力充沛、严于律已的你不费吹灰之力便能完成看上去不可能完成的任务。

4、Force Majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions. ─── 本合同所指的不可抗力系指不可干预、不能避免且不能克服的客观情况。

5、"Over the past month, seemingly insurmountable obstacles have been overcome," the President said during his speech. ─── "在过去一个月里,似乎是不可逾越的障碍已被克服“,总统在讲演中称。

6、The more insurmountable the difficulties and obscure the prospects, the more insistent must our prayer be, to beg of God the gift of mutual understanding, harmony and peace. ─── 当困难越是觉得难以克服,前途像是晦暗无光的时候,我们越觉得有必要祈祷,呼求天主赐给彼此谅解、和谐与和平的恩典。

7、http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/bk/bkn/4279624.htmlAs much as breathless, even nonsensical hyperbole is a preseason ritual, Yao Ming went for the early, insurmountable lead. ─── 尽管只是一场说不上意义重大的季前赛,为了能使比赛够早些失去悬念,姚明也拼尽了全力。

8、" Let them believe that Chinese enterprises: Technology Tianqian almost insurmountable, in the hands of others as if the patent is not a fortress to fight through the copper walls and a fatal round. ─── 它们让中国企业相信:技术天堑几乎无法逾越,掌握在别人手里的专利犹如一堵打不穿的铜墙和一条要命的绞索。

9、Insurmountable Difficulties Besetting Traditional Chinese Painting ─── 传统中国画面临的无奈

10、The Government: An Insurmountable Obstacle to State - run Enterprise Reforms ─── 政府:国有企业改革难以逾越的障碍

11、But it is just a dot-matrix diagram editing software, with the shortcomings of insurmountable--unable to actually edit vectorgraph. ─── 但它毕竟只是一个点阵图的编辑软件,有着不可克服的缺点--无法在真正意义上的编辑矢量图。

12、Some so-called strategists thought this difficulty insurmountable, yet we overcame it. ─── 对这样的困难,有些所谓军事家认为不可克服,然而我们克服了。

13、The facts before it, Guangzhou, at least in the current office vacancy rate of more than 40% of sales are insurmountable ice. ─── 事实摆在面前,广州市目前写字楼的空置率至少在40%以上,销售的坚冰更是难以逾越。

14、In traditional Chinese political culture, dictatorship is an insurmountable fortress of ideology. ─── 摘要在中国传统政治文化中,专制是一个无法逾越的意识形态堡垒。

15、Unhealthy moralities are different from crimes in essence, hut there exists no insurmountable gap between them. ─── 摘要品德不良同违法犯罪行为有本质区别,但并没有不可逾越的鸿沟。

16、"Force Majeure" shall mean all events which are beyond the control of the Parties to this Contract, and which are unforeseen, unavoidable or insurmountable, and which prevent total or partial performance by either of the Parties. ─── “不可抗力”指超出本合同双方控制范围、无法预见、无法避免或无法克服、使得本合同一方部分或者完全不能履行本合同的事件。

17、For the purpose of this Contract Law, force majeure refers to objective circumstances that are unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable. ─── 本合同法所称不可抗力,是指不能预见,不能避免,并不能克服的客观情况。

18、She knew it was not insurmountable. ─── 她知道这个问题不是不能解决的。

19、But after an initial flurry of improvements, we've been stuck for many years at temperatures little warmer than 130 K. For a while this seemed like an insurmountable barrier to widespread use. ─── 最初我们取得了一些进展,但是在随后的许多年里一直在略高于130K的温度上停滞不前。

20、Using my indifferent heart to dig an insurmountable river for the ones I love and those who love meAnd I know it ! ─── 其实大部分时间我的确讨厌星期一,除了意味着更多的工作而且要连续的工作六天外,还有就是令人感到极其恼火的赶公车。

21、Some routes, such as the difficulty of Shudao, although not far from the noisy Red fetters and sometimes can not be insurmountable, the way how many people such as Li Bai's poems can be as rough? ─── 有的路如蜀道之难,尽管不远,红尘的喧嚣有时是不可羁绊与逾越的,有多少人的路能如李白的诗那样豪放?

22、At times they will seem to be insurmountable walls that can not possibly be crossed, and certainly not gone through. ─── 很多时候它们会好象是不可逾越的许多墙壁,不太可能横渡,并且肯定没办法通过。

23、insurmountable obstacles ─── 不可克服的障碍

24、insurmountable difficulty ─── 不可克服的困难

25、Age is an insurmountable fact in the natural course of things, like eating, drinking, sex, and death ─── 年龄是个自然历程里不能超越的事实,就像饮食男女,像死亡。

26、Thus will I plant the seed of tomorrow's success and gain an insurmountable advantage over those who cease their labor at a prescribed time. ─── 我要为明天的成功播种,超过那些按部就班的人。

27、These innumerable multitudes of ruminating beasts often form an insurmountable obstacle to the passage of the trains; ─── 工人们高速度的施工一点也没有影响铁路的质量。

28、To be sure, the challenges facing the children in both groups were still insurmountable to many. ─── 但是,不能否认。孩子所面临的挑战仍旧很多,而且不可逾越。

29、With lots of insurmountable disadvantages, the papyrus is substituted by parchment and paper at last. ─── 但纸莎草纸也具有自身不可克服的诸多局限性,其最终被羊皮纸和纸所代替,更是一种历史的必然和进步。

30、He hoped that would be no insurmountable objection to a man of his liberality of sentiment ─── 对于一位思想开明的人士而言,他希望其间不致存在不可逾越的鸿沟。

31、After 8 year time, the stone implement already is plays in innumerably the family mind work insurmountable classics. ─── 历经8年的时光,石器早已是无数玩家心目中不可逾越的经典之作。

32、Some in the plane insurmountable problems, but inconceivable in Mobius was put on a solution! ─── 一些在平面上无法解决的问题,却不可思议地在莫比乌斯带上获得了解决!

33、Personal mortgage encounters the insurmountable obstruction in the public acclamation. ─── 动产抵押在公示问题上存在着难以逾越的障碍。

34、They may feel that dealing with everything at once is insurmountable, and so they do nothing except feel more and more anxious. ─── 他们会感到一次将所有事情处理好是无法办到所以干脆什么都不做而感到越来越焦虑。

35、We know there are difficulties, but none of them are insurmountable. ─── 我们知道有困难,但这些困难都不是不可以克服的。

36、As GP2 graduate Nico Rosberg has already proved, the gap between the two series is by no means insurmountable for a talented young driver. ─── 因为GP2的毕业生尼科-罗斯伯格已经证明:对于一个天才的年轻车手来说,这两项赛事之间的差距并不是不克逾越的。

37、A case of force majeure shall be considered as any external, unforeseeable and insurmountable event that makes it impossible to perform all or part of the contractual obligations. ─── 不可抗力应当被认定为导致合同义务不能完成或部分不能完成的任何外部的、不可预知且不能克服的事件。

38、Chorus's transformation into a virtual company staffed with telecommuters hasn't been flawless, but none of the hurdles the company has encountered at this point have proven insurmountable. ─── 合唱团的转型为一个虚拟公司配备了远程没有得到完美的,但没有障碍,该公司遇到了在这一点上已经证明不可克服的。

39、Taken as a while, it seems like an insurmountable hurdle, but each step by itself takes no more than a couple of days. ─── 从总体上看,这像是一个无法超越的障碍,但是每一个步骤花不了两天的时间。

40、Japan had to overcome many seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve its present-day place among major world nations. ─── 日本已克服许多看似无法逾越的障碍,实现其目前的为期一天的地方,世界各主要国家。

41、Practice has proved indutrialization course is an insurmountable phase of growth in the national economy. ─── 实践证明,工业化过程是经济发展过程中不可逾越的阶段。

42、To dig an insurmountable river ─── 掘了一道无法逾越的鸿沟

43、After Super Tuesday, I had just a week to cement my strategy of building an insurmountable lead in Illinois and Michigan. ─── “超级星期二”之后,我只有一周的时间来巩固竞选策略,我计划在伊利诺伊州和密歇根州取得压倒性胜利。

44、The natural barriers for defense are insurmountable ─── 天堑难渡

45、Now turned aside by an insurmountable precipice; now starting back from a deep chasm. ─── 时而因无法攀越的峭壁而转弯,时而因深陷的断层而返回。

46、These problems can seem insurmountable. ─── 这些问题似乎不可逾越。

47、But so far they have not, and for a probably insurmountable reason: the secular parties fear the Islamists more than they dislike the present regimes. ─── 不过到目前为止他们还没有,很可能因为一个无法逾越的障碍:在野党对伊斯兰的畏惧远远超过了他们对现任政权的厌恶。

48、But if your self-discipline has atrophied, it can seem an almost insurmountable hurdle. ─── 但是如果你的自制力衰退的话,那么它就好像是一个几乎不可逾越的障碍一样。

49、Organic certification in countries such as the UK and Australia still presents an insurmountable barrier to most African exporters, the report points out. ─── 报告指出,对于大多数非洲出口商来说,有些国家比如英国和澳大利亚的“有机认证”,至今仍然无法逾越的贸易壁垒。

50、There is no hopeless situation that is insurmountable but people with a slough of despond. ─── 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。

51、When you partner with someone who knows the terrain, no challenge is insurmountable. ─── 不知道你说的制药学是偏工业的吗?你有没有工作过?你自己对什么样的方向有兴趣呢?

52、For purposes of this Law, force majeure means any objective circumstances which are unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable. ─── 本法所称不可抗力,是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。

53、Many eminent thinkers believe that the logical problems confronting an objective ethics are insurmountable . ─── 在许多著名思想家看来,客观伦理观念所面对的逻辑难题是无法克服的。

54、For purposes of this Law, force majeure means any objective circumstance which is unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable. ─── 本法所称不可抗力,是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。

55、The Chinese government speaks very highly of the policies adopted by the Hong Kong SAR government and we don't think that Hong Kong would encounter insurmountable difficulties in the future. ─── 中国政府高度评价香港政府所采取的政策。我们不认为香港在今后会遇到不可克服的困难。

56、an impassable gulf; an insurmountable barrier ─── 不可逾越的鸿沟

57、The mainland may not have an official caste system, but hepatitis B is an almost insurmountable barrier that divides10 per cent of its population from the rest. ─── 也许在中国大陆并没有官方的社会等级划分,但乙型肝炎几乎成为了一道不可逾越的障碍,把它十分之一的公民与其他人相区别开来。

58、Frank would enjoy playing in a different club and would be willing to leave Chelsea, but the financial issues seem an insurmountable obstacle at the time being. ─── “弗兰克希望离开切尔西接受新的挑战,但是现在的情况是,资金问题是不能越过的障碍。”

59、Beijing swelling in the population, should control the scale of construction, control population growth, they will face insurmountable traffic problems, environmental protection and resource issues. ─── 在人口日益膨胀的北京,应该控制建设规模,控制人口增长,否则将面临无法解决的交通问题、环境保护和资源问题。

60、The age barrier appeared insurmountable. ─── 年龄障碍看来是无法逾越的。

61、That despite insurmountable odds the great Kinney can cross the finish line with one arm tied behind his back. ─── 不可思议的伟大的Kinney能够在一只手绑在背后的情况下跨过终点线?

62、On the mileage of Chinese pioneer's literature, its height achieved by the text makes people insurmountable. ─── 在中国先锋文学的裹程表上,其文本所成就的高度令人瞩目。

63、After buying a new chain I was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again. ─── 我买来新链条后,就面临着一项难以完成的任务:如何把那些令人头昏脑胀的“七巧板”重新拼装好。

64、Force Majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions. ─── 本合同所指的不可抗力系指不可干预、不能避免且不 能克服的客观情况。

65、Naturally, the technical challenge would be enormous, but it would not be insurmountable. ─── 当然,技术的挑战将是巨大的的,但并非是不可克服的。

66、for purposes of this law ,force majeure means any objective circumstances which is unforeseeable ,unavoidable and insurmountable . ─── 本法所称不可抗力,是指不能预见,不能避免且不能克服的客观情况。

67、an insurmountable (or insuperable) barrier ─── 不可逾越的障碍

68、Five miles seemed insurmountable at the time, but thinking that I might be able to do it generated a lot of enthusiasm. ─── 当时觉得5英里这个目标很难实现,但是我的想法还是给了我很多激情。

69、The falls have always been an insurmountable obstacle for salmon and sea trout. ─── 这些瀑布始终是鲑鱼和海鳟鱼不可逾越的障碍。

70、A "Chinese Wall" can be a metaphor for an insurmountable barrier to understanding ─── 一座“Chinese Wall”可以比喻为一个理解上不可逾越的障碍物。

71、The two cities are 750 miles apart, not an insurmountable distance in this age of rapid transit and internet communications. ─── 两座城市相距750英里,在当前交通便利、互联网沟通快捷的时代,这并非一个不可跨越的距离。

72、Whether you're being bombarded with problems,responsibilities,even insurmountable hurdles,when looked at as a test,you always have a chance to succeed,in the sense of rising above that which is challenging you. ─── 不管你是否深陷种种问题、责任,甚至是不可逾越的障碍的围攻而不能自拔,当你将这一切视之为测验,你总有机会获胜--就是说你能超越挑战。

73、"Root-seeking literature" is an insurmountable and important literature tide or culture phenomenon inthe Chinese contemporary literature history studies. ─── “寻根文学”是中国当代文学史研究中不可逾越的一个重要的文学潮流/文化现象。

74、The literature style aims at brooding the horizon about the literature and probes into the eternal and insurmountable problem of being in order to work out the art formula in the meaning of life. ─── 当时俄罗斯象征主义者为了扩大文学的视野和获得人的生活意义的艺术公式,创造了含有神话因素的新神话作品,从而使文学提升到了解决永恒和不可逾越的存在的问题。

75、Do not let me think, is the distance between us so far. Just as there is a gap in our midst at, as insurmountable. ─── 不要再让我觉得,我们之间的距离是那么的远。就像有一条鸿沟隔在我们中间那样,不可逾越。

76、Against Reiser's wishes, Liu Xing publishes a brilliant article on Dark Matter, but instead of finding success, he is hit with insurmountable obstacles. ─── 刘星违背导师的意愿发表了一篇关于暗物质的精彩论文,但这给他带来的不是成功,而是无法逾越的障碍。

77、I say the railroading problem is insurmountable ─── 我说铁路运输问题是克服不了的。

78、But the difficulties of the reactionary forces are insurmountable because they are forces on the verge of death and have no future ─── 但是反动势力的困难是不可能克服的,因为他们是接近于死亡的没有前途的势力。

79、But the difficulties of sending goods out are not entirely insurmountable. ─── 但是这种出口困难,不是完全不可克服的。

80、The crisis doesn't seem like an insurmountable problem. ─── 这场危机不像是无法克服的。

81、Hill-Wood isn’t an insurmountable problem in terms of his shareholding [less than 1%], but he’s a bruiser. ─── 希伍德依据他手中的股份(不到1%)虽然起不到什么关键作用,但是他是一个职业拳手。”

82、Open Constitution was set up as a company because aid groups that try to register as nonprofits often face insurmountable administrative hurdles in China. ─── 公盟是作为一家公司成立的,因为在中国,试图注册为非盈利组织的法律援助团体,经常面临难以逾越的行政障碍。

83、Sometimes a seemingly insurmountable obstacle blocks the way to our goal. ─── 有时候,在我们通往终点的路上有一些似乎不可逾越的障碍阻挡我们。

84、His view is that private money, science and government are being harnessed together to help take on problems once viewed as insurmountable. ─── 他认为,私人资金,学术界和政府趋向联合在一起,以助于处理那些被视为不可逾越的问题。

85、A " Chinese Wall" can be a metaphor for an insurmountable barrier to understanding. ─── 我仍然相信夫妻之间可能有一重难以逾越的障碍。

86、Heavyweight group fell yesterday, dragging down the market goes up space, 3040 points, the market appears to be insurmountable pressure for a Hom. ─── 昨日权重股集体下跌,拖累市场上行空间,3040点压力看似是市场难以逾越的一道坎。

87、You will not further imagine it to be insurmountable ─── 你进而不会觉得那简直是无法解决的。

88、This year we have surmount many insurmountable difficulties. ─── 今年我们克服很多难以克服的困难。

89、There is no insurmountable difficulty before a brave man;it is in difficult circumstances that a hero distinguishes himself. ─── 好汉面前无困难,困难当中出英雄。

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