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09-14 投稿



incurrent 发音

英:[[ɪn'kɜ:rənt]]  美:[[ɪn'kɜ:ənt]]

英:  美:

incurrent 中文意思翻译



incurrent 短语词组

1、incurrent canal ( ─── 多孔动物)入水管

incurrent 相似词语短语

1、noncurrent ─── adj.非流动的;非本期的

2、incurrence ─── n.招致;遭受

3、current ─── adj.现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草写的;n.(水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流;n.(Current)(英)柯伦特(人名)

4、decurrent ─── adj.(植物学)下延的

5、incumbent ─── adj.现任的;依靠的;负有职责的;n.在职者;现任者;领圣俸者

6、concurrent ─── adj.并发的;一致的;同时发生的;并存的;n.[数]共点;同时发生的事件

7、incurred ─── v.招致(incur的过去分词);遭受

8、excurrent ─── adj.流出的;延伸的;排泄的;塔状的;贯顶的

9、uncurrent ─── 不通用的

incurrent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The application of polymer flooding incurrent oil-field develop was reviewed. The flooding mechanism of the current polymer flooding was discussed and its development was outlooked. ─── 摘要聚合物驱作为提高采收率技术是最先发展起来的,本文综述了聚合物驱在目前油田开发中的应用,并对现行的聚合物驱的驱油机理进行了探讨,对以后发展进行了展望。

2、incurrent flood ─── 入库洪水

3、incurrent apertures The anterior and ventrally facing openings of the nostrils, which direct water into the nasal cavities. ─── 入水孔鼻孔前面及腹面的开口,水直接进入鼻腔之内。

4、The application of polymer flooding incurrent oil-field develop was reviewed.The flooding mechanism of the current polymer flooding was discussed and its development was outlooked. ─── 聚合物驱作为提高采收率技术是最先发展起来的,本文综述了聚合物驱在目前油田开发中的应用,并对现行的聚合物驱的驱油机理进行了探讨,对以后发展进行了展望。

5、By analysis the problem exist incurrent ATM technology, this paper bring forward our ATM technology should implement the CNS/ATMs system. ─── 而实施新航行系统所需要的空中交通流量以及要投入的高额资金因我国入世而得到满足或更易获得。

6、the incurrent blood vessels ─── 内向血管

7、incurrent siphon ─── 进水管

8、incurrent pore ─── 入水孔(动)

9、incurrent canal ─── 廉沟

10、incurrent ostia ─── 内心门

11、the incurrent canals of sponges ─── 海绵吸水管

12、are the most serious social issue incurrent China which are of great hazard. ─── 伪劣被认为是中国当前最大的社会问题,其危害巨大。

13、The resultS of sample analysis for geologic exploration are utilzed, so a difficult problem incurrent production is solved. ─── 地质勘探期的样品分析结果得以利用,解决了当前生产中的一大难题。

14、The tendencies of the times are written incurrent events. ─── 时事蕴含着时代发展的趋势。

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