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hypochlorite 发音

英:[[ˌhaɪpə'klɔ:raɪt]]  美:[[ˌhaɪpə'klɒraɪt]]

英:  美:

hypochlorite 中文意思翻译



hypochlorite 词性/词形变化,hypochlorite变形


hypochlorite 短语词组

1、hypochlorite ion ─── 次氯酸根离子

2、hypochlorite-orcinol tests ─── [医] 次氯酸盐-苔黑酚试验(检甘油)

3、calciuim hypochlorite ─── 次氯酸钙

4、methyl hypochlorite ─── [化] 次氯酸甲酯

5、sodium hypochlorite ─── [化] 次氯酸钠 ─── [医] 次氯酸钠

6、Hermite process (for hypochlorite) ─── [化] 埃尔米特法; 埃尔米特次氯酸盐制造法

7、barium hypochlorite ─── [机] 次氯酸钡

8、calcium hypochlorite ─── [化] 次氯酸钙 ─── [医] 次氯酸钙

9、sodium hypochlorite solution alkaline ─── [化] 碱性次氯酸钠溶液

10、potassium hypochlorite ─── [化] 次氯酸钾

11、Kellner cell (for hypochlorite) ─── [化] 凯尔纳(次氯酸盐制造)电解槽

12、tert.-butyl hypochlorite ─── [化] 次氯酸叔丁酯

13、hypochlorite sweetening ─── [化] 次氯酸盐法脱硫

14、Schoop hypochlorite process ─── [化] 朔普次氯酸盐法

15、silver hypochlorite ─── [化] 次氯酸银

16、calcium hypochlorite method ─── [机] 次氯酸钙(滴定)法

17、hypochlorite solution ─── 次氯酸盐溶液

hypochlorite 相似词语短语

1、hypochlorites ─── n.[无化]次氯酸盐;低氧化氯

2、hyponitrite ─── n.连二次硝酸盐

3、hydrochloride ─── n.盐酸盐;盐酸化物;氢氯化物

4、chlorite ─── n.[矿物]绿泥石;[无化]亚氯酸盐

5、hypochlorous ─── adj.次氯酸的

6、hypocrites ─── n.伪君子;伪善者

7、hydrochloric ─── adj.氯化氢的,盐酸的

8、hypocorism ─── n.委婉语;爱称

9、hypocrite ─── n.伪君子;伪善者

hypochlorite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Common bleaching agents are hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, sodium chlorite and sodium perborate. ─── 常用的漂白剂有过氧化氢、次氯酸钠、氯化钠以及过硼酸钠。

2、To eliminate the risks associated with chlorine storage, on-site hypochlorite generation plants have replaced gas chlorination plants at sea water pumping stations. ─── 为消除储存氯气的危险,当局已把海水抽水站的加氯装置,改为场内制造氯酸盐装置。

3、Kellner cell for hypochlorite ─── 凯耳讷次氯酸盐制造电池

4、The Comprehensive Utilization of the Waste Lye in the Purification Process of Acetylene with Sodium Hypochlorite ─── 次氯酸法净化工业粗乙炔工艺中废碱液的综合利用

5、No chlorinated phenolic compounds was found in the hypochlorite effluents. ─── 次氯酸盐漂白段废液中的氯代酚类化合物含量极少。


7、Hypochlorous acid, sodium salt;Sodium hypochlorite;antiformin;b-k liquid;bleach;carrel-dakin solution;caswe ... ─── 次氯酸钠;次氯酸钠(液体);次氯酸钠溶液香港

8、This paper studies the effect of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), sodium hypochlorite(NaClO) and acidified sodium chlorite(ASC) on cooled pork. ─── 本文研究了氯化十六烷基吡啶(Cetylpyridinium Chloride,CPC)、次氯酸钠(Sodium Hypochlorite,NaClO)、酸化亚氯酸钠(Acidified Sodium Chlorite,ASC)三种防腐剂。

9、Micro-flow injection chemiluminescence mensuration system for detection of hypochlorite in tap water ─── 微流动注射化学发光检测系统测定自来水中次氯酸根

10、Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks. ─── 在消毒处理工艺中,氯气、次氯酸钠、漂白粉是各水厂过去常用的杀菌消毒剂。

11、Keywords chlorinating agent of rubber;t butyl hypochlorite;chlorinated polybutadiene; ─── 橡胶氯化试剂;次氯酸叔丁酯;氯化顺丁橡胶;

12、sodium hypochlorite solution alkaline ─── [化] 碱性次氯酸钠溶液

13、Keywords sodium hypochlorite;disinfection solution;germicidal efficacy;corrosiveness; ─── 次氯酸钠;消毒液;杀菌效果;腐蚀性;

14、If you can't boil water, you can treat water with chlorine tablets, iodine tablets, or unscented household chlorine bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite). ─── 如果你不能烧开水,可以用氯化物片(消毒片)、碘片、或无味的氯化物漂洗剂(5.25%次氯酸钠)消毒处理水。

15、Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Calcium hypochlorite. ─── 处理人类饮用水的化学品.次氯酸钙

16、Keywords System B;sodium hypochlorite;edetic acid;microscopy;electron;scanning transmission; ─── 次氯酸钠;依地酸;显微镜检查;电子;扫描透射;

17、The 84 disinfectant production process with sodium hypochlorite was introduced. ─── 介绍了利用次氯酸钠生产84消毒液的方法。

18、In this work, the influence of calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder, Ca( ClO)2), a frequently used bleaching agent, on Xuan paper was investigated. ─── 为此,首先研究常用漂白剂-漂白粉(次氯酸钙)对宣纸的影响,又将硼氢化钠、过氧化氢、高锰酸钾和次氯酸钙四种漂白剂进行比较。

19、Do not expose reagents to strong light or hypochlorite fumes during storage or during incubation steps. ─── 在存储和孵育过程中不要暴露试剂于强光或次氯酸蒸汽中。

20、Keywords Tomato seeds Sterilant Sodium hypochlorite solution Mercuric chloride; ─── 关键词番茄种子;灭菌;次氯酸纳;升汞;

21、A lots of effective attempts and desired results achieved,relating to determination of free alkali content in sodium hypochlorite solution,are introduced. ─── 介绍了有关次氯酸钠溶液中游离碱含量测定的许多有益的尝试及其达到的预期效果。

22、The most generally suitable form of chlorine for DP emergencies is calcium hypochlorite powder. ─── 对难民紧急需要来说最通常使用的氯形态就是次氯酸钙粉末。

23、Sodium hypochlorite, familiar as household bleach, is also used to bleach paper pulp and textiles, to chlorinate water, and in some medicines. ─── 以作为家用漂白剂而为人熟知的次氯酸钠,也可用于漂白纸浆和纺织物,用于水的氯气处理,和某些医药用途。

24、How to design a desirable sodium hypochlorite generator and analyse each factor in order to meet the reality? ─── 如何在次氯酸钠发生装置的设计中,科学分析各个要素,使产品设计完善合理,十分重要。

25、The most widely used halogenated compounds are chlorine (in the form of sodium hypochlorite) and iodine. ─── 使用最多的卤代化合物是氯(以次氯酸钠的形式)及碘。

26、However, check the label to be sure that the active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite, is 5.25%. ─── 不过,定要检查标签以确保其中的活性成分次氯酸钠含量在5.25%。

27、Experimental Study of the in Vitro Antifungal Activiti es and Clinical Observation of Calcium Hypochlorite ─── 次氯酸钙抗真菌的体外实验与临床应用

28、Keywords millipore filter membrane;disinfection of water;sodium hypochlorite;Escherichia coli; ─── 微孔滤膜;水消毒;次氯酸钠;大肠杆菌;

29、Sodium hypochlorite generator can be divided into seawater system and brine system according to the material. ─── 次氯酸钠发生器系统从原料的角度,可分为盐水系统和海水系统。

30、Keywords potato starch whiteness degrdd hypochlorite oxygenate and bleach; ─── 土豆淀粉;白度;次氯酸钠;氧化漂白;

31、Objective To evaluate the disinfection properties of a compound sodium hypochlorite disinfection solution sampled from the market. ─── 目的综合评价市场抽样的某复方次氯酸钠消毒液的消毒性能。

32、Keywords effective chlorine;5-step iodometry;chlorine dioxide;hypochlorite; ─── 有效氯;五步碘量法;二氧化氯;次氯酸根;

33、Neutralized acids and other liquid waste should be decontaminated by adding a sufficient volume of sodium hypochlorite to obtain a final concentration of at least 1.0%. ─── 中和酸和其它液体废物应当通过加入足量的次氯酸钠使最终浓度达到至少1.0%以净化。

34、Keywords sodium hypochlorite;peroxy-acetic acid;stability; ─── 次氯酸钠;过氧乙酸;稳定性;

35、A new type of safe continuous production process of sodium hypochlorite was designed for ensuring the safety of the industrial system. ─── 从工业系统安全分析入手,设计了一种新型的连续法安全生产次氯酸钠工艺。

36、Keywords Caclium Hypochlorite;High-content Arsenic Waste Water;Decolorizer; ─── 次氯酸钙;高砷废水;脱色剂;

37、For group B, root canal irrigation was carried out by alternating use of 0.71 mol/L Sodium hypochlorite and 0.58 mol/L EDTA (n=29). ─── B组30例,0.71 mol/g次氯酸钠和0.58 mol/L乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)冲洗组。

38、Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks. ─── 在消毒处理工艺中,氯气、次氯酸钠、漂白粉是各水厂过去常用的杀菌消毒剂。

39、The tests show that,at the lower Fe~(2+) in waste water, sodium hypochlorite can be selected as oxidant,and oxygen peroxide is a good selection when Fe~(2+) is over 5 mg/L. ─── 实验表明,当污水中Fe~(2+)含量较低时,氧化剂可选用次氯酸钠; 当Fe~(2+)含量超过5 mg/L时,选用双氧水氧化剂为宜。

40、any hypochlorite of calcium; used as a bleaching agent ─── 任何钙的次氯酸盐,用作漂白剂

41、Keywords foaming agent;azodicarbonamide;wastewater treatment;calcium hypochlorite; ─── 发泡剂;偶氮二甲酰胺;废水处理;次氯酸钙;

42、Preparation and Application of New Inorganic Bactericide and Antimicrobial Basic Magnesium Hypochlorite ─── 新型无机抗菌剂碱式次氯酸镁的研制与应用

43、Sodium salicylate-sodium hypochlorite spectrophotometric method, Nessler's reagent colorimetric method and Ion selective eletrode method), the result obtained turns out to be satisfactory. ─── 并对靛酚蓝分光光度法与纳氏试剂分光光度法、离子选择性电极法与纳氏试剂分光光度法的样品测定进行了对比分析,得到了满意的结果。

44、Keywords atomic Matrix method;aqueous sodium hypochlorite solution;reaction kinetics; ─── 原子矩阵法;次氯酸钠水溶液;反应动力学;

45、Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium hypochlorite. ─── 处理人类饮用水的化学品.次氯酸钠

46、A high pH level characterizes commercial bleach, which consists of a nominal 15% solution of sodium hypochlorite along with approximately 1- 2% of sodium hydroxide to act as a chemical stabilizer. ─── 当球阀在不工作期间关闭,经过一段时间,漂白剂将分解并释放出氧气。

47、Treatment of double jersey with cotton face and polypropylene back by sodium hypochlorite ─── 棉盖丙复合针织物的次氯酸钠处理

48、During this process of lye (drawing 12), that is to dissolve Sodium hypochlorite with water, and then washing. ─── 在该流程中碱水(图12)即是用氢氧化钠兑水进行溶解后清洗。

49、Abstract: The performance of sodium hypochlorite solution produced by electrolysis of table salt solution in Bailu-brand miniature water disinfector was observed experimentally. ─── 摘 要: 对白鹭牌小型消毒水发生器电解食盐水产生的次氯酸钠溶液性能进行了试验观察。

50、Improving the Stability of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution ─── 提高次氯酸钠溶液稳定性

51、The mechanism and determination method of iodimetrically determining the content of active chlorine in calcium hypochlorite produced by using caustic soda and lime as raw materials are introduced. ─── 叙述了碘量法测定钠法次氯酸钙产品中有效氯的测试方法、反应原理,以及通过大量的实验确定了碘量法测定钠法次氯酸钙产品中有效氯含量的最佳的操作条件。

52、Keywords sodium hypochlorite;root canal irrigation;enterococcus faecalis; ─── 次氯酸钠;根管冲洗剂;粪肠球菌;

53、Kellner cell (for hypochlorite) ─── [化] 凯尔纳(次氯酸盐制造)电解槽

54、Keywords microcosm;bacterial community structure;sodium hypochlorite;TGGE; ─── 微宇宙;细菌群落结构;次氯酸钠;TGGE;

55、Study on degradation of methamidophos in vegetables by calcium hypochlorite ─── 次氯酸钙对蔬菜上甲胺磷农药残留降解的研究

56、Do not expose reagents to strong light or hypochlorite fumes during storage or during incubation steps. ─── 在存储和孵育过程中不要暴露试剂于强光或次氯酸蒸汽中。

57、The ROOTTM-MM Apex Locator can accurately read the meter whether the canal is filled with blood,electrolytes(hypochlorite,H2O,saline)etc. ─── 根管内不管是干燥的还是内充满电解质溶液,如血、生理盐水等,都能正确测定。

58、The Influence Factors of Bleaching Reed Neutral Sulphite Pulp with Hypochlorite ─── 影响芦苇中性亚硫酸盐浆次氯酸盐漂白的因素

59、any hypochlorite of calcium; used as a bleaching agent. ─── 任何钙的次氯酸盐,用作漂白剂。

60、Unfortunately, hypochlorite damages not just bacterial cells, but ours as well. ─── 不幸的是,次氯酸钠破坏的不仅仅是细菌,也包括人体细胞。


62、Soybean protein fiber is often bleached with sodium hypochlorite,sodium chlorite and hydrogen peroxide with the white grade not optimal and the AOX walue in bleaching higher. ─── 大豆蛋白纤维当前采用的漂白剂如次氯酸钠、亚氯酸钠、双氧水,难以达到理想的白度,而且漂白过程中AOX值较高。

63、Keywords Chemiluminescence analysis;persantin;sodium hypochlorite;flow injection; ─── 化学发光分析;潘生丁;次氯酸钠;流动注射;

64、General targets have hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate, and so on. ─── 一般的氧化剂有过氧化氢、次氯酸钠、高锰酸钾等。

65、HIV is readily inactivated by heat and many disinfectants, including peroxide, alcohols, phenolics, and hypochlorite. ─── HIV容易通过加热和许多消毒剂灭活,如过氧化物、酒精、酚和次氯酸。

66、The stability of effective chlorine of sodium hypochlorite was improved with stabilizer. ─── 加入稳定剂后,提高了次氯酸钠中有效氯的稳定性。

67、Hermite process (for hypochlorite) ─── [化] 埃尔米特法; 埃尔米特次氯酸盐制造法

68、Chlorine bleach (aka sodium hypochlorite), an all-purpose whitening agent, can irritate the lungs and eyes and in waterways can become toxic organochlorines. ─── 含氯漂白剂(如碱性次氯酸钠):一种全效漂白剂,对肺、眼睛有刺激作用,排入河道则可变成有毒有机氯。

69、Polyester fibers may also be bleached with hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite. ─── 涤纶纤维可用过氧化氢或次氯酸钠漂白。

70、The product is an effective low temperature bleach formula based on hypochlorite, alkali and bleach stabilizing agents. ─── 本产品是高效的低温漂白剂,由次氯酸盐、碱和漂白稳定剂组成。

71、Keywords Combined Sewer system;Overflows (CSOs);Dark color removal;Sodium Hypochlorite;Calcium Hypochlorite;Aeration; ─── 合流制排水系统;污水溢流;除黑;次氯酸钠;次氯酸钙;曝气;

72、Keywords sodium hypochlorite;aqueous solution;storage;stabilization; ─── 次氯酸钠;水溶液;贮存;稳定;

73、Keywords hypochlorite bleaching;amino sulfonic acid;masson Pine kraft pulping; ─── 次氯酸盐漂白;氨基磺酸;马尾松硫酸盐制浆;

74、Quantitative comparison of hypochlorite agent suggests that catalytic electrolysis disinfection has a better effect and a much lower cost. ─── 定量杀菌的对比结果表明,油田回注水催化电解杀菌比次氯酸钠杀菌效果好,且不须投加任何药剂,只消耗电能,运行成本低。

75、Standard Specification for Calcium Hypochlorite ─── 次氯酸钙的标准规范

76、Keywords microgel;polymer gel;polyacrylamide;catalytic crosslinking;sodium hypochlorite;profiling/flooding agent; ─── 微凝胶;聚合物凝胶;聚丙烯酰胺;催化交联;次氯酸钠;调驱剂;

77、Converting waste caustic soda from VCM production into sodium hypochlorite for purging acetylene ─── 利用氯乙烯生产中产生的废碱制乙炔净化用次氯酸钠

78、Keywords phenol wastewater;ferric chloride;coagulation;sodium hypochlorite;oxidation; ─── 含酚废水;三氯化铁;混凝;次氯酸钠;氧化;

79、Keywords pesticide residue;degradation;methamidophos;calcium hypochlorite; ─── 农药残留;降解;甲胺磷;次氯酸钙;

80、We now dissolve everything in a mixture of hydrochloric acid at 35% and chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite) at 5%, in a proportion of 2 to 1. ─── 现在我们用35%的盐酸和5%的漂白剂(次氯酸钠)把所有金属溶解。盐酸和次氯酸钠的比例为2:1。

81、Calcium Hypochlorite Powder 65-70 % of 45 Kg Un approved HDP Drums. ─── 45公斤包装:每桶含65-70%聚合HDP的次氯酸钙粉。

82、Comparison of Chinese and foreign standards of color fastness to hypochlorite bleaching ─── 国内外耐氯漂色牢度标准比较

83、Sterile effect of calcium hypochlorite solution for egg-manufacturing products ─── 次氯酸钙溶液对蛋制品的消毒效果

84、Methane Storage via Hydrate Formation Using Calcium Hypochlorite as Additive ─── 次氯酸钙对水合物中甲烷储气量的影响

85、If you can't boil water, you can treat water with chlorine tablets, iodine tablets, or unscented household chlorine bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite). ─── 如果你不能将食水煮沸,你可以用氯片、碘片、或无气味家用含氯漂白剂(5.25%次氯酸钠)处理食水。

86、hypochlorite oxidation method ─── 次氯酸盐氧化法

87、A Tubular Electrochemical Reactor for Continuous Generation of Sodium Hypochlorite for Anti-Microbial Applications ─── 一种连续产生次氯酸钠的管状电化学反应杀菌器

88、Other commercial disinfectants include HTH, or calcium hypochlorite, which is available at swimming pool supply stores, and powdered, chlorinated lime, which is available at building supply stores. ─── 其他容易获得的消毒剂还有漂粉精或次氯酸钙,可在游泳池用品店买到;另一种容易获得的消毒剂是含氯的石灰粉,在建筑用品店可买到。

89、Comparison of Catalytic Electrolysis Disinfection and Hypochlorite Disinfection ─── 催化电解杀菌与次氯酸钠杀菌的对比

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