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09-13 投稿



maceration 发音


英:  美:

maceration 中文意思翻译



maceration 词性/词形变化,maceration变形

动词过去分词: macerated |动词现在分词: macerating |动词过去式: macerated |动词第三人称单数: macerates |名词: maceration |

maceration 短语词组

1、maceration specimen ─── 浸渍标本

2、maceration water ─── [化] 浸渍水

3、cold maceration ─── 冷浸渍

4、maceration tank ─── [化] 浸渍槽 ─── [医] 浸渍槽

5、maceration extract ─── [化] 浸渍液

6、Jeffery's maceration method ─── [医] 杰弗里氏浸渍法

maceration 相似词语短语

1、acervation ─── 酸蚀

2、laceration ─── n.裂伤;撕裂;割破

3、canceration ─── n.癌化(等于cancerization)

4、macerative ─── 浸渍的

5、aeration ─── n.[环境]曝气;通风;充气

6、lacerations ─── n.[外科]撕裂伤(laceration的复数)

7、macerating ─── n.浸渍;v.浸软(macerate的ing形式)

8、cameration ─── 照相机

9、acieration ─── n.表面钢化;[化学]碳化;[材]渗碳

maceration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、toxicity of maceration extract ─── 浸出毒性

2、BM45 is a relatively slow starter and is well suited for long maceration programs. ─── 45是一个相对缓慢起动,适合长期浸渍节目。

3、circulatory maceration ─── 循环浸渍法, 循环浸出

4、Keywords Derivative spectrophotometry;Diphacinone/Na;Poison bait;Maceration extract; ─── 导数分光光度法;敌鼠钠;毒饵;浸取液;

5、Results TFG extracting percentage is 5.46% by ultrasonic wave method, 6.12% by heating recirculation, and 5.04% by maceration, the effect of heating recirculation being the best. ─── 结果超声波提取法、加热回流法和冷浸法甘草总黄酮提取率分别为5.46%、6.12%和5.04%,以加热回流法提取效果最好。

6、Addition of grape stems, especially dried grape stems, in the maceration stage can increase the content of phenolic compounds inthe resulting wines, and the flavor of wine can also be influenced. ─── 葡萄酒酿造过程中,葡萄梗特别是干葡萄梗的添加会增加葡萄酒中酚类物质的含量,并且还会影响到葡萄酒的风味;

7、Methods Foliar maceration, preparation of venation order, sectioning paraffin blocks, and scanning electron microscope were used to study the leaf morphology and structure. ─── 方法利用叶表皮离析方法、脉序离析法、石蜡制片和扫描电镜法对青钱柳叶片的形态结构进行了研究。

8、Traditional vinification in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats. Maceration with micro-oxygenation during 25 days. Ageing 12 months in oak barrels, 30% new / 70% second fill. ─── 在不锈钢槽中以传统的方式酿制,并在连皮冷浸的25天中打入细微氧气泡沫。桶陈12个月,其中30%全新橡木桶,70%一年份。

9、The fruit enters directly into the vat by gravity which favours maceration and helps keep the must in perfect conditions. ─── 果实经过重力之结落入大桶中让方便与浸泡和帮助保留葡萄浆果在完美的状态。

10、VINIFICATION : Grapes are harvested by hand into small, shallow containers and vinifiedtraditionally, undergoing a lengthy maceration in the process. ─── 手工才摘葡萄后,放入又小又浅的容器中,传统酿造法。经过漫长的浸皮。

11、Winemaking: Traditional winemaking in tanks with long maceration (on average 3 weeks) for a maximum extraction of fruit and tannins. ─── 发酵方式:传统发酵,3周左右浸渍,以获取最多的果香与单宁。

12、Effect of the Maceration Extraction from the Vegetables Umbelliferae Family on Pleurotus ferulae Lanzi Hypha Growth ─── 几种伞形科蔬菜浸出液对白灵菇生长的影响

13、Cuticles are usually very resistant and can be isolated from the fossil specimens.Several methods of maceration can be applied in preparation of fossil cuticles. ─── 摘要植物角质层的离析方法很多,获取化石植物的角质层可以同时用几种化学处理方法。

14、Skin condition may indicate progressive tissue damage. Retained moisture causes maceration. ─── 皮肤情况可指示组织损害进展情况,残留水分会浸软皮肤。

15、A liqueur made from maceration and infusion of black currant. ─── 红醋栗浸泡后制成。

16、Maceration in Schulze's reagent is the most common procedure and it is the most critical step in the methods. ─── 舒氏液浸解是最常用的方法,也是几种方法共用时最关键的步骤。

17、The maceration to potato tuber tissue decreased when the cell free filtrate was treated with La. ─── 经稀土处理的无细胞滤液对马铃薯块茎组织的浸离力降低。

18、Keywords Maceration enzyme;protoplast;Aspergillus sp.; ─── 植物细胞离析酶;原生质体;

19、Hasty because of the rapid vinification using carbonic maceration, especially used to get the nouveau wine in time on the market (third Thursday of November). ─── 匆忙是因为运用了二氧化碳浸渍的迅速葡萄酒的酿造法,特别是帮助那些新近生产的葡萄酒可以准时在市场上销售(11月的第三个星期四)。

20、The leaf form and structure of 93 species and 2 varieties of Annonaceae were comparatively studied with the help of scanning electron microscope, epidermal maceration and paraffin section method. ─── 摘要利用扫描电镜、叶表皮离析法和石蜡切片法研究了番荔枝科93种2变种植物叶片的形态结构。

21、9. Traditional vinification in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats. Maceration with micro-oxygenation during 25 days. Ageing 12 months in oak barrels, 30% new / 70% second fill. ─── 在不锈钢槽中以传统的方式酿制,并在连皮冷浸的25天中打入细微氧气泡沫。桶陈12个月,其中30%全新橡木桶,70%一年份。收藏指正

22、maceration water ─── [化] 浸渍水

23、maceration specimen ─── 浸制标本

24、CONCLUSION The method of ultrasonic treatment is better than the hot maceration for the extraction of total flavonoids from Lonicera japonica leaves. ─── 结论从金银花叶中提取黄酮类化合物的较佳方法为超声波法。

25、Maceration of epidermis ─── 表皮浸软

26、Creamy liqueur made either with artificial banana flavouring or produced by maceration and infusion of bananas. ─── 含乳脂利口酒,加入人造香蕉调味料。

27、* Skin condition may indicate progressive tissue damage.Retained moisture causes maceration. ─── * 皮肤情况可指示组织损害进展情况,残留水分会浸软皮肤。

28、The procedure to prepare the slides, there are five steps, which are maceration, washing, dehydration, mounting and desiccation. ─── 玻片的制作分为5个步骤,即浸解脱色、洗涤、脱水、整姿封盖和干燥。

29、maceration extract ─── 浸渍液

30、Keywords Atom absorbing spectra luminosity method Content of magnesium;Potas sium and calcium Maceration extract of Cadmium Nickel battery; ─── 原子吸收分光光度法;镁;钾;钙含量;镉镍电池浸渍液;

31、accompanied by or characterized by maceration. ─── 伴随或有浸渍特征的。

32、bulk maceration ─── 大块浸解

33、After alcoholic fermentation, there was post-fermentation maceration on skins 14 days, before pressing. ─── 完成酒精发酵后,还要进行14天的浸皮过程。

34、Keywords flavones;maceration enzyme;Vitis vinifera cv.Cabernet Gernischet red wine; ─── 类黄酮;浸渍酶;蛇龙珠红葡萄酒;

35、Vinification: Destemmed crop. Classic maceration . Aged in oak barrels for 12 month. ─── 葡萄酒酿造:传统工艺发酵,在橡木桶中陈酿12个月。

36、The grapes are destemmed and go through a short cold maceration before the fermentation process starts. ─── 这些葡萄会被去梗,在发酵过程开始之前,使之经过短期的冷浸渍作用。

37、The observation of SEM indicated the maceration extract restrained the normal developing of maize roots from the cap to root hair zone and destroyed cells between the epidermis and cortex of roots. ─── 扫描电镜观察显示泽兰水提液抑制玉米根冠至根毛区的正常发育,破坏了表皮至皮层细胞.

38、maceration method ─── 浸渍法

39、Jeffery's maceration method ─── [医] 杰弗里氏浸渍法

40、PRODUCTION: Maceration in a solution of water and alcohol in stainless steel vats at controlled temperature for about 2 months. Followed by light filtration and bottling. ─── 酿造方式:水中浸皮,后在温控不锈钢桶中进行酒精发酵2个月。经轻微过滤后装瓶。

41、Cold maceration before fermentation; alcoholic fermentation with endogen yeasts; 27-days vatting with micro-oxygenization; Malo-lactic fermentation in vats; 12-months ageing in French oak barrels. ─── 酿造过程:低温浸泡技术,用茎类酵母进行酒精发酵,在桶中放置27天进行微观氧化和宏观的乳汁蒸馏和发酵。在法国橡木桶中陈酿12个月。

42、Maceration extraction ─── 浸出液

43、cold maceration ─── 冷浸法

44、Towards the end of fermentation less skin/cap maceration is desired in order to avoid extraction of harsher phenolics. ─── 发酵近尾声时,为避免浸出粗糙的酚类物质,我们都希望减少对葡萄皮或皮盖的浸渍。

45、The long maceration and gentle extraction of the juice result in a dense,concentrated,and powerful wine,while the short fermentation of the grapes from the Aude regions brings out the fruit. ─── 长时间的泡皮和缓慢的萃取工艺奉献出此款浓缩、醇劲的美酒,奥德省葡萄的短暂发酵也给此酒增色不少。

46、Influence of fermentation temperature and maceration time on the physical and chemical parameters of red wine ─── 不同发酵温度和浸渍时间对红葡萄酒理化指标的影响

47、It is important that any stems included in any maceration regime are ripe (hard and brown, not at all green) ─── 最重要的是任何政权茎纳入任何消蚀成熟(硬布朗没有什么绿色)。

48、duration of maceration ─── 浸渍时间

49、Vinification: After 12-days of maceration, the must is decanted in stainless steel tanks, in which it takes place the malolactic fermentation. ─── 发酵方式:经过12天的发酵后,导入不锈钢罐中进行苹果酸-乳酸发酵。

50、middle energizer controlling maceration ─── 中焦如沤

51、carbonic maceration ─── CO2浸渍

52、After alcoholic fermentation, there was post-fermentation maceration on skins 14 days, before pressing. ─── 完成酒精发酵后,还要进行14天的浸皮过程。

53、It is painful and feels hard. Boils usually occur in hairy areas exposed to friction and maceration. ─── 感觉疼痛,触之硬,需排出脓液后始渐痊愈。

54、maceration tank ─── 浸渍槽

55、Methods: Percolation, maceration, decoction and reflux were adopted, and the flavonoids in Radix puerariae was determined by UV spectrophotometry. ─── 方法 :采用紫外分光光度法测定提取液中的总黄酮含量。


57、Application of enzymatic maceration to production of cloudy Chinese olive juice ─── 酶法生产橄榄混浊汁

58、It has been prepared with a long maceration and matured in various types of barrels, predominantly French oak, which respects the fruity properties and gives it floral touches. ─── 坦普拉尼罗和赤霞珠各占50%混合酿制。经过长时间老熟和不同的木桶陈酿,主要是法国橡木桶,使得该酒酒体丰满,成熟果实香气及橡木的香味。

59、RESULTS The amount of added alkali is the significant factor,while the maceration time is the inefficient factor to the extracting procedure. ─── 结果加入碱的量对指标均具有非常显著性差异,而浸渍时间均无显著性差异。

60、Application of uniform design in enzymatic maceration processing of blackberry juice ─── 均匀设计在黑莓澄清汁酶解工艺中的应用

61、Leaf thinning and green harvest, Rigorous selection and sorting at harvest, temperature-regulated fermentation, Long maceration for excellent extraction of tannins. ─── 当叶子绿并且稀薄时采摘,经过精心挑选用有规则的温度发酵,长时间的浸泡就是为了把优质的单宁抽送出来。

62、's decided by a key stage during the vinification of red wine: maceration. ─── 葡萄酒的颜色是由酿造过程中的一个关键阶段——浸皮决定的。

63、Other concentrates of essential oils in fats, in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by enfleurage or maceration; ─── 2其他由油脂、固定油、蜡或类似品中以萃香法或渗浸法所得之精油浓缩液;

64、Long maceration in open wooden or stainless steel tanks, or auto-vinification vats for 25-30 days during which time fermentation takes place at high-end temperatures for maximum extraction ─── 在长期浸渍或不锈钢开放木制坦克或自胸腔葡萄酒酿造发酵时间为25-30天,期间发生在高端提取最高气温

65、Keywords Oil tea cake Camellia saponin Defat Maceration extract; ─── 油茶饼;茶皂素;脱脂;浸提;

66、Excessive maceration is involved, as skins need to be sluiced and therefore increases dissolved oxygen and phenolic content in wines. ─── 因为浸渍极其柔和,酚的浸提程度达到了最小化。

67、Chamaesiphon macer ─── n. 细长管孢藻

68、Winemaking: Traditional winemaking in tanks with long maceration (on average 3 weeks) for a maximum extraction of fruit and tannins. ─── 发酵方式:传统发酵,3周左右浸渍,以获取最多的果香与单宁。

69、Vilification: Traditional Burundian method in open vats with twice daily treading down and long maceration for maximum extraction. ─── 酿造工艺:传统的勃艮第酿造工艺,放入大桶中,并每天两次进行踩踏。葡萄浸渍期长。

70、BM45 is a relatively slow starter and is well suited for long maceration programs. ─── 45是一个相对缓慢起动,适合长期浸渍节目。

71、maceration enzyme ─── 浸渍酶

72、A liqueur made by the maceration of apricots in base spirit, then redistilled. ─── 杏仁在烈性酒中泡软后再进行蒸馏。

73、Wine making: Traditional wines making with total destemming, temperature controlled maceration. 8 days of maceration. ─── 酿造工艺:传统酿造工艺,去梗,浸泡8天,发酵前全程温控。

74、Lack of berry character cooler fermentation, carbonic maceration, use of whole clusters, reduce stem content ─── 清凉发酵、碳消蚀,整个集群使用,减少茎内容

75、VINIFICATION: We pick up the grapes as we can at low temperature.After, we make cold maceration during 4 days to extract fruity aromas. ─── 葡萄酒酿造法:低温采摘后的葡萄经过4天冷却浸渍,使果香充分挥发出来。

76、VINIFICATION: We pick up the grapes as we can at low temperature. After, we make cold maceration during 4 days to extract fruity aromas. Then, we make a classical vinification ─── 葡萄酒酿造法:低温采摘后的葡萄经过4天冷却浸渍,使果香充分挥发出来。再由传统的酿造法于29-32

77、Keywords Cloudy olive juice beverage;polyphenols;enzymatic maceration;cloud stability;non enzymatic browning.; ─── 橄榄混浊汁;多酚;酶解;混浊稳定性;非酶褐变;

78、Keywords gum stains;temperature;maceration extract;capacity for wind; ─── 胶斑;温度;浸胶液;排气风量;

79、Experimental Research on Anti-oxidation of Graphite Crucible by Maceration ─── 石墨坩埚浸渍法抗氧化试验研究

80、Creamy liqueur made either with artificial banana flavouring or produced by maceration and infusion of bananas. ─── 含乳脂利口酒,加入人造香蕉调味料。

81、The effect of carbonic maceration is to give a softer wine (less acidity and tannin), with a more fruity (and sometimes quoted spicy, e. G. Cinnamon) character. ─── 碳浸渍效果是给软化葡萄酒(宁少、酸度)以更加果味(有时引述辣,例如肉桂)性格。

82、Wine making: Traditional wines making with total de stemming, temperature controlled maceration . 8 days of maceration . ─── 酿造工艺:传统酿造工艺,去梗,浸泡8天,发酵前全程温控。

83、Keywords Lonicera japonica leaves;Flavonoid compounds;Extracting condition;Orthogonal experiment;Ultrasonic treatment;Hot maceration; ─── 金银花叶;黄酮类化合物;提取工艺;正交试验;温浸法;超声法;

84、Keywords Lactobacillus;Maceration of corn;proliferation of cell.; ─── 乳酸杆菌;玉米浸渍;增殖培养;

85、Through gentle maceration and constant pumping over, fine tannic compounds are extracted and the maximum fruit expression is achieved. ─── 发酵过程中经过温和的浸渍以及循环喷淋,使单宁更加柔和最大程度的芳香提取,并且发酵全程控制温度。

86、The maceration test to detoxicated Chromium slag was made under simulated conditions of nearly nature environment,and the results show that detoxicated Chromium slag is unharmful to the environment. ─── 在模拟环境条件下对解毒铬渣进行了浸出毒性试验,结果表明,解毒铬渣在环境条件下是安全的。

87、Methods of maceration and microscopical analysis on cuticle ─── 角质层的离析及显微观察方法

88、Rapid Qualitative Test of Formaldehyde in Maceration Extract of Duck's Intestines and Bellies ─── 毛肚、鸭肠及其浸泡液中甲醛的快速定性法

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