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09-13 投稿



succors 发音


英:  美:

succors 中文意思翻译




succors 词性/词形变化,succors变形

动词现在分词: succoring |动词第三人称单数: succors |动词过去分词: succored |名词: succorer |动词过去式: succored |形容词: suc-corable |

succors 相似词语短语

1、stuccoes ─── n.(涂墙壁或天花板的)灰泥;v.用灰泥涂,用灰墁粉饰

2、succor ─── n.救援;援助者;vt.救援;援助

3、Succos ─── 果汁

4、succored ─── 成功的

5、succours ─── n.救援物品;vt.救助

6、succories ─── n.菊苣

7、succorer ─── n.救援;援助者(succor的变形)

8、succous ─── 多汁的

9、succory ─── n.菊苣

succors 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the right succor ─── 权利救济

2、Based on the project of Train Management Information System with Wuchang Railroad Department,it was analysis operation and flow chart of succor train in details. ─── 分析列车救援工作业务流程,提出列车救援信息系统建设总体目标。

3、Waifs are one of the vulnerable social groups.At present the succor brought to waifs all around only means the temporary supply of board and lodging and escort for them to go back to their home town. ─── 摘要流浪儿童是一个特殊的社会弱势群体,目前各地流浪儿童的救助主要是临时性的食宿供给和返乡护送。

4、The PLA took part in succor immediately. ─── 人民军队迅速参加救援工作。

5、The practices and thinks of how to put out a fire and succor in tunnel ─── 关于隧道灭火救援的实践与思考

6、He has come hundreds of miles to succor him, when he heard of his friend's misfortune! ─── 他听到了朋友的不幸,立即跋涉千山万水,要来拯救他!

7、Medical succor system ─── 医疗救援体系

8、medical succor ─── 医疗救助

9、So detecting the traffic incident and taking effective succor measures play a key role on traffic management and control. ─── 因此,检测交通事件并采取有效的救援措施是交通管理与控制的重要组成部分。

10、Construction project of Guangdong maritime fishing boat safe manufacture succor command correspond system ─── 省消防特勤大队基地广东海上渔船安全生产救助指挥通信系统建设项目

11、Individual protection of personnel emergency succor ─── 应急救援人员的个体防护

12、5.Upon our rush to the scene for succor, inspection revealed that she was pale, comatose, and tachypneic, while her peripheral radial pulse was not felt on palpation. ─── 不幸的,该病患在过程中,发生了意识和脉搏的丧失,而需要进行心肺复苏治疗的严重休克。

13、state succor ─── 国家救助

14、Study on Difficulty of Enforcing Medical Succor of Destitute Population ─── 实施特困人口医疗救助难点初探

15、The mother of the child who has fallen into the well has shouted herself hoarse. The succor is still going on tensely. ─── 掉到井里的孩子的母亲在井边喊得已经声嘶力竭了,救援工作还在紧张地进行着。

16、But if neither time nor place be known,then the left wing will be impotent to succor the right,the right equally impotent to succor the left ─── 不知战之地,不知战之日,则左不能救右,右不能救左

17、He should have asserted that right. It would have been better to summon the other insurgents to his succor against Jean Valjean, to get himself shot by force. ─── 他应该利用这一权利。叫别的起义者来帮助他反对冉阿让,强迫他们枪毙他,这样还好些。

18、emergency succor ─── 应急救援

19、The China expedite the army of protecting the peace and the medicinal procession to Congo,expedite the emergent succors, participate in and impel the international multilateral cooperate. ─── 中国相继对刚果等国派出维和部队和医疗队,向阿尔及利亚派出紧急救援工作队,积极参与和推动国际多边合作。

20、They were busy providing succor to the injured. ─── 他们忙著为受伤者提供救助。

21、Third, we organize the rush to deal with an emergency team.When the first time of disaster happen, assist government to implement succor for the common people of stay in disaster. ─── 再次,组建抢险队伍,在灾难发生的第一时间,协助政府对身处灾难中的民众实施救援。

22、The Administration of Justice Succor of the Agent for Enterprises'Dismiss Loses of the Creditor ─── 企业法人解散债权人利益受损的司法救济

23、Objective: Methods are discussed to safeguard health of international medical-team member in succor. ─── 方法:给予医疗队员全程健康保健支持,在出国准备、执行任务、回国休整三个阶段实施。

24、Their succor amounted to a blood-letting and a few cold compresses. ─── 他们的救助方法无非是放血或用冷敷布降温。

25、Five ten thousand health care providers and cadres and general publics critical focus, succor and transport disaster relief materials in China. ─── 全国各地5万名医护人员和干部群众紧急集中,救死扶伤和运送救灾物资;

26、The sociological analysis of exigency succor of public sudden incident ─── 关于突发公共事件紧急救援社会学分析

27、He held his peace and lent succor. ─── 他默不作声地帮助人。

28、Route choice for transporting exigency succor materials ─── 应急救援物资车辆运输线路的选择

29、dwelling houses of welfare succor ─── 保障性住宅

30、The operator asked succors to scene and sent Erica to nearby hospital at once after she knew the little girl's mother injured. ─── 在得知小女孩的母亲受伤后,911接线员立刻派出救援人员赶到现场,把埃里卡送到附近一家医院抢救。

31、He was so much in need of succor, so totally alone. ─── 他当时孑然一身,形影相吊,特别需要援助。

32、A president needs substantive advice, but he also requires emotional succor. ─── 一个总统需要实质性的建议,但也需要感情上的支持。

33、NTA employees thanked him for coming to their succor several years ago when he lent funds to the then cash-strapped agency to defray the payment of their salaries. ─── 国家烟草管理局员工感谢他几年前对他们的帮助,当时他借钱给这个资金匮乏的机构,以支付他们的工资。

34、My child will not die of that frightful malady, for lack of succor ─── 我的孩子不会死了,那种病,吓坏我了,现在她有救了。

35、emergency succor pre-project ─── 应急救援预案

36、Food and succor army were sent to appointed distriction by the helicopter and avion. ─── 直升机、军用运输机运送食物和救援部队到指定的区域。

37、What succor is there for the dollar bulls? ─── 有什么拉高美元的救援方法呢?

38、Velardo’s pho was deemed too gingery, but his pulled pork, braised with chili and beer, offered plenty of succor with its spice. ─── 晚餐非常丰盛而且非常难忘:“果馅饼就是果馅饼,”用餐者用著柠檬凝乳冷漠的说。

39、In two short hours we may look for succor from Webb. ─── 在短短的两小时内,韦布将军的救兵就可望到达。

40、To rescue live peoples is still the most important and the first work in the succor. ─── 救人仍然是救援工作的重中之重。

41、On the Legal Relationship of Education Administration and the Right Succors for Opposite Man ─── 论教育行政法律关系及相对人权利救济

42、Social succor ─── 社会救助

43、So sometimes the traveler is asked whence will come their succor. ─── 因此这位旅行者有时被问到什么时候他们的援助才能到来。

44、We lose the nourishment that gives us succor. ─── 失去了为我们补充能量的营养。

45、And for all the abundance he sees, he finds the questions put to him ask where men may repair for succor from the troubles that beset them. ─── 在他所看见的所有富饶的一切中,他发现这些问题被放到自己面前:问从困扰着他们的困难中人们到哪儿才能得到援助。

46、9.In recent years, the succor of poverty-stricken college students has become a hot issue, which has attracted great concern of the society. ─── 摘要贫困生救助问题是近几年广受社会关注的热点问题。

47、An other big succor truck is helping. ─── 来了辆大型救助卡车来帮忙。

48、Keywords Petrochemical trade;Fire fighting;Fire;Succor; ─── 石油化工;消防;火灾;救援;

49、I have learned to succor the unfortunate. ─── 我学会了周济不幸的人。

50、Keywords liquid chlorin;acrolein;leakage;disserve;emergency succor; ─── 液氯;丙烯腈;泄漏;危害;应急救援;

51、the succor of social vulnerable group ─── 弱势群体救助

52、Keywords Coal mine Succor technology Laneway penetration; ─── 煤矿;救灾技术;地面透巷;

53、vessels meet wreck, as long as succors read data from the PDC, they can know the reason of wreck. ─── 舰艇失事后,黑体随失事浮标一同浮出水面,救援人员只要从黑体中读出数据,就可及时掌握到舰艇失事的原因。

54、9. Upon our rush to the scene for succor, inspection revealed that she was pale, comatose, and tachypneic, while her peripheral radial pulse was not felt on palpation. ─── 不幸的,该病患在过程中,发生了意识和脉搏的丧失,而需要进行心肺复苏治疗的严重休克。收藏指正

55、To give assistance to; aid; support; sustain; succor. ─── 协助;辅助;支持;支撑;援助。

56、It would have been better to summon the other insurgents to his succor against Jean Valjean, to get himself shot by force. ─── 叫别的起义者来帮助他反对冉阿让,强迫他们枪毙他,这样还好些。

57、4.They were busy providing succor to the injured. ─── 他们忙着为受伤者提供救助。

58、to love and succor our unfortunate brothers, to study the secrets of nature, and to strive to improve ourselves to the best of our abilities? ─── 如果我们是自由的,难道我们就不再彼此联系,不会互相帮助,不会去爱护和救助我们不幸的兄弟,研究自然奥秘,并尽我们最大的努力提高自己?

59、Do not stop until succors arrive, if possible. possible. ─── 如果可能,一直到救助人员前来,都重复以上动作。

60、environmental infringing succor ─── 环境侵权救济

61、succor center ─── 救援中心

62、succor system ─── 救助体系

63、We could succor Malta. ─── 我们能救援马尔他。

64、earthquake emergency succor ─── 地震应急救援

65、Health Support of Medical Team Member in International Disaster Succor ─── 国际灾害医疗救援人员健康保障支持探讨

66、Stories and films celebrate a primitive- looking cart with high wooden wheels, pulled by someone who looks close to needing the succor of Mother Teresa. ─── 故事和电影传扬了早期手推车的样子事有有两个木制高轮,由看上去像是需要特蕾莎修女帮助的某人拉动。

67、justice succor ─── 司法救济

68、5 because they would not succor you with food and water on your journey after you left Egypt, and because Moab hired Balaam, son of Beor, from Pethor in Aram Naharaim, to curse you; ─── 因为当你们出离埃及时,他们没有带食物和水,在路上前来迎接你们;又因他们从美索不达米亚的培托尔,雇了贝敖尔的儿子巴郎来咒骂你;

69、Based on temporal data, whereafter, the article lays stress on the realization details of route analyzing, which offers assistant decision-making for user"s travel, freightage and emergent succor. ─── 然后,基于现状数据进行最佳路径分析,为用户出行、货物运输、应急救援等提供辅助决策支持。

70、We were moved by a scene on our way yesterday, that was 12:00 of midnight in a little county name Xiao Jin, there were several Tibetans along the road, offering the succors and victim free food. ─── 昨天的路上还有一件非常感人的事情。在小金县境内,晚上1-2点钟的时候,我们在路上碰到一些藏民,他们为路过的救援人员和灾民免费提供饭菜。

71、It evidently pained his vanity to be beholden to the orphan for succor ─── 显然,向一个孤儿的救济表示感谢,伤到了他的虚荣心。

72、If succor be sent to me, I will accept it." ─── 假如上帝来援救我,我是肯接受的。”

73、Dear Madams and Sirs, please help me so that I can receive the succor from Ai Xin Hui Zong. (organized by Dr. ─── 因此我真诚的写出我的心声,特此申请,请各位叔叔阿姨帮帮我,希望得到“爱心汇总”的救助。

74、His father said to him: "Succor Thenardier!" ─── 他父亲对他说:“救德纳第!”

75、succor pattern ─── 救助模式

76、Because no GPS was available, it was totally impossible for the succors to locate them in such a blizzard, which meant that it was hopeless for them to get rescued unless the windstorm calmed down. ─── 由于缺少定位仪,漫天风雪中救援人员根本找不到他们的位置,这意味着风如果不停他们就没有获救的希望。

77、2 for they would not succor the Israelites with food and water, but they hired Balaam to curse them, though our God turned the curse into a blessing. ─── 因为他们没有携带饮食欢迎以色列人民,反贿赂巴郎诅咒他们,我们的天主却将诅咒转为祝福。

78、"Yes, I need your help: that is I thought like a madman that you could lend me your assistance in a case where God alone can succor me." ─── “是的,我需要你的帮助,那是说,我象一个疯子一样,认为你能帮助我做一件只有上帝才能帮助我的事情。”

79、Methods 55 projects of great succor from 2004 to 2006 were reviewed. ─── 方法回顾性分析2004-2006年55起大型急救工作。

80、The mother of the child who has fallen into the well has shouted herself hoarse.The succor is still going on tensely. ─── succor指救济、救援,如掉到井里的孩子的母亲在井边喊得已经声嘶力竭了,救援工作还在紧张地进行着。

81、Over 10 ten thousand VBA officers and men critical rush to disaster area and succor. ─── 十余万解放军官兵紧急奔赴灾区救援;

82、Armymandoes not bear any arms at any succor in china, because chinese people is goodnessand confides the china state and armyman. ─── 在中国,军人是伟大的和最受尊敬的人,因为他们对中国人民是无私的,以及面对来自外国的威胁时是无敌的!

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