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09-16 投稿



injects 发音

英:[ɪnˈdʒekts]  美:[ɪnˈdʒekts]

英:  美:

injects 中文意思翻译



injects 词性/词形变化,injects变形

动词现在分词: injecting |动词过去式: injected |动词第三人称单数: injects |名词: injector |动词过去分词: injected |

injects 相似词语短语

1、disjects ─── vt.使散开;撕开

2、conjects ─── v.推测,揣摩;计划,策划

3、infects ─── vt.感染,传染

4、inject. ─── vt.注入;注射

5、injectors ─── n.注射器;注射者;注水器

6、insects ─── n.[昆]昆虫;昆虫类,昆虫纲(insect的复数形式)

7、inject ─── vt.注入;注射

8、inflects ─── vt.弯曲;改变;使屈曲;vi.发生曲折变化

9、reinjects ─── vt.再注入;再注射

injects 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The doctor injects glucose into the patient's vein. ─── 医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。

2、Ren injects As for the rate of animal food, will cannibalism, that the world perishes. ─── 仁义充塞而至于率兽食人,人将相食,谓之亡天下。”

3、Because puncture does not relapse when this inject, increase thorn to destroy hemal opportunity. ─── 因此注射时不要反复穿刺,增加刺破血管的机会。

4、The total capacitive current can be measured only by selecting one Petersen-coil to inject signal current. ─── 在一个配电网中只需安装一台自动调整消弧线圈,就能实现整个配电网的自动调谐,无需通信配合。

5、This injects the log4j MBean into the MBean server. ─── 这将把log4j MBean注入到MBean服务器。

6、Then it injects the meaning of key points. ─── 其次引入标志点概念,它对区域定位有指导意义;

7、But if you talk about a creature that injects poison through your skin into the soft layers underneath, the correct word is "venomous". ─── 可是,如果你说一个生物,会从你的表皮往表皮以下的真皮层“注射”有毒物质的话,那么表达这样的情况所应该用的正确词是“有毒腺的”。

8、Burnt-orange paint injects warmth into this country home’s foyer and stairwell. ─── 土黄色给这个乡村风格的空间带来温暖的气息。

9、A false witness who utters lies, And one who injects discord among brothers. ─── 19吐谎言的假见证人、并在弟兄中布散纷争的人。

10、He struggles in vain to inject some humor into the dreary film. ─── 他试图在这部沉闷的电影中注入一些幽默元素,但是他失败了。

11、It injects the payload at boot and also whenever there is a baseband reset. ─── 它的有效载荷注入在开机时,也有基重置。

12、The Government recognises the need to inject more variety into the school system to give parents wider choices. ─── 不过,政府亦明白,学校体系必须更多元化,让家长有更多选择。

13、Thus, carbon dioxide injects new life into old fields. ─── 因此,二氧化碳为老旧油田注入了新生命。

14、Among them most of inject, die-casting to compatibly press type etc. ─── 其主要用于是注射,挤出,压制,压铸和气压成型等和气压成型等。

15、A natural storyteller, he injects life and humanity into what might have otherwise been a dull list. ─── 该书本可以写成一份沉闷的清单,但他是个天生讲故事的人,给该书注入了生命和人性。

16、Doctors would inject you with an army of nanocells. ─── 医生有可能给你注射一群纳米细胞。

17、Did you want to inject as much misery in our lives as you can,just because you can? ─── 你们想在自己的生活里注入一切痛苦吗?只是因为你能做到?

18、Having local treatment while, need profess to convinced or inject antibiotic. ─── 在进行局部处理的同时,需要口服或注射抗生素。

19、In a mathematical sense, Lamarckian evolution injects a bit of learning into the soup. ─── 从数学意义上来说,拉马克进化在培养基里注入了一点学习的要素。

20、Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake with which it injects its poison. ─── 蛇的毒牙:毒蛇的中空或带钩的且常伸出喷射毒液的牙。

21、You inject as many species as you can into the system and let it decide what patch of species it wants to be in. ─── 你向这个系统中注入尽可能多的物种,然后让这个系统自己去决定它到底想要那块物种补丁进来。”

22、It would also inject up to Y700 bn in capital. ─── 三菱东京拒绝披露其拟定的合并比例,称在完成对日联的尽职调查前披露是不谨慎的。

23、In order to perform this monitoring, it injects a library called SurfGd.dll into software that uses the socket API. ─── 为执行此监控程序,它向使用插口API的软件注入被称为SurfGd.dll的库。

24、BobCat is a MS Windows based tool to aid a security consultant in taking full advantage of SQL inject. ─── 国外SQL注入工具集合,基于数据窃贼发展而成。

25、Setter injection injects types through set() methods. ─── Setter 注入通过 set() 方法注入类型。

26、Window cleaning tube with inject nozzles to be fitted on top of wheelhouse windows. ─── 在驾驶室窗顶部安装清洗窗户的管子和喷头。

27、I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us. ─── 向现代世界灌输能彻底摧毁我们的意识形态是可能的,对此我并不怀疑。

28、The newly established Integrated Art Department injects fresh new blood of contemporary art into CAA. ─── 中国美院自许江开设了综合艺术系后,为其注入了一股全新的当代艺术血液。

29、A less direct attack injects malicious code into strings that are destined for storage in a table or as metadata. ─── 一种间接的攻击会将恶意代码注入要在表中存储或作为元数据存储的字符串。

30、When a mosquito bites, it injects saliva through one channel.The saliva functions as a lubricant to help the mosquito feed easier. ─── 叮咬人时,蚊子从一个管道注射唾液,唾液的功能像是润滑剂,可以帮助蚊子吮吸更容易些。

31、He was able to inject both color and humor into his rather formidable subject. ─── 他能将色彩和幽默加入他那令人望而生畏的题目中。

32、Once the engineered irus encounters HI, it would inject itself and neutralize the irus. ─── 一旦被设计的病毒遭遇艾滋病毒,它立即将自身注入病毒,从而抑制病毒。

33、In a mathematical sense, Lamarckian evolution injects a bit of learning into the soup. ─── 从数学意义上来说,拉马克进化在培养基里注入了一点学习的要素。

34、Just like the tarantula it's killing, the centipede has two curved, hollow fangs, which inject paralyzing venom. ─── 和猎杀方法狼蛛一样,蜈蚣有一对弯曲中空注射的毒液使猎物马上瘫痪。

35、Inject infinite energy to the skin, experience new life energy! ─── 为肌肤注入无穷活力,体现新锐生活能量!

36、The practice of sports reflects the situation and economy of a city.It injects new vitality into a city. ─── 城市体育反映城市的面貌和经济实力,并为城市的发展注入新的活力。

37、He always found a way to inject himself into any conversation. ─── 他总是可以找到方法加入到别人的谈话中去。

38、They are refusing to inject any more capital into the industry. ─── 他们拒绝对这一产业投入更多的资金。

39、Inject third is planted the strength that globulin can enhance the body. ─── 孩子挑食,而且爱咳嗽,抵抗力不是很强怎么办啊?

40、Your idea is so normal. if you inject some new element and more imagination into the idea , it will be fine. ─── 你的想法太普通了,你要是能添加些新元素和更多的想象力进去就更好了。

41、You will also need to learn to measure your blood glucose levels and to inject yourself with insulin when required. ─── 你还需要学习,以衡量你的血糖水平,并为自己注射胰岛素时所需。

42、Try to inject a bit of enthusiasm into your performance . ─── 你要尽力在演出中倾注一点热情。

43、They need to inject more money into sports facilities. ─── 他们需要为体育设施投入更多资金。

44、This will inject one or two billion dollars a year at the start into the debt market. ─── 在初期,每年会有十至二十亿元注入债务蒥场去。

45、At the receiver side the base-frequencypulses can be otbained when such signal injects into a mode-locked fiber laser. ─── 其次,在接收端利用光纤环形锁模激光器提取与复用前原信号同频率的时钟脉冲。

46、The XLA treatment mainly is injects the gamma globulin, when the merge bacterium infection adds with the antibiotic. ─── XLA的治疗主要是注射丙种球蛋白,合并细菌感染时加用抗生素。

47、Not every baseband version is guaranteed to have a hole through which we can inject the unlock. ─── 不是任何基带版本都会有能让我们进行软解的漏洞。

48、If you’re naturally right-brain, your partner will inject the discipline to transform your big ideas into reality. ─── 如果你天生是右脑思考者,你的伙伴能带来纪律,让你的伟大点子得以实现

49、On all platforms, the compiler injects a cookie to protect the function's return address if the function has local string buffers. ─── 在所有的平台上,编译器都插入一个Cookie,以便在函数具有本地字符串缓冲区时保护函数的返回地址。

50、The victor will be expected to inject new life into a bloated U.N. bureaucracy. ─── 人们期待竞选的胜利者对臃肿的联合国官僚机构注入新活力。

51、But they should inject some much-needed confidence into the currency and into an embattled people. ─── 但这些钱应能给冰岛货币和一个四面楚歌的民族注入一些急需的信心。

52、And Woo injects humor and a modern sensibility into his characters, removing any feeling that these are outdated personalities hundreds of years old. ─── 吴还将幽默和现代化的感性注入到他的人物中,消除“这些都是过时了几百年的人物”的感觉。

53、InjectDLL module can inject a DLL into an exe file transparently. ─── InjectDll模块实现了在执行文件中透明的插入检查点库。

54、Be careful not to inject a young child with this strong solution. ─── 切勿用这种强溶液给小孩注射。

55、The foundation injects the energetic moisture content into skin, creates the transparent dressing of making up, there is no sense of burden. ─── 为肌肤注入饱满的水份,创造水泽透明妆容、无负担感;

56、Inject It is only someone looking on from outside that can inject the dangerous thoughts. ─── 只有外部的旁观者才能灌输危险的思想。

57、Inject each tympanic cavity 200ul saline containing 1mg ETX in the ETX group (n=45,90 ears). ─── 内毒素组:双耳听泡内各注入浓度为5mg/ml的内毒素200u(l内含1mg ETX);

58、But will this candour help inject some energy into the stalled Middle East peace talks? ─── 但是这样的坦率态度是否有助于给陷入僵局的中东和谈注入一些活力呢?

59、For example, RegisterStartupScript injects the code just before the closing tag of the form. ─── 例如,RegisterStartupScript在窗体的关闭标记之前插入代码。

60、An Atherton snake expert believes Khan escape death because the snake was not able to inject a large amount of venom. ─── 亚瑟顿市一位蛇类专家认为,可汗能逃过鬼门关,是因为那条蛇未能注入大量毒液。

61、They drill down to the shale, then go sideways and inject high-pressure water, sand or other material into the rock. ─── 他们钻孔一直钻到页岩,然后在旁边向页岩中注入高压的水、沙和其他材料。

62、A sterile applicator is used to inject the microchip just under the skin. ─── 一个消过毒的涂药器被注射进微型芯片在表皮之下。

63、Since the appearance of POD electric propulsion system, it injects new life into marine propulsion system. ─── 吊舱式电力推进系统的出现,给船舶推进系统注入了新的活力。

64、China's development injects fresh vigor to regional cooperation in Asia. ─── 中国的发展为亚洲区域合作注入了新的动力。

65、A continuity tester injects an AC signal into the conductors of a cable to find circuit faults. ─── 一个连续性测试器给电缆导线注入交流信号,从而找到电路故障。

66、Into this somewhat hidebound "atmosphere" it was vital to inject new blood. ─── 在这有点墨守成规的“环境”中注入些新鲜血液是十分重要的。

67、It is difficult that these inject gas with in place oil achieves miscible phase. ─── 三种注入气均难以与此地层原油混相。

68、This micropipette injects yellow dye that rapidly spreads through all the dendrites of a single ganglion cell, showing us the strata they reach. ─── 以微小针管注射的黄色染剂可以迅速扩散到单一节细胞内的所有树突,让我们知道树突伸到哪一层。

69、Grandview, where festivals seem to be second nature, has spawned a community orchestra that injects life into all kinds of public events. ─── 在格兰德维尤,节日成了头等大事,社区管弦乐把生活推向了各种各样的公共活动中。

70、His appointment may inject some new life into the committee. ─── 他的任命可能给这委员会注入新生命。

71、Business objective: Inject new inergies into China automobile industry and be the leader of it. ─── 企业目标:为中国汽车工业注入新的活力成为汽车电子行业的领航者。

72、It injects life into death and death into budding life. ─── 它注入生命到死亡里面,死亡又进入发芽的生命里面。

73、It is only someone looking on from outside that can inject the dangerous thoughts. ─── 唯有从外界旁观者才能灌输危险思想。

74、Inside that, we can embed an empty DIV which will be used to accurately inject the user control's rendered HTML. ─── 在这个页面里面,我们可以嵌套一个空的DIV来准确地装载用户控件呈现的html内容。

75、They hoped that the adoption of a child would inject new life to their marriage. ─── 他们希望收养一个孩子会给他们的婚姻注入新生命。

76、Inject some fun and action into the party by encouraging your guests to dance. ─── 在派对里鼓励您的客人跳舞可增加一些乐趣和活动。

77、"Only way to confirm this, inject the rat with her blood and wait for it to get all botulistic on your ass. ─── 唯一确认此事的方法是,给这只老鼠注入她的血液,一直等到它的肉毒杆菌发展到危及生命的时候。

78、Instead of just looking completely like an iPhone, it injects a little bit of its own style into the mix. ─── 不仅仅只是看起来像iphone,魅族M8混搭了些自己的风格。

79、Inject of MRI union gadolinium and CT of high resolution layer conduce to diagnose. ─── MRI结合钆注射与高分辨率薄层CT有助于诊断。

80、You do not need to read in the same way you would if you needed to memorise something. ─── 如果是要去记忆一些内容的时候,你就不用运用相同的方法阅读。

81、A code that allows you to inject any process (new methods!! ─── 一个可以让你的代码注入任何进程(新方法!!)

82、Injects one or more XML files into the Pocket PC and Smartphone configuration infrastructure to adjust network, UI, and security settings. ─── 向Pocket PC和Smartphone配置基础结构中插入一个或多个XML文件,以调整网络、UI和安全设置。

83、If the 2 barrel usw same material, that means big inject value. ─── 如两个料筒使用同种同色原料,则相当增加了注射量。

84、A cup of silicone cost $800, and the cosmetologist would inject half a cup to two cups in a single session, Ms. ─── 一杯硅胶花费800美元,美容师每次会注射半杯到两杯。

85、Congress uses its position to inject bloat into legislation. ─── 国会利用其优势在立法中塞入私货。

86、In a way, the PCDA was attempting to inject a significant dose of reform into the substantive work of WIPO. ─── PCDA试图向WIPO的实质性工作注入相当剂量的改革。

87、In the PreRender event of the page, a call is made to another helper function that builds and injects the Javascript code. ─── 在页面的PreRender事件中,调用另一个帮助程序函数以构建和插入Javascript代码。

88、Another question, rescuers have is 'what is the best area to inject the whale? ─── 另一个问题是,鲸鱼哪个部位是注射的最佳部位。

89、The doctor injects glucose into the patient's vein. ─── 医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。

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