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09-16 投稿



inelasticity 发音

英:[ˌɪnɪlæˈstɪsɪti]  美:[ˌɪnɪlæˈstɪsɪti]

英:  美:

inelasticity 中文意思翻译



inelasticity 反义词


inelasticity 短语词组

1、plastic inelasticity ─── [化] 塑性非弹性

2、inelasticity parameter ─── 非弹性参数

3、inelasticity demand ─── 非弹性需求

inelasticity 同义词

inelasticity 词性/词形变化,inelasticity变形

名词: inelasticity |

inelasticity 相似词语短语

1、elasticity ─── n.弹性;弹力;灵活性

2、aeroelasticity ─── n.空气弹性;[航]气动力弹性学

3、inelastic ─── adj.无弹性的;无适应性的;不能适应的

4、skin elasticity ─── 皮肤弹性

5、anelasticity ─── n.[物]滞弹性,[力]内摩擦力

6、inelastically ─── 无弹性地;非弹性地;无伸缩性地

7、price elasticity ─── [物价]价格弹性

8、plasticity ─── n.塑性,可塑性;适应性;柔软性

9、viscoelasticity ─── n.[力]粘弹性;黏弹性

inelasticity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Brittle refers to hardness and inelasticity of material that make something especially likely to fracture or snap when it is subjected to pressure. ─── 指在受到压力时尤其可能被打碎或折断的物体原料的硬度或是无弹性;

2、But along with social economy's development and economic structure's adjustment, this land modes of business operation has exposed the insufficiency and the inelasticity gradually. ─── 但随着社会经济的发展和经济结构的调整,这种土地经营方式已逐步暴露出不足和不适应性。

3、The lower platen is fixed together with bottom of the connecting block and compacting the inelasticity belt tight. ─── 下压板与连接块底部固定在一起,并将无弹性带压紧。

4、Research and Reflections on Freshmen's Inelasticity ─── 大学新生不适应性状况的调查与思考

5、The technical terms for the subjects of his studies are anharmonicity, asphericity, inelasticity, as well as anisotropy. ─── 他研究的主题的技术术语是非谐性,非球面性,非弹性以及畸形的。

6、Owing to the problems of grease losing and the inelasticity for the high viscosity in the traditional oil lubricators,a new type of grease lubricator with self-pressure was designed. ─── 针对润滑油脂流失和传统油杯对高粘性润滑油脂的不适用性问题,设计了一种新型结构的自压式油脂润滑脂杯,为相关形式的润滑提供了方便。

7、price inelasticity ─── 价格缺乏弹性

8、Inelasticity problems exist in technology and management for safety monitoring and controlling system for township coal mine,which make it difficult in being effective in practice. ─── 乡镇煤矿现有安全监测系统在技术和管理上都存在不适应性问题,难以发挥其应有的作用。

9、The main problem with this argument is what economists call price inelasticity: no matter what water costs, we still need it to survive. ─── 这其中的主要问题在于经济学家所称的价格缺乏弹性:不论水多么贵,我们仍然赖以生存。

10、Keywords drilling derrick;Finite Element Method;nonlinearity;Concentrated Inelasticity Approach;defects and defacements;Referential Uniform Reduction Metho$; ─── 采油井架;有限元;非线性;集中塑性法;损伤缺陷;

11、The shipping of Yangzhou city develops the inelasticity that develops with economy, the bottleneck factor that restricts economy to stabilize development continuously is remained in close phase. ─── 扬州市的航运发展与经济发展的不适应性 ,在近阶段仍然是制约经济持续稳定发展的瓶颈因素。

12、Black inelasticity rubber of sinker ─── 黑色无弹力橡胶锤

13、complete inelasticity ─── 完全无弹性

14、The limitation of the traditional metalwork practice in cultivating the innovative consciousness of students and the inelasticity in management has been analyzed . ─── 为此,分析了传统金工实习对培养学生创新意识的局限性和管理上的不适应性;

15、As system of socialist market economy build and develop, this concept is sent more cruel show its backward sex and inelasticity. ─── 随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,这个概念愈发暴露出其落后性和不适应性。

16、inelasticity coefficient ─── 非弹性系数

17、There is a tradition of research and teaching in inelasticity at Stanford that goes back at least to Wilhelm Flugge and Erastus Lee. ─── 在取材上,本书考虑到不同专业背景学生的特点,为了让他们更好地掌握统计学知识,保留了概率论基础部分。

18、"Su Na mode " earlier property right form and structure, expose stage by stage in process of market economy development gave inelasticity. ─── “苏南模式”初期的产权形式与结构,在市场经济发展过程中逐步暴露出了不适应性。

19、These inelasticity are a challenge that manages economy to corps, and this kind of challenge is all-around, of deep administrative levels. ─── 这些不适应性是对兵团治理经济的一个挑战,而且这种挑战是全方位的、深层次的。

20、Based on an analysis of the accumulated data of the cosmic ray experiments, find that inelasticity K decrease with energy as 0. ─── 基于宇宙线实验积累数据的分析,求得非弹性K对能量的依赖为0。

21、Diets the moisture content which in the process drains to cause the skin will also become rough, inelasticity. ─── 节食过程中所流失的水分还会使皮肤变得粗糙,无弹性。

22、Come as intellectual economy, company finance affairs shows more and more apparent inelasticity, financial innovation is imperative. ─── 随着知识经济到来,公司财务显示出越来越明显的不适应性,财务创新势在必行。

23、Diets the moisture content which in the process drains to cause the skin will also become rough, inelasticity. ─── 节食过程中所流失的水分还会使皮肤变得粗糙,无弹性。

24、Inelasticity was scarcely the only reason for the discontent of the Wall Street bankers with the status quo. ─── 当然“不够宽松”并非华尔街的银行巨头们对现状不满的唯一理由。

25、"Su Na mode " earlier property right form and structure, expose stage by stage in process of market economy development gave inelasticity. ─── “苏南模式”初期的产权形式与结构,在市场经济发展过程中逐步暴露出了不适应性。

26、The results show: firstly, NR is product of price inelasticity of demand; ─── 研究结果表明:天然橡胶属于需求缺乏弹性的商品;

27、The ethics that combines view of scientific to current our country progress understands, point out the inelasticity of view of traditional technique innovation and scientific progress view. ─── 结合对当前我国科学发展观的伦理理解,指出传统技术创新观与科学发展观的不适应性。

28、The main quantities or these arc the angular distribution, the transverse momentum and the inelasticity, in addition to the multiplicities of the different kinds of the secondary particles. ─── 除了不同次粒子的多重性外,主要的物理量是:次粒子的角分布、它们的横动量和非弹性系数。

29、These inelasticity are a challenge that manages economy to corps, and this kind of challenge is all-around, of deep administrative levels. ─── 这些不适应性是对兵团治理经济的一个挑战,而且这种挑战是全方位的、深层次的。

30、The inelasticity of road network position, the supply and demand that can increase train wagon, ticket is contradictory. ─── 市场经济发展的不平衡性、资源分布的不均匀性。

31、The network has the superiority also to have the malpractice, for example accounting information unreliability, accounting information non-real integrity, accountancy personnel inelasticity and so on. ─── 网络存在着优势也存在着弊端,例如会计信息的不安全性,会计信息的非真实完整性,会计工作人员的不适应性等。

32、Inelasticity and Internal Friction in Solids ─── 固体的滞弹性和内耗

33、thermo inelasticity ─── 热滞弹性

34、plastic inelasticity ─── 塑性非弹性

35、Currently a lot of agriculture systems show certain inelasticity on certain level, the blame that this kind of inelasticity is agricultural system arrangement is balanced quality. ─── 当前有许多农业制度在一定的程度上表现出一定的不适应性,这种不适应性就是农业制度安排的非均衡性。

36、This book goes back a long way.There is a tradition of research and teaching in inelasticity at Stanford that goes back at least to Wilhelm Flugge and Erastus Lee. ─── 多元统计分析是从经典统计学中发展起来的一个分支,是一种综合分析方法,它能够在多个对象和对个指标互相关联的情况下分析它们的统计规律,很适合农业科学研究的特点。

37、But along with market external condition and social economy development pattern change, As operates privately of a family firm forms of capital, Its own inelasticity in relief comes out gradually. ─── 但随着市场外在条件和社会经济发展格局的变化,作为私营资本形式之一的家族企业,其自身的不适应性逐步凸现出来。

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