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09-16 投稿



immerge 发音

英:[ɪ'mɜːdʒ]  美:[ɪ'mɝdʒ]

英:  美:

immerge 中文意思翻译



immerge 网络释义

vi. 浸入;埋头;隐没

immerge 反义词

finite |limited

immerge 同义词

enormous | mammoth | monumental | tremendous | great | colossal | large | jumbo | gigantic | huge | massive | stupendous | towering | Brobdingnagian | giant | incalculable | vast | big | bulky | prodigious | immeasurable

immerge 词性/词形变化,immerge变形

动词过去分词: immerged |动词现在分词: immerging |动词过去式: immerged |动词第三人称单数: immerges |名词: immergence |

immerge 相似词语短语

1、immerse ─── vt.沉浸;使陷入

2、immersed ─── adj.浸入的;专注的;v.浸(immerse的过去式和过去分词);沉湎于

3、commerge ─── 商业

4、immerged ─── v.(古)浸入,隐没;沉浸于,埋头(immerge的过去式和过去分词,同immerse)

5、immerges ─── v.浸入,隐没;给……施洗礼;埋头,沉浸在(同immerse)

6、immerses ─── v.浸;沉湎于

7、immerser ─── 浸渍器

8、demerge ─── vt.使分解;使…分离;vi.分为若干子公司

9、emerge ─── vi.浮现;摆脱;暴露

immerge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But with the development of society, people gradually have more tine and access to touch the mass media, to notice the media and now almost immerge themselves into the media and rely on the media. ─── 但是,随着社会的发展,人们渐渐有了更多的时间和机会注意并接触到大众传媒,并且现在几乎被媒体覆盖并依赖着它。

2、Extreme of will beautiful branch scorchs on kitchen fire, will scorch next in place immerge alcohol 1 minute, take out bottle is inserted after using clear water full. ─── 将花枝末端在灶火上烧焦,然后将烧焦部位浸入酒精里1分钟,取出用清水漂洗后插瓶。

3、Mix with seed: 10ml/kg, seed soaking: use 15ml per kilogram seed, immerge seed into water, deal with 2h, got rid of water after seed. ─── 拌种:每公斤种子使用本品10毫升;浸种:每公斤种子使用本品15毫升,加水浸没种子,处理2小时,沥干后播种。

4、If on spirit 3 get together cyanogen amine is medullary without immerge, so even if degenerate for a time, also return can be saved. ─── 假如精神上的三聚氰胺没有浸入骨髓,那么纵然一度堕落,也还有救。

5、Keywords Foamed Aluminum Alloy;Immerge;Powder Metallurgy;Uniform Structure Properties; ─── 泡沫铝;浸入;粉末冶金;结构均匀性;

6、(10) clean hot water, both hands immerge. ─── (10)洁净热水一盆,把双手浸入。

7、The students will immerge into the bilingual environment. ─── 学生浸身于双语氛围中。

8、Those stories happened when one is young and rash are like freshly sliced lemons, and the acerbic fragrance they give out immerge slowly into the lines of history. ─── 年少轻狂的故事,像一片片刚切下的新鲜的柠檬,散发出青青涩涩的清香,在岁月的字里行间淡淡飘逸。

9、The synergism of chlorfluazuron and alphacypermethrin against Plutella xyllostella L. was measured with immerge leafs method, and the best ratio was confirmed. ─── 采用浸叶法测定了定虫隆与高效氯氰菊酯混配后对防治小菜蛾3龄幼虫的增效作用及两种药剂混配的最佳配比。

10、As Chase progresses through the investigation, startling secrets about her past life begin to immerge. ─── 由于大通通过调查进展,对她过去的生活惊人的秘密开始浸入。

11、Ca(superscript 2+) can immerge to inner of the particle saturation, and there is a similar structure in out layer with its inner layer. ─── 在饱和状态时,钙离子浸入团聚体的内部,团聚体的内层也出现与外层类似结构。

12、2. put the thin sulphuric acid into the stated level of the battery, namely immerge the lead and chrome. ─── 将其灌入电瓶至规定液面,即电瓶内铅格全部入水。

13、He is good at creating a sort of atmosphere into which people immerge unconsciously and are touched by the writer's dense and deep feeling behind the light-hearted verse. ─── 古马的诗歌内心饱满而外表透明,古马擅长精心构造一种氛围:空灵却渗透着自己凝练的情感,让人不知不觉地沉入其中,并为之感动。

14、There isn't any disrepair on the microcosmic surface of CAF, and the sol can immerge into the holes of the alumina foil. ─── 并对其进行了微观分析和能谱表征,胶样表面微观没有破损,溶胶能够浸入到铝箔孔洞中。

15、With the development of foreign exchange of politics ,economy ,culture and so on ,China English starts to immerge into the category of world English . ─── 随着我国政治,经济,文化等各个领域对外交流的发展,中国英语逐渐溶入到世界英语的范畴中。

16、You do not have discovery, a moment ago I a middle finger immerge is small in the cup, and those who lick is ring finger however. ─── 您并没有发现,刚才我把中指浸入小杯子里,而舔的却是无名指。”

17、How was it for you to immerge yourself in this totally different kind of movie? ─── 这对你埋头于各种不同类型的电影来说怎么样?

18、When the 2 water in waiting for a basin are about to stop to rotate, facial immerge, the bubble that lets natural flow rinses facial ministry, such 20 seconds. ─── 2 等盆中的水即将停止旋转时,把脸浸入,让自然流动的泡沫冲洗脸部,如此20秒钟。

19、Ca(superscript 2+) can immerge to inner of the particle saturation, and there is a similar structure in out layer with its inner layer. ─── 在饱和状态时,钙离子浸入团聚体的内部,团聚体的内层也出现与外层类似结构。

20、Third, immerge corporate culture in corporate runningCorporate culture is a sort of concept of values not recreational activities, belongs to social consciousness. ─── 再次要企业文化建设于企业经营活动之中。企业文化不是蹦蹦跳跳的娱乐活动,企业文化是一种价值观念,属于社会意识范畴。

21、Next facial immerge in another washbasin of clean Wen Shui, bubble dip clean, 20 seconds. ─── 然后把脸浸入另一个装有干净温水的脸盆中,把泡沫浸净,又20秒钟。

22、no need to immerge further into this topic. ─── 没必要再深钻这个题目了。

23、Theseven-day National Day holiday have passed,butmostofusstill immerge ourselves in the absolute relaxing atmosphere. ─── 可七天长假过后,很多人依然沉浸在放松的气氛中,好多都市人群都患上了不同程度的“假日综合症”。

24、3, will rip thin the makeup after cotton immerge albumen, after drop works, stick on the nose a little; ─── 3、将撕薄后的化妆棉浸入蛋白,稍微沥干后贴在鼻头上;

25、Heat evaporate face water very hot, with towel immerge, pigheaded dry rear cover is in 5 minutes on the face. ─── 将蒸脸水烧烫,用毛巾浸入,拧干后盖在脸上5分钟。

26、Loosen all over, immerge glows, balmy in the hubble-bubble bath of 4 excessive, wake up you all feelings. ─── 全身放松,浸入色彩斑斓,芳香四溢的泡泡浴中,唤醒你所有的感觉。

27、There isn’t any disrepair on the microcosmic surface of CAF, and the sol can immerge into the holes of the alumina foil. ─── 并对其进行了微观分析和能谱表征,胶样表面微观没有破损,溶胶能够浸入到铝箔孔洞中。

28、Keywords slab caster;sticking breakout;mould powder;immerge depth of mould nozzle; ─── 板坯;粘结漏钢;保护渣;水口浸入深度;

29、Heat evaporate face water very hot, with towel immerge, pigheaded dry rear cover is in 5 minutes on the face. ─── 将蒸脸水烧烫,用毛巾浸入,拧干后盖在脸上5分钟。

30、The greenery outside the window ases if stretch one's hand can reach, seem to be met immediately immerge bedroom, nature and bedroom are in so the balcony photograph of this little space blends. ─── 窗外的绿叶仿佛伸手可及,似乎马上就会浸入居室,自然与居室就这样在阳台这个小小空间相交融。

31、orange gross pound, immerge is medical alcohol, add right amount bee close, put freezer to take be sent on a diplomatic mission to use one week later. ─── 将桔子连皮捣烂,浸入医用酒精,加适量蜂密,放入冰箱一周后取出使用。

32、In addition, by using the new theory, new technology and new achievement, we can reform the traditional teaching content and immerge it into the modern cartolo... ─── 结合课程特点和近年来地图学学科的新理论、新技术和新成果,通过对教学内容改革,把传统内容融入到现代内容之中。

33、Those can immerge with formless parents must have endless happiness. ─── 还有那沾满白雪、追逐嬉闹的天真孩童;

34、These interaction are possible because the standard extracellular domains of both proteins immerge from extracellular matrix,which cover the surface of both cell types. ─── 白细胞之所以能在血管壁的内皮细胞上黏着滚动,就是因为这种结合的不断破坏与重建。

35、There is no need to immerge further into this topic. ─── 没必要再深钻这个题目了。

36、Directions: directly put ballistic into bathtub of lukewarm water, immerge your body into water for about 20 minuets, then stand up and dry. ─── 使用方法:直接把汽泡弹投入到浴缸的温热水中,然后将身体浸泡于水中约20分钟,起身擦干即可。

37、Don't have electricity connect or pull out of equipment, Host cannot immerge in water, pay attention to the ventilation and cooling. ─── 不要带电拔插,主机不能浸水,注意通风和散热。

38、The leadership's belief should immerge into the administration gradually. ─── 领导信念应由管理渐渐融入领导。

39、I saw his head immerge into water. ─── 我看到他的头浸没于水中了。

40、Immerge into the fascinating world of Space Invaders and find yourself battling hordes of aliens in order to save the world. ─── 空间侵略者和外籍人入侵引人入胜的世界,发现你自己作战的群众为了拯救世界。你唯一选择去保护的武器有激光大炮和四个暗堡翻译的不好。

41、How was it for you to immerge yourself in this totally different kind of movie? ─── 这对你埋头于各种不同类型的电影来说怎么样?

42、Hope you can to immerge in the happy wind gorve ...... ─── 希望你能尽情沈浸在著欢愉的风林里......

43、Abstract The reason and measure for slag buildup on RH immerge tube under current process of Panzhihua Steel have been studied based on experimental analysis and thermodynamic calculation. ─── 摘要 针对攀钢现行工艺下发生的RH浸渍管粘渣的问题,通过实验及理论计算研究了RH浸渍管的粘渣原因及其对策。

44、Enter hot water inside the bowl, put glue of a bit bath again. both hands immerge among them, control wants face to go up, at this moment you can feel the pressure inside body is released entirely. ─── 把热水倒入碗内,再放一点浴胶。把双手浸入其中,手心要朝上,这时你会感觉体内的压力全部释放了。

45、III. The students will immerge into the bilingual environment. ─── (使学生浸身于双语环境中。)

46、immerge myself in the chinese world. ─── 用英文这么说还真是反讽。

47、Analysis and Study on Immerge Seepage Flow of Chaozhou Hydro- project by Finite Element Method ─── 广东省潮州水利枢纽浸没渗流有限元法分析研究

48、0 Use hand immerge soldering. No control or only focus on controlling some critical parameters. ─── 使用浸锡,或没有控制或只对部份重要参数控制.

49、No one would ever to try to immerge others culture or try to promote their own, they just invaded, slaughtered, and conquered. ─── 在战争中是没有人愿意去花费心思去了解别人的文化,也不会去宣扬自己的文化。

50、The Immerge analysis for the project reinforced of Gaozhou reservoir ─── 高州水库除险加固浸没分析

51、Unite as One to Strive for Development, Immerge in Hard Work to Implementation ─── 团结一致谋发展埋头苦干抓落实

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