interdependent 发音
英:[ˌɪntərdɪˈpendənt] 美:[ˌɪntədɪˈpendənt]
英: 美:
interdependent 中文意思翻译
interdependent 词性/词形变化,interdependent变形
比较级--more interdependent;最高级--most interdependent。
interdependent 短语词组
1、interdependent node ─── [计] 相关节点
2、interdependent line ─── 相互依存的线路
3、interdependent interaction ─── 相互依存的互动
interdependent 相似词语短语
1、interdepending ─── v.互相依赖
2、interdepends ─── v.互相依赖
3、interdependence ─── n.互相依赖
4、interdepend ─── v.互相依赖
5、overdependent ─── 过于依赖的
6、independent ─── adj.独立的;单独的;无党派的;不受约束的;n.独立自主者;无党派者
7、interdependency ─── n.互相依赖;相关性
8、interdependently ─── adv.相互依存地;相互依赖地
9、interdepended ─── v.互相依赖
interdependent 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The endogenous hormonal ratio was interdependent to the microspore abortion of radish. ─── 可见,萝卜小孢子的败育与内源激素平衡的破坏有关。
2、a. What seem to be unrelated (independent) phenomena are in reality correlated (interdependent) phenomena. ─── 那些被视为是不相关的(各自独立的)现象,事实上是相关联的(互赖的)现象。
3、The system of stem cell is one that possesses steady holistic function, which is composed of many interactiional and interdependent factors. ─── 干细胞系统是一种相互作用和相互依赖的各要素构成的具有稳定整体功能的系统。
4、Principle 8 Mutually beneficial supplier relationships : An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value. ─── 原则8与供方互利的关系:组织和供应商是相互依赖的。互利的关系增强了双方创造价值的能力。
5、China's national security environment in this pluralistic, diversified and interdependent world has on the whole improved, but new challenges keep cropping up. ─── 在一个多元多样又相互依存的世界中,中国国家安全环境总体得到改善,但也面临新的挑战。
6、Members in the international community will become increasingly interdependent through acute competition and close cooperation. ─── 国际社会成员通过激烈的竞争和密切的合作,彼此的联系也将更加密切。
7、Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible. ─── 和平、发展与环境保护三者是互相依存,不可分割的。
8、The vitals of the issue is to answer the question of which how to operate international institution in the interdependent world. ─── 可以说,该书的核心在于回答在相互依赖的世界上国际制度是如何运作的。
9、Wether we like it or not, all of our fortunes are tied together. We are truly interdependent. ─── 不管我们喜欢与否,我们所有的命运都是相连的。我们真的需要相互依靠。
10、Helping our youth take on the responsibility in the changing and interdependent World, and to prepare for obtaining developing opportunity. ─── 帮助年轻人在这个不断变化,相互依赖的世界承担责任,为获得发展机会做好准备。
11、Instead of seeing each part of your life as independent, you begin to see them as interdependent. ─── 不再把生活中的每个部分都看作独立的,而是开始把它们看作相互依存的。
12、People are interdependent, we need to share with each other, what I have, you need; what you have, I need. ─── 人们是互相依赖的,我们应该分享彼此,你需要我的所有;我也需要你的所有。
13、Instead of countries focusing on self-serving endeavors, they accept that they are all on this planet together, that our futures are interdependent and they are secure only if all people are secure. ─── 取代了国家著重于自私服务的努力,他们接受了在这颗行星上他们是在一起的,我们的将来是相互倚赖的并且唯有所有的人安全时,他们才会安全。
14、interdependent characteristics ─── 互相关联特性
15、RECOGNISING that humans share this planet with other species and other forms of life and that all forms of life co-exist within an interdependent ecosystem. ─── 基于人类与其他物种和生命型态共享地球,且共生于相互依存的生态系。
16、Enterprise standardization and technology innovation which are interdependent promote each other. ─── 企业标准化与技术创新相互依赖,相互促进。
17、In an increasingly economically interdependent world, the importance of an improved legal framework for the facilitation of international trade and investment is widely acknowledged. ─── 世界经济相互依存度日益提高,人们广泛认识到改进法律框架、便利国际贸易和投资十分重要。
18、The species in the system and even the landscape itself, they are interdependent. ─── 系统中的各个物种,甚至包括地形本身,都是相互依存的。
19、In the past half century,our planet has become vastly more crowded,more interdependent,and more unstable. ─── 在过去的半个世纪,这个行星已经开始变得拥挤,相互依赖和动荡。
20、When the terminology is thus correct, it is evident that all correlatives are interdependent. ─── 只要术语正确,那么显然所有相关事物都是互相依赖的。
21、The different aspects and varied elements in each entity are interdependent, mutually influential, and both opposite and commentary to each other. ─── 在这个统一体中,不同方面、不同要素相互依存、相互影响,相异相合、相反相成。
22、Commercial geological prospecting work and mining rights operation is an organic integration of interdependent, reciprocal transformation, and mutually promotive. ─── 商业性地勘工作与矿权经营是一个相互依存、相互转化、相互促进的有机整体。
23、After the basic idea that discussed interdependent sex, the article basically analyses the method that centers type to serve devoir to match below mutual dependence. ─── 在探讨了相互依靠性的基本概念之后,本文主要分析在共有依靠性下集中式服务成本分配的方法。
24、The bio-kingdom is an intricate matrix of interdependent relationships, in which each species depends on many others for its survival. ─── 可你后面却没有在此多着笔墨,只是说了人类可以做到拯救濒危的动物。
25、He said the three economies are getting increasingly interdependent. ─── 他说,目前三国经济上相互依赖程度日益加深。
26、Zhang Jingyue thought that, in treating deficiency of yin or yang, drugs tonifying both yin and yang should be used, because yin and yang are interdependent. ─── 张景岳认为,治疗阴虚或阳虚应该同时应用滋阴和扶阳的药物,因为阴阳是相互依存的。
27、More and more studies show that the processes of DNA replication, damage repair and recombination are both independent and interdependent in the molecular level. ─── DNA复制、损伤修复和重组过程的相互作用关系研究是当今生命科学研究的前沿和热点之一。
28、Interdependence theory presents a logical analysis of the interdependent relationship betweens individuals. ─── 人际互倚理论主要关注群体中个体之间的相互依附关系。
29、Allnations are interdependent in the modern world ─── 当今世界上所有国家都是互相依存的
30、Then it expounds the interdependent relation between theoretical and empirical research. ─── 在此基础上阐述了实证研究与思辨研究的关系,主张二者的关系不是指导与被指导,而是相互依赖,相互促进关系。
31、In other words , a group is two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve particular goals. ─── 换句话说,一组是两个或两个以上的相互作用和相互依存的个人聚集在一起,来达到特定的目标。
32、Its unique structural form and ingenious interior design highlights the interdependent relation between clan members who live inside and demonstrates the development process of their life style. ─── 土楼结构独特、设计奇巧,凸显了家族成员之间相互依存的关系,家族成员住在土楼内院,反映了生活方式的变化过程。
33、According to such an understanding, different parts of the body are structurally inseparable and functionally well coordinated and interdependent. ─── 只是翻译时需要增加一些词语来彰显彼此之间的关联性。
34、Assisted migration means picking up members of a species, or members of a group of interdependent species and physically moving or translocating them. ─── 辅助迁移指的是挑选一个物种的成员,或一组相互依赖的物种的成员,并在物理上移动或迁移它们。
35、Indeed, their relevance and capacity to inspire have increased, as nations and peoples have become increasingly interconnected and interdependent. ─── 事实上,随着国家和人民之间的相互联系和相互依赖日益增加,它们的现实意义和感召能力业已加强。
36、localized interdependent structures ─── 地方化依赖结构
37、by this means we enlarge our understanding of what it means to be human, of the corporate and interdependent nature of human society. ─── 用这种方法错位扩大我们的了解,我们对人类、对公司和相互依存的自然对人类社会。
38、Despite their failed deal, Rio Tinto and the Chinese continue to have an interdependent relationship. ─── 尽管未能达成交易,但力拓和中国仍然有着相互依赖的关系。
39、If we are interdependent with everything and everyone, even our smallest, least significant thought, word, and action have real consequences throughout the universe. ─── 如果我们能与万事万物相互依存,那么,甚至连最微细的意念、语言和行为,都会影响整个宇宙。
40、interdependent self-eonstrual ─── 依赖型自我构念
41、They are interactive,interdependent,promotive and confluent to each other.They are an organic whole. ─── 它们相互作用、相互促进、相互融合、相互依存,是一个有机整体,是一项系统工程。
42、The overall development of human being and the construction of socialist harmonious society interdepend and mutually reinforce, both in theory and practice to a high degree of uniformity. ─── 人的全面发展与社会主义和谐社会的构建相互依赖、相互促进、相辅相成,二者在理论与实践上具有高度的统一性。
43、International Interdependent Research and Development ─── 国际相互依存研究与发展
44、Internal imbalance and external imbalance are interactional and interdependent, they have consistency and conflict. ─── 内部经济失衡和外部经济失衡是相互影响和相互依赖的,二者既有内在一致性,又有冲突性。
45、general interdependent system ─── 一般相关系统
46、So, in these extraordinary lava caverns, there is yet another community of interdependent creatures that have come into existence since the volcanoes erupted. ─── 在这个奇妙的山洞里 我们可以找到另一群自火山爆发后 才出现而又互相倚靠的生物
47、The reduction of trans fatty acids in the food supply is a complex issue inoling interdependent and interrelated stakeholders. ─── 减少食物中反式脂肪酸是一个复杂的问题涉及到相互独立和相互联系的利益者。
48、Zhang Jizhong: We (the media) are interdependent relationship, you have to find a reporter, his newspaper to survive, we will have to go through these media outside the communicate our creative ideas. ─── 张纪中:我们(和媒体)是相互依存的关系,记者要找你,他这个报纸要生存,我们也要通过这些媒体向外传达我们的创作理念。
49、Inside us is a maze of interdependent systems: not one works alone. ─── 人体内部是一个互相依赖的系统迷宫,没有一个器官能够独立作业。
50、Obviously, many divisions of applied science are extension of pure theoretical and laboratorial jobs, which suggests that the two are interdependent and interactional science departmens. ─── 十分明显,应用科学的许多部门都是纯理论工作和实验工作的实际延伸。这说明,这两个科学部门是相互依赖、相互影响的。
51、During the lifesaving cause, the government and local officials play the important role.At the same time, it presents the interdependent relation between the government and people strength. ─── 在这些水上救生组织及其救生活动中,国家及各级地方官员扮演着重要的角色,并且国家权力与民间力量呈现出彼此依赖、联结与交融的互动关系。
52、Distribution of expertise, economies of scale, restricted budgets will be imperatives for universities to become more interdependent. ─── 专门知识的分布、经济规模效益及有限的财政预算,将成为各大学互相依存的动力。
53、The three parts are interactive and interdependent. ─── 主体和客体同样是动态的和能动的。
54、"Contrast" and "reconciliation" is the two aspects of interdependent, conflicts and reunification, which is important mean for getting designing beauty. ─── “对比”与“调和”是互为依存的、矛盾统一的两个方面,都是获得设计美感的重要手段。
55、interdependent feedback unit ─── 互依反馈单位
56、An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value . ─── 组织和它的供应商是相互依赖的。互利互助的关系增强了双方创造价值的能力。
57、Be based on afore-mentioned analysises, the author points out: Interdependent need not like that promotional peace, of peace basic or mainer reason depends on interdepend besides. ─── 基于上述分析,作者指出:相互依赖不必然地增进和平,和平的基本的或更重要的原因在于互相依赖之外。
58、Without cooperation, a person is unable to succeed, especially in this increasingly interdependent society. ─── 没有合作,一个人是不可能成功的,特别是在这个日益相互依存的社会中。
59、Therapeutic and nursing management of ARDS and acute respiratory failure are strongly interdependent. ─── ARDS及急性呼吸衰竭的治疗和护理密切相关。
60、From the view of management science, hard management and soft management are interdependent as well as independent, forming a mutually complementary relationship. ─── 从管理学的角度看,“硬管理”与“软管理”既相互区别,又相互依赖,相辅相成。
61、interdependent serf-construal ─── 依存型自我建构
62、President Clinton called on the graduates to embrace the increasing interdependence of nations and work to enhance its positive effects. "You live in the most globally interdependent time in history and it can be good, bad or both. ─── 克林顿总统呼吁这些毕业生们热切地接受这种不断增强的互助关系,并且努力工作提升这种良好的社会风气。
63、The close relationship between the army and the people is just like that of fish and water, interdependent and always moving. ─── 军队和老百姓之间的鱼水情非常感人。
64、In our interdependent modern world what happens in one country impacts on many others. ─── 在我们现代这个相互依存的世界中,一个国家里发生的事影响到旁的许多国家。
65、The world is becoming increasingly interdependent. ─── 世界正变得越来越需要相互依存。
66、to depend on each other for existence; to be interdependent ─── 互相依存
67、Taiwan and China have a strong interdependent but competitive relationship and China is Taiwan's enemy, sparing no effort to obstruct Taiwan's internationalization efforts. ─── 台湾与中国则是强烈的互赖与竞争关系,中国更是台湾的敌国。
68、China's local banks can lend great financial support to the local economic development while they are deeply rooted in it. It is believed that China's local banks and the local economic development are interdependent and mutually promotive. ─── 中国地方性银行的发展根植于地方经济,为地方经济的发展提供了金融支持,二者相互依存、相互促进。
69、The article holds that company system is the entity integrated by the interaction and interdependent system of government, economy, and legal. ─── 因此,公司制度的形成和发展,一方面是政府与公司关系规范化的产物,政府与企业的关系状况决定了一国公司立法的品性;
70、Beer colloid stability and foam quality were interdependent and mutually-restrained. ─── 啤酒胶体稳定性与泡沫质量相互关联,又相互制约。
71、If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependent relationship, and either of you still legally married to another person? ─── 如果你和你的配偶是一种同居关系,你同时还和其他人保持有法律上的婚姻关系吗?
72、"You live in the most globally interdependent time in history and it can be good, bad or both. ─── “你们生活在历史以来全球最相互依赖的时候,它可能是好事,也可能是坏事,或者即是好事也是坏事。
73、In a world that is becoming more and more interdependent, there is an ever-increasing need to link communications systems on various continents. ─── 在越来越需要相互依存的当今世界里,日益需要把各大陆的通讯系统连接起来。
74、We should expect the services to be more interdependent as digitization proliferates. ─── 因为数字化技术在扩散,我们殷切希望各军种更好地相互依赖。
75、All these constitute an interdependent and unseperated organic whole, and form a basic frame for the self-mental hygiene of university students. ─── 它们共同组成一个相互依存、可分割的有机统一体,形成大学生自我心理保健的基本框架。
76、mutually conditional; interdependent ─── 互为条件
77、"You live in the most globally interdependent time in history and it can be good, bad or both.Interdependence means that we cannot escape each other. ─── “你们生活在历史上世界互助关系最鼎盛的时代,这些可能是好的,也可能是不好的,出可能好坏兼而有之。
78、If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship, are you related to your by blood or adoption? ─── 你和你的配偶是一种同居关系,你和你的配偶有血缘、收养关系吗?
79、American business is part of a complex and interdependent global economy. Recognizing the opportunit... ─── 低收入群体在逐渐缩小。在不需要过多技能行业就职外国员工的收入比...
80、The movements of formation water and hydrocarbon are of interdependent and inter-restricted relationship. ─── 地层水与油气在地质历史进程中的活动是相互依存、制约的因果关系。
81、Due to their interdependent political, economic and cultural connections, all ethnic groups in China have shared common destiny and interests in their long historical development, creating a strong force of affinity and cohesion. ─── 中国各民族相互依存的政治、经济、文化联系,使其在长期的历史发展中有着共同的命运和共同的利益,产生了强固的亲和力、凝聚力。
82、In physics it is better to think of interdependent quantities ─── 在物理学上,较常考虑相互依赖的量。
83、Vocationally, we also have specialized and become more interdependent on others, and as a result we have diminishing control over large aspects of our lives. ─── 在职业上,我们同样也很专业化以及越来越独立,不再依赖他人,因此我们对生活很大一部分的控制正在削弱。
84、Accordingly, technical innovation and innovation of property right system are interdepend, each other is depend on sb or sth for existence. ─── 因此,技术创新与产权制度创新是互相依赖,互为依存的。
85、Below this kind of circumstance, what the technology innovates is fast diffuse the new characteristic that makes present an interdepend and mutual confluence with inland relation littoral. ─── 在这种情况下 ,技术创新的快速扩散使沿海与内陆关系呈现出互相依靠与互相融合的新特点。
86、The various branches of the national economy are interrelated and interdependent. ─── 国民经济各部门互相关联、互相依赖。
87、In an interdependent world, there can be no security for any of us without greater global social justice. ─── 在一个相互依存的世界中,如果没有更广泛的全球社会的公正性,任何人都不会有安全感。
88、The level of self-enhancement of those Nanjing students who have interdependent self-construal is significantly higher. ─── 不同自我结构者在个体主义特质上的自我增强水平不存在显著差异;
89、It is effectieness in an interdependent reality-it is teamwork, team building, the deelopment of unity and creatiity with other human beings. ─── 它是存在于一种相互依赖的现实之中的效率--是团队工作,是团队建设,是与别人团结创造的发展。
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