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09-16 投稿



ironsmith 发音

英:[ˈaɪərnˌsmɪθ]  美:[ˈaɪənˌsmɪθ]

英:  美:

ironsmith 中文意思翻译



ironsmith 相似词语短语

1、gunsmith ─── n.制造或修理枪的工人,军械工人

2、songsmith ─── n.作曲家

3、transmit ─── vt.传输;传播;发射;传达;遗传;vi.传输;发射信号

4、Highsmith ─── n.(Highsmith)人名;(英)海史密斯

5、iron fists ─── 铁拳

6、transmits ─── vt.传输;传播;发射;传达;遗传;vi.传输;发射信号

7、tinsmith ─── n.洋铁匠;锡匠,白铁工

8、Goldsmith ─── n.金匠;n.(Goldsmith)人名;(英、法)戈德史密斯

9、songsmiths ─── n.作曲家

ironsmith 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Mongols burst out of their obscurity into history in the early thirteenth century when Temujin ("Ironsmith"), a tribal leader, united a number of loosely organized tribes into a single, disciplined force. ─── 13世纪初,部落首领铁木真(“铁匠”)把几个松散的部落联合起来,组成了一支统一的、有纪律的队伍,从此蒙古人从默默无闻中脱颖而出,载人史册。

2、father, who is working hardly as an ironsmith, brings up his son under the hardship of living. ─── 铁匠的父亲,含辛茹苦地养着一个儿子。

3、It seems to me that you are an ironsmith with good skill! ─── 鸽子应该比较喜欢木头,墙面内部应该加一层甲板或薄木板,隔音、隔热、保暖。

4、I lost the key of speech! An ironsmith shaked his head and sighed to me that there is no way. ─── 我把说话的钥匙弄丢了!锁匠摇头叹息说没办法。

5、Roving ironsmith:you haven't got the sword and rubies that i need, ─── 流浪铁匠:你没有我需要的红宝石,

6、Hongkong Senior Ironsmith Co., Ltd. ─── 香港老铁匠有限公司

7、The ironsmith sharpens a cutting tool, And works over the coals, And forms the idol with hammers, And he works it with the strength of his arm. ─── 12铁匠磨利切割的工具,在火炭中操作,用锤打造偶像,用他有力的膀臂制作;

8、Another youth, about nineteen, had formerly been an ironsmith's apprentice in Hunan ─── 另一个少年大约十九岁,在湖南当过铁匠学徒。

9、blacksmith; ironsmith ─── 铁匠

10、is one of Japan's more intriguing and distinctive spots. People have family names like Tomi (literally, lookout), Kaji (ironsmith) and Amino (net). ─── 是日本最迷人最独特的景点之一,人们有类似于Tomi(字面意思是“守望者”),Kaji(铁匠),Amino(渔网)这样的姓氏。

11、A father, who is working hardly as an ironsmith, brings up his son under the hardship of living. ─── 做铁匠的父亲,含辛茹苦地养着一个儿子。

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