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09-16 投稿



unseasonably 发音


英:  美:

unseasonably 中文意思翻译



unseasonably 网络释义

adv. 不合时令地;不合时宜地;不适时地

unseasonably 词性/词形变化,unseasonably变形

名词: unseasonableness |副词: unsea-sonably |

unseasonably 同义词

strangely | oddly | abnormally |unusually | inconveniently | unexpectedly | uncommonly | obtrusively

unseasonably 反义词


unseasonably 相似词语短语

1、unseasonal ─── adj.非季节性的

2、unseasonable ─── adj.不合时宜的;不合季节的

3、seasonally ─── adv.季节性地;周期性地

4、seasonable ─── adj.应时的;合时的;适合于季节的

5、reasonably ─── adv.合理地;相当地;适度地

6、seasonably ─── adv.合时令地;应时地

7、unreasonably ─── adv.不合理地

8、unreasonable ─── adj.不合理的;过度的;不切实际的;非理智的

9、treasonably ─── 叛逆的

unseasonably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It isn't just in China, or neighboring Japan, where oil stocks are running unseasonably low : Inventories in the U. ─── 不单单是中国和日本是这种情况。日本原油库存也呈现出当前这个季节不应有的下降态势。

2、Unseasonably warm temperatures mean the blooms arrive early;unseasonably cool weather delays the display. ─── 不合时宜的暖和温度意味着开花来得早,反之低温气候则延期展示。

3、He looked like a ghost, evoked unseasonably from the grave. ─── 他那副样子就象是一个从坟墓中不合时宜地钻出来的鬼魂。

4、Unseasonably warm temperatures mean the blooms arrive early; ─── 不合时宜的温暖天气是指开花提前到达;

5、they melted together on an unseasonably warm spring afternoon. ─── 在一个暖和得过头的春天的下午全都融化在一起了。

6、Dr. Jeffrey Adelglass measures the pollen count for the Dallas, Texas, area. He said unseasonably warm temperatures led to relatiely high leels of cedar and elm pollen. ─── Jeffrey Adelglass博士测量得克萨斯州达拉斯地区的花粉数量。他说,不合理的温暖天气带来相对大量的雪松和榆树花粉。

7、In the unseasonably warm February sun we sat down on the front porch. ─── 那是一个二月天,天气异常温暖,我们坐在前廊里晒太阳。

8、Its huge size and unseasonably warm temperatures HAs did the job especially challenging, say Tang Guangjun, one of the sculptors. ─── 雕刻家汤光军(音译)表达,它的巨大体积,还有反常的温暖天气使工程变得特别具有挑战性。

9、He looked like a ghost evoked unseasonably from the grave. ─── 他那副样子就像是一个从坟墓中不合时宜地钻出来的鬼魂。

10、Because of the unseasonably mild weather conditions caused by the warm wind that swept the Swiss mountains from the south, some events were disrupted and the 10,000m speed skating race was canceled altogether. ─── 由于来自南方的暖风横扫瑞士山区,造成气候异常温和,因此一些项目被迫中断,而一万米速滑索性被取消了。

11、It had to be autumn (unless the fabled apple fell unseasonably) that inspired Newton to discover the law of gravity. ─── 只有秋天才能激发牛顿发现万有引力定律的灵感,除非那只传说中的苹果落得不合季节。

12、The furry(3) mammals escape harsh winters by going to sleepinOctober-Novr for around six months, but in the snowlessKemerovoregion where the weather is unseasonably warm, bears haveno desireyet to hibernate(4). ─── 这种厚毛哺乳动物通常会在10-11月间开始入睡,通过大约6个月的冬眠度过严酷的冬天。但是现在无雪的克麦罗沃出奇的温暖,熊们根本无心冬眠。

13、It had to be autumn (unless the fabled apple fell unseasonably) that inspired Newton to discover the law of gravity. ─── 只有秋天才能激发牛顿发现万有引力定律的灵感,除非那只传说中的苹果落得不合季节。

14、You remember storing a hundred cases of candy bars in the garage to sell so the school band could get new uniforms,and how they melted together on an unseasonably warm spring afternoon. ─── 你记得你在车库里存放了上百盒糖果等待出售,得到钱后学校的乐队就可以购置新制服,可是那些糖果竟在一个暖和得过头的春天的下午全都融化在一起了。

15、unseasonably cool weather delays the display. ─── 反常凉爽的天气延误了陈列。

16、We started on a Sunday in July, an unseasonably mild day in Northern Virginia, where we live. ─── 我们在7月的某个星期日开始进行,当天在我们居住的维吉尼亚州北部,天气温和得不合时节。

17、The sun was bright, the air unseasonably warm. ─── 那天阳光明媚,气温反常的暖和。

18、They continued to see each other regularly, and, thanks to an unseasonably warm winter, Barrett's health began to improve. ─── 他们继续如常见面。多亏那年出现了反常的暖冬,巴雷特的健康开始好转。

19、unseasonably warm ─── 反常地温暖

20、And why did we choose fish? It's unseasonably warm. ─── 还有我们为什么要选鱼?这天气不合季节的热。

21、An unseasonably mild winter in the Northeast and Midwest has led to a buildup in inventories and, as a result, weaker prices. ─── 东北部及中东部地区意料之外的暖冬导致了存储量的增加及价格的下跌。

22、In recent weeks, unseasonably cold temperatures throughout Europe and elsewhere have driven up demand for coal used to make electricity. ─── 近几周,欧洲和世界其它地方天气异常寒冷,因此发电所需的热能煤需求也有所增加。

23、It is worth noticing that this increase coincided with unseasonably warm winters across the US, coupled with price increases averaging 8.1 per cent on fur and fur-trimmed garments and accessories. ─── 值得引起注意的是,这一增长是在遍及整个美国的暖冬现象,和毛皮、毛皮服饰、其他附件均价上升8.1的情况下出现的。

24、The problem's even worse because unseasonably high temperatures are causing a lot of the snow to melt. ─── 不合时宜的高温导致大量冰雪融化,这使得情况变得更糟。

25、Everybody at the bus shelter that morning was complaining about the weather, Not surprisingly, perhaps, for it seemed to have been unseasonably dull and wet for weeks. ─── 那天早晨公共汽车候车亭里的每个人都在抱怨天气。毫不奇怪,因为它似乎不合时令地阴沉、潮湿了几星期。

26、Its huge size and unseasonably warm temperatures have made the job especially challenging, said Tang Guangjun, one of the sculptors. ─── 雕刻家汤光军(音译)表示,它的巨大体积,还有反常的温暖天气使工程变得特别具有挑战性。

27、The Unseasonably Cool Summer of 1999 and Its Impacts on the Crop Growth and Development in Zhejiang Province ─── 1999年浙江省凉夏及其对农作物生长的影响

28、Our hedgerows are just starting to bloom with them and last weekend, on an unseasonably warm day, I detected the first heady whiff. ─── 灌木篱墙(矮树篱)在上周末异常温暖的一天刚和它们一起开始冒芽,我便嗅到了那阵振奋人心的泌香。

29、Unseasonably dry weather has depleted water levels in the main reservoirs supplying the metropolis and officials were meeting on Friday to consider rationing and other measures. ─── 环保当局建议居住在这座炽热城市中的1200万居民:"为了节约用水,请开始与你们的伴侣共用浴缸"。

30、On average, the rest of the year they will be working, so even if the weather is unseasonably warm in May, for example, they won't be able to take advantage of it. ─── 总体看来,一年的其他时间他们都会在工作。例如即使是在天气异常炎热的五月人们也不能因此获益(放假)。

31、Across the country, storms since Friday have cut off what had been an unseasonably mild winter in many areas. Six deaths were blamed on the storm in Texas. ─── 自从星期五以来,暴风雪把整个国家从很多地方一直以来的不合季节的暖冬中分离出来,在德克萨斯暴风雪夺去了6条人命。

32、For thou now rejectest unseasonably the gift of nature, clinging to something else... ─── 赞扬如果没有用处还有什么意义?

33、The El Nino that began last year and is now breaking up has been linked to record flooding in Latin America,the unseasonably warm winter in North America and the droughts in Africa. ─── 去年开始的圣婴现象,如今正渐渐衰退,有人认为,拉丁美洲的大洪水、北美洲不合时序的暖冬,以及非洲的干旱,皆和该现象有关。

34、But Hudyma notes that temperatures are unseasonably warm, and Ukrainians have the discipline to see through this latest energy crisis. ─── 但是,古德马指出,今年的天气反常的暖和,而且乌克兰人民能够通过自律来坚持度过这场最新的能源危机。

35、For example, unseasonably rainy weather might threaten the end date of a construction project. ─── 例如,不合季节的雨天可能会威胁建筑项目的结束日期。

36、Unseasonably warm weather prevails across Texas, making droughty conditions worse. ─── 目前得州地区气温偏高,棉区旱情加重。

37、And how they melted together on an unseasonably warm spring afternoon. ─── 可是那些糖果竟在一个暖和得过头的春天的下午全都融化在一起了。

38、And sure enough, before long, James is complaining about the unseasonably cool and wet weather that we're having at the moment. ─── 果然,没多久james就开始抱怨现在这没来由的阴冷又潮湿的天气。

39、The women such as me whose husbands have thrown them off like old sweaters they no longer need for the unseasonably balmy climate where new love keeps them warm. ─── 像我一样的女人,她们的丈夫已经把她们丢掉,像丢一件由于不合季节的温暖气候而不再需要的毛衣,然后又有新的一件使他们保持温暖。

40、speaking the truth unseasonably, or maliciously to a wrong end, or perverting it to a wrong meaning, or in doubtful and equivocal expressions, to the prejudice of truth or justice; ─── (四)虽说真话,却不合时宜、心存恶意、颠倒黑白、故意歪曲、言词含糊、模稜两可,以致使事实不明,公理不彰;

41、But Hudyma notes that temperatures are unseasonably warm, and Ukrainians have the discipline to see through this latest energy crisis. ─── 但是,古德马指出,今年的天气反常的暖和,而且乌克兰人民能够通过自律来坚持度过这场最新的能源危机。

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