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09-16 投稿


Cassiopeia 发音

英:[ ,kæsɪə'piə]  美:[ˌkæsiəˈpiə]

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Cassiopeia 中文意思翻译



Cassiopeia 网络释义

n. [天] 仙后座

Cassiopeia 短语词组

1、Cassiopeia (constellation) ─── 仙后座(星座)

2、cassiopeia build ─── 仙后座建造

3、a cassiopeia ─── 仙后座

4、cassiopeia 1996 ─── 仙后座1996

5、Cassiopeia (train) ─── 仙后座号列车

6、cassiopeia guide ─── 仙后座指南

7、cassiopeia lol ─── 仙后座lol

8、cassiopeia bulstrode ─── 仙后座

9、cassiopeia constellation ─── 仙后座

10、cassiopeia mafloy ─── 仙后座黑手党

11、cassiopeia and katarina ─── 仙后座

12、cassiopeia y ─── 仙后座y

13、cassiopeia counter ─── 仙后座计数器

Cassiopeia 相似词语短语

1、cassie ─── n.[林]金合欢;包损纸

2、Cassiopeiae ─── 仙后座

3、Cassiopeia ─── n.[天]仙后座

4、cassimere ─── n.薄毛呢

5、cassia ─── n.肉桂;桂皮;n.(Cassia)人名;(意、阿拉伯)卡西亚

6、Cassiopeian ─── 仙后座

7、calliope ─── n.蒸汽笛风琴

8、cassiope ─── 卡西欧

9、Cassiopeia A ─── 仙后座A源

Cassiopeia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If so, Cassiopeia will let you know if Orion is above the horizon or not. ─── 如果您比较了解它们的话,仙后座会让你知道猎户座位于地平线之上还是之下。

2、The daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus,who had rescued her from a sea monster. ─── 安德洛墨达塞弗斯和卡西欧匹亚的女儿,其丈夫珀修斯曾把她从海妖手里救出。

3、Perseus (the Hero) follows Cassiopeia across the night sky. ─── 英仙座紧随仙后座之后。

4、tvxq ,your love gives cassiopeia the feeling that the best is still ahead. ─── 东方神起,你们的爱让仙后感觉明天永远会更好.

5、These filaments are seen in other supernova remnants such as Cassiopeia A, Tycho and Kepler. ─── 纤维结构见于仙后座A、第谷、开普勒等超新星遗迹中。

6、The daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus, who had rescued her from a sea monster. ─── 安德洛墨达塞弗斯和卡西欧匹亚的女儿,其丈夫珀修斯曾把她从海妖手里救出

7、Cassiopeia's Chair ─── 仙后(星)座中排列成椅形的五颗最亮的星群

8、When we look up the sky.I know. the stars of Cassiopeia is more and more shining. because we are blooming in them. becasue of our bloom.so ambilight! ─── 抬头仰望天空的时候.我知道.仙后座的星正越来越璀璨.因为我们在其中绽放.因为绽放.随意流光溢彩.

9、Perseus is fainter than Cassiopeia and its stars are not so easy to identify. ─── 英仙星座比仙后座还暗淡一些,而且不容易被识别。

10、Darkly they are there behind this light, darkness shining in the brightness, delta of Cassiopeia , worlds. ─── 星群黑魆魆地隐在这道光的后面,黑暗在光中照耀,三角形的仙后座,穹苍。

11、On November 11, 1572, Danish astronomer and nobleman Tycho Brahe saw a new star in the constellation Cassiopeia, blazing as bright as Jupiter. ─── 公元1572年11月11日,丹麦贵族天文学家第谷(TychoBrahe)发现仙后座里多了一颗新生的星星,跟木星一样亮。

12、Far in the distance, the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy arcs diagonally from the lower left to the upper right, highlighted by the constellations of Cassiopeia, Cepheus, and Cygnus. ─── 远处,银河的盘面由右上方向左下延伸,里面有仙后座,仙王座,和天鹅座。

13、Cassiopeia appears in the northeast sky at nightfall and swings high to the north as evening progresses. ─── 每到傍晚仙后座便出现在东北方的天空,整个夜晚都在慢慢的移动,最后移动到北方天空最高处。

14、The intriguing Bubble Nebula lies a mere 11000 light-years away toward the boastful constellation Cassiopeia. ─── 这个引起人们巨大好奇心的泡泡星云位于著名的仙后座,距离我们仅仅11000光年。

15、Others star-hop via the W-shaped constellation, Cassiopeia, shown on our chart today. ─── 另一些星星跳是通过W形的星座,仙后座,就像我们今天的图表上显示的那样。

16、Tae-en:Maybe it has something wrong with us!But please trust me!!always love Cassiopeia in China! ─── 这是秀秀用英文发的,希望亲们不要放弃五只,五只是爱我们的!

17、Max ChangMin SOLO area. CASSIOPEIA's MAX LOVER! CASSIOPEIA's FOREVER LOVER! CASSIOPEIA's Max ChangMin! ─── 最强昌珉专属版块!仙后们最强的爱人,永远都爱的珉珉!

18、tis is cassiopeia world 4 all love TVXQ fans.....i will post all TVXQ news here....hope u all will enjoy....n join tis group ya..... ─── 这里是仙后家族。。。是给所有爱神起的仙后们。。。我会把神起最新的消息都贴在这里。。。希望你们可以多多参与。。。。

19、Cassiopeia [Cas] ─── 仙后座 [Latin]

20、At nightfall tonight, you'll see Cassiopeia in the northeast sky, to the upper right of Polaris.Orion won't be in the sky at this time. ─── 今夜等到昏黄傍晚,如果看到东北天空的仙后座,比右侧北极星稍稍高一点,那么猎户座此时此刻还未上升。

21、The easiest to see will be Cassiopeia, which has a distinctive M or W shape, depending on what time of night you see it. ─── 其中仙后座最易辨认,无论你在夜晚的什么时候看到她,她都有一个明显的W或M外形特征。

22、We are wont to imagine rare and delectable places in some remote and more celestial corner of the system,behind the constellation of Cassiopeia's Chair, far from noise and disturbance. ─── 如今我却有了这更实际的避风雨的房屋,看来我活在这世间,已大有进步。这座屋宇虽然很单薄,却是围绕我的一种结晶了的东西,这一点立刻在建筑者心上发生了作用。

23、A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cassiopeia and Draco. ─── 仙王(星)座北半球仙后座和天龙座附近的一个星座

24、U-Know YunHo SOLO area! Handsome leader! Handsome YunHo! YunHo is the baby and darling of CASSIOPEIA! ─── 瑜卤允浩个人版块!帅气的队长!帅气的允浩!都是仙后们的宝贝最爱!

25、Are you familiar with the W or M-shaped constellation Cassiopeia the Queen? ─── 现在你熟悉W型或M型的仙后座了吗?

26、New registration CASSIOPEIA report area! Come in to intro yourself and get the awards! ─── 新注册仙后们的报到专区!进来报到领取奖励!

27、This spectacular image of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A is the most detailed image ever made of the remains of an exploded star. ─── 这张壮观的仙后座A照片是迄今对爆发恒星的残骸拍摄过的最精细的照片。

28、Cassiopeia A ─── 仙后座A源

29、Cassiopeia (Cas) ─── 仙后星座

30、cassiopeia,always keep the faith. ─── 你们也说过,会永远爱我们。

31、Hero JaeJoong SOLO area. HERO of CASSIOPEIA! JAEJOONG of CASSIOPEIA! LOVER of CASSIOPEIA! ─── 英雄在中专属个人版块!仙后们的英雄,仙后们的爱人在中!

32、To find Cepheus, you might want to locate a more prominent constellation, Cassiopeia the Queen. For more about Cassiopeia, see our chart for August 3, 2009. ─── 为了找到仙王座,你可能想要找出一个更加明显的星座,仙后座。想看更多关于仙后座的信息,请观看我们2009年8月3日的图表。

33、Ordinary Cassiopeia will shine like the sun in the you, become the moon with you. ─── 普通的仙后座,会在像太阳的你们照耀下,变成月亮陪伴你们。

34、Cassiopeia Sun House , I'm yaoky , Just yaoky . ─── 我的天,我现在可以感慨说句,人呀.真是聪明!!!

35、Cassiopeia is associated with a queen of Ethiopia. ─── 说到仙后座就想起了埃塞俄比亚的一位女王。

36、Is the heart and soul of our Galaxy located in Cassiopeia? ─── WISE的心与灵星云红外图我们星系的心脏与灵魂在仙后座?

37、Cassiopeia, is easy to identify and so it is one of the most famous constellations in the sky. W. ─── 形的仙后座是星空中易辨识的最著名的星座之一。

38、In the north, the constellations it goes through include Auriga, Cassiopeia, and Cygnus. ─── 在北半球,银河贯穿天鹰座、仙后座及天鹅座。

39、Nearly ten years ago, Chandra's “First Light” image of Cassiopeia A (Cas A) revealed previously unseen structures and detail. ─── 10年钱,钱德拉第一次拍摄到仙女座A的时候向我们展示了它前所未见的结构和细节。


41、Such a big world. To become your Cassiopeia, I am very lucky. ─── 世界这么大。能成为你们的仙后座,我很幸运。

42、Cassiopeia is easy to identify and so it is one of the most famous constellations in the sky. ─── 仙后座是星空中易辨识的最著名的星座之一。

43、This is a photograph of Cassiopeia A, the gaseous remains of a supernova that would have been visible from Earth in about 1667. ─── 这幅图片拍摄的是仙后座A——一个超新星的气态“残骸”,本来在大约1667年时就可以从地球上观察到。

44、ALL FOR the FIVE-Cassiopeia happy message moves the special area, asks the message to kiss to this round placard. ─── 幸福留言活动专区,请留言的亲们到此发帖。

45、At nightfall tonight, you'll see Cassiopeia in the northeast sky, to the upper right of Polaris. ─── 在今天黄昏,你会看到仙后座出现在东北方的天空中,在北极星的右上方。

46、It has taken the 340-year-old remains of supernovae, "Cassiopeia a" to the astronomer has revealed that the outbreak of the stars may be an important source of cosmic rays. ─── 这个庞大的星系团(上图右侧)证明了一种称为暗能量的神秘力量的存在。据说,暗能量加速了宇宙的膨胀速度。

47、CASSIOPEIA and TVXQ's special moments! Different videos fill with different love! ─── 仙后与五只们专属的时光!每一个视频都充满了不一样的爱意!

48、The intriguing Bubble Nebula lies a mere 11000 light-years away toward the boastful constellation Cassiopeia . ─── 这个引起人们巨大好奇心的泡泡星云位于著名的仙后座,距离我们仅仅11000光年。

49、Cassiopeia - ─── 仙后(星)座

50、cassiopeia told DBSK that we are voting them very hard now! ─── 仙后让哥哥们知道我们在为允浩努力投票!!

51、Or you can find it using the constellation Cassiopeia, as shown on this chart. ─── 或者你可以利用仙后座寻找,如图。

52、Explanation: This fantastic skyscape lies at the eastern edge of giant stellar nursery W5, about 7,000 light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia. ─── 说明: 这个仙后座的太空美景位于巨大的恒星形成区W5的东部边缘,离我们约7000光年。

53、They are said to come from the Pleiades, Orion, Lyra, Vega, , Arcturus, Andromeda, Cassiopeia, the home of the Praying Mantis Race or tall grays. ─── 据说它们是来自昴宿星团、猎户星座、天琴座、织女星、大角星、仙女座、仙后座等,是螳螂族类或高大的灰人的家园。


55、Even give up much chance because the leg hurt at his shiny beginning, he sitted at the wheelchair and said in smile: there is no pain with you all( for cassiopeia), I would not weep at the presence of you. ─── 在事业开始辉煌的时候因为腿伤不得不放弃很多机会,但是却坐在轮椅上笑着对大家说:看到你们,我就不会痛,不会在你们面前落泪的。

56、Both Perseus and Cassiopeia are considered to be “circumpolar” from northerly latitudes. ─── 英仙座和仙后座在北半球被称为”拱极星“。

57、Perseus is fainter than Cassiopeia and its stars are not so easy to identify.But if you have a dark sky, you'll spot its graceful shape. ─── 英仙座较仙后座暗一些,它的本体不易察觉,然而如果在黑夜的天空,将会看到它优美的身影。

58、Micky YooChun SOLO area. CASSIOPEIA must come in to enjoy every moments with YooChun darling! ─── 秘奇有仟个人版块!喜欢超级可爱仟仟的仙后就要来这里玩哦!

59、In Greek mythology, Cepheus represents a King of Ethiopia. To find Cepheus, you might want to locate a more prominent constellation, Cassiopeia the Queen. ─── 在希腊神话中,仙王座代表了埃塞俄比亚国王。为了找到仙王座,您可能希望找到一个更加突出的星座,仙后座女王。

60、Cassiopeia I love you not because of who you are.But because of who I am when I am with you! ─── 妈的已经很多次了,应用软件错误,还是在我写完日记后发生的,它妈的,一点欲望都没了!

61、I am a cassiopeia from now on . ─── 这个暑假爱上东方神起.五个好可爱男生.

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