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09-16 投稿



indulgences 发音

英:[ɪnˈdʌldʒənsɪz]  美:[ɪnˈdʌldʒənsəz]

英:  美:

indulgences 中文意思翻译



indulgences 短语词组

1、self-indulgences (self-indulgence ─── 的复数) n. 放纵, 任性 [法] 自我放纵

indulgences 词性/词形变化,indulgences变形

动词过去分词: indulgenced |动词过去式: indulgenced |动词现在分词: indulgencing |动词第三人称单数: indulgences |

indulgences 相似词语短语

1、indulgencies ─── n.赦免;放纵;任性(等于indulgence)

2、inductances ─── n.电感;感应系数;自感应

3、indulgence ─── n.嗜好;放纵;纵容;沉溺

4、divulgences ─── n.透露

5、indulgenced ─── n.嗜好;放纵;纵容;沉溺

6、indigence ─── n.穷困;贫乏;贫穷

7、insurgences ─── n.暴动;起义;造反;叛乱

8、indulgency ─── n.赦免;放纵;任性(等于indulgence)

9、indulgencing ─── n.嗜好;放纵;纵容;沉溺

indulgences 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Luther was arguing only for a revision of the practice of indulgences , not its abolition. ─── 路德只是要对赎罪劵的实施提出修正,并非要废除它。

2、The idea is to establish a national level of carbon dioxide emissions, and sell pollution permits to industry as the Catholic Church used to sell indulgences to sinners. ─── 该法案旨在对全国范围的二氧化碳排放实行总量控制,并像天主教堂过去宽恕罪人那样对企业发放排放许可证。

3、Allow yourself a few indulgences , but keep them to a minimum, or you could end up with little work and a big waistline. ─── 允许自己有一些放纵,但是让这种放纵停在最小化,否则你会以仅完成了一点点的工作和一个肥大的腰身来告终的。

4、As researchers continue to explore the ways dark chocolate benefits heart health, you may feel a little better about your chocolate indulgences. ─── 随着研究者对黑巧克力对人体健康有益的探索,你或许会对自己沉溺巧克力的行为好受些。

5、Right now, China is hiding behind poorer countries and asking for indulgences, but poorer and more vulnerable countries will soon begin to blame China if China does not commit to reducing emissions. ─── 按照现在的排放增长速度,中国在累积排放量方面最终会超过发达国家。所以,我们需要在现在的协商过程中分担责任,为其他发达国家树立良好榜样。

6、Avoid any over indulgences. ─── 避免任何过渡放纵。

7、In the face of uncertain income, the logic goes, we still need indulgences, however modest. ─── 面临收入不稳定的时候,人们的消费开始变得理性。但我们仍然需要奢侈品,但是开始变得谨慎。

8、Beware of indulgences that compromise your values or integrity. ─── 小心因为放纵而放弃你的价值观及正直。

9、Keep refined carbohydrates, sugar and high fat snacks to a minimum.They should be occasional indulgences, not consumed every day. ─── 将精制的碳水化合物类,糖类以及高脂肪的零食的量降到最低,这些东西可以偶尔拿来享受一下,而不能每天都和它们形影不离。

10、For the most part.But I also allow myself some indulgences, including veggie pizza, some sweets, and other treats. ─── 但是我也允许自己偶尔放任一下,吃一些蔬菜披萨,一些糖果和一些宴请。

11、A new Urban Resort Concept that blends the immediacy and convenience of being in Shanghai's most central location with the quiet, emotional indulgences of a peaceful, luxurious resort. ─── 璞丽-上海首家“都会桃源”般的奢华酒店,带来全新的都市度假理念-它将上海城市中心的方便、快捷与度假胜地的静谧、写意和极致舒适融为一体。

12、The Concordat with the German nation dealt with canonical election, appeals to Rome, annats, indulgences, dispensations, and the limitation of excommunication; ─── 德国提交给罗马的协议书涉及主教选举,年费,赦免权,教职分配,和对驱逐出教权力的限制。

13、might be an idea to detox after the indulgences of Christmas. ─── 圣诞节狂欢之后给身体解毒或许是个想法。

14、They do deserve such indulgences. ─── 他们确实应该得到这样的纵容。

15、He is next heard of at Antwerp as a trader, and about 1510 he was induced to accompany a Bostonian to Rome in quest of some papal indulgences for a Boston guild; ─── 后来听说,他在安特卫普做贸易,到了1510年左右,他受邀陪同一个波士顿人去了罗马,为一家波士顿的兄弟会寻求教皇的宽宥;

16、Spend your wealth, if you please, in whatever indulgences you have a taste for. but your wealth is not the indulgences, it is the sum of money, or the annual money income, with which you purchase them. ─── 如果你乐意,把你的财富花在任何嗜好上都行。但是你的财富不是这些嗜好,而是你花在嗜好上的货币总额或年货币收入。

17、Indulge in arrogance, indulge in idleness, indulge in feasting, these are bad indulgences. ─── 喜好以骄傲为乐,喜好淫逸放荡,喜好饮宴为乐,这些喜好都使人受损。”

18、However, their decadent indulgences exacted a terrible price.Unbeknownst to the Eldar, the energy from their depravity had caused increasing disturbances in the Warp. ─── 然而,他们颓废的生活带来了一个可怕的结果,灵族并不知道,因他们堕落思维所产生的能量加速虚无中的搅动。

19、Allow yourself a few indulgences, but keep them to a minimum, or you could end up with little work and a big waistline. ─── 允许自己有一些放纵,但是让这种放纵停在最小化,否则你会以仅完成了一点点的工作和一个肥大的腰身来告终的。

20、No one could have expected that the Reformation would be launched by Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses against Indulgences in October 1517. ─── 其实,在1517年九月四日,在驳斥经院神学的辩论中,他曾提出更具争议性的议题:他整体性地批判中世纪神学几个世纪以来所使用的方法。

21、Friday will bring a 5. 5-mile run, the extra half-mile my grueling expiation of any gastronomical indulgences during the week. ─── 星期五将跑5.5里,那多出来的半里是对我一个星期内任何一次放纵美食的严厉惩罚。

22、Friday will bring a 5.5-mile run, the extra half-mile my grueling expiation of any gastronomical indulgences during the week. ─── 星期五跑5.5英里,那多出的半英里是对本周自己放纵饮食的赎罪。

23、Instead, just forgive yourself for any indulgences, and get back on your healthy eating plan. ─── 不要这样,原谅你这一次的放纵,然后继续你的健康饮食计划。

24、a medieval cleric who raised money for the church by selling papal indulgences. ─── 中世纪靠卖印有罗马教皇图象的纸来收集钱财的牧师、传教士。

25、Martin Luther nails his 95 theses which criticize papal "indulgences" to a church door. The Reformation, splitting western Christendom, is on its way. See Indulgence. ─── 马丁.路德在教堂的门上张贴95条反对赎罪券的标语。正是这次革命,开始了冲击了西方基督教的旅程。

26、This in turn leads to more mistrust and unrest at the club as the constant revolution of indulgences and whims continues. ─── 这依次导致了俱乐部内部更多的不信任和不安,于是持续的放任和反复无常继续着。

27、Some clerics, seeing the hour of their own judgment before them, gave confessions and indulgences for free, but there were others who made small fortunes selling forgiveness at exorbitant rates. ─── 有些神职人员明白他们自己的末日迫在眉睫,免费听取忏悔和赦免罪行;但也有些神父趁机敲诈,靠出卖宽恕发了小小的横财。

28、A medieval ecclesiastic authorized to raise money for religious works by granting papal indulgences to contributors. ─── 出售免罪符的人中世纪获准出售教会的赦免书而为宗教事务筹钱的神职人员

29、voluptuous tastes, indulgences, urges, etc ─── 骄奢淫逸的兴味、 放纵、 欲望等.

30、Indulgences were normally conditional on venerating a relic, performing some religious practice, or making a gift ─── 免罪罚通常以崇拜圣物、从事一些宗教活动或施舍钱物为条件。

31、Yes, life will seem a bit drab without some of the indulgences you are used to. ─── 确实,没有了你以往的享受,生活似乎毫无生机。

32、Analysts say that, like the oft-quoted "lipstick index ," rising chocolate sales show that when Americans are cutting their spending elsewhere, they feel more entitled to small indulgences. ─── 分析人士称,就像常常提到的“口红效应 ”,巧克力销量的不断上升表明当人们削减其它开支时,会觉得更有理由小小地奢侈一下。

33、the English Concordat insisted on the right of England to be represented in the college of cardinals and contained clauses dealing with indulgences and dispensations; ─── 英国的协议书则坚持英国在主教学院中的代表权,内容涉及赦免权和教职分配。

34、Yes, life will seem a bit drab without some of the indulgences you are used to. ─── 确实,没有了你以往的享受,生活似乎毫无生机。

35、By Luther's time, indulgences could be obtained in return for a money contribution to the Church. ─── 在路德时期,赎罪券可以通过金钱向教会换取。

36、It was the indulgence proclaimed by Tetzel which led to the notice on the church door inviting theologians to debate indulgences. ─── 台彻尔宣布的免罪罚使教堂的门上出现了通告,引来了神学家们对免罪罚的大讨论。

37、Luther was arguing only for a revision of the practice of indulgences, not its abolition. ─── 路德只是要对赎罪劵的实施提出修正,并非要废除它。

38、When women can't afford pricier indulgences, lipstick offers a cheaper compromise. ─── 当女性无法负担高价产品时,口红便成为相对便宜的妥协。

39、And a cap-and-trade system sounds "a bit like buying indulgences from the ancient church, " he told the Wall Street Journal. ─── 而总量管制与排放交易系统听起来“有点像从古代教堂买恕罪券。”他告诉《华尔街日报》。

40、Yet they still are willing to shell out for small indulgences and goods that make life more comfortable at home, where they are spending more time. ─── 但是他们还是在小小地放纵自己的享受,买给自己一些能在家里过得更舒服的小商品,因为他们在家里的时间逐渐多了。

41、This could be made available by the pope through indulgences, by which the soul was "let-off" a certain period in purgatory ─── 教皇可以通过免罪罚来支取,这样灵魂在炼狱里“获救”了一段时间。

42、The good news is that some indulgences are beneficial. ─── 好消息是,一些嗜好是有益的。

43、Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences. ─── 如此,那些豁免人罪罚的牧者说,一个人是因教皇的赦罪而从一切惩罚中被赦免并得拯救,这样说是错误的。

44、We can pray for them, give alms, offer Holy Mass, gain indulgences and do other good works for them. ─── 答:能为他们祈祷、行哀矜、献弥撒、得恩赦、或行别的善工。

45、It's a comfort to know that there is still room for small indulgences. ─── 知道这里还有小小的放任余地是很安慰的。

46、It's your call which one you like more - temporary indulgences and sleepless nights worrying over debt, or a few sacrifices now to be free of debt issues for the rest of your life! ─── 在这儿由你选择你更倾向于哪一个---短暂的享受但因为负债而失眠的夜晚,或少许的牺牲但轻轻松松无任何牵挂地度过剩下的生活。

47、Indulge in music and rites, indulge in talking the greatness of others, indulge in knowing befriending virtuous friends, these are good indulgences. ─── 喜好用礼仪音乐节制自己,喜好成述别人的好处,喜好结交贤良,这些喜好都使人受益。

48、4. One, as with indulgences, is to assuage guilt. ─── 其一,就像纵欲一般,是为了减轻罪恶。

49、The same indulgences were made applicable to the souls in Purgatory by a rescript of January 10, 1854. ─── 1854年1月10日文告内又宣布身处炼狱之灵魂亦可因之得全大赦。

50、Christians are to be taught that the pope does not intend that the buying of indulgences should in any way be compared with works of mercy. ─── 基督教徒被教导说,他看见一名男子需要通过他,但钱给他的宽容,不买奢侈品,而是教皇上帝的愤怒.

51、He objected to Leo X about the selling of indulgences. ─── 他反对兜售赦免符。

52、a medieval cleric who raised money for the church by selling papal indulgences ─── 中世纪靠卖印有罗马教皇图象的纸来收集钱财的牧师、传教士

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