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09-16 投稿



souses 发音

英:[ˈsaʊsɪz]  美:[ˈsaʊsɪz]

英:  美:

souses 中文意思翻译





souses 反义词

sweeten |sweet

souses 词性/词形变化,souses变形

动词第三人称单数: souses |动词过去分词: soused |动词现在分词: sousing |动词过去式: soused |

souses 同义词

taint | acidulous | spoiled |rancid | acetify | rotten | lemon | go off | bad | tartness | sourness | peevish | spoil | go sour | morose | saturnine | turn | glum | turned | tart | disagreeable | sullen | ruin | fermented | off | bitter | dour | off-key | acidity | acidify | unpleasant | harm | acidulate | acid | addle | glowering | ferment | false | curdle | dark | moody | work

souses 相似词语短语

1、scouses ─── n.炖杂烩

2、louses ─── n.(Lous)人名;(挪)劳斯;(柬)洛

3、smouses ─── 烟雾

4、mouses ─── n.鼠标;老鼠;胆小羞怯的人;vt.探出;vi.捕鼠;窥探

5、spouses ─── 配偶

6、bouses ─── n.酒;痛饮;vi.痛饮;用滑车吊起;vt.绞起;用绞辘吊拉

7、douses ─── n.(Dous)人名;(英)道斯

8、Houses ─── n.(星座的)十二宫位

9、shouses ─── 情绪不佳的

souses 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pseudo-nitzschia bloom and its ecological role in the biological community in the Daya Bay, the Sou ─── 大亚湾拟菱形藻水华及其在生物群落中的生态地位

2、"Good day, my good man," said Jean Valjean, resolutely, handing him a sou. ─── “您好,老头儿。”冉阿让大着胆说,同时给了他一个苏。

3、A meeting to exchange experience on development of block construction at provincial districts of our country held at City Je Sou in Province ─── 全国县镇推广砌块建筑经验交流会在湖南省吉首市召开

4、A chamber where one sleeps costs twenty sous;a chamber in which one reposes costs twenty francs. ─── 一间“睡觉”的屋子值二十个苏,一间“安息”的屋子却值二十法郎。


6、Chapter one introduces the basic conception of labor standard first, then explains and analyses labor standard by expounding its legal souses and significance. ─── 章,第一章给出劳工标准的定义,从其渊源以及意义分析说明劳工标准;

7、He refused the cross; he bestowed sous on all the little scamps he came across. ─── 他辞谢过十字勋章。他在路上碰见小流氓总给他们些钱。我老在想,他底里一定有些不能见人的历史。”

8、This article describe s the use of the artificial neural netw ork technology to study the service qual i ty of AE signal’s recognition and AE sou rce pattern’s classification for the sphe re vessel. ─── 利用人工神经网络技术 ,对球形容器声发射检测信号进行有效性识别及源模式分类研究。通过对所得典型实验数据进行有效性分析。

9、Working together with the Restaurant Manager and the Outlet Sous Chef, to develop new menu ideas and promotions. ─── 与餐饮部经理和各餐厅厨师长共同协作,提出新的菜单想法和宣传方法。

10、One day the Bishop caught sight of him in the act of bestowing this charity, and said to his sister, with a smile, "There is M.Geborand purchasing paradise for a sou. ─── 一天,主教撞见他在行那件善事,他笑嘻嘻向他的妹子说:“惹波兰先生又在那儿买他那一个苏的天堂了。”

11、But this would have cost five hundred francs at least,and in view of the fact that she had only been able to lay by forty-two francs and ten sous for this purpose in the course of five years,she had ended by renouncing the idea. ─── 但是,这至少得花五百法郎。她为那样一套东西省吃节用,五年当中,只省下四十二个法郎和十个苏,于是也就不再作此打算。

12、I will give you 45,000,' said he, 'but not a sou more; besides, as that is the exact value of the stone, I brought just that sum with me.' ─── ‘我给你四万五,’他说道,‘半个铜板也不能再加了,而且,这颗钻石也只值这些钱,我身上又刚巧只带着那个数目。’

13、Product Design Engineering ManagerDescriptionClosely work with global R&D and product manager team, AP team, Sou...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海思竹企业咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-5-19

14、"Six months in which to earn seven sous a day! ─── “六个月,每天赚七个苏!

15、He took a six-sou plate of meat, a half-portion of vegetables for three sous, and a three-sou dessert. ─── 他吃一盘六个苏的肉,半盘三个苏的蔬菜和一份三个苏的甜品。

16、Wanted Experienced western English speaking Sous Chef in Xiamen ─── 厦门突本意西餐厅高薪招聘经验丰富的西餐厨师

17、Do you mind if I ask sou to give me a ride home? ─── 如果我请你送我回家,你会介意吗?)

18、She sewed seventeen hours a day,but a contractor for the work of prisons, who made the prisoners work at a discount, suddenly made prices fall, which reduced the daily earnings of working-women to nine sous. ─── 她每天缝十七个钟头,但是一个以贱值包揽女囚工作的包工,忽然压低了工资,于是工作不固定女工的每日工资也减到了九个苏。

19、said Madame de R., "I have only four sous in my purse." ─── r夫人说,“我荷包里也只有四个苏。”

20、Unis, nous avons tous les atouts, toutes les forces, tous les talents pour nous imposer dans ce nouveau monde qui se dessine sous nos yeux. ─── 团结,我们才会拥有战胜一切的力量和办法,才能跻身于呈现在我们眼前的新世界。

21、Jean Valjean accepted the sou with a deep bow. ─── 冉阿让收下这个苏,总深深地一鞠躬。

22、He ate no soup. He took a six-sou plate of meat, a half-portion of vegetables for three sous, ─── 他不喝汤。他吃一盘六个苏的肉,半盘三个苏的蔬菜和一份三个苏的甜品。

23、"why, the charge is only twenty sous!""It is forty in his case," retorted the Thenardier, in the same tone. ─── “对他是四十个苏,”德纳第大娘用原来的口吻回答说,“穷人来住,更不能少给呀!”

24、he hasn't a sou to his name. ─── 他名下没有一个法国铜币(他是个穷光蛋)。

25、Assist Yakiniku sous chef, in charge of daily work in Yakiniku kitchen. ─── 协助日式餐厅主厨管理员工,确保餐厅厨房良好运营。

26、A: Minzcuz sou miz sawcih swhgeij lwi? ─── 你们民族有自己的文字吗?

27、"Twenty sous for the chamber," resumed Thenardier, coldly, "and six sous for his supper. ─── “房间二十个苏,”德纳第冷冰冰地接着说,“晚餐六个苏。

28、sou markee ─── [法]

29、gestion commerciale sous vb source code integrity, and can be used directly. ─── (译):管理商业专区VB的源代码完整,并可以直接使用。

30、How to Deliver Articles to the Sou rce Periodicals of SCI ─── 向SCI来源期刊投稿应注重的几个问题

31、Keywords Punching worker;Cutting worker;Equivalent sou nd pressure level;Dosimeter;Noise exposure; ─── 关键词冲压工;下料工;等效声级;个体计量仪;噪声暴露;

32、old duds that are not worth four sous! ─── 全是些不值四个苏的破衣烂衫,还有面包!

33、You couldn't spend your last sou, and say finally: So that's that! No, if you lived even another ten minutes, you wanted a few more sous for something or other. ─── 你不能把你最后的一枚铜子花光了,结尾说:不过就是这样!不,甚至你还有十分钟生命,你还是需要几个铜子。

34、Sous le Soleil de Satan ─── 中文:撒旦的阳光下出品:法国

35、"Well," pursued Caderousse, "can you without expending one sou, put me in the way of getting fifteen thousand francs? ─── “嗯,”卡德鲁斯说,“你能不花一个子儿就使我得到一万五千法郎吗?

36、He hasn't a sou. ─── 他身无分文。

37、Force the prisoner to pay them two sous ─── 他们要犯人出两个苏才肯

38、In pruning season he earned eighteen sous a day,then he hired out as a hay-maker, as laborer, as neat-herd on a farm, as a drudge ─── 在修树枝的季节里,他每天可以赚十八个苏,过后他就替人家当割麦零工、小工、牧牛人、苦工。

39、"I, sir," replied the child. "Little Gervais! I! Give me back my forty sous, if you please! Take your foot away, sir, if you please!" ─── “是我,先生,”那孩子回答,“小瑞尔威。我!我!请您把我的四十个苏还我!把您的脚拿开,先生,求求您!”

40、And, dressed like a woman of the people, she went to the fruiterer, the grocer, the butcher, her basket on her arm, bargaining, insulted, defending her miserable money sou by sou. ─── 她穿得和一个平常老百姓的女人一样,手里挎着篮子上水果店,上杂货店,上猪肉店,对价钱是百般争论,一个铜子一个铜子地保护她那一点可怜的钱,这就难免挨骂。

41、He hasn't a sou . ─── 他一个子儿也没有。

42、He wanted to save his dead brother's name from dishonour without obliging either his nephew or himself to part with a sou. ─── 他要挽回亡弟的名誉,可无须他或他的侄儿花一个钱。

43、Alors je sens l'enfer s'ouvrir sous mes pieds: Then I sense the hellfire open its mouth under my feet ─── 于是乎我感觉地狱的焰海要在我脚下张开

44、Senhor(a),sou primeiro socorro da Cruz Vermelha de Macau... ─── 先生/小姐,我系澳门红十字会的急救员...

45、30. tall perennial grass of pampas of Sou America having silvery plumes and growing in large dense clumps. ─── 南美多年生蒲苇草,有银色的羽状花序,丛生且稠密。

46、Seventeen hours of toil, and nine sous a day! ─── 十七个钟头的工作每天九个苏!

47、He never passed this man without giving him a few sous. ─── 他从那人面前走过,总免不了要给他几个苏。

48、work wasn't heavy, although souses were something usual there. The problems would come later, after the men had got their load almost everyone suggested spending thmight with him. ─── 尽管常遇到客人喝醉的情况,工作倒不累,不过麻烦还是来了,那些男人喝醉以后,几乎都会要求她陪他们过夜。

49、Gavroche raised his face, astonished at the size of this sou;he stared at it in the darkness, and the whiteness of the big sou dazzled him. ─── 伽弗洛什抬起他的鼻子,见到那枚钱币会那么大,不免有点吃惊,他在黑暗中望着那个大苏,它的白光照花了他的眼睛。

50、Analysis and evaluation on geological condition of emergency water supply project: Mid-route of Sou ─── 南水北调中线京石段应急供水工程地质条件分析与评价

51、" And from one of his pockets he drew forth a sou. ─── 同时他从身上的一个衣袋里摸出了一个苏来。

52、Cold Kitchen Junior Sous Chef ─── 冷厨初级厨师长

53、But this would have cost five hundred francs at least, and in view of the fact that she had only been able to lay by forty-two francs and ten sous for this purpose in the course of five years, she had ended by renouncing the idea. ─── 但是这至少得花五百法郎。她为那样一套东西省吃节用,五年当中,只省下四十二个法郎和十个苏,于是也就不再作此打算。

54、.. ah.. e sou uma granda seca tb lool ; ─── 个人简介:Sou um rapaz mto timido LOOOL, mtos mesmo.

55、He hasn't a sou, ie He's very poor. ─── 他穷得连一个子儿也没有.

56、For any enquiry, please contact Mr.Elvo Sou, Ms.Marion Chu, Ms.Corrine Lam or Mr.Jason Wong (Tel:83974820/83974681/83974821) at Student Affairs Section. ─── 如有任何疑问,请联系学生事务处苏先生/朱小姐/林小姐/黄先生(电话:83974820/83974681/83974821)。

57、The child halted beside the bush, without perceiving Jean Valjean, and tossed up his handful of sous, which, up to that time, he had caught with a good deal of adroitness on the back of his hand. ─── 孩子停留在那丛荆棘旁边,没有看见冉阿让,把他的一把钱抛起来,他相当灵巧,每次都个个接在手背上。

58、Si Chuan Sou Mi Lu ─── 四川搜秘录

59、Inversion magnetic anomalies of seamounts and preliminary analysis in the central basins of the Sou ─── 南海中部海盆海山磁性反演及初步解析

60、To assist the Sous Chef in the daily operation to produce high quality products to their best knowledge. ─── 协助副厨师长管理日常工作,使员工能运用他们的知识生产出高质量的产品。

61、He earns twenty sous a day at an attorney's by penning quibbles. ─── 他在一个律师家里写讼词,每天已能赚二十个苏了。

62、On a lengthy voyage, the chef and his catering team of two sous chefs or "leading hands", four other chefs and three ship's stewards in the wardroom, may have to deliver more than 100,000 meals. ─── 大厨的伙食团队包括两位副厨师长或“上手师傅”,四位厨师,三位在管事室里的船上管事。在一次远航中,这个团队可能要提供超过100,000份的饭菜。

63、"Well," said she, "they're very poor folks, and it's a hovel where there isn't a sou. ─── “好吧,”她说,“这是些很穷的人,是个没有钱的破棚棚。”

64、For any enquiry, please contact Student Affairs Section Mr.Elvo Sou, Ms.Marion Chu, or Ms.Corrine Lam (Tel:83974820/83974681). ─── 如有任何疑问,请联系学生事务处苏先生/林小姐/朱小姐(电话:83974820/83974681)。

65、he bestowed sous on all the little scamps he came across. ─── 他在路上碰见小流氓总给他们些钱。

66、Sous son jupon aux couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel: Under her petticoat of rainbow color ─── 就在她的七彩衣裳下面

67、In order to persuade her to accept the Englishman's remaining sous, Fillmore had to promise to go with her himself soon as she got through with the Englishman. ─── 为了说服她收下英国人剩下的那几个钱,菲尔莫只得答应等她跟英国人一睡完自己就接着跟她睡。

68、Les deux batteries 12v sous le chariot mobil. ─── 两个12V的电池作为移动小车。

69、One day the Bishop caught sight of him in the act of bestowing this charity, and said to his sister, with a smile, "There is M. Geborand purchasing paradise for a sou." ─── 一天,主教撞见他在行那件善事,他笑嘻嘻向他的妹子说:“惹波兰先生又在那儿买他那一个苏的天堂了。”

70、Sous ses baisers. ─── 在他的热吻之下。

71、Comme un flambeau de nuit sous une blanche main ; ─── 佛似观音玉手之下的,夜的火炬。

72、No, it was the odd numbers which intrigued me.He used to figure it out to the last centime.If I was to pay in full I would have had to break a sou. ─── 不,使我大惑不解的是那些余数,他算帐一直要算清最后一个生叮若要把帐全部付清,我必须得找开一个苏才行。

73、The unfortunate convict is supposed to possess merely a sou;not at all, he possesses liberty. ─── 别人以为这苦役犯带着的只是一个苏,一点也不对,他带着的是自由。

74、See him only (she) people wear snow-white chef coverall, the large kitchen white hat with high fillet, on the neck round fresh scarf, each spirit fights Sou, be full of self-confidence. ─── 只见他(她)们身穿雪白的厨师工作服,头带高高的大厨白帽子,脖子上围着鲜艳的领巾,个个精神斗擞,充满自信。

75、Review and prospect of wall reform work within twenty years at City Je Sou ─── 吉首市墙改工作二十年回顾与展望

76、If there are any new problems I can carry them in my rucksack, along with my dirty wash.I am throwing away all my sous. ─── 假如还有新的难题我便把它们同脏衣服一道装进背包里好了。

77、One day the Bishop caught sight of him in the act of bestowing this charity,and said to his sister,with a smile,"There is M. Geborand purchasing paradise for a sou." ─── 一天,主教撞见他在行那件善事,他笑嘻嘻向他的妹子说: “惹波兰先生又在那儿买他那一个苏的天堂了。”

78、She was living on her savings which she had got together sou by sou. ─── 她此时的生活全靠着自己的一点积蓄,这点积蓄是一个小钱一个小钱地积起来的。

79、In our shopping arcade,you can find different kinds of sou venir. ─── 在我们的拱廊市场,您可以发现许多纪念品。

80、Nobody in that house full of gold ever save a sou lying about. ─── 在这座堆满黄金的屋子里,谁也没有看见过一个大钱。

81、He's on a marvelous footing with the deity: knows just how to cajole him, how to wheedle a few sous out of him. ─── 他跟这位神交情不错,明白如何哄骗他,如何从他那儿骗几个钱用。

82、Sous Chef of Associate Dining Kitchen ─── 员工餐厅厨师长

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