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09-16 投稿



herbarium 发音

英:[ɜːrˈberiəmˌhɜːrˈberiəm]  美:[hɜːˈbeəriəm]

英:  美:

herbarium 中文意思翻译



herbarium 词性/词形变化,herbarium变形


herbarium 短语词组

1、herbarium sheet ─── [医] 植物标本台纸

herbarium 相似词语短语

1、herbaria ─── n.干燥植物标本集;植物标本室,存放盒(柜)(herbarium的复数)

2、spermarium ─── 精子

3、herbalism ─── n.草药医术学

4、terrariums ─── n.玻璃容器;陆地动物饲养所

5、herbariums ─── n.植物标本;腊叶集;干燥标本集

6、herbarial ─── 草本植物

7、herbaries ─── 药草园;草本植物园;草本园

8、terrarium ─── n.玻璃容器;陆地动物饲养所

9、albarium ─── n.白石灰

herbarium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A new species of the genus Beltrania, B. eremochloae is described and illustrated. Type specimen is deposited in Herbarium of Shandong Agricultural University: Plant Pathology (HSAUP). ─── 单位:山东农业大学植物保护学院植病系,泰安,271018;山东农业大学植物保护学院植病系,泰安,271018

2、Chinese medicinal herbarium ─── 中草药标本室

3、A total of 1,066 herbarium specimens collected from 1908 to 2003 were analyzed. ─── 通过对1908-2003年中总计1066份标本进行分析,我们发现: 1) 标本记录能够较好地反映喜旱莲子草的扩散历史。

4、PE will increase the herbarium collection by expanding its collecting and exchange programs (particularly emphasizing important groups distributed outside of China); ─── 2、建立稳定的经典分类研究队伍,培养后备人才,深入开展植物分类学研究;

5、The lemma indumentum is not consistent: spikelets with entirely glabrous lemmas and with obviously pubescent lemmas may be found on the same herbarium sheet. ─── 外稃毛被不一致:在相同的标本馆床单上发现的小穗具完全无毛的外稃和具明显短柔毛外稃可能是。

6、During her lifetime, she assembled a collection of pressed plants in a sixty-six page leather-bound herbarium. ─── 她曾将压花收集到一本66页的皮制封面的标本集中。

7、Herbarium of the issue is the construction of information management system the second step, its purpose is to further improve the system to enhance the applicability of the system. ─── 本课题是植物标本信息管理系统建设的第二步,其目的是进一步完善系统功能,提高系统的适用性。

8、the studies are deposited in Specimen Room in the Herbarium of Shandong Agricultural University. ─── 研究标本保藏于山东农业大学植物病理标本室。

9、Many of the species do not have flowers and leaves at the same time which makes wild collection for herbarium specimens a challenge. ─── 该属植物中的许多种类常常花叶不同期,这也使得该属植物的野外标本采集工作异常困难。

10、The Eriobotrya Lindl. flora and its geographical distribution in Yunnan were studied based on the literature, herbarium specimens and field investigation. ─── 摘要通过野外调查,和查阅相关文献标本,对云南的枇杷属植物种类、地理及垂直分布情况有了基本的了解。

11、Additionally, taxonomic revisions were presented for some species based on field observation and herbarium work. ─── 此外,根据野外考察和标本馆工作,对几个明显的分类学问题进行了订正。

12、All the specimens cited above are deposited in Mycological Herbarium of Hunan Normal Univer- sity(MHHNU,except a few of H.discolor in HMAS and the Natural Muscum of Beiging. ─── . 除异色刺皮的部分标本保存在中匡科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)和北京自然博物馆外,其余标本全部保存在湖南师范大学真菌标本室(MHHNU).

13、herbarium sptcimen ─── 维管植物标本

14、The course is designed to provide how to collect and treat plant specimens in the field and the herbarium management. ─── 本课程主要教导学生如何在野外正确采集与处理新鲜标本以及标本馆经营管理。

15、train the future generation of taxonomists;further develop the virtual herbarium; ─── 4、进一步加强植物学科普教育基地建设。

16、The Network Design of a Wood Herbarium ─── 木材标本馆的网络化设计

17、triangulum Zhao et Xu,G. ungulatum Zhao et Zhang,Amauroderma austrosinense Zhao et Xu. All the materials cited above are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Institute of Microbiology,Academia Sinica,Beijing. ─── 它们是大孔灵芝(Ganoderma magniporum Zhaoet Zhang),茶病灵芝(G.theaecolum Zhao),三角状树舌(G.triangulum Zhao et Xu),马蹄状树舌(G.ungulatum Zhao et Zhang),华南假芝(Amaurodcrma austrosinenxe Zhao et xu)。

18、it was the herbarium which he had gathered in various places and was to be buried with him, according to his own wish.Every one of the flowers in it was connected with some chapter of his life. ─── 那时我们以为永远会跟他们亲密地生活在一起,会跟他们一起共甘苦。

19、Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium of Victoria ─── 皇家植物园和国家植物标本室

20、it was the herbarium which he had gathered in various places and was to be buried with him, according to his own wish. ─── 他在一个绿树林里面把这片叶子插在学生帽上,从那时其他们结为“终身的”朋友。

21、Subject_Topical_Eng: Florida;University of Florida;Herbarium;Local Flora;Herbs;Ferns;Vines;Trees;Shrubs ─── 佛罗里达;佛罗里达大学;干燥标本集;区域植物区系;草药;蕨类植物;蔓生植物;灌木;树

22、herbarium specimen ─── 蜡叶标本

23、All studied samples were deposited at the herbarium of the institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IFP). ─── 这些种类来自作者长期的采集、记载和鉴定,全部标本保存在中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所生物标本馆。

24、herbarium recentium ─── (拉)鲜草药

25、Seed surface is unclearly observed of contaminated small seeds collected from herbarium specimens. ─── 腊叶标本中微小种子表面的污染物会影响对其表面特征的观察。

26、Most serious threat to herbarium sheets is insect pest, the protection and control of which constitute one of the main works in herbarium management. ─── 摘要虫害是植物标本保藏的最大威胁。防虫一直是植物标本馆管理工作的重点。

27、Keywords wood sample;ASP(Active Server Page);database;virtual wood herbarium; ─── 木材标本;ASP;数据库;数字化标本馆;

28、Prevention and Control of Insect Pests in the Herbarium ─── 植物标本馆防虫方法

29、Herbarium, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. ─── 标本室,生物系,理学院,清迈大学,泰国。

30、Philippine National Herbarium Digital Library ─── 菲律宾国家植物标本数字图书馆

31、The journal well informs the research advances in all aspects of the botanical and ecological research, mainly including glasshouses, outdoor plantings, a herbarium and scientific facilities etc. ─── 该刊全面提供了植物学与生态学各方面的研究进展,内容主要涉及暖房、野外种植、干燥标本集以及科学设备等等。

32、The pseudopetiolate lower leaf blades are often missing on herbarium specimens, but the species can also be recognized by the long, flexuous panicle branches. ─── 这具假柄下部叶片在在标本馆上遗漏的通常标本,但是本种能也在被那些长承认,圆锥花序分枝。

33、The database of wild plant photos was set up by Chinese National Herbarium Institute of Botany,CAS.This database provides some information of species: Latin name, Chinese name, cameraman, etc. ─── “野生植物照片数据库”由中科院植物所标本馆创建,该数据库提供了物种拉丁属名、种加词、 中文名称、摄影人等信息。

34、with the ability to identify the vascular plants by the herbarium of PPI and in the fields. ─── 植物分类学实习乃为使学生在PPI标本馆与野外具有鑑定维管束植物的能力。

35、History of Plant Collection of Professor Zhong Guanguang Tsong Kuan-kuang - And Establishment of the First Herbarium in China ─── 钟观光先生的植物采集工作兼记我国第一个植物标本室的建立

36、On an herbarium sheet at BM, G. T. Sampson commented that this species occurs sporadically and postulated that it was introduced as a seed contaminant of rice. ─── 在一标本馆床单在BM上,G.T.桑普森发表意见本种发生不时发生并且要求作为一种子大米的污染物引进栽培。

37、Type specimens are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of South China Agricultural University (SCHM), Guangzhou. ─── 华南农业大学热带亚热带真菌研究室,广州,510642;

38、During her lifetime, she assembled a collection of pressed plants in a sixty-six page leather-bound herbarium. ─── 她曾将压花收集到一本66页的皮制封面的标本集中。

39、A herbarium of preserved plant specimens is closely associated with the living collection. ─── 园内收集的植物标本同所培养的植物也有着紧密的关系。

40、herbarium sheet ─── [医] 植物标本台纸

41、No hothouse or herbarium contains anything comparable; no wilted, browned specimens pressed between paper rival it. ─── 它们精细到连根部微小的短硬毛也模仿得栩栩如生,就像生长在土壤中的植物。

42、National Herbarium of New South Wales ─── 新南威尔士国家植物标本室

43、This web site's main content is the collections of the United States National Herbarium. ─── 同时网站提供美国国家植物标本馆首页、研究情况、出版物(时事通讯、书目)等的链接。

44、The above description of the flower is based on herbarium specimens. ─── 花的上述描述基于标本馆标本。

45、It is Indelible for the Kew Herbarium and Kew Botanical Garden in UK ─── 难忘的丘园及其标本馆

46、Based on study of herbarium specimens and published materials on Hedysarum, present paper confirms the occurrence of Hedysarum austrosibiricum B. ─── 摘要根据对标本的研究及文献资料的整理,证实了西伯利亚岩黄芪在中国的分布;

47、On 1924 expedition Rock collected 20,000 herbarium specimens and many packages of propagative material. ─── 1924年的探险旅程洛克采集了20,000份植物标本并打包了许多繁衍样本。

48、Method: On the basis of herbarium,we studied on more than 800 specimens of the medicinal plant from Chinese endemic genera of seed plants and reviewed literature. ─── 方法:根据对国内15个标本馆800余份标本的研究及部分地区野外调查,参阅有关文献资料作出综合分析。

49、I stumbled upon this curious blend of biology and fable during a wintry campus visit to Harvard's Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium a few years ago. ─── 多年前一次冬令营期间,对哈佛大学法洛参考图书馆和隐花植物标本室的参观中,我偶然发现这个稀奇古怪的生物学+童话的组合。

50、Keywords wood herbarium;collection;management;network design;topology; ─── 木材标本馆;采集;整理;网络化;拓扑;

51、The herbarium of Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS,founded in 1954 is the largest and comprehensive one in Northeast China. ─── 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所标本馆始建于1954年,是目前东北地区标本保藏量最大、门类齐全的综合性生物标本馆。

52、With funding from National Geographic, Jan Salick and her ethnobotany team compared wild specimens with those in a herbarium collected over the last century. ─── 通过国家地理杂种的Jan Salick和她的人类植物学队比较野生标本的干燥标本收集在上一世纪。

53、Professor David Cantrell is director of the national herbarium at the royal botanic gardens in Melbourne. ─── 大卫·坎特雷尔教授是墨尔本皇家植物园国家植物标本室的主管。

54、A quantitative analysis of herbarium materials of the Photinia villosa Complex. ─── 毛叶石楠种群蜡叶材料的定量分析.

55、Based on both herbarium examination and field investigation, the ranges of Schisandra chinensis and S. sphenanthera have been studied and corrected. ─── 在标本室检查和野外考察的基础上,对北五味子和华中五味子的分布区作了订正。

56、The Relationship between Plant Taxonomy and Pharmaceutical Botany, and Herbarium and Botanical Garden ─── 植物分类学与药用植物物学,植物标本馆与植物园的相关关系

57、Rogers S O,Bendich A J.Extractionof DNA from Milligram Amounts of Fresh,Herbarium and Mummified Plant Tissues.Plant MolBiol,1985,5(2):69. ─── 扬振棠,胡桂珍,李方元.植物激素影响离体西洋参胚的萌发与幼苗生长.特产研究,1994(2):20.

58、Abstract: Information Management System herbarium ultimate goal is the establishment of an information management system for my school's management of museum specimens to provide solutions. ─── 摘要:植物标本信息管理系统的最终目的是建立一个信息管理系统,为我校标本馆的管理工作提供解决方案。

59、There are few herbarium specimens of this species. ─── 很少有这种物种的标本。

60、Information from herbarium specimens is not enough to understand this variability, and further field studies could be necessary. ─── 标本馆标本的信息不足以很好地理解这一变异,并且更进一步的野外的实地考察可能是必要的。

61、Jason Swallen Herbarium - Ohio Wesleyan University ─── 植物标本室-俄亥俄卫斯理大学

62、Seed surface is unclearly observed of contaminated small seeds collected from herbarium specimens. ─── 腊叶标本中微小种子表面的污染物会影响对其表面特征的观察。

63、abstract Continuing literature and herbarium studies of Chinese and Vietnamese orchids have revealed a variety of new and noteworthy floristic information. ─── 摘要持续进行中国及越南兰科植物文献及标本研究发现了一些新的及值得注意的讯息。

64、I like to visit the Plants Herbarium. ─── 我喜欢参观植物标本馆。

65、Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium ─── 亚利桑那州立大学地衣植物标本室

66、It is usually a dried specimen stored in a herbarium but may also be a drawing. ─── 常常是存放于干燥标本集中的干燥标本,也可能为素描图。

67、The specimens examined are deposited in the Plant Herbarium of Shandong Normal University (SDNU) and the Lichen Section, Herbarium of Mycology, Academia Sinica (HMAS-L). ─── 本研究中所用的标本保存于山东师范大学植物标本室(SDNU)和中国科学院微生物研究所地衣标本馆。

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