incrimination 发音
英: 美:
incrimination 中文意思翻译
incrimination 网络释义
n. 控告;连累
incrimination 短语词组
1、self-incrimination n. ─── 自证其罪 [法] ─── 自证其罪, ─── 自认犯罪, ─── 自我牵连
2、freedom from self-incrimination ─── [网络] 自证其罪的自由
3、objective incrimination ─── [法] 客观归罪
4、privilege against self incrimination ─── [网络] 抵制自我归罪特权
5、compulsory self-incrimination ─── [法] 强迫认罪
incrimination 词性/词形变化,incrimination变形
名词: incrimination |动词过去式: incriminated |形容词: incriminatory |动词第三人称单数: incriminates |动词过去分词: incriminated |动词现在分词: incriminating |
incrimination 相似词语短语
1、incardination ─── n.入籍;归属
2、incriminator ─── 入罪
3、recrimination ─── n.反责,反控;(互相)指责,批评(常复数)
4、recriminations ─── n.反责,反控;(互相)指责,批评(常复数)
5、incriminating ─── adj.显示有罪的;v.使负罪;连累(incriminate的现在分词)
6、discrimination ─── n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力
7、crimination ─── n.控告;责备;证明有罪
8、discriminations ─── n.歧视(discrimination的复数);鉴别
9、indiscrimination ─── n.无差别
incrimination 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、General Analysis in the Rationality of Objection to Self- Incrimination by Force ─── 浅析反对强迫自证其罪的合理性
2、His incrimination was based on my testimony; the police laid the blame on on the driver. ─── 由于我做证他才被指控,警察指责司机的过失。
3、The personal dignity of citizens of the People's Republic of China is inviolable. Insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited. ─── 第三十八条中华人民共和国公民的人格尊严不受侵犯。禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害。
4、objective incrimination ─── [法] 客观归罪
5、but fabrication or distortion of facts for purpores of libel or false incrimination is prohibited. ─── 又向有关国家机关提出申诉、控告或者检举的权利,但是不得捏造或者歪曲事实进行诬告陷害。
6、The prosecuting attorney cannot question the accused, as the US Constitution forbids self-incrimination. ─── 检察官不可以询问被告,因为美国宪法禁止“自证其罪”。
7、self - incrimination ─── 自证其罪规则
8、The unit has been able to identify weaknesses in the legislation covering corruption, such as: protection for whistleblowers; the requirement for double incrimination; and certain forfeiture issues. ─── 另一方面,反贪处亦找出瑞典反贪污法例的不足之处,例如:对举报者的保护、有关两国共认罪行的要求,以及一些关于没收财产的问题。
9、"I have seen those incrimination documents,which had convictive proof to prove you and another embezzled CNSA funs. ─── “我看过那些指控文件,那些说你和另一个人盗用国家航空航天局资金的很有说服力的证据。
10、of facts for purposes of libel or false incrimination is prohibited. ─── 对于公民的申诉、控告或者检举,有关国家机关必须查清事实,负责处理。
11、I have seen those incrimination documents, which had convictive proof to prove you and another embezzled CNSA funs. ─── 我看过那些指控文件,那些说你和另一个人盗用国家航空航天局资金的很有说服力的证据。
12、The right against self- incrimination is a universal human right acknowledged in every modern country ruled by law. ─── 不自证己罪权利乃现代法治国家普遍承认之普世人权。
13、The Comparison of Right to Silence and The Privilege against Self Incrimination ─── 沉默权与反对自我归罪特权之比较
14、Rejecting Privilege against Self - Incrimination ─── 拒绝强迫自证其罪
15、self incrimination ─── n. 自认犯罪, 自首
16、Behavioral incrimination is on the basis of consequential incrimination . ─── 行为无价值是以结果无价值作为自身存在的基础。
17、It has ruled against companies being allowed to take the fifth amendment (against self-incrimination). ─── 法院已经否决了公司可以适用第五修正案(反对自证其罪)。
18、but fabrication or distortion of facts for purposes of libel or false incrimination is prohibited. ─── 中国坚持独立自主的对外政策,坚持互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处的五项原则,发展同各国的外交关系和经济、文化的交流;
19、Criminal Illegality; Subjective Illegality ; Objective Illegality ; Behavioral Incrimination; Consequential Incrimination . ─── 刑事违法性;主观违法性;客观违法性;行为无价值;结果无价值
20、It was late, I was late and if anyone asked me how fast I was driving, I'd have to plead the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination. ─── 我动身又晚了,如果有人问我行驶速度有多快,我得求助于美国宪法的第五条修正案,以免自证其罪。
21、privilege against self- incrimination ─── 不被强迫自证其罪的权利
22、Article38 The personal dignity of citizens of the People's Republic of China is inviolable. Insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited. ─── 第三十八条中华人民共和国公民的人格尊严不受侵犯。禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、谤和诬告陷害。
23、On the Establishment of the System of Right against Self - incrimination ─── 关于沉默权制度建立的法律探讨
24、criminal self - incrimination ─── 刑事自诉
25、Insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited. ─── 禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害。
26、the personal dignity of citizens is inviolable, and insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited; ─── 公民的人格尊严不受侵犯,禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害;
27、On the Causality Theory of criminal law--Based on the Theory of Objection Incrimination ─── 简论刑法中的因果关系学说--基于客观归责理论
28、punishment for a preparation that lacks performance must result in a subjective incrimination that is against the principle of " No crime or penalty without a law authorizing it." ─── 处罚预备行为反映了刑罚权在发动时间上的过早提前,仅通过总则的规定处罚缺乏实行行为的预备犯违反了罪刑法定原则,导致了事实上的主观归罪。
29、Abstract: The rights to prove one' s own innocence is essential to the accused, and it is distinguished from the rights to defense and the rights against self- incrimination. ─── 文章摘要: 自证无罪权应当是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在刑事诉讼中的一项重要权利,它区别于辩护权、禁止强迫自证其罪原则。
30、The prohibition of illegal evidence extraction and self-incrimination has already been included in the current Criminal Procedure Law. ─── 现行的《刑事诉讼法》已将非法取证和自证其罪列入禁止范围。
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