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incompetence 发音

英:[ɪn'kɒmpɪt(ə)ns]  美:[ɪn'kɑmpɪtəns]

英:  美:

incompetence 中文意思翻译



incompetence 词性/词形变化,incompetence变形

名词: incompatibleness |副词: incompatibly |

incompetence 短语词组

1、ileocecal incompetence ─── [医] 结肠瓣闭锁不全

2、muscular incompetence ─── [医] 肌失调性心瓣闭锁不全

3、pyloric incompetence ─── [医] 幽门闭锁不全

4、of cardiac valves incompetence ─── [医] 心瓣闭锁不全, 心瓣关闭不全

5、valvular incompetence ─── [医] 瓣闭锁不全

6、incompetence definition ─── 不称职定义

7、displaying incompetence ─── [网络] 显示无能

8、relative incompetence ─── [医] 相对性闭锁不全

9、imputation of incompetence ─── [法] 诋毁无法定资格

10、mitral incompetence ─── 二尖瓣关闭不全

11、tricuspid incompetence ─── 三尖瓣关闭不全

12、aortic incompetence ─── [医] 主动脉闭锁不全, 主动脉关闭不全

13、pulmonary incompetence ─── 肺动脉瓣关闭不全

incompetence 反义词


incompetence 同义词

stupidity | incompetency | uselessness |inability | ineffectiveness | ineptitude

incompetence 相似词语短语

1、competency ─── n.能力(等于competence);资格

2、omnicompetence ─── 无所不能

3、noncompetency ─── 无能力

4、incompetency ─── n.无能力;不胜任;不适当

5、incompetent ─── adj.无能力的,不胜任的;不合适的;不适当的;无力的;n.无能力者

6、competence ─── n.能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入

7、incompetents ─── adj.无能力的,不胜任的;不合适的;不适当的;无力的;n.无能力者

8、immunocompetence ─── n.免疫能力;免疫活性

9、incompetently ─── adv.无能力地;不胜任地

incompetence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In my opinion, there are many intelligent people in the world who enjoy nothing better than creating malicious code and preying on the incompetence of people using computer systems. ─── 依我看来,在这个世界上,有一些聪明人乐于创作恶意代码并折磨/消耗计算机使用者的无能。

2、His incompetence has brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy. ─── 他很无能,公司已因而濒于破产。

3、You suggest giving it to charity, but as charities were not the victims of your bank's incompetence, I don't see why they should be beneficiaries of your act of reparation. ─── 你提出捐给慈善事业,但慈善团体不是你银行不当行为的受害者,我看不出为何它们应该成为你补偿行为的受益人。

4、While he despises incompetence and petty bickering he demands complete and utter loyalty. ─── 他鄙视无能和琐碎的争吵,要求完全和绝对的忠诚。

5、A nod's as good as a wink,she was sacked for incompetence. ─── 不用多说,她因不称职而被解雇。

6、Mr Mahbubani also contrasts “Western incompetence” with “Asian competence”: the world would be better run if Asians had a bigger role, though the West, he says, may try to stop that from happening. ─── 作者还拿“西方无能”和“亚洲雄起”作对比:倘若亚洲能在国际上扮演更重要的角色,那世界将会更加井然有序,尽管西方可能会极力阻挠这种局面的出现,他这样说道。

7、His incompetence have bring us to the brink of ruin. ─── 他很无能已导致我们濒临绝境。

8、People saw an arrogant but confident administration but when they saw Katrina they saw arrogance and frankly incompetence and that was very unsettling. ─── 原先人们看到的是一个自负而自信的政府,但卡特里娜(飓风)的到来,向人们展示了一个自大而无能的政府,一时人心惶惶。

9、But the destructive effect s of automobiles are much less a cause than a symptom of our incompetence at city building. ─── 但与其说汽车是造成这种局面的原因,还不如说是我们在城市建设方面无能的一种表征。

10、He had been fired from his job on (the) grounds of incompetence. ─── 他因工作不称职而被炒了鱿鱼.

11、This may be costly (and distasteful in that incompetence is being rewarded) but at least you get rid of her with no ugliness and no risk. ─── 这么做也许成本很高(而且看到无能的人受到犒赏,也会让人恶心),但是,至少你除掉了她,没闹任何别扭,也不会带来任何风险。

12、He lost his job because of incompetence. ─── 因为不能胜任,他失掉了职位。

13、In this country, nevertheless, accusations of bias, incompetence, capriciousness, unpredictability, delay, and expense usually have gone unheeded. ─── 不过在该国,对于陪审团的偏见、无能、反复无常、无预见性、办事拖拉及费用昂贵等诸多不是通常都被忽视了。

14、Is his failure ascribable to incompetence or to bad luck? ─── 他的失败是因为无能还是因为运气坏?

15、The blood test showed that he was the father; Her behavior testified to her incompetence. ─── 他的行为证明他不能胜任。

16、He combines arrogance and incompetence in his dealings with the staff. ─── 他在与工作人员交往中既傲慢又无能.

17、Under-resourced and overwhelmed by the natural calamity, the government of China literally buried the evidence of their incompetence. ─── 在无法追溯的,不堪重负自然灾难面前,中国的政府从字面上掩盖了表现其无能的证据。

18、The Iraq war was a case study of what happens when politicisation is mixed with incompetence. ─── 伊拉克战争是当政治化与无能化结合的范例。

19、We examined 19 cases (27 limbs) of primary deep venous incompetence (DVI) of lower extremity and 19 cases (38 limbs) of normal subject by color Doppler flow imaging (CDFI). ─── 作者应用彩色多普勒检查了19例(27条)原发性下肢深静脉瓣功能不全患者和19例(38条)正常受试者。

20、If one lesson from the wasted Bush years is that needless division is bad, another is that incompetence is perhaps even worse. ─── 在布什执政的这被浪费掉得几年里得到了两个教训,一个是无用的分歧是错误的,另一个更成问题的是不称职。

21、Incompetence as a seafarer because of injury or illness. ─── 三因伤病无法继续担任船员。

22、Decades of czarist incompetence and the devastation of World War I had wrecked the Russian economy and in March 1917, Czar Nicholas II abdicated. ─── 3月,沙皇的无能及一战的破坏已经彻底摧毁了俄国的经济,沙皇尼古拉斯二世退位。

23、A statement that every employee in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence. ─── 一种认为在等级森严的公司里,每个职员都想升到其无法胜任的位置的说法。

24、Eg. She felt she had been made a scapegoat for her boss's incompetence. ─── 她觉得,本来是老板无能,但她却成了代罪羊。

25、Our PX-QT machine series are equipped withhopper-on-railsand closed discharging belt to avoid the incompetence. ─── 同时克服了传统的料斗和成型机一体所造成的斗内卸料困难的弱点。

26、However, they have to prove notonly incompetence, but fraud. ─── 但是,他们不仅要证明管理者不称职,还要证明存在欺诈。

27、In its latter days it was a byword for authoritarianism, incompetence, and corruption. ─── 在后期,它是独裁、无能和腐化的代号。

28、carpentier repair of tricuspid incompetence ─── 三尖瓣关闭不全卡尔能捷修复术

29、His incompetence has brought us to the brink of ruin. ─── 他很无能已导致我们濒临绝境

30、Perhaps it was for corruption or incompetence. ─── 也许这是由于贪污,或是由于失职。

31、He kept on blathering about police incompetence. ─── 他喋喋不休地说起警察的无能来。

32、Never ascribe to conspriracy that which is adequately explained by incompetence. Incompetence is an easy scapegoat. ─── 唔好当一样可以用蠢解释嘅嘢做阴谋.蠢只是替罪的羔羊.

33、He was personally criticized by inspectors for his incompetence. ─── 他因能力差而受到检查员的个别批评。

34、His incompetence has broughtthe company to the brink of bankruptcy. ─── 他很无能,公司已因而濒於破产。

35、carpentier repair of mitral incompetence ─── 二尖瓣关闭不全卡尔庞捷修复术

36、The benevolent idea, often from outside, is that it is all part of the democratic process.The grumpier view of many Ukrainians is that it is a sign of the incompetence and immaturity of the elite. ─── 国外将此看作是全部的民主过程,而许多暴怒的乌克兰人却倾向于认为这是政客精英们无能和不成熟的表现。

37、Incompetence outraged him.See Synonyms at offend ─── 他对自己的无能深感愤怒参见

38、Is his failure ascribableto incompetence or to bad luck? ─── 他的失败是因为无能还是因为运气坏?

39、Dependence on protection by tariffs and laws to "buy American" only encourages incompetence. ─── 依赖关税和法律的保护,让人们?买美国货?只会鼓励无能。

40、Panur is often judgmental about the level of incompetence among his fellow demons, and has been known to eradicate those who fail him. ─── 在他的魔鬼同伙中,潘纳常常裁决弱者,并以杀死自己的手下败将而闻名。

41、Can be seen from the small Japan cowardly incompetence Qiruanbogeng side! ─── 从中就可以看出了小日本懦弱无能,欺软怕硬的一面!

42、But investigations have uncovered a sorry tale of incompetence, mismanagement, obfuscation and possibly worse. ─── 但调查结果却揭露了一个无能、管理不善、故意混淆及可能更糟的可悲事件。

43、It is argued, in effect, that it is the improper dealings of human resources as a capital that lead to the incompetence and inefficiency of the state-owned businesses. ─── 事实上,人力资本产权的残缺才是造成经营者和职工生产经营努力与能力“双重不足”,进而造成国有企业经济效率低下的最根本原因。

44、He was discharged for incompetence. ─── 他因不称职而被解雇。

45、In order to study significance of impaired heart rate response,amanifestation of chronotropic incompetence to eletrocardiagram exercise testing. ─── 了解运动试验中心率反应迟缓即变时性机能不全的意义。

46、Because of his incompetence, we lost a lot of business. ─── 因为他的能力不足,我们失去很多生意。

47、Their incompetence made me furious. ─── 他们的无能令我火大。

48、They must be taken to task for their incompetence. ─── 他们一定会因他们的无能受责备。

49、He was accused of incompetence. ─── 他被指责为不称职。

50、But that gaffe is matched by his incompetence in the Barca game, when Gonzo (left) needed help from a linesman after a tussle. ─── 他刚刚吹掉了亨利的一个好球,他以亨利手球为由吹掉了这个扳平比分的好球,但是录像给了亨利真正的清白,

51、The government was accused of incompetence. ─── 政府被指责无能。

52、A spell in opposition seemed apt punishment for the incompetence, cronyism and extremism of the Bush presidency. ─── 反对派意欲借此惩戒布什任内,共和党所推行的简单粗暴任人唯亲且极端主义的政策。

53、Ominously, the president is apparently free to fire his prime minister at any time for alleged incompetence, real or imagined. ─── 不妙的是,总统显然能够在任何时间以能力不足(不管是真不足还是假不足)的理由,自由地解雇他的总理。

54、But nobody has leveled credible charges of deliberate manipulation, as opposed to incompetence by the independent election commission. ─── 但没人对故意操纵选举提出同对独立选举委员会不作为一样可信赖的指控。

55、He was dismissed for incompetence. ─── 他因不称职而遭辞退。

56、Since hatred is an expression of incompetence, he never knew personal hatred, because he did not know incompetence. ─── 因为恨别人,是自己无能的表现,所以,苏东坡并非才不如人,因而也从不恨人。

57、Incompetence outraged him. ─── 他对自己的无能深感愤怒

58、Max Zorin: If you're the best they've got, they're more likely try and cover up your embarrassing incompetence. ─── 佐林:如果你是他们中间最优秀的,他们更会努力掩盖你的无能。美国警察队长:你被捕了。

59、The other was the LDP's complicity with an all-encompassing bureaucracy that has been guilty of staggering incompetence recently, not least by losing millions of personal-pension records in 2007. ─── 另一原因是自民党勾结无所不在的官僚风气,导致了近段时间以来令人惊愕的行政无能,尤其是2007年的数以百万计的养老保险记录遗漏问题。

60、Astonishing degree of incompetence among lawyers representing abuse victims in criminal cases. ─── 在刑事案件中代理虐待受害者的律师能力低的惊人。

61、Initially the callousness and incompetence of Myanmar's ruling junta hampered the aid effort. ─── 刚开始,麻木不作为的缅甸军政府阻碍救灾工作的进行。

62、professional/managerial incompetence ─── 专业方面/管理方面的不称职

63、Therefore clearness and arrangement can be taught, sheer incompetence in the art of expression can be partly remedied. ─── 因此清晰与条理是可以通过施以教诲得到,而表达技巧上的极端无能也可以部分地得到矫正。

64、His incompetence was painful to witness . ─── 他很无能,让人看着难受.

65、But nobody has levelled credible charges of deliberate manipulation, as opposed to incompetence by the independent election commission. ─── 但是没人提出可信的违规操作指控,以指责独立选举委员会的失职。

66、Fayed accused him in Time magazine of incompetence and lack of professionalism. ─── 在《时代》杂志上,法耶德指控里斯-琼斯不称职并且缺乏敬业精神。

67、A distrust of the two dominant political parties is also growing, as the American public associates the Republicans with wealth and greed and the Democrats with incompetence. ─── 一种对两个占统治地位的政党的怀疑也在加深,因为美国公众将共和党与钱财、贪婪联系在一起,认为民主党等同于不能胜任的政党。

68、It's hard and tired to walk alone, so comfort is needed urgently. it's not complain about my own incompetence, but a way for moving on. ─── 一个人走路太苦、太累,需要来自别人的安慰。不是在抱怨自己的无能,只是找个让自己走下去的理由。

69、He also said the party has recognized that there is laziness and incompetence among some of its senior cadres. ─── 陈晋也说,中国共产党已经认识到,党内一些高级干部存在懒惰和无能的现象。

70、The Conservatives have called it a "spectacular display of economic incompetence. " ─── 保守党称,这“充分显示出布朗在经济决策方面很无能”。

71、He himself was accused of incompetence. ─── 他本人被指控为不称职。

72、A nod's as good as a wink, she was sacked for incompetence. ─── 不用多说, 她因不称职而被解雇。

73、For a variety of reasons, including too few resources, a mudded strategy and the venality and incompetence of the elected government of Hamid Karzai, the Western effort is in deep trouble. ─── 他应当非常肯定的回复这个问题,不论是在欧洲还是在阿富汗,抑或是巴基斯坦以及中亚其他国家。

74、In any hierarchy, each individual rises to his own level of incompetence, and then remains there. ─── 在任何等级制度中,每个独立个体都会迁升到力所不能及的职务,然后就呆在那儿了。

75、Liu Chan fatuity incompetence, in order to have the minister who died, 263 AD, Shu Wei was out by. ─── 刘禅昏庸无能,在那些有才能的大臣死后,公元263年,蜀国就被魏所灭。

76、They quote a Ugandan judge as saying that “in most African countries, the legislature has, through intimidation, bribery and incompetence, been rendered impotent. ─── 他们引用了一位乌干达法官的话称,“在大多数非洲国家,司法机构受恐吓、贿赂与无能困扰而无所作为。”

77、The record contains some success, but mostly failure; some effective leadership, but largely official incompetence and betrayal. ─── 他们的记录中有成功者,但多数是失败的;有高效率的领导,但多半的人在职务上无能和不讲信用。

78、At the end of a month he was fired for incompetence. ─── 到月底时,他由于能力不够而被解雇了。

79、Hard work overcomes a lot of incompetence. ─── 努力能克服许多能力不足。

80、We rated him for his incompetence. ─── 他办事无能,我们发怒斥责了他。

81、His incompetence was painful to witness. ─── 他很无能,让人看著难受。

82、Ellestad MH.Chronotropic incompetence:the implications of heart rate response to exercise (compensatory parasympathetic hyperactivity[J].Circulation,1996,93:1485. ─── 冯应君,杨汉东,闵新文,等.冠心病患者心脏变时功能不全的临床意义[J].中华心血管病杂志,2006,34(10):895.

83、In televised debates, he accused all his predecessors of corruption, nepotism, and incompetence. ─── 他在电视辩论中,指责所有前任的腐败、裙带关系以及无能。

84、Combination of simple mitral stenosis and mitral incompetence can breakdown the risk for formation of atria sinistrum mural thrombosis. ─── 单纯二尖瓣狭窄时二尖瓣关闭不全的存在使左房血栓形成的风险下降。

85、Your great name long since reached my ears like thunder. I am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself. ─── 先生大名, 如雷灌耳, 小弟献丑,真是班门弄斧了。

86、If a leader tends to lecture his men about anything major or minor, that must be an expression of his incompetence. ─── 如果一个领导不论大小事都爱训人,那一定是他无能的表现。

87、But so far his presidency has been vitiated by a combination of incompetence and a willingness to fall back on the very tactics that he denounced as a candidate. ─── 但到目前为止,他的总统任期已经被那些回到完全是他作为候选人时所谴责的旧路的想法和无能所玷污。

88、Yet the incompetence and unpredictability of politicians help explain the companies' caution. ─── 但政客的无能及反复无常解释了企业的担忧。

89、incompetence of government officials is appalling. ─── 政府官员的无能令人吃惊。

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