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09-16 投稿



introspection 发音

英:[ɪntrə(ʊ)'spekʃ(ə)n]  美:['ɪntrə'spɛkʃən]

英:  美:

introspection 中文意思翻译



introspection 词性/词形变化,introspection变形

形容词: introspectional |

introspection 相似词语短语

1、introjection ─── n.投入;心力投入

2、introspectionist ─── 内省者;自省者;反省者

3、introspections ─── n.内省;反省

4、retrospections ─── n.回顾;反省;追忆

5、introspectional ─── 内省的

6、introspecting ─── vi.反省;内省;vt.对…进行自省

7、introspective ─── adj.内省的;反省的

8、retrospection ─── n.回顾;反省;追忆

9、extrospection ─── 自窥癖

introspection 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An important theme of Tie Ning"s writing is to pursue and introspect pure selfhood. ─── 对“本真自我”的追寻和反思构成铁凝创作的一个重要主题;

2、Thus Kohut links empathy and action while emphasizing their differences when he states that "introspection and empathy are informers of appropriate action" (1981, p. 529). ─── 因而,当科胡特提出“自省和神入是正确的行为的报告者”(1981,第529页)时,他一边强调他们的差异,一边把神入和行为联系了起来。

3、If, even when were miserable, our compassion still fails to emerge, then we ought to have pity on ourselves. We should introspect on why were as rigid as stones! ─── 如果我们苦的时候,慈悲心都没有冒出来的话,那我们应该可怜自己,反省自己为什么那么硬,跟石头一样!

4、Use this opportunity to do some journaling and introspection. ─── 利用这个机会写些日记,以及自我反省。

5、I should thank him for making me get the chance to introspect myself, and know what I really need!These days would be unforgotten and valueable for my life, I will taste it carefully with my heart! ─── 但是一颗平和的心态是如此地重要,无论境遇如何,我们都该泰然处之,一步步地克服困难,相信定有所突破的!

6、The spasm of introspection soon turned into a blame game and Mr Badawi was forced to say he would resign. ─── 刚抽完内省之风,一场互相指责的闹剧旋即上演,巴达维也被迫宣布辞职。

7、To take introspection with modesty. ─── 以谦虚的心检讨自己的错误;

8、There are many inner earth humans with larger craniums that continue to ascend to this day, and they too attune unto the moon cycles for introspection. ─── 地心有许多一直持续提升到今天的大头颅人类,他们也接通到这些月亮周期来进行内省。

9、In my opinion,30th birthday is the day of introspection and reflection for many people. ─── 依我看,30岁生日对许多人来说都是反省和深思的时候。

10、method of experimental introspection ─── 实验内省法

11、What a lot of activity has taken place over the last few days, and it has certainly been a time of introspection. ─── 过去数天有大量的活动发生,它应该是一个自我反省的时间。

12、He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured, but could not purify himself. ─── 他就这样不断地自省,其实只是在自我折磨,丝毫得不到自我净化。

13、I believe that the clue to his mind is to be found in his unusual powers of continuous concentrated introspection. ─── 我相信在他非同一般地持续的集中内省的力量中,将发现他思想的线索。

14、Wondering if he can trust his own judgment, Mike experiences a rare (and extremely discomforting) moment of introspection. ─── 于是他安排卡特尼参加预演,心想她一定会被轰下台去,这样就可以另选演员参加正式会演。

15、to contrast retrospection and introspection ─── 区分回顾与内省

16、Introspection on Modern Western Philosophy ─── 关于现代西方哲学的反思

17、we seem to be sacarificing in all our surfing and searching is our capacity to engage in the quieter, attentive modes of thought that underpin contemplation, reflection and introspection. ─── 我们所有的浏览和搜索中,似乎最神圣的是我们从事于更安静、专注的思维模式的能力,而这种思维模式是沉思、反思和内省的基础。

18、The reinterpretation of concrete cases in the light of historical anthropology will endow us with the value of introspection about the process of history itself. ─── 从历史人类学出发对具体个案进行重新解读,使他们有可能赋予历史过程本身一定的反思价值。

19、Six, introspect with evaluation. ─── 六、反思与评价。

20、It contains an efficient hierarchical OO database, a C++ interpreter, advanced statistical analysis, visualization, introspection, documentation, networking, and GUI classes. ─── 它包含一个有效的层次面向对象数据库,一个C++解释器,高级的统计分析,可视化,内省,文档化,联网,和GUI类。

21、In tranquility you find that spirit is indeed a large space, which can give the individual an opportunity for introspection. ─── 安静下来的话,就会发现,心灵有一个很大的空间,这个空间可以提供给个人一个反省的机会。

22、Mental disciplines, honed over the centuries through intense meditation and pitiless introspection, made order from chaos, revealing a pattern he had seen once before, a few hundred years ago. ─── 从混沌中建立秩序,历经几个世纪的冥思和深省的训练成果,今天派上了用场。

23、His architectonic attitude has close relationship with the ZenBuddhistic philosophy, including the concepts 1ike " Buddhism strength of concentration"," Intuition and Introspection". ─── 安藤忠雄是日本当代著名建筑师,他的建筑观念与神宗哲学中“禅定”和“直观与内省”和”色空”观念有密切联系。

24、The Alternative Dispute Solution arise in many countries currently indicate all the means except litigation, reflecf introspect and recognition to rule of law. ─── 其中,目前在各国兴起的替代性纠纷解决运动是指一切诉讼外的纠纷解决方式,反映了对法治的反思与再认识。

25、Sociological Introspection on Field Research ─── 对进入实地的社会学反思

26、The direct object of introspection is ideological reality. ─── 反思的直接对象是思想现实。

27、The rise and prevalence of polysystem theory is the inner introspection and adjustment in western academia so as to set up the hegemony of saying. ─── 多元系统论的兴起是西方学术界内部的反思和调整,以求在更高的学术制高点上建立话语霸权。

28、Their space are longer, the character of story are strong and have strong life intuition and introspection consciousness;(2)Miniature autobiographies. ─── (3)一般他传,其时代意识鲜明、后期作品政治意味浓厚、普遍采用“以时系事”的传统写法;

29、Meanwhile,they begin to introspect the history of women through introspecting the cities,and thereby challenge the process of human civilization. ─── 同时,由对城市的反思走向对女性自身历史的审视,进而对人类文明进程提出质疑。

30、With a little introspection, you can detect this frequent flexing of your eye muscles as you scan a page, face or scene. ─── 你在浏览书页、人脸或景物时,稍许留意就可察觉自身眼部肌肉的这种不断收缩。

31、Can be wan and sallow and sad with abandon too while failing in love, but should introspect , grow up. ─── 失恋的时候也可以尽情憔悴悲伤,但是要反省、成长。

32、It has a positive significance for introspection of the corrupt practice in education, but it has also to produce negative influence about school sports education. ─── 对现代理性教育模式的局限性批判,其目的是为了发挥现代性的潜能,而不是走向相对主义,走向非理性。

33、Don't you notice that there are particular moments when you are naturally inspired to introspection? ─── 你有没有注意到,有时候你会自然而然地反省自我?

34、This kind of speculation probably isn't a good idea, because it raises more questions than it answers, and I'm liable to find myself paralyzed by self-conscious introspection. ─── 如此这般思索或许不是个好主意,因为其引出的问题比能够回答的问题更多,我也可能反而因为自我反省而麻痹大意。

35、These irrational beliefs took the form of 'automatic thoughts' which seemed to be accessible to conscious introspection. ─── 这些不合理的信念是“自动化思考”看起来就像有意识地自我反省。

36、The Introspection of Traditional faith education ─── 传统诚信教育的反思

37、In fact, introspection reflection is a study ability. ─── 反省其实是一种学习能力。

38、The lower needs of the counselors were aggression, exhibition, deference, abasement and heterosexuality, the higher ones were introspection, nurse and change. ─── 咨询师较低的需要倾向是攻击、表现、顺从、谦卑、异性恋,较高的需要倾向是省察、扶助、变异。

39、The common method has engages in introspection reconsidering, interactive reconsidering and comprehensive reconsidering. ─── 常见方法有自省式反思、交互式反思和综合式反思。

40、As a result, there is no translation and introspection of the SOAP Body during processing. ─── 因此,在处理过程中不用转换和自省SOAP消息体。

41、In order to solve the problems of setting up goodwill accounting, and follow the future development trend of goodwill accounting, the introspection of the traditional goodwill accountant must be taken. ─── 只有通过对传统商誉会计的反思,才能解决建立商誉会计中的问题,把握商誉会计的未来发展趋势。

42、He isn't prone to introspection and he plays down his role in his son's life. ─── 他不喜欢反省自己,而且他不认为自己在儿子的生活中有多大的重要性。

43、Man's only duty was to be true to himself; and all his introspection, far from isolating him, would bring him out into the great arena of a common truth. ─── 人类唯一的责任是对自己真实,自省非但不会使他孤立,反而会把他带进普遍真理的伟大领域。

44、You'd do very well at a spiritual retreat that encourages meditation, prayer and introspection. ─── 只有身处这样的地方,你才可以让自己的心灵得到净化。

45、After months of introspection surrounding the creation of the new studio album, I saw that I wasn't loving what I was up to. ─── 经过数月的内省周围建立一个新工作室专辑,我看见我不是爱我。

46、He had always had his moments of quiet introspection. ─── 他总有安静自省的时候。

47、In Lawrence 's works, intuition and instinct are used as sharp weapons in his criticism of industrial civilization and his introspection and criticism of humanism in modern substantialism. ─── 同时表明直觉和本能在劳伦斯笔下,不仅成为批判工业文明的锐利武器,而且还对近代本质主义的人本主义思维进行反思和批判。

48、What this means in practice is that developers create stubs for remote objects by writing compatible interfaces by hand, processing WSDL files, or even dynamic methods and introspection. ─── 在实践上,这意味着开发人员必须通过手工编写兼容接口、处理WSDL文件甚至动态方法和自我度量,以便为远程对象创建存根。

49、On-the-spot investigation, network discussion exchanges, begin creations and compose a research paper and introspect. ─── 实地考察、网络讨论交流、动手创作、撰写研究报告及反思。

50、But to criticism, you'll demonstrate you arrogant nature completely/utterly ,whereas only if what others said is true, you would be willing to introspect yourself. ─── 但面对批评时,骄傲的本性就展露无遗,只是如果所言属实,还是会自我反省。

51、and dissuasion is not as good as introspection. ─── 兴叹胜于欣慰,劝诫不如自省。

52、Not trained to reason or introspect himself, he could not analyse the change that was taking place in his mind, and hence his body, but he felt the depression of it. ─── 他本身并不善于推理或反省,也就不能分析他的精神乃至身体上正在发生的变化,但是他已经感到了这种变化所带来的压抑。

53、The organization needs introspection. ─── 这个组织需要内省。

54、An object discovery agent could be developed to support introspection for a new adapter. ─── 可以开发一个对象发现代理来支持新适配器的自醒。

55、In extreme cases , such intense introspection may cause the brain to swell to dangerous dimensions.Trust me, it's worth the risk. ─── 在极端情况下,这种强烈的内省会使大脑膨胀危险的境地。相信我,冒这种风险是值得的。

56、Progressive evangelicals, such as Elizabeth Fry, a prison reformer, questioned their own charitable motives with painful introspection. ─── 就连一些进步的福音论者,例如监狱改革者----伊丽莎白?莱女士,也痛苦地扪心自问慈善动机究竟是什么。

57、In the Martial Arts, introspection begets wisdom. Always see contemplation on your actions as an opportunity to improve. ─── 七、在武道中,反省乃智能之根本.对自身行为多加注意实为得以进步之良策。

58、If teaching of multimedia wants to have a good result,Teachers mu st research and introspect own teaching continuously,and spend much more time tha n in traditional teaching. ─── 多媒体教学要取得良好的效果,教师要不断地对自己的教学进行研究、反思,所花费的时间和精力应比传统教学模式付出更多。

59、Rather than crowing about getting one up on the Chinese “dragon” and Islamabad, this should be a time of introspection for India. ─── 印度现在应该做的,不是吹嘘战胜了中国“龙”和伊斯兰堡,而是要进行反思。

60、Introspection is a mirror. It can reflect clearly our errors so that we will have the chance to correct them. ─── 反省是一面镜子,它能将我们错误清清楚楚地照出来,使我们有改正的机会。

61、The dangers of introspection exist mostly if he is to revel in egoistic thoughts. ─── 如果你想要通过自省揭示自私自利的想法,潜藏的危险更大。

62、Fourthly, students should be inspired to introspect, draw up correcting measures, announce publicly in the classroom. ─── 四是启发大学生在课堂上进行自我反思,制定改正措施,并公之于众。

63、The spasm of introspection soon turned into a blame game and Mr Badawi was forced to say he would resign. ─── 刚抽完内省之风,一场互相指责的闹剧旋即上演,巴达维也被迫宣布辞职。

64、Introspection by an Aristotelian viewpoint: generalization. ─── 亚里士多德式内省:推广。

65、Sad, indeed, that an introspection so profound and acute as this poor minister's should be so miserably deceived! ─── 像这位可怜的牧师如此深刻和一丝不苟的自省,居然会遭到被人欺骗的悲惨下场,委实令人伤心!

66、We should do more research and introspection on the problems about adoption of stepchildren by the stepparents in view of the need of reality. ─── 基于现实的需要,我们有必要对继父母收养继子女问题作更多探究与思考。

67、Li Jikai began to introspect the real me. ─── 他开始反思真正的自我是什么。

68、The illuminative characteristic is discussed in the angle of introspection and saving themselves. ─── 从知识分子面对城市“文明病”时自省和自救的角度论述了启蒙的叙事形态;

69、The increasingly worsened ecosystem problem has caused the mankind's thorough introspection. ─── 当今日益恶化的生态问题引发了人类对自身的深入思考。

70、In what is called the introspection illusion, people do not believe that others can be trusted to do the same: okay for me but not for thee. ─── 在所谓的内省错觉中,人们并不相信其他人同样可以办到,也就是:吾所行者,汝未能矣。

71、Hibernate is an object-relational mapping and persistence framework that provides a lot of advanced features, ranging from introspection to polymorphism and inheritance mapping. ─── Hibernate是一个对象关系映射和持久性框架,它提供了许多高级特性,从内省到多态和继承映射。

72、Introspection in the way of GUO Moruo's poetry ─── 对郭沫若诗歌创作道路的反思

73、Be active. Practical action is better than excessive soul searching. Too much introspection breeds discontent and self-doubt. ─── 主动实际行动比过多地做“心灵剖析"要强。太多的反省产生不满和自我怀疑。

74、This paper elaborates on the five methods of introspection, study, emulation, self-restraint and transcendence in which the leading cadres could strengthen their self-cultivation. ─── 中小企业领导干部要加强政治、品德、知识、能力、身心等几个方面的修养,从而提高驾驭企业经营与管理的能力。

75、Such dialogue aims at widening one's vision and improving one abilities of introspection in order to build a harmonious society and world peace. ─── 对话的目的是扩大自己的视野,加强自己的反思反省能力,实现社会和谐与世界和平。

76、With regard to this concept, what we can do is getting close to the essence of teaching unlimitedly by means of "introspection" and "edification", for the teaching cannot proceed to approach it. ─── 就作为“教”之本质意义上的“传道”与“反思”的层面而言,“教”是不能进行的,我们只能“无限”的切近,对教之本质的切近须靠“点拨”和“熏陶”。

77、But earnestly ponders, Mou’s words engaged in introspection with mainland intellectual own, they are no difference. ─── 但认真思考,牟先生这么说跟大陆知识分子自己反省的没有差别。

78、The titles of the first four ranks suggest the possibility that advancement through the ranks was based on introspection and spiritual growth. ─── 前四个等级的头衔暗示了通过建立在反省和精神进步基础上的等级前进的可能性。

79、Introspection gives programmers a great deal of flexibility and control. ─── Introspection为编程人员提供了很大的灵活性和控制能力。

80、Introspection is the same as imagination, it is uncontrolled. It is useless and does not bring anything. ─── 内省如同想像,是未受控制的。它没有价值也不会带来任何结果。

81、Introspection on Network by on-line art ─── 在线艺术对网络的反思

82、JavaBean is a component standard based on Java, which can support some interesting characters, such as introspection, persistence, serialization and interoperability. ─── JavaBean是基于Java的一种构件标准,它具有支持内部检查、连续性、持续性、互操作性等特点。

83、A printed page solicits rewritten drafts, proofing, introspection, editing. ─── 印刷的页面征集的是反复修改过的草稿,还需要打样,复核,编辑。

84、After hard introspection for three months, he visited Laodan again to report his learning from introspection. ─── 历经三个月苦思,他再度到老聃那儿,将自己的研究心得向老聃报告。

85、To make an objective and just introspection on history today with the crisis of modernity becoming more and more serious, the discourse system of the critical intellectuals should be reconstructed. ─── 在现代性危机日趋严峻的今天,要对历史作出客观公正的反思,就必须重构批判性知识分子的话语体系。

86、The SCA assembly model can utilize introspection for Java implementations to determine the attributes and nature of SCA services. ─── SCA组装模型可以利用Java实现的自检来确定SCA服务的特性和本质。

87、The psychological intervention pattern after crisis event included review,understanding ,introspection and guide. ─── 危机事件后的心理干预模式为 :回顾、理解、反思和引导 ;

88、In extreme cases, such intense introspection may cause the brain to swell to dangerous dimensions. Trust me, it's worth the risk. ─── 在极端情况下,这种强烈的内省会使大脑膨胀到危险的境地。相信我,冒这种风险是值得的。

89、In this crisis-ridden world, I hope to bring those foremost human values back to people's life??honesty, love, dignity and introspection. ─── 在这充满危机的世界上,我希望通过艺术使人类的那些最重要的价值??正直、爱、尊严和内省带回到人们的生活之中。

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